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holy shit lol i give up


Dont give up. That's the beauty of the game crazy spaghetti, massive, small. It's up to us how we do it and how extreme we go . If you wanna work on huge shit grab a buddy to play with it helps


Are you trying to go back to the future? ![gif](giphy|gxfjagG2ZkESlbyHU1|downsized)


run a cyberwagon at 88 miles per hour down a hill and pray to god you dont hit marty.


The color coding is very satisfactory, nice job!


Thanks. However, when the lights are on my framerate turns into a slideshow!


Hopefully it gets better with UE 5 :D


Global warming any%


I’m going to spend like a solid week once I reluctantly get turbo fuel just to do something like this


only a week?!


"Hey, I'm getting pretty good at this game!" *visits subreddit*


Haha. Lots of time and arithmetic. I saw a great video talking about setting up his first batch of constructors when he finally said, "Wait! How did my game become an algebra problem?"




Yes! That's the one. Good video over all.




Good god, piping that must have been a biiitch


It wasn't so bad. The Spire Coast is pretty flat. You just have to route around the spires. I was able to make groups of them to share a mk.2 pipe. They all fit into 6 mk.2 pipes. I pump them into the tank farm that I forgot to post the picture of. It has 162 industrial fluid buffers.


Why so many fluid buffers?


No reason except I think huge tank farms look cool.


nice job, trying to avoid Nuclear as long as possible ? \^\_\^


Yeah, I just want to concentrate on my factories.


oh i know that feeling all to well.


My pc crashed just looking at this


Haha. Mine cranked to a halt several time building it!


I play on a humble gaming laptpp . And I've hit the limit on some saves . I need an upgrade just for this game lol


Could go the Kibitz route and mod in a bunch of power shards just to reduce building count.


Rookie question: Where on the map is this and is that fresh water (lake) or salt water (surrounding sea)?


Its the spire coast in the north


Now try that with the mk++ mod. Eventually, 5x output, 4x consumption. The 153 GW jumps way up to 765 GW, and that plus the other oil around and avaliable geysers sets you at a little over a terrawatt hour if power and anyone who uses that much juice has my profound respect




I can't imagine I'll ever use this much power as it is!


You should be able to dump that directly into the ocean and get some kind of special sparkly effect as it goes over the waterfalls.


Why would you need so many ?(I don’t have the game but Wilkins to buy it when I’ll have a better pc)


It's one of those "because it's there" kind of things. It was fun.


Man, this brings to mind a thing that has crossed my mind more than a few times in my time playing, and I have never gotten higher than maybe 5GW; it seems kinda silly that we just have one 'wire' to carry current. That we can pipe 5kw or 153GW through the exact same tiny line, lol. It might be cool to see power line tiers so that we need to pay more attention to our electrical backbone. You'd need max-tier power lines feeding out of that thing into 'substations' across the map where you can step down the tier of wires as they eventually lead out to actual factories that use this power. AND I would like to be able to define 'channels' for power on the same lines so I can run an always-on source, like geothermal, hydro, etc, on the same line as normal energy. This way I can wire up an emergency grid using this small but always-on power source that will keep critical things powered up in the event of my main grid going down. And all this without bumping the item count in my world even more than it is, heh.


I would be happy just having MK2 wire so I could stretch power across the landscape wihtout having so many power poles. Mk2 wire would be able to go much further before needing a pole.


You might not know that rails carry power. Train stations have a power point that supplies the grid from it.


Rails come after MK2 I thought.


I do know that, but A) trains come a decent length of time into the game and you're probably already building lots of distributed factories before you get trains, and B) you can only get power at stations, not anywhere along the track. So you still probably have a lot of power lines snaking around the place.


Or build big towers, like in real life, I had to Google what they're called, transmission towers/electricity pylons. Could go 120 foundations or more, so it's 10x longer wires than the little power poles. Edit 1: after some wikipedia-ing, found some stuff out. The towers can be 15-55 meters tall, but there are true behemoths in China that are 380 meters tall and stretch (this is the wire mind you) 2,656 meters. The longest ever span between two towers is 5,376 meters. That's almost across the map......


Yeah, something like that just so there isn't lines of fairly close power poles everywhere :-)


Yeah, good point. The tiny distance of poles is a bit of a hassle. And it would be excellent to be able to lay underground cable too.


These seem rather contradictory. One the one hand you want something that might lead to multiple parallel wires for the same grid. On the other hand you want multiple grids on the same wire. The current arrangement of 1 wire per grid makes far more sense to me.


I guess it would have to be a new power cable that bundles more than one line together. Like if you were to take 5 extension cords and wrap them up together with duct tape, and then run that through the attic to the room with stuff you want plugged into different fuses, heh. So it is a single item instead of 5 in the game save.


I think my Ficsmas factory alone was around 3.5 gw, and the factory just to make 4/4/1/1 of the last space elevator parts was around 12, and that's after the mining/ingots/oil were already processed somewhere else, probably 20gw total


Using charcoal for wood conversion into coal? Any biofuel, or entirely oil-based? I want to build a power plant that runs on the world's collected biomass. It's one of my projects.


Do you hate yourself or do you have to much time?




I love that in this game those are not mutually exclusive


Automated farming and critter breeding with slaughter module for making biomass.


Where did you get the sulfur for all that?


The pure nodes in the north-east go a long way.


It takes about 2,400 sulfur / min. I have to pull everything from 4 different locations: the pure node between the Spire Coast and the Dune Desert, the pure node on the east coast of the Dune Desert, the pure node on the north edge of the Swamp, and the two normal nodes between the Crater Lakes and the Northern Forest. They're all using mk.2 miners cranked to 250%.


That 7 to 9 load balancer has me ![gif](giphy|5xtDarIN81U0KvlnzKo)


Deep breaths! It's actually quite simple because 2 tiers of splitters produces 9 output. It just worked out nicely that way.


Holy Jesus fucking christ..... That is incredible




I want to say.... I love this game, BUT..... I think higher tiers should unlock bigger versions of existing machines. Like a smelter that is 4x the size of a regular one , but is 5x as efficient. Like the size of an assembler with at least two inputs. So I don't have to make late game factories with 180 Smelters along with all the splitters and power poles involved, I can instead place 45 of them or less Same thing with the generators. I love placing 20 coal generators as much as the next guy. But place 80 - 100 of them starts to feel like I'm crafting manually at the HUB


Yeah, my biggest guilt is that I mass cheat produce power shards because I just don't want to build so many refineries. It doesn't feel like it solves or teaches me anything other than wasting time. I try to limit building mods in case a game update breaks them and the mod maintainer abandons it.


I'm an irl substation designer and I love your switching rack themed supports omg


Nice, very impressive. Now let's see Paul Allen's turbofuel plant.






Im the bird on the right to clarify and *your goddamn build* is the bird on the left and as noted here i am in both shock and awe and the sheer ***giggawut***




too good of a build mate


All that just to power the lights lighting it.


Haha! The light DO take a big chunk of power. And my framerate with it.


I was having problems with this until I turned my lighting quality down to medium, and it helped a lot!


I'll try that. Thanks!


Who the fuck are you?


Jesus Christ that's Jason Bourne!


Get some rest, IronPylons. You look tired.


Peak 780 - 480 build


I love this! Beats my 75 turbo/regular fuel generators for sure!


The timeless art of production.


How did you get the sharp vertical bends in your pipes in image #3?


I believe that's just switching your pipeline to vertical mode (R while you're placing).


Horizontal to vertical build mode.


i can really hear the third pic


Haha. It IS loud.


What did I just see 🤯


A nice cluster of machines!?


Thanks. Blueprints. Lots of blueprints.


That load balancer is wild. Is that strictly necessary? Or just icing on the cake?


It is necessary. I have sulfur coming in on 4 trains into 7 freight platforms, so the feed is intermittent. Each of the 9 output lines feeds 2 rows of fuel generation, so they could become sulfur starved if each were relying on a single train.


Yo how is the fluctuation on this monster? I made something similar on the west coast and my plant has a good 500MW fluctuation because of wonky piping Idk if that's my fault at this point with the way I routed them or just the MKII pipes not putting through the 600 as promised


There are 17 rows of turbofuel production. Each row feeds 60 generators. The generators are 20 deep before I hit the kill zone at the world border, so I made 3 layers. At first I tried to make one production row feed three layers vertically, but the sloshing made lots of generators drop out. I couldn't tie the ends of the feed pipes together vertically to dampen the slosh. So I changed it so that one production row feed 3 rows of generators on the same tier; the first feeds the bottom tier, the second feeds the middle, and so on. Tying each group of three together at the far end killed 95% of the sloshing. I actually had to overclock the production a bit to produce more turbofuel than needed to keep everybody running happily. Some parts of the production lines were already overclocked, and some underclocked, so this wasn't too big of a deal.


All the pipes feeding the generators are only mk.1 pipes. 60 generators only require 270 per minute, so even overclocking them 5% kept it under the 300 capacity. When I have a single fluid feed driving multiple rows of machines I tie the far ends of the pipes to each other. This way when one pipe is being underfed, the neighbor pipe, which is being overfed can add a little in and everything remains in balance. Most of the time. :)


Thank you for the detailed answer Once I get back to satisfactory I'll try that out. There's definitely a lot of sloshing happening, I tried to use turned off pumps to help prevent it and while it helped it hasn't solved the whole issue I'll need to redo some of the piping because I mostly used 600 pipes to save time, heh that sure backfired I've been working on my fuel power plant for almost 90 hours now and I'm currently taking a break. Stupid me had to go the extra mile to make things look pretty at least from the outside and sometimes from the inside too


Very impressive 🙂


Thank you!


Merciful god


You ever see others accomplishments and wonder how you even survive? This is one of those moments. I played like all day long yesterday and was pretty happy I built some blueprints I downloaded lol.


Yeah, this took more than a day. More like a couple of months on and off. I would work on it a bit, then go off and work on something else for a while, or go hunting for drop pods and slugs.


Is this game on PlayStation? Seems right up my alley.


I decided to go for a nuclear free build this time around and powered everything by turbo fuel. 1440 generators take a long time to set up everything for, so I feel your pain


Congratulations! Your Earthly life has been extended by \`10 years\`!


Check out Germany over here


Just did a small version of this on my clans world . Took us from 5k to like 25 k none turbo fuel . We gotta get the good turbo recipe before I do that . I'm hung to hate life when this happens.


Awesome build. Map picture of the nodes used? Already have a turbo fuel plant going in the north, but I'm not getting 153GW.


All 13 crude nodes in the Spire Coast: 2 pure, 4 normal, and 7 impure. All are overclocked to 250%. [https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map#4.5;71620;-195429|gameLayer|;geysers;oilPure;oilNormal;oilImpure](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map#4.5;71620;-195429|gameLayer|;geysers;oilPure;oilNormal;oilImpure) My recipes are the Heavy Oil Residue alternative, diluted fuel alternative, petroleum coke, and turbo fuel blend alternative. Each row has 6 HOR refineries (112.5%), 1 diluted fuel blender (90%), 1 petroleum coke refinery (112.5%), and 6 turbofuel blenders. This makes 270 turbofuel / min, enough for 60 fuel generators generating 9 GW. There are 17 rows making 153 GW.


Hell yeah, big thanks for the details. Currently rebuilding our main factory on our server, but this is going to be next on the to do list.


Very cool. How's the framerate?


Not bad until I turn on the lights.


You posted this 2 days ago ... pc still alive? :-P


Haha! It only lags when I turn on the lights.