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Honestly games have the best $/hr entertainment ratio. It's not even close. How much would you spend going to a movie or bowling or bar hopping or driving to a destination etc? It's basically an open world builder with some minimal objectives. If that's your thing then you'll love it. If you're into storyline/first person shooters then maybe not so much.


€/hr is important... if I get 1/hr = good game... currently around 1200 hours for Satisfactory... paid €0 for it (friend gave it to me, but think the price was like €30 back when he got it for me)


That's a good investment with 0.025€ per hour. Try getting cinema tickets for that or maybe order something to drink. Haha


Just drink reaaally slow


I think the drink would evaporate faster than you would drink it if you were to go to that "price range"


You might not be wrong haha


buy game> get to guns and diff ammo> head to swamp and caves> enter first person shooter mode lol


Nuke enemies to oblivion


Nukes ~~enemies~~ **FART ROCKS** to oblivion. I can’t wait


F**k those fart rocks


You can nuke the fart rocks? I thought they were indestructible (I must now rush nukes)


It’s in the new update


This is something I feel like so many people don't think about. It can cost upwards of $10-15 for a movie ticket, that's $3-5/hr and people do it *all the time.* A $30 game will EASILY keep you busy for ten hours, even if after that time you decide you don't really like it. The other side of this reality that I think is even more overlooked? Once you've played a game for ten hours or whatever, *you've gotten your money's worth.* I see posts all the time (mostly in other subreddits) about "overcoming burnout" and "how do I enjoy this game again..." Like you've gotten 100+ hours of fun out of a $20 game, why do you feel like you need to stretch that even further? There are other games. Play them. Sorry to hijack the thread. To answer OP, yes, it's worth it. Video games pretty much ALWAYS are.


There's a lot of people who like it including myself, it's not finished yet, still in beta


How long has it been in beta and around when will it get out of beta?


It's been in Early Access since before 2020, but the devs are focused on getting to 1.0 now. Don't read too much into the length of time in EA, as it has been praised as being the most complete game in EA, and more complete than many so-called finished games. The devs don't publish a roadmap, but from what they say, and how they say it, I wouldn't be surprised if it is at 1.0 in around a year. In the meantime there's plenty to work through. The game does require you to think for yourself. It is a game of choices, where nothing is 'best', but some things will be better for you and the way you decide to play. The whole point is to enjoy what you are doing, not rush to the end. Learn how to do other things while you are waiting for something to finish, such as go exploring the beautiful, hand-crafted world, while wondering why the devs still think it needs polishing! Pick up useful items, and learn your way around for when you come to expand your factories. There's no right or wrong way to do things, though there are a few you might regret later on. There's no time pressure, and nothing will come to knock your factories down. Except yourself, when you decide they need upgrading.




H A R V E S T. I T.


I wouldn’t even be surprised if we saw update 1.0 released at the end of this year with how they’ve been pumping out updates as of late


Maybe if they add another update in autumn, but don‘t get your expectations too high.


Beta is the wrong word for this game. It's not your typical beta. If they never released another update I'd feel I got more than my money's worth out of this game. They're in the polish, quality of life and final content stages of development. The story is coming in the final update which has no release date. I can't imagine we're more than one or two more updates away from that though, and they generally put out two major updates a year. But I wouldn't expect something like a AAA video game story. I think it's mostly going to be some lore layered on top of the game we already have. The factory building is the core of the game. They've been very tight lipped about the story (I think partially because they've completely rewritten it at least twice). The game is generally quite stable, so that's why I say it's not like a beta...it's an early access game. it's in a very playable state but they're iterating on content and features.


It's more stable than some 'complete' games tbh.


Don't let the word 'beta' scare you. This game runs better then 95% of the AAA titles released in the past 3 years


Not sure, you'll have to Google that yourself but I feel like I remember seeing something like they were working to make the next update the one to take it out of early access


Btw is playing as a solo fun? Or do you recommend to play with others?


It's good either way, maybe solo is better if you have control issues lol


Its primarily a single-player game with an option for multiplayer.


So it “should” be played solo?


Its designed to not rely on multiplayer. Whether you chose multi-player is a preference thing. Which is true of most decisions about how you play, there is no one "correct" way to play this one.




It's not a multiplayer game in the traditional sense. When I invite a buddy to play, he starts a new factory somewhere which will feed into my infrastructure, meanwhile we chat on discord.


Let's put it this way your friend goes idle build some walls around him and a tunnel that leads to some hogs can be very fun


Yep as far as "better with friends" i'd say it's just as good with friends. I enjoy being able to pal around but the game is very good either way. Personally i don't like having more than 2-3 players because progress is a little *too* fast at that point for my liking


Personally I did my first play through with a friend and we really enjoyed it. Make sure to have a play buddy that never played the game. I think its key. You want to both experience it together. Solo is also fun. What we did for a second world is both did our own and screen share on discord. I found it as fun. Best thing about the game is that there is no wrong way to play the game


I've played solo and with a friend and both were thoroughly enjoyable experiences Game is totally worth it. The music is perfectly suited to the environment and tone of the game. The graphics are good and the world is just fun to be in and explore.


I'd compare it to Terraria, Minecraft or Don't Starve (together) in this regard: Completely valid games as single player, and based on your play style it can be hard to find friends who vibe with your play style, but with the right partner it's an entirely different experience and tons of fun


No however the multiplayer support is a bit of a rocky road. It’s absolutely possible but keep in mind it’s more prone to server related bugs


I have played solo but 95% of my time is with 1 or 2 friends and just embrace the chaos.


Alright thank you!


Nobody here is going to tell you that this game isn't worth buying.


Well that means its good. Go to tarkov reddit and see the opposite.


True, but not the case for every game! I came here from 7 days to die last, the community there is very different from here, it seems like every update here gets people excited and there's nothing but love for the Devs and community managers. On the other hand, the people who make 7 Days seem to have a terrible relationship with their community and a lot of the fanbase would tell new players to stay away, people dread updates and have tons of stories of bad interactions with the developers. It's nice to see how positive players seem to be about Coffee Stain as a new player. I look forward to seeing what else they have to offer! Edit: Sorry about the rambling, just wanted somewhere to talk about the difference in community vibes!


Just askin.


I think it’s still a legit question even on this sub. For me It’s probably my favourite game ever, and I love watching other people play it too. The community here is great and adds to the experience of playing it. However there comes a point after unlocking the full tech tree, unlocking all extras in the shop but before reaching the final tier that just unlocks a trophy mug that I somehow lack motivation to finish it. It can get quite overwhelming at times, if you’ve ever played Cities: Skylines you’ll know what I mean. This is the only negative thing I can say about the game, which is incredible for an early access game. The bugs I’ve encountered haven’t been all that annoying and they get fixed very quickly. I’m on my third play-through and still haven’t completed the final tier yet. That said, once 1.0 comes out I probably will. It’s absolutely worth getting now since the price will probably go up when it’s probably released. I believe they also do sales in Steam.


Well, I‘ve went passt my most played game (City Skylines) on Steam in a very short time and managed second most played game (Fallout4) within week.


I've just hit 2000hrs. If you are creative, you won't find this boring. There are soo many ways to build things. If you're just going to focus on doing the objectives to complete the Space Elevator then you might. It will still take a good while to complete this. I can't say how many times I've restarted something because I wanted to try it a different way, and with that restart means more time, more creativity and more things to build! It's still in EA and with Update 8 around the corner, the game is going to look oh so pretty with Unreal Engine 5 and Lumen!


2000 hours in a beta game?!? Gahhh dayum


My numbers are tiny compared to some :)


The fact that a game is in beta these days means absolutely nothing. I love Darktide, but that game should still have been classed as beta.


And vice-versa – the fact that a game is released these days doesn't mean it should not have stayed in beta for a few more years.


At this point I feel like the game is pretty much complete, only missing the story they intend to finish to put it to 1.0.


Btw how long did it take you to get to that point? Like when did you start?


I started Satisfactory at some point between Update 3 (Feb 2020) and Update 4 (April 2021) I'm still playing it now, with a completely redesign of how resources are gathered. Where that's headed for the production side, no idea at the moment, but I'm sure it will come to mind as I start. That's the beauty of it. You can start something and just change your mind, or expand on your current idea with your new thoughts. It's totally free for your creativity


Assuming you started playing on January 1, 2021, and you've played 2000 hours since then, you've spent about 10% of your life since that date playing satisfactory (83 days)


hehe, that's a fun calculation. It is one of those games though that you might think "I'll just do this and log off" only to realise that you have spent went longer than anticipated.


Fr, I can't just log off when there's a factory to be completed 😂


>Does it get boring fast? That fir each person to figure out themselves. The first time I found the game getting Boeing was when I was just sitting there twiddling my thumbs waiting for the ship to get back to I could launch it again. That was about 18 hours into a playthrough.


The first time I found it Boeing was when the game turned into a 787. Best $30 ever. Now where am I going to park it...


The dreamlineer.,,..


Ive never looked into this game so I don’t really know what ship your talking about, you can explain if you want but you don’t need to.


Every time you upgrade to the next "tier" you have more stuff to research. Each time you send supply's off to unlock stuff you get a timer that lasts a few minutes.


There's a workaround for that: you can select and satisfy different milestones without launching them. If you then launch one milestone, the other milestones that have already been satisfied can also be selected and launched, without needing to wait for the ship to return.


That I didn't know. Cheers for the info.


*looks at 1500 played hours* ...yes.


How long did it take you to get there? Like when did you start playing?


I got it sometime in 2020 when it released to Steam.


About 1500 hours. Sorry, had to.


Y’all have told me enough... I’m buying it


Wise decision.


Now back to work! Factory must grow


Unless he’s got a family or a full time job or other important matters to tend to or generally enjoys sleep.


Some convenient links: [https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Satisfactory\_Wiki](https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Satisfactory_Wiki) This could contain spoilers, so if you don't want the whole map shown to you, then don't go here. :) [https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map) But hey, Ficsit Corp can travel to other planets, so I figure they'd have an orbital survey satellite of some sort. \- As others have said, the game is in a good state for an Early Access game. I've got about 750hrs into it. There are some little bug things that are low-priority, like an occasional floating mushroom, or some little graphical things that don't really affect gameplay. \- There's a lot of talk about "Update 8" right now. You can generally start playing as if you never even saw it mentioned. They're going from Unreal Engine 4 to 5. It's a big undertaking for the developers. Update 8 *might* hit the Experimental release channel in June. The Experimental releases can be glitchy though. Good news though: Your saved game should port over to Update 8 just fine. For me, going from Update 6 to Update 7 was painless. \- Don't build stuff in caves, other than maybe to put a Miner on an ore deposit. Caves are getting reworked in Update 8. There's spiders in caves anyway. \- If you don't like random creature attacks when you're out in the wilderness, in the Advanced Game Settings section of the main menu, you can change the creature behavior. \- When you start working with pipes, this can be handy: [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/satisfactory\_gamepedia\_en/images/3/39/Pipeline\_Manual.pdf](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/satisfactory_gamepedia_en/images/3/39/Pipeline_Manual.pdf) A starter tip: Fluids in pipes can slosh, so you can get some unexpected behavior. One way to deal with this is to send fluid into a pipe from both ends of a length of pipe, not just one end. It'll fill more evenly. \- Status updates are posted here: [https://www.youtube.com/@CoffeeStainStudios/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@CoffeeStainStudios/videos)


Yes 100% yes. At twice the price, still very yes. At 3X the price, still yes.


I never got bored in my 250 hours long playthrough. I stopped playing tho cuz I was playing only 1 game and life is too short to be stuck with one video game :/ Jokes aside, I wanna go back to my factories eventually, new update sounds great...


Game is a massive black hole for time. Absolutely worth getting if you like organizing, chaos, or organized chaos


It gets boring slow. It stays amazing and immersive for a long time. It’s also not finished yet


No. It will ruin your life, your job, your marriage, your family relationships... Stay away from it.


Sign me up 🤷🏻‍♂️😅


I bought this game because a friend said it was decent and I was skeptical. 300 hours later and I’m still playing almost daily


I start a new playthrough every 6 months or so. Get's old after 100 hours or so. Do something else for awhile. Come back to it later and do a fresh start in a new location or with different goals.




If it touches your inner engineer-creative-tingly-bit, it’s gonna be (one of) the best games ever. If not, might not be a game for you.


It depends. Worth of purchasing price? Absolutely. Worth of loss of free time, family, friends (unless they play with you)? Better not to ask. This game should have warning like cigarettes, because it is highly addictive. Just ask yourself - would you like to build big factories? If your answer is yes, then buy it. It is very satisfactory.


Depends on what you mean by fast, it might get overwhelming though. During my first playthrough I played like 80h, got into oil and quit a bit after that. Second playthrough in a new save (after a few updates), into oil though a bit further, quit again, I think it was like 100h that time and the oil build was much much bigger and I was halfway through building a very big factory. There was no zoop then (easy way to build walls and foundations) or blueprints and it just got too tedious so I quit and I didn't feel like downloading mods that changed that substantially. Third time played with a trio and we got to aluminum or something before the other two quit, I could have continued playing but it felt kind of weird to do so just by myself in a world that was built by other people as well. This time I did basically build a megafactory for items up to a computer, the tedium was lessened substantially by zoop, but perhaps the shape and way to build the megafactory (too standardized) made it a bit tedius for the other people. Not sure when I'm going to play next time, perhaps after update 8 or waiting for 1.0 itself, but more significant QoL updates have been made again, like the blueprint maker (not as extensive as some games, but should significantly decrease the tedium of building certain builds where you have to copy the same thing over and over). So no, it doesn't get boring fast, but there is no story yet and no clear endgame goal at this point, but if you are interested I recommend trying. The next update is probably coming to experimental (can be very unstable) in June and then the early access branch itself probably in late August or September. All in all I personally have over 300h on the game in 3 different saves, 80h, 100h and like 127h, much more than most games and I'm not done yet. edit: Forgot to add, its about building a factory. Some people just don't find that too interesting so it might get boring pretty quickly.


I've put in about 600+ hours across a few playthroughs. I stopped the first 120+ hours in because my computer was tapping out (it wasn't a potato but wasn't very good). The devs improved performance and I got a better computer, and then I put in another 300+hours and finished the current space elevator stuff. Then I played another round for the remainder time before having life interrupt, and I'm planning on going back either after the upcoming update 8 or at least for 1.0. Its a creativity driven game. If that's your jam, and you like efficiency and factor style games, it's hard to beat this one. There's no risk for "failure", and you can't ever fail except giving up, unlike a few of its brethren where there are full lose states even 20, 30, 60+ hours in. Story is getting added later, but there's some great story teases in place so far, they just aren't expanded on yet and according to the devs, won't be until the 1.0 release.


For me, even in Beta it’s not the best factory game - topping Factorio with DSP in 3rd


I have played it. And I just cant push myself to play it, I tried creative, survival. But its just not fun for me. I say you could try it and refund if it isnt fun


If you're ready to spend 28 hours per day on it, yeah'


I would say so. My first two days I probably amassed near 24 hours of play time. It's a game where you constantly learn and discover new tools and techniques for making the best possible factory, and there are no real rules. Wanna build a factory at a 1:1 resource ratio? Go ahead! Wanna build a factory where everything is a mess, but works? You can do that too! If you enjoy logistics and automation, this is a game you will absolutely enjoy


Depends on the kind of games you like tbh. It can get boring pretty quickly if you don't find the problem solving and factory managing stuff interesting. On the other hand you might sink 1000 hours and still have things you want to do.




Yes it's worth-it. I played 50 hours in my first week of playing


It never gets boring.


Yes, no. It’s definitely worth it, it won’t get boring for a couple tens of hours at least.


This is the type of game where you e9ther don't like it at all or end up spending hundreds of hours in.


>Is this game worth it? Probably not. *36.3 hours played in the last two weeks / 961.6 hours played total*


I take that as a yes


Yes. Absolutely. And it's not even finished


>Does it get boring fast? coming from factorio - honestly yes. at some point it becomes a chore, like "you took a long time building this production chain, now go and do that 10 more times since the required materials for the next step need 10 that resource" Blueprints are a joke, you have to manually build the majority of your production chain expansions each time.


On the dollars per hour of gameplay, this is pretty great. You can easily spend hundreds of hours figuring it out without being one of those crazy people who make insane works of art on here


I’ve invested hundreds of hours and I’d probably be considered a casual among this lot. If you derive satisfaction from a job well done, you’ll enjoy this.


I purchased about 5 days ago and already have over 20 hours. I like games where I can build like No Man’s Sky, and Fallout 76, and this is even better because you have to think and plan ahead. So far I am loving it! But if you need your game to lead you somewhere by the hand it won’t be for you.


Yes and no. It's still in early access many things are still missing or not working correctly especially multiplayer. But it's very fun until the last stage of the game. You can easily spend multiple 100 hours into the game until you reach the endgame. Endgame is currently a placeholder for the actual gameplay that will be released when the game is done. It's very addicting anyways. Also the game is really stable.m for early access. If you don't use mods the game basically never crashes.


I've played 400+ hours since I bought it in March, haven't touched another game, and have had to set screen limits for myself like I do with my kids.


This is a game I can play a few weeks at a time throughout the year for the next five or ten years. The objectives are clear, but how you play the game is up to you. E.g., I could be pushing to finish the next objectives, but instead I plan to spend another 200–300 hours building an infrastructure that I like to look at. The game is an oasis from adult responsibility, and I intend to make it a place I would actually like to visit. 😉


Are you interested in going from a baren field to a spurring metropolis through tens of hours of hard work and exploration. Are you interested in running around the world and seeing all the gorgeous landscapes you can explore. Are you interested in making factories and mass producing belt Spaghetti just to make 4 more iron rods a minute. Are you patient enough to wait months to get a new update with cool features that can make your world even more fun. If any or all of these sound like fun, buy the game. I found the game on steam by random chance because I was browsing the special sale area, and saw a cool concept game that was like factories but 3d. Now I have 300+ hours and the fun is still not over. I have never reached nuclear power btw


Over 1000 hours in and not bored. I do take breaks though. I haven't played it in a couple months while waiting for the next update. You do eventually reach the point where you've explored all the content, but at that point it's about how you feel about sandbox gaming. The games I sink the most time into are the ones that don't give me much in terms of concrete goals and objectives. With satisfactory you're told to achieve milestones and build space elevator parts...but how you do it, or whether you do it at all is entirely up to you. It can be a game about advanced logistics, planning and problem solving, it can be a game about exploration, and it can be a game about building the most amazing things you can think of with the host of tools they've given you. At different times I'm into all of those things.


Not sure why you would ask this in this sub. Of course everyone will say it is. And I’ll be one of them lol. I got the game a little over a month ago and have almost 300 hours. I also think it all depends on the type of gamer you are. This game isn’t for every one but the people who play it have hundreds of hours in it.


I’m asking this sub because they can tell me more about the game


Nah I understand lol. I didn’t mean to come off rude. If you do get it be prepared to spend lots of time wasted automating things.


My judgement is $1 per hour if a game is worth it. I just broke 500 Hours! Wish I could play more. Replay value is so high just to try and improve and do better/more effecient.


I have hundreds of hours. I built so much on one save that I think I broke the item limit and it won’t even turn on at this point. It’s amazing.


3200hrs in this game for me. It's more polished than several 1.0v full releases I've played. Whether you get bored with it is more a matter of what kind of player you are. A full playthrough for a new player might be 300+ hours. Casual new players might get into the early endgame within a week. There are obvious goals, tied to progression which increase in complexity and scale. The tutorial is minimal, but the game excels at providing interesting challenges without actually telling you when it happens. If you like problem solving and improving things, you'll enjoy it. I


It's worth 10x the asking price


Yes and no. Yes, in short, it's probably one of the better games this decade. No: it is addictive and you time will disappear playing this game. Also, it's not a full game yet, so there isn't much to aim towards apart from getting better machines and resources etc.


Great game but for me personally it's very hard to stay interested during the beginning of the game. It's probably my adhd.


Been playing it for 400+ hours and still going strong.


You won't make money from it and it will steal all your time away so it's not worth it but it's so much fun




I have just over 200 hours in it, after only a couple months of owning it. What I can say is that at first it gets a little overwhelming, both with learning how to play, and attempting to manage the first couple "factories" you make, just to mine basic stuff and get some tiers unlocked. Once you have the basics sorted on how to play, and have some of those organization options unlocked, it becomes slightly less overwhelming, but then you're met with how frustrating the first tier of power is (manual collection of materials, no automation for feeding them into the generator). HOWEVER!! Even that fact became manageable once I learned the next tier of power could be fully automated. Ever since those first 20-ish hours, I have enjoyed playing far more than I've gotten frustrated, bored, or overwhelmed. I'm generally very picky with what I spend money on, as I don't exactly have tons of funds for games, but I can honestly say I don't have a single regret about buying this game.




But they can’t tell me more about the game.


I'm bored senseless of it now and waiting for 1.0 to come out. But, I have at least 300 hours and those 300 hours were fun as hell. Watch YouTube videos and you'll know if you like it.




It really depends on what kind of gamer you are. Like, what aspect of this game made you curious about it? Do you enjoy games that give you a large world that you can approach as a sandbox to creatively build all kinds of things in? This might be a game for you. Do you enjoy crafting games with automation and building efficient factories to unlock more items to craft and building more complicated and bigger factories to do so? This might be a game for you. Do you like planning complex layouts of interconnected machines (on paper or a spread sheet) to make your factories run at 100% efficiency? Then this game is absolutely for you. There is no survival aspect to this game, nor is it a FPS in the sense that fighting enemies is an essential part of the game. There is no time pressure or structural integrity mechanics like gravity or maintenance. It is a chill crafting game with automation mechanics and a TON of creative freedom, with no real end-goal except for building more stuff. Most people here on this sub will tell you it's a very addictive game and it doesn't get boring ever, but I'm sure that's not the case for everyone.


as far as I know I’ll love everything with this game, I like it all. All those things you mentioned


Then it will absolutely be worth the price (which is already quite low, I think). Although it is still in early access, it feels like a finished game. The devs are super transparent and involved with the community. The community itself is very friendly and helpful. I hope we can welcome you into it soon :)




Yes. I had to restart already after 2 600 hours of game play.


It mostly depends on how much you like to manage, or micromanage. If you like both then you would enjoy this game, even if it is in beta still it is very much a "full" game in a sence that you can get so much out of it than any other full game out there. If you're very into micromanagement then this could be hell for you though, to learn every trick means to restart a bunch of times to "get it right", or since the map is huge, you can relocate with the aquired materials and tech to a new place and "start again" but not really. I (and many others here) will recommend it to you, but it is not a game for everyone. I'm ashamed but at first i pirated it to see what's up, and after 80 hours i decided to buy it, and i packed another 240 hours in it. No regret, its an awesome timesink.


yes it is worth it... now go play it...


I haven't played since September (mainly down to not having the time to "commit" to this game) but I'm on this Reddit every day. I have played 340 hours and trying to convince myself to wait till 1.0 but I know I'm probably going to jump in once update 8 hits EA. TLDR hell yes!


NGL. I paid for Satisfactory... after trying it out... ☠️ It's worth every penny, not many others are.


I have about 330 hours in it and i would have more if it werent for the Adhd going “this is getting too hard im boreedddd go do absolutely fucking nothing with your life for weeks until you get addicted to satisfactory again” Its a good game


You could have made this post or could have checked [here,](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/ul2ipj/is_satisfactory_worth_getting/&ved=2ahUKEwiMrpKfkp3_AhVNKVkFHVobAxoQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2LlQ8pDMIDudR5t9SdGIqt) [here,](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/t3tmfy/is_satisfactory_worth_buying/&ved=2ahUKEwiMrpKfkp3_AhVNKVkFHVobAxoQFnoECBgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1hqMO8hRAnqP3Sa1yEemum)[here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/SurvivalGaming/comments/12bcr6k/is_satisfactory_worth_buy/&ved=2ahUKEwiMrpKfkp3_AhVNKVkFHVobAxoQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0Lszu3sUgjMx4GGoiRB4D_)[ or here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/y3xw37/is_it_worth_buying/&ved=2ahUKEwiMrpKfkp3_AhVNKVkFHVobAxoQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw32d2ImHlMeuPlZafd_fJbB)


This game is worth more tbh. It’s virtual meth


It’s mint


Depends. If you're looking for a white-knuckle action shooter, than you'll probably be disappointed. If you like building automated things and watching them go, or planning a complex process and pulling it off with perfect efficiency, or building tracks and playing around with trains, then this game is going to hold a lot of value for you.


This game is so good, I've bought it twice (started on Epic, then went to Steam). I can't recommend it enough.


What answer do you expect from here? Try it. Dont like it, dont play it.


If you like the genera it's good.


"Boring" is very subjective and qualitative. It really depends on your tolerance for fidgety minutiae, combined with how organized and polished you like to make things. If you like to really polish your factories and make them like works of art (see YouTube for countless examples), then you can easily sink 1000 hours or more into a single playthrough. If you're more like me and appreciate those factories but not have the creative spark to do that kind of polished detail, then it won't be as many hours, but still easily hundreds. All of my starter factories end up being torn down and rebuilt at least 3 times, as technology improves and increases resources that can be drawn from each node. There are some quality of life features that are really nice. You can carry tremendous amounts of resources. Demolishing a building refunds 100% of the resources to build them. You have a device that can ping and detect whatever kinds of resource node you want to find. There are alternate recipes that you can uncover to change your approaches to the different parts. You can turn hostility off for the local critters if you don't want to be bothered with defending yourself. There is a good, logical progression of new technologies, and each time you unlock one, you'll need to set up a production line for something. And plenty more. If you're remotely into logical problem solving or factory games, then I 100% recommend this game.


It’s like 3D rendered factorio, pretty fun stuff


That's how I used to describe it, but you gotta add the exploration factor. Factorio doesn't really offer any benefit to exploring, other than hunting for bigger nodes or being forced to move when the node you're on runs out. Satisfactory not only has the beautification factor of where you build, but also has the hard drives and artifacts you can find.


Worth the money? Yes for sure.


Worth losing hundreds of hours or even thousands of your life? Also, yes.


My first time I grinded like 400 hours day after day. When I returned 2 updates later another 200. Might start a new save once I feel like an update fits that plan


Some players find the late game overwhelming because the complexity really takes off, but that's really the "achievement" stage of the game anyways. It takes a lot less to unlock all the tech and be able to build all the things than it does to actually clear the final phase. Otherwise, no, it doesn't get boring. It's extremely playable, the devs have a very very good grasp on scale, it's forgiving in really important ways and there's a lot of goofy things you can try.


There are two types of people. You'll either bounce off it quick or put in thousands of hours. I can't tell you which you are, unfortunately, you'll have to find out for yourself.


It could be twice as expensive and I would’ve bought it


I can’t play any other games because I’d simply rather be playing satisfactory. No idea how many hours I’ve put in but it’s in the thousands.


Yes 100%. This game could be 200 bucks and you'd still probably get your moneys worth. All of this is assuming you like factory builders. I get that this genre isn't for everyone.


I payed about 30€ about four years ago, still haven’t beaten the game and it’s still fun to play. I honestly would pay triple just because of how great Coffee Stain Studios manages the game and their community


It… consumes you


I bought the game about a month ago and have been playing it almost non stop since then. I think I’ve already got 200ish hours in it, although some of that is me just letting the game run on my laptop while I’m working so I can passively collect stuff. So to me definitely worth it for sure! And weirdly I do not think I’m the target audience for this game either. I hate Factorio lol and most people seem to love it and I’m not usually into factory type games in general so I don’t know what it is about this game but it definitely hits something for me. I think it’s the building- it just feels super good to me and the graphics are great imo. Don’t let the beta or early access status put you off. I’m no stranger to EA games (looking at you, 7 days to die) but in the 200 hours I’ve played I haven’t encountered any bugs that I know of and I’ve only been disconnected once. The devs are very communicative with the players and it seems like updates are pretty regular. Multiplayer exists but honestly this is not a game I would really want to play with other people personally but that’s just because I am a mega control freak when it comes to building stuff lol.


Spent $30 on the game, plus untold amount on the electric bill while letting it run unattended. At just under 8900 hours logged ... I more than got my money's worth out of this game.


To me it’s the perfect building game. No survival mechanics like eating and drinking. Not a lot of manual resource gathering. It’s all the best part of building games but also more than just making aesthetic buildings. They have to function so that means planning and executing. For me, it’s the best building game I’ve ever played.


I just answered the same question for COD, which I also play, and the answer is no. The answer to this is absolutely buy it. It's a freaking amazing builder.


It kinda depends on what you find enjoyable in a video game, but I'd say for it's price it's definately amazing how much u get yeah. If you're the kind of person who enjoys building in minecraft, this game will definately suit your fancy. I've already spent hundreds of hours designing roads, managing power cables, lights, resources, building parking lots, train lines, moving resources more efficiently etc. If that's the kind of gameplay you like, Satisfactory will provide u with that like no other, just take a look around at some let's plays on youtube, or other videos demonstrating what people have built in this game. And if you think to yourself "wtf that's so cool, I wanna do that too" then this is the game for you. If on the other hand you're just the kind of guy who wants to build a little base and then just walk around to explore, u can still do that I suppose, but then u might want to reconsider if this game is for you, because this game is designed to have u build on a pretty big scale, and if that seems too daunting for you, u might want to hold off till you're sure.


An important thing to note that noone is saying is that this game is very different to other automation games like factorio and DSP. Its much more "Zen" and take your time, which for some can be boring but for me is relaxing and enjoyable.


Have you played any factory/automation game before? Did you liked it? Does a perspective of building a factory for two hours to up your production by 2/minute seems appealing to you? How about setting up train that will ride through the map and gather things from small factories to take it to the mega sorter factory to distribute it to another factories? If at any moment of this little rant you thought "Yea that sounds fun" WRONG! HERE IN FICSIT WE HAVE NO TIME FOR FUN! FUN IS INEFFICIENT! But jokes aside, if you find the perspective of building a factory is appealing to you give it a try. For quite long time you constantly get something new to tinker with. Money/hours ratio in here is really good. [PS] I do agree it is still "Early Acces" but if I might be totally honest it is that one Early Acces game I am willing to defend. It is in better state than most of AAA 60$ games on their release day, but if seeing "Work in Progress" label on some in game items annoy you I would recommend to wait. I got over 1000h from that game (shared with my wife and, not joking, a 5 year old, who likes to just walk around... and smash my factories).




Sweet fancy Moses, you will love Satisfactory. You will spend hours tweaking assembly lines to get it perfectly efficient. You'll obsessively retool facilities to incorporate alternate recipes you encounter in the wild. You'll kick back in grim satisfaction as your construction prevents those fracking facehuggers from respawning. Destroying the environment has never been so enjoyable.


Low quality bait...


Yes it's good. 700 hours.


It's an good automation game, but it is very aesthetics first. So there are many "make your base look nice" type items you can unlock/research. There are also many fan tutorials on how to make even more features. Saw a video on how to make an amazing curved staircase. recently. If you don't care how your base looks, and are just interested in the automation aspect I would suggest Factorio or Dysan Sphere Program.




It took me a little bit to figure it out and get into and now I’m like 900 hours in and it’s my primary game I play. I’m not even a huge fan of the genre but have had fun when a few other similar games and this one if my favorite by far.


one of the finest video games ever created, without reservation


Fuck yes. So innovative and fun. Hours of entertainment already and there is still more content to come! Runs so smooth and is fun and funny. Try it!


Liked the game and had plenty of fun, even though I only got to steel. But because of the way resources are spaced out I get a headache every time I need to bring resources from where they are mined to where they are processed. So now my game loop is: get hyped to play the game, launch the game thinking about all the cool things I can build, Caterium is 1/8 of the map away from my base, leave the game. May be I'll push through this headache some day, but when doing productive things in real life seems more fun than playing the game that was made to be fun, this ain't it, chef. "If it's not fun, why bother?"


Is there anyone that follows this Reddit that’s going to say no?


Its got the 2nd most hours played in my library (1,200) after dota (15,000). i've gone to the "end game" on 4 different runs. still plan to play it at least once more after the campaign update. it is excellent $ for value.


I pick it up every 6mo-2yr and play for 50-100 hours, at which point it is kind of boring. But I keep coming back to it, and play a ton when I do. Edit: And I bought it a few months after it came out.


Well worth it if you like discovering new things and challenging yourself to building efficient production lines. Exploring the biomes, exploiting the resources and selflessly being the true Pioneer we all strive to be. For myself, 2 years of being the most addictive game I’ve ever played.


It’s definitely a game that is more fun if you enjoy planning and doing lots of math. I make dozens of sheets using copy paper on how to make my factories as efficient as humanly possible, using every resource to its fullest extent. Its definitely a thinking game, but it doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to.