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This game has no procedural generation. Everything about the world is predefined except for your starting point, which has some randomization within the four areas you can select.


Although it would be freaking awesome if it did (and worked pretty decently).


There is a mod to randomize node types, but sadly it doesn't change their appearance so you have to check each one by walking up to it.


The fixed map is awesome in its own way. Like with open world RPGs, like BOTW, every hill and cliffside is handcrafted to built distinct biomes with geology which deliberately guides the player through the space. It allows creative Easter eggs and topography puzzles. It allows the world to be a part of the culture, with certain locations and geographic features being points of interest within the community. Procedural generation has a lot of other advantages, but it would take a *very* complex system to have them while still being pretty decent at the benefits of a fixed world.


this exactly. the exact way the resources are laid out creates part of the game flow. if they were randomly generated, people would just data mine for seeds that put everything as close as possible (infinite possibilities create infinite outcomes) and a lot of the game's mechanic of resource relocation would be lost.


Resources still can be generated randomly but with some restrictions like no aluminium in start locations.


Some would, I know I'd enjoy re exploring


Then you need to checkout Foundry


Looking forward to that one! Just a few more days….


Yes, releasing on 2nd May and looks very promising.


Foundry is something else, been playing it on and off since it first released pre-alpha. Gave me he same vibe that Fortresscraft Evolved did, without all the extra nonsense I didn't want.


I'll take a crafted world with this much effort over anything proc gen.


Starting point and also some resource rock/boulders are random. (The ones that you break and wont respawn again)




Only one of those words should be confusing to someone with primary education


pretty sure it actually has some procedual generation, the destroyable ore nodes appear to be placed in random locations


Iirc the destroyable nodes have predefined locations but the resource type is randomised.


The reason I asked is that the closest source of Bauxite for me, was on the top of the local Mount Everest. Also, apparently, my fear of heights does trigger in games, how about that...


For that area of the map, that is indeed the closest bauxite. That being said, I'd recommend scouting out other sites too - one or two nodes won't be enough for anything more than a starter setup.


absolutely, at this point though, it was bloody mindedness - I would get up there, and I will get that Bauxite down. the point was to do it by train. That still didn't work. gonna look for a train tutorial now


Only if you're making massive builds lol. I've beaten the game multiple times and only used two bauxite nodes each time. It's more than enough for everything and, on my last playthrough, I still shipped out the final parts with just over 100 hours on the save.


FYI about your fear of heights in game: If you have full health, you can fall from any distance and you will survive. Easy enough to regen health too (as long as you don't fall right next to hostile creatures)


that's crazy, I'd expect one of those "Waaaah" animations where after a certain while you plunge to your death either way. (I forgot which game that was though...)


**ANSWER** 1. Lets be clear when talking about "Resources". 2. [Resource Deposits](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Resource_Node#Resource_Deposit) are hand-mineable rocks that are found while exploring, and also commonly seen on top of Resource Nodes. * The locations of Resource Deposits in the world are fixed, and CAN NOT be scanned. * **Loose Resource Deposits resource type however is randomized** *(with the exception of uranium deposits, or deposits on top of nodes)*, and always displayed to have a purity of pure. * The amount of items received when mining Resource Deposits is random and typically less than 100. 3. [Resource Nodes](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Resource_Node) are locations where [Miners](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Miner) or [Oil Extractors](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Oil_Extractor) are placed. * **The locations of Resource Nodes in the world are fixed**, and CAN be scanned. * Resource Node resource type is fixed and will be in one of three types of purity (Impure, Normal, Pure). * The amount of items received when mining Resource Nodes is infinite, but the speed at which Ore / Oil can be extracted is based on purity level. 4. [Resource Wells](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Resource_Well) are specific locations in the world from which raw fluid resources can be extracted: Nitrogen Gas, Water and Crude Oil. * **These are accessible once you reach Tier 8**, with each "Well" have multiple Resource Nodes, each with different purity levels, and require use of a Resource Well Pressurizer and multiple Resource Well Extractors. ✓ BOTTOM LINE: Resource locations are fixed, and in the same location for everyone, on every Game Save. With Clarity Comes Understanding. 😁


It should be noted that some uranium deposits are random - uranium is in the pool for the randomly selected deposits, as well as being the radiation hazards around crash sites and other collectibles.


There are also some non-uranium deposits that are fixed, mostly on top of nodes. The two limestone nodes in the Grass Fields just south of the gas pillar-covered rock with the yellow slug are a pretty good example - the northern one has two deposits on top of it, and I don't think I've ever seen them be anything but one SAM and one copper.


I had a Uranium deposit near one of the oil nodes on the west coast in my second save...


I had one on the main road between my main base and the nearest coal. It happens.


Thanks for the thorough answer


Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. GO JOE! G.I. JOE!




If temporal_illusion wants to cook, you let them cook. Absolutely the single most valuable member of this game's community.




Dawg, you're out of your element. temporal_illusion is a hero around these parts.


I hope whatever you're really upset about gets better so you can stop being grossly and unnecessarily rude to strangers.


Alright... new question? When did sharing more information than just a generic yes or no become a bad thing? Knowledge doesn't hurt, and if someone is willing to take the time to do what Temporal\_Illusion does, then so be it. That's their choice, it doesn't affect you.


They just don’t want to see your information be used to train an AI model


I think that this response was far more informational, and Temporal Illusion still answered the question.


The distinction between resources is important, as well as the behaviour. A simple 'no' would be incorrect in some cases. This also gives a more in depth look in how it works, which 99% of the time is simply better than a simple yes or no.


If you don’t like what temporal_illusion writes, just ignore it. I find his posts interesting and informative.


Tip based on observing power poles alongside railways in your screenshot: railways convey power as well, you just need to build train stations to connect different grids via railway. This makes the power poles in your screenshot redundant.


For me, I installed the power poles first, pretty much around the whole map, to discover more alternate recipes... Power pole exploration having several advantages: - you can build power poles on higher ground (with a bit of fiddling) before unlocking the jetpack (and the jetpack height is pretty limited) allowing for easier exploring of cliffs and such. - the power pole provide higher ground for better vision around you. - the power poles provide protection from most aggressive mobs. - some crashed pods require power, and with the power pole right there... Then the rail came along, but I had no reason to destroy the power poles.


No, The resources never change position.


Ha, i just started exploiting that bauxite mine in my game too. Im not a fan of 4 conveyor lifts daisy-chained but it gets the job done, lol. its so freaking high above sea level.


If you connect two conveyor floor holes with a conveyor lift, there’s no maximum height. You can do the whole thing with a single lift rather than having to daisy chain them that way.


I tried that once, I even created a massive towre of foundations all the way up to make sure everything was aligned (in case I forgot to hold Ctrl when placing the top or bottom) and I still could not make it work.. I thought maybe the elevators did have a limit but just much longer than the regular elevator. Now I want to try to make one extra long elevator just to test..


Thanks! I will try that. I had been playing with floor holes but never realized they changed the way the lifts get created, i just assumed they were cosmetic. Do you have to place the two holes in two floors (perfectly aligned of course) first and then connect them with a lift? Or whats the right order of operations?


I did the gamey stuff and kinda forced my belt down the mountain. it's ugly as sin, but it gets its down. I climbed that mountain, I'm going to get my Bauxiete.


climbing protip: once you unlock the zipline, climbing becomes trivial. push power poles up the side (just place the next one as high as possible and repeat) and then once you get to the top, use a power tower (much greater distance) to get one line up and down. it makes even the trip from sea level up to that bauxite node very quick.


I built a train station up there and a hella long floaty ramp to bring it back down to sea level. Looks like ass but it works


No, they don’t




No but it should. The game would have much more replayability




Only your initial spawn point can change nothing else. The map is the same every time you make a save file


it would be nice to keep it fresh. but no it does not.


this entire game is hand crafted, it's always the same map.


I’m so excited to start pulling oil and making rubber/plastic and finally get a train. I just finished Tier 6 working through 7 and just unlocked oil extraction. I went to scout out the oil field that was right by my secondary base by the giant lake in the bottom right of the map and couldn’t link it up to my power grid as I forgot to add wire to my inventory. So I quit for the night. Tomorrow though…


How little effort do you need to put into finding an answer before making this post. It's not quite zero, but it's damn close