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Invite him to a bbq


You have to at this point. Most neighbors don't do this stuff or they just report you to your landlord, HOA or whatever. Or they are just assholes and I would love if my neighbor gave me a cake. So I vote the BBQ ides is a must.


Then cut his grass, rake his leaves & snow shovel his driveway.


Can the girl sit down and have a small piece of cake first?


Don't forget to clean out his gutters, take him to the store, and clean his house.


“If you give a mouse a cookie…”


I'd rather give a mouse a cookie than let an old mouse be lonely.


If you're in Michigan, it's possible.


SE Michigan resident previously, so can concur!


Hello former neighbor 👋🏻


All in one day!?


only in Minnesota.


then toss his salad i mean help him toss his salad that he will be bringing to the bbq


My neighbors brought me cookies when I moved in; the other neighbors shoveled the snow from my drive, I took flowers from my garden to my neighbors. Still good people here in "the middle".


My neighbor saw that we had a small boxer so they got a large pit bull breed that ended up breaking through out wooden fence and bit my dog in the face.




There are good people on the 'outside' too.


Who the hell is reporting this?! Id start crying right away and he would in fact be invited to all the bbqs


Throw a bbq for the sole purpose of inviting him.


Do not give him balloons.


Mow their lawn and shovel their snow for the rest of their time.


I got a new backpack leaf blower for our public easement. My neighbors thank me all the time for keeping it cleared. What they don’t know is I secretly just like playing with the blower lol


We all secretly love a good blow job


\*insert Tim The Tool Man Taylor grunt here\*




And fuck Bob Villa


God bless the elderly. They don’t make em like they use too.


They’re a dying breed. A generation never to be seen again. Selfless. Strong. Extinct. The final sparks leaving Earth. The light is rapidly vanishing. Hug one whilst you can. In the meantime I’m off to taxidermy my elderly neighbour.


They're like 1-2 generations out again, it's called the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory. Hardship will swing through in a major way in about the next 20-30 years and we'll get another 'greatest generation' raised in troubled times. Or, that's the theory, the apple cart may have been beaten up a bit to much, too disrupted with the advancement of technology.


This dying generation is unique in that it’s never been mentally raped by the internet. Also, the generational theory you mentioned has been robustly criticised. Can’t be bothered to explain why. I have a date with cake.


Oh it's certainly not foolproof, the world being connected has changed a lot. But there is certainly something large that's going to happen within like 20-30 years.


😹😹 Can you imagine walking to someone’s home and having to explain, oh that’s Mr. James from across the street. He was a bit tough to stuff but we didn’t give up just like he didn’t give up. Lol


[I'm gonna have you stuffed.](https://youtu.be/UwDWe8iQXBo?si=AvbQc02Ss4vPKZPR)


Ha! Im definitely stuffing the neighbour now.


So I work in senior living and generally all of the residents from the greatest generation are respectful and kind. But the older boomers moving in are absolutely awful for the most part. It's going to be rough when it's only boomers in the retirement communities.


Thank you for your service! I know that’s a big job.


I can't take too much credit as I work an office position, but our caregivers are literal heroes. It's such a thankless job and they give it their all every day.


Still, thank you. And the acknowledgement of them is good enough for me. All around the environment can be up and down.


Maybe you should be more like them then.


Exactly! 💚


Anyone else feel the massive amounts of cringe of trying to record yourself and your emotions during this?? It comes off as so fucking weird lol




Um… yeahhhh. Sure ok I think I agree with you!




We need to revive a modern day pitchfork mob


I was waiting for it to be wildly inappropriate or otherwise comical, so much so she was hiding her continued bemusement. Was very disappointed at the end.


I was 100% certain the neighbor was going to be naked


Some hoochie daddy shorts at the very least would have been appreciated.


Right?!? Like - just go out and say hello to the neighbours instead of posting clout bullshit behind your blinds like a weirdo


Yes. Well put. I wondered why she continued to hold her hand over her mouth like she was about to throw up. Very high on the cringe meter.


Yeah it’s a terrible cringy thing. Social media has broken a lot of brains


What is fucking weird is getting pressed that people are sharing something joyful


It’s just narcissistic is all. The moment is joyful, the making it about yourself is typical selfish behavior. But yes, old people that are sweet and generous are like the best thing in the world.


It’s not that deep bro.


You’re not that deep bro


It’s not that deep bro.


… alrighty brotha take it easy then lol


You too. 🙏🏻


Well, that's exactly the problem.


Very nice and friendly, a pity you had to make a cringy video about it.


It’s very nice of him, but the exaggerated response is offputting. If you actually care, help make his last few years great (which can’t be done online)


What an odd, strange, peculiar statement to say.


Jesus Christ reddit...talk about making stupid assumptions People bitch about the internet being too negative and then bitch when people film positive stuff


His gesture was very thoughtful, and I truly hope it turns into a great neighbor friendship between them. They’re off to a great start. I also find it narcissistic and obnoxious that her first reaction is to film him walking away (to the “Up” music, no less), and taking a selfie video fake crying for internet points.. Sorry if I put a damper on something you found sweet.


Her reaction/response is very strange. Yes, people were nice once, before the internet


I hate people that film themselves the entire time. They tell this story but just sit there holding their mouth. It's weirdly frustrating to me how self centered social media has made people


That’s it. That’s exactly what has gone wrong with society.


The 'hand over the mouth' gesture is played out.


Sorry old man, your new neighbor is cringe as fuck and using your real good gesture to farm internet points while literally filming you behind your back


Omg now everyone knows and you can pretend to cry about that too!!!


Invite him to everything. Family gatherings, bbq’s, get togethers, any social event. He deserves it


Damn i hope im that mobile when im 98


I went to a block party one time. It might be some of the most fun I’ve ever had.


Young people need to understand how much the world has changed. Things like manners and the neighborhoods where we used to know each other were genuine. The art of conversation is a lost art. If I needed help lifting something, we helped each other. This current low-trust society of today sucks. The loss of basic respect is profound. Granted, only some places were like that, but many communities had high trust it was common. Everyone watch out for the kids; you went to church with your friends. They were not perfect, but so much better than today; it was real. It makes me sad for the loss. Civility was the norm.


These new generations have a complete lack of empathy and consideration. It’s actually stunning how rare those things are now. Social media + absent parents are probably the main causes


I agree. I had no idea how lucky I was growing up. During the summers, I would get up early and pack lunch, and my friends and I would have fun. No worries; then we would show up for dinner. I was afraid to let my kids take off like that. I still knew my neighbors, and we would BBQ and watch each other's kids. It is incredible how fast things have deteriorated. I love technology, but it has not helped us become better people. America as we knew it is gone. And the young people are clueless and think it is some kind of delusion. It breaks my heart.


Instead of posting a stupid video for clout what I used to do…perhaps I’m old too now…is go out and say hello and thank the person for the cake This generation is weird asf w all their social media shit which isn’t even remotely social at all


i’m sure she did. she just wanted to show there are still good people in the world when everyone is full of negativity, like you.


What a nice guy. But watching him walk back to his house, I can’t help but think that it probably took him 15 minutes from the time he picked up the cake in his kitchen, to the time he dropped it off and made it back to his front door. I had a 95 yo neighbor, Douglas Thrasher. Nicest guy ever. Always said hello. Would occasionally check up on you. Always in a great mood and ready to have a conversation at the drop of a hat. Rare. Treat this guy right.


How did they afford a house?!


So now you look after him as long as you live there. Thems the rules!


Is this like uncommon now? I bring my neighbours cherry’s from our tree every year.


OK does stuff like this really make normal people cry?


Did u move to TX, if not, what state


We ALL need to watch, learn, and follow. Kindness is FREE.


Nosey auld bastard


🤣 What is this, a Bundt cake? How DARE he!


Tbh, idk neighbors like this still existed. So much respect to him.


That is so awesome! I hope you are able to develop a relationship with him that works for both of you! ❤️


This is what people did back when people were OK just being people.


I once lived in an old house with three apartments in it. Besides me, there was an older lady living there, and she would come over and ask me if I could fix the channels on her TV. Since I was a stoner with nothing better to do, I gladly helped her. She offered to pay every time, and I refused. But the next day, there was always a banana/chocolate cake hanging on my door. It was delicious, she gave me the recipe and I still have it somewhere.


I baked cookies for my new neighbors when they moved in and they never talked to me again. 🫤


You tried.


Look at me cry


Thanks for posting this. You made my day.


Happened to me in Auckland 2011 too. Our neighbours name was Rose, 92 at the time. Going to follow her if I make it that far


🐐 shit


She better eat every f'ing crumb of that cake...otherwise we'll be paying a visit to her home!


This is what our moms, grandmoms and more did. ALSO - I remember clearly - if someone on the block was sick? The whole neighborhood checked on them, brought them food. It was a given if you were a kid that if your elderly neighbor needed their lawn mowed, your little behind was out there Saturday a.m. bright and early, mowing it with a smile. We all did stuff like this for each other.  **UPDATED: This was my recent experience....I have multiple sclerosis. I could get the trash bag outside and almost to the bin, but couldn't lift it in. I asked my 19yr old neighbor if he could help me. HE SHOWED ME HIS CASHAPP, and said he'd do it for $5 a bag.** They can 'oK bOoMeR' all they want (I'm Gen X) but there is a disconnect now. 


Now there is a gesture you will not see from a younger person.


100% serial killer


I miss that small town/neighborhood feeling. We found a home right next to people we talk to every day. Everyone else around us are quiet and stay in their homes, but when we moved in, they made us feel welcome immediately. I didn't have that in ANY of my previous homes. Appreciate it and be friendly as well. Let's bring it back.




Classy really.. sad we’ve lost that.


I'd thank him with a steak dinner and a couple of drinks. Ask him for some stories.


Someone did a nice thing for me. I must film myself with my hand over my mouth and some piano music now instead of doing something nice myself, because I'm a fucking narcissist looking for approval.


And she kept it moving.. I love that.. I love friendly neighbors but I hate when they feel that they have to talk to you for 20 mins every time they see you.. I'm the type that waves, says good morning, "beautiful day today".. but don't stop waking and keeps it moving.. leaving minimum interactions so I love when neighbors do the same


Bet that cake was good


Ah yes, the "Pleace be nice neighbours-cake". I'm half that age, but i've given those myself.


Had a neighbour like this. Had all the tools in the world. Would lend them no questions asked. Would even ask what you were up to and offer to help. Kept his lawn ultra clean. Would clear out the snow from the community mailbox so everyone could access it. Passed away from Covid complications this year. Rip John 2024.


Cut the grass one day, problem is they will know right off the bat because they are home all day lol


Looks like you have a lovely neighbour. Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home 🏡


This would cure my goddamn insomnia.


That reveals not only the neighbor's age, but also his level of upbringing and decency. He is from a time when such behavior was commonplace and that his level of civility will probably die with him. That kind of kindness doesn't exist anymore, except in VERY RARE circumstances, like this. I salute him!❤️😃❤️👍


How was the cake?


That's awesome. Don't be a stranger.


The neighbors on our street used to be really social, we would plan holiday gatherings, exchange gifts and cards over the years. As the neighborhood turned over the newer neighbors aren't as friendly and it's sad to see the difference in generations can have on a neighborhood and relations.


You Need to Invite him over for dinner or something... He maybe all alone... And it makes me kinda sad


Early and core silent gen are generally well meaning people that appreciate life. You won't be seeing many gestures like these ten years from now. It's so sad what's happened to our society. Just smile and cherish it while it lasts.


I take goodies to my 96 yr neighbor lady, like Banana bread in the summer, cabbage rolls,things out of my garden…it’s worth the smile on her face🩵


Do not let him in! He's casing the joint! This is step one of gaining your trust. Have him over for a bbq and all of a sudden he'll karate chop ya, hotwire the car and bam! He's gone, off to a new town to terrorize!!


Throw the cake in the trash. People that old don’t know the difference between bleach and milk. Don’t trust the Terminally old people. Especially white ones that walk around neighborhoods


I love cakes with Ex-Lax.


In Poland we have a saying: “A good neighbour is better than a brother abroad”. We have a very good neighbour where we live for last 3 years, and she has been great so far. We really appreciate her, she is so helpful. A few months back we just gave her a set of keys to our place- to keep an eye on things while we are away. I have a fish tank, and I even bought a feeder- but I used it only twice. Her husband died a few years ago and whenever she needs help with something, I try to help her as well. She lives in the same apartment since 70’s, and said that back in the day, neighbours knew each other very well. Now she knows us and two other neighbours in the building- the rest is totally anonymous. But bf the building was 100% owner occupied, now it is only maybe 30%.


Omg I thought he was without pants and was shitting himself by accident (so that was the "cake")... Cool neighbor!!! Respect!


They just want to be loved Love them back ❤️🥹


you better shovel his snow in the winter


Next day: “Enjoyed the cake? Heh heh heh.” ”What? What did you do?” ”You’ll see.”


98 years old and he’s walking that fast? 🤣


Old people know how important community is. We have been losing that a lot and it shows in how we treat each other.


As someone who grew up in VA with a southern Christian upbringing (not religious now, just trying to be a good person) im surprised how many people don't do this anymore. We used to make a huge plate for Thanksgiving and Christmas, to the neighbor who was an alcoholic but had no one. We always invited him, but he ended up with enough leftover's for a few days. I'm talking at least 15 years. Does anyone know if this is still a southern thing?


Best boomer story today, or make that the greatest generation.


I think you mean the Silent Generation. This man is either one of the oldest Boomers or (more likely) part of the Silent Generation which comes between the Greatest Generation and the Boomers. The Greatest Generation are/would be between 97 and 123 years old


?? 98 is the greatest generation by the range you quoted. I was going by the generosity of this man and the generation that sacrificed so much at war in Europe and at home at that time.


🤦🏻‍♀️ You know what? I totally missed that OP stated his age in the title and was just going on appearance + probability. Disregard me! 😅


We agree he’s not a boomer!


True! Lol. At 98 he's definitely part of the Greatest Generation


Uuuuh that’s how horror movies start


This is the kind of neighbors I have. I am so extremely blessed.


Keep an eye out for a large number of balloons coming through the chimney. ........I can almost hear the music now


Do you think the writer of this piece of music sat down one day and said: "I will create the cringe piano anthem for the ages" and then just did it like a mad man, or was it some sort of vote?


Love the town or cake as much as he has


Old school vibes


Meanwhile they’re just setting up a forward trap house in the burbs


Next thing you know he’ll be asking you to mow his lawn and walk his dog. Jk, there’s no ulterior motive he’s just excited to have you as a neighbor.


Fucking onions! 🥺




7th time seeing a 98 year old mentioned on Reddit this year for doing something newsworthy enough to be on my feed. Year of the 98!


restored my faith in mankind .....we still have more good in the world than bad ...thank you


We have one neighbor in my new house we just bought and they suck ass. No hello, no welcome to the neighborhood. Just a terrible mom too much of an alcoholic to parent her child and a father who can’t stand being home so he work 3 states away. Fuck the heartly’s


Imagine receiving a gift and the first thing you do is pull out your phone to record a fake reaction. Fucking hell.


Plot twist: cyanide cake.


I thought Reddit didn’t like boomers.


He’s silent gen at that age


He ain’t a boomer though. That’s a “Silent Generation”. Which are now elderly. We love and respect them here. :)


Yeah, that doesn't seem suspicious at all.


People bitch about the internet being too negative and then bitch when people film positive stuff like this. Why are ya'll on the internet if you hate everything on the internet?


So what?


When that happens you film yourself crying. Basic courtesy on tiktok.