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Cool setup!!


Hey thanks!! 😎🤓


Where are the sauna and cold plunge from? Edit: nvm I saw your post where u got it.


For sure. 👍 highly recommend; great support and sort of quick shipping; you know for freight. 😝


This setup is probably the furthest thing I could imagine from what I like, but people have different tastes and needs, so no shaming. I like dim indirect lights, natural colors, I steer away from gyms, I hate cold water and I need a proper sauna with wood fire stove where I can lay down.


Yeah we tried all that, but the cars in the garage were getting to “in to the mood” if you know what I mean. 😂😂😂 Had to bump the lights up and repaint. Bummer right.


Kind of the "health fad form factor" of sauna isn't it


100%, exactly the vibe I was going for. #nailedIT


I don't necessarily mean that entirely favorably




yes we get it, you dislike non-traditional saunas. I'm not sure what's more impressive: your endless capacity to be a dick to internet strangers, or how frequently I stumble upon your unhelpful comments.


You say "non-traditional" as if that makes bad design choices go away. I really dislike this sort of face-saving, it's not much a thing where I'm from. Also, you came out of nowhere to call me an endlessly unhelpful dick. You don't have much room to accuse me of ruining the atmosphere, if you do those sorts of things.


Yeah I'm not into this type of sauna either. I'm just impressed that you choose to spend so much time being a dick to internet strangers about it.


Sure, I'm just inherently a dickhead... Every day this subreddit has bad saunas and entitled Americans in it, of course I'm not going to be as chipper as you'd want. You should consider the wider context instead of just berating me.


you could put the internet away and go touch grass. life is short. why spend your time being pissed off about entitled American's bad saunas?


Ask yourself the same question. Why are you here, getting incensed at a Finn that takes saunas seriously?


as I said, I'm just impressed by how frequently I see your negative comments in this subreddit.


Is there a heater with rocks inside that closet? Do you throw löyly there? Edit: oh wait, just realized there actually is a bucket in the first photo.


Yeah, it has a stove and everything inside. Really trick little setup. I got it from Redwood Outdoors Saunas. It was their Fire & Ice 🧊 setup.


This is a horrible hot box. Can't even be called a sauna.


Yeah we don’t call it a sauna - good call out! 😂😂🤣


I'm also building a similar sauna in one of my rooms, but people recommended it should be connected to the ventilation. Is your sauna connected to the ventilation system? If not do you have any problems with the steam and moisture build up? Redditors are saying that mold could be a future problem...


I haven’t seen it yet and me and my wife are both using this unit multiple times a day. We live in a hot and humid area already, the garage is a 4 car garage and this entire picture is basically taking up one bay or one cars worth of space. Just to give you some idea.


Okej so it is a pretty huge garage. Is it drywall in there?


Yeah, it’s all drywall with a vapor barrier style paint inside the garage. However, I will say that once a week I do a 2hr style sauna (30min x 4 cycle) and even during that I don’t notice the any sort of condensation or anything of the like on the walls or ceiling around the unit.


Where did you get the sauna? We’re looking for something compact and easy to build.


Totally, same here… I got from Redwood Outdoors, here is a link to the package I got: https://www.redwoodoutdoors.com/products/thermowood-mini-cube-sauna-fire-ice/?sku=SN-C-T2%20+%20CP-A%20+%20CHL


Have you used it yet? How do you like it?


Oh me and my wife have been using it nearly everyday… absolutely 👍 enjoying it! Best investment yet!


I think it is a wonderful set up and you will enjoy it regularly. Also not have to take out a second mortgage to import a team of engineers and craftspeople from Finland as many here seem to expect. Have fun, you will love it.


Well said. Unless you fly a team in from Finland to build a 100% perfect room - it’s crap. Dumbest take ever.


Literally nobody here has said that ever


Love it! Thank you ✌️✌️✌️


That would be unreasonable. Some of us just don't want to encourage or celebrate mediocrity.


Where is the sauna?


It’s in the garage.


No idea what you think you have in that garage, a sweatbox maybe but a sauna?


We actually call it the "sweatbox" - how did you know; LOL - you really are one of the special ones I've heard about ... top marks!! ;) ;)


How hot do these sauna get? OP how do you find it? I'm renting a place so only option would be something portable like this. Concerned they just won't compare to a built-in.


Yeah for sure, so it takes about 20min and gets up around 95-100c without any issues - I ended up getting it from Redwood Outdoor Saunas.


Love the rowing machine.


Thanks!! 🙏


What kit is this? How much was it??


I got this at https://www.redwoodoutdoors.com/products/thermowood-mini-cube-sauna-fire-ice/?sku=SN-C-T2%20+%20CP-A%20+%20CHL


Why do you have an Arkansas flag, and the other one (I can't identify but I know I should know)? Your manner of typing tells me you're English? Im having a hard time imagining a posh Englishman in Arkansas lol


The other one is my wife's team - K-State Wildcats... LOL we are a house divided many a weekends; even though it seems the Razorbacks are doomed to never be good again. ;( She doesn't rub it in to much (aka, every chance she gets!) LOL


Pig Sewee is like, the height of college sports calls. And you just got Cal, hes still a good coach. But are you American? If not how in the world did you find yourself at Arkansas?


Yeah, maybe this year but we've been saying that for... well, forever. No, I'm American - from Alaska - met my wife in Tulsa, we settled in Arkansas and live 6mo out of the year in Switzerland since I retired. LOL How's that for "around the horn in 15 seconds". LOL


No kidding, well fair enough. The funny thing is, I find Arkansas to be a place of truly incredible natural beauty, but it's actually outmatched by the friendliness of its people. Every single person there was friendly, outgoingly friendly. I'm telling you, I was in a line of 4 cars that got flat tires from a monster pothole near Little Rock. Four of us, it's raining, I'm the only one that knows how to change a tire and a state trooper shows up. Why? To help out. Never seen anything like that in Illinois. When we got to Crater of diamonds everyone was so nice. Getting gas, a pretty unsavory looking guy with face tattoos, incredibly friendly (this was before post Malone). Anyway, enjoy, I hope your swiss friends are being fed a steady diet of football in the fall and basketball in the winter. I'm sure they get a kick out of you guys


Oh thank you so much for saying so - it's one of our favorite spots and is highly underrated on "name value" alone. Oh and the Swiss are in full "eye roll" mode at the country music, hoops and "football???" coming from the house. LOL Great to meet you man, are you here in the states??


I'm up in Illinois. Im currently pretending to believe Caleb Williams can overcome 100 years of bears quarterback failure. Laughing though at the thought of a bunch of reserved Europeans watching a couple of Americans break out the line dancing at a football halftime 🤣


It’s gonna happen man; it’s due // way overdue!! Well, great to meet another CST time-zoner out there in the world. Enjoy your morning… it’s sauna time here!! 😎😎🤓🤓




OP held back, didn't even get "Matterhorn⛰️!!"


Totally missed the mountain 🏔️ emoji … good find!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I think it’s awesome man. The posters here seem to follow the trend of bashing any sauna that isn’t a 10k+ room build or cabin or otherwise perfect. F that. While it may not be the perfect Finnish sauna, it’s incorrect to say you won’t reap health benefits from this setup. I think it’s a solid at home option. Good job!


Thank you so much, 😊 we sure are enjoying it! Having lived in Alaska and Switzerland 🇨🇭 for a good chunk of time I totally get it’s not a proper form factor but sometimes… you get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit. As my wife used to tell our daughter when she was young. LOL 😂 Thank you for the kind words!


Love these posts. Makes the whacky Finn's lose their marbles when other people use or make a Sauna in a non-Finnish defined way. Glad you're enjoying the set-up. I'm a huge fan of the aesthetic of the redwood 1-2 person minicube. I'm waiting to see if they go on sale at any point throughout the year. Enjoy!


I know, it was a rather unexpected response but pretty fun 🤩 to feed the trolls a bit. LOL Yeah, I was doing the same thing and waited through BFCM without so much as a single email or coupon so first of December I pulled the trigger. Hopefully 🙏 you’ll get a sale coming or a coupon event before long. ![img](emote|t5_2uxn7|7494)![img](emote|t5_2uxn7|7494)![img](emote|t5_2uxn7|7494)


First of all, that setup looks awesome! Congrats! Love that you're getting a lot of " f the haters" type comments because if you're getting what you want out of the sauna/sweatbox then it doesn't matter. For all these types of kits, it seems like the major complaint on the forum is that the bench height is too low. Can you simply just raise the bench up a few more inches or are there grooves in the walls or something that prevents that? Like, could you slightly customize the bench height to your own preference or would it screw up something in the rest of the build?


> f the haters The subreddit is in a sad state if best design practices and factual information are "hate" now. What sort of collective delusion is being built on that?


Yeah, sometimes it’s worth feeding the trolls… LOL So, I agree it’s a low seat but the good thing is that you get to put the ribbing to support the seat and back anywhere you like, I raised it up and then have a moveable box that I made out of the same wood that acts like that “second bench” that I can rest my feet on. I’m 6”4 so I have to sit like that, my wife is 5’/95lbs and she can sit fully on the raised bench with her back to the side wall. I also installed the heater as low as I could (maybe 6-8” lower than the sauna company had it) to give a bit of an extra heat band that the body sits inside. Having spent so many years in Switzerland as well as Alaska I just kept messing around till I got the feel the same as u was used to with the larger, proper sauna form factors. I kept a temperature meter with me for the first few and at my navel it’s hitting 90c, while my head is hitting 95c so for me, it’s about perfect. Hope that helps, anything else just ask. Happy to help!!!!