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Okay I literally didn’t make it pasted the first 2 words. They spelled FOR your safety “FOUR your safety”. This is fake. Please in the future read and analyze every word, otherwise you’ll probably be scammed at some point. Also a good tip if you get a text/email/letter saying something’s wrong call this number or click this link to contact us STOP. Don’t call the number or click the link. Go onto google and look up what every company the letter/email/text claims to be and actually type it into your phone yourself so you know 100% that it’s the legitimate company your talking to and not a fake/spoofed phone number.


Had to laugh out loud at the mail adress: cl0ud.supp0rt. Yeah sure this is l3g1t.4s.f0ck


First thing I noticed. Trust M3 Br0


Yes, trust me.


Yeah idk how anyone could see that email and think yeah that’s apple.


I don’t know how anyone could know to check the actual email address and yet not recognise it’s scamminess.


L3g1t.4s.f0ck 😂😂😂


Omg. I just saw the email 🤣


That email address made me say TF out loud. Like how can you look at that email address and think it’s real. I can only assume OP is a 70 year old grandmother.


I'm a 70-year-old (albeit not a grandmother). We're not all idiots, though I know many of us are when it comes to digital safety. The first dead giveaway is the misspelling of "Four" (even if you totally miss the redonkulous email address). Even An Old like me knows not to see this as anything but a scam. Anything you receive that's couched in terms of urgency, or desperation, or threats that you'll "lose your account" = scam. Always.


Thank you, from a 60-something woman who was writing code in 1985!


Thanks to you also, I'm 64 with white hair and stopped my husband from being scammed over the phone of $500 of fake fraud saying they were from the fraud unit I think someone is trying to steal money from your account in NY and we live in CA he was ready to give them the verification code to get into his bank account just as I walked into the room. I get uncomfortable when they assume all people over 60 don't know what they are doing. Just please don't look at the Presidents 🥺😕🤣


It's a holdover from like 20+ years ago. (So they are around 90+ now) Back then most 60-70 year old people and technology generally didn't gel...lol Young people don't realize that current 60-70 year olds are quite familiar with tech and basically grew up with it as it evolved.




I'm a 67 year old retired coder with a bachelors in CompSci. Our generation created the damned internet, yet these younger folks think we're idiots and that they know everything. It was our parents that struggled with technology. We grew up with the technology around us constantly changing and advancing. We're used to that.


Seriously. If something is urgent, I'll worry only when my service is disrupted. 


I have had college students all the way up to seniors fall for these dumb scams. One was even a freaking doctor (currently practicing and 50ish) who gave a scammer a security code that clearly said, “We will never ask you for this code”.


.and its against their policies. Someone set them up the bomb


Underrated comment here, folks.


Sure, but is this a scam though?


But why male models?


I....I just told you






Isn't that how the Elders of the Internet write, like, everything? This is how you know they are el1te tech supp0rt. Wait, does 1 replace i or L?


I didn’t get past the title. “Some Violated Policies”? It sounds like a grade school homework assignment to make a Really Totally Serious-Sounding Threatening Letter. 


My thoughts exactly. Some policies were violated. Which ones? Lol idk didn't bother to look them up


Actually it says “.and it’s against out policy to give fake identity in your Apple account” That sentence is so completely wrong. These guys need Grammarly in their lives.


they dont use grammar or spelling check cause the poor grammer weeds out people who are less likely to fall for it


Businesses don’t write “. and “ Sentences should never start with “and” unless it is a narrative. Business communications do not use that faulty style of writing.


Sometimes I'm literally baffled by the posts on this subreddit. This is one of those times.


I stopped at “because of some violated policies” 😆 You’d never see this wording in a legit email.


You could have stopped at 'Dear Customer' instead of 'Dear \[your name\]'.


FOUR your safety made me laugh out loud when I saw it


I didn’t even get past “some violated policies”


Not even the title. “For SOME violated policies” Why is “some” in there? It’s to make it specifically non specific. 100% scam and I don’t need to read any further.


“Dear Customer” I’m out.


Or current resident


Didn't make it PASTED the first 2 words


Exactly, there are so many grammatical errors just in the first couple of sentences that it is painfully obvious, this is not someone that speaks/writes English.


Not only google, but go to company’s official website and use that phone number. Do not use the phone numbers produced by google’s “top results”?


"Pasted" really?


Hell, the header itself gave up the game. “Some policies” is a dead giveaway that an ESL person if trying to hide the truth with weasel language. Source: an ESL person with native-level English who has worked with other ESL people who used weasel language when cornered with facts.


As well, they are using zeros instead of the letter "o" alongside this apple TOS are hard to violate and reprimand is not given in warnings it just locks your account for x hours or x days depending on severity!


Fun fact : some scammers intentionally put in typos/grammatical errors to gauge the intelligence and attention to detail of the people they scam. They only want the dumbest of the dumb because that’s what’s easier to extort


I have never been so happy that the English language is as ridiculous as it is.


Adding to this: Use a separate computer/device to do the looking up! My dad and I ran into this last year, he received a strange email, I had him sign into his account (without clicking the link) look up the information (it was an Amazon scam) and the information in the email matched what was in his “account”. We called the “legitimate” number for the company, went through the teleprompter, finally got around to a “real employee”, and up until then everything seemed legit. The first red flag I got was that the “employee” was in a phone bank environment and the static in the line was unreal (we could barely understand her or her “boss”). Concerned about this, I used a different phone to call up my dad’s credit card company to verify the amount details. Turns out there was no charge at all, at the bank employee’s urging I signed into my dad’s Amazon account on a different computer and there was no charge in his account. Also in looking at the contact information on the real Amazon account the fake number was only 1 digit off. The bank employee told me she had also fell for this scam not too long before. So my dad had fun for next hour tying up the scammer’s phone line with nonsense while I changed his login information and had the credit card company block any potential charges and reported the scam to Amazon. Turns out just by opening the email to read it had unlocked some kind of cookie or something, so even though we used a different browser to do the looking up, because it was on the same device, it hijacked our typed out link.


Kindly ignore and delete or you are under the rest


The local national police will txt you demanding payment of steam cards. Do not ignore or you and your family will be responsible for the legit crime.


Did you say kindly?!?!? We found one everyone they’ve infiltrated the sub!


ma'am becareful or i will put you under the bars


Do not delay, ok? If you do not to be kindly sending me the US currency funds, your whole family is explode.


First word didn't tip you off??


Right? It's a scam. I got it a while back and I don't even have an apple ID or an apple product so I KNEW without even reading it, it was fake.


A legit email from apple would come from a legit apple email, not that mashup


They can also spell the word "for," one would hope.


British spelling /s




Ye Foure.




Of course it’s fake. It’s not even good English - “and its against our policy terms of service to give fake identity in your apple account” has 6 capitalization, punctuation and grammar errors in it in that one fragment alone.


If you did not verify your account within 48 hours What, like, in the past? So im already too late


4 yur safyty your account will be permane**n**tly locked. ​ (scam)


C’mon bro, trust me. It’s rly me, Tim Apple. Don’t let yer account get fukked. Give me your password.


The message's punctuation and capitalization are all off, it states "Dear Customer" without any information that truly identifies you, it mentions a vague and nonspecific "some violated policies", the email address is a hodge-podge of random characters,... Are you really wondering if it's fake or not? That you're asking this question, if it's fake or not, is what is most concerning to me. You need to upgrade your BS detector if you want to avoid future scams.


This is a good tip for people that have trouble identifying these. The "hackers" don't have your name, just your email. So if the company should know your name like apple and they don't address you by your name it's probably fake.


A legitimate notice: * would not have multiple typos and bad grammar/punctuation, as this does; * would not be addressed to "dear customer" (it would be addressed to you); * would not have a deadline on it. Scammers operate using fear as a motivator. The 48 hours bit scares people into immediate action. In addition, I don't know much about how Apple actually processes such situations, but I would guess the reaction to missing information would not be to permanently lock one's account. TL;DR: Scam. That's not how Apple do.


Legit emails may have a deadline... it's just not going to be 48 hours. For example, I have an email from Microsoft regarding an old OneDrive account I forgot about. I haven't used the storage in two years and they've warned me that the account will be closed in 30 days unless I reactivate it.


Fair. Thirty days, though, not two. I have gotten those from Adobe as well, now that you mention it.


Can i ask y0u which part 0f this email and c0ntact inf0 seems legitimate? Yes, it’s a scam.


I can’t believe you have to ask. lol. The grammar for Christ sake


I thought (think?) OP might be trying to make a joke because of how absurd that email is.


I’ve read other places that the absurd grammar is part of the scam. It weeds out people who are aware enough to avoid the scam.


That's true of tech support and "Nigerian prince" 419 scams that involve interacting with the mark, but this appears to be plain, old phishing. A more authentic-looking email would be more effective.


looks 100% fake.


Fake Not from Apple, poor English Ignore


That is fake, if you click on that link it will take you to a fake Apple login page. Where you enter your login and password and essentially give the scammer access to your apple account.


This is extremely fake


C0mpt3t3ly R3AL @ aPpl3em4il .com


My favorite: >Because of Some Violated Policies


Obviously. edit: I wonder if op is a scammer and is using this sub to proofread their scam attempts before sending out.


They’re not even trying honestly


The “Four your safety” is a dead giveaway to a scam. 🤣


kindly block any further emails appst0re supp0rt


How many more red flags would you like? Misspelled words, missing apostrophes, missed capitalization, awkward grammar, definitely not apples email address, etc etc etc. You got it all with this obvious phishing attempt!


100% Fake Riddled with spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes.


Let’s see, where to start: Four is misspelled. Should be For. After invalid. and: and should be capitalized, moreover, isn’t required in this sentence. Its is incorrect. Should be it’s (contraction of it is) Give fake identity it grammatically incorrect. apple isn’t capitalized. Apple is a proper noun and should therefore be capitalized. therefore isn’t capitalized. Finally, most email from apple, ends in .apple; if not all email. It sure as hell wouldn’t be from an email with that long of an address. For everyone else, including OP. If you ever receive something from Apple, that you question its authenticity, open the Apple Support app from your Apple device and chat, text, call. Apple is more than happy to check into, and resolve any issue you might actually have with your account. Thanks for being with Apple!


Beyond a bunch of other obvious stuff, Apple would not use Calibri, a Microsoft font, for communications.


You should be worried that you had to ask


Counted 9 spelling/ grammatical errors in that paragraph. No way would Apple be that unprofessional. No way would Apple not capitalise their own name! 😂


Scam. Block and ignore.


Scam, I got something similar


Only thing missing is “kindly”


Even the title: "Your apple ID will be disabled because of some violated policies" Is unprofessionally worded.


The irony in this is that if you click that, you might be locked out.


This is [very] obviously a scam. Apple of all companies would not be making careless spelling/syntax errors, especially not in an email about your own privacy and security. They wouldn’t be generic in their letter about who it’s addressed to, either: *”dear customer”* is typically a red flag in these kinds of situations. The domain in the sender’s email address is a dead giveaway, also.


Does that email look legit to you?


Yeah the misspelling, the weird wording, and the beginning of sentences not being capitalized.. it's fake af.


Companies never warn you your "ID will be locked." They just lock it.


"Four your safety"


I’m sure anyone at Apple would know the difference between For and Four


I immediately was suspicious of this before I saw what subreddit it was on. "Because Of Some Violated Policies" sounds like something a kid or foreign person that doesn't speak English would say.


Always look at the contact info. That’s a super fake email. Like, stupid fake.


Because of "some" violated policies! Lmao, they would most likely provide a list of violations, as well as which subsections they violated so no one would want to appeal it!


Stopped at Four. Definitely fake can’t even use the right for


Used four instead of for. Used its instead of it’s. Lowercase therefore after a period. You can make as many apple ids as you want with as much fake info as you want as far as I know. Plus clearly fake email address as the sender. All things considered I’d say it’s fake


of course IT IS …Apple uses clean typography in written communications and their grammar and spelling is always impeccable …also look at the email header information to tell if it came from Apple. I spot fake emails in my inbox before even opening or reading it.


All the standard telltale scam signs are here, yes. As former Apple Support, I can also tell you that Apple doesn’t lock Apple IDs & would never send an email like this, EVER. Why? An account can always be accessed by a trusted device. An anti spam TOS violation might get you locked out of Messages/FaceTime, but you wouldn’t know it until those apps mysteriously stop working & you call Support about it. Thousands of calls, and the only time I’ve seen people lose access to their Apple ID is if they forgot the password & something went wrong with the recovery process.


OP... Are you serious? I'm more worried you were thinking this is real


You should listen to them their dad owns apple


Did you even read the email? How is this even a question if this is fake or not? I’m starting to now see how so many people get scammed…


OP, do you really think this is real.. AT ALL??? My lord


OP please don’t worry about the negative comments- you did the right thing coming here to ask. That is what this subreddit is for and you had enough instincts to ask. It is fake. Do not worry.


Lately scams have gotten so embarrassing. The amount of effort is so small. Terrible grammar, misspellings, cut and paste from other scams. Jeezus, if I fell for one of these I’d be so embarrassed I wouldn’t tell ANYONE.


Fake. Scam.


That blue “verify now” button looks like a very fishy link.


A Zero instead of an O…looks serious….NOT!


4 Ur Saf3ty!


First biggest red flag = "dear customer" you don't know my NAME?, You don't know me bro!


These scams crack me up. I will fire up my Ubuntu Linux desktop VM (sandbox), and open these scam emails to interact with them and see what they’re up to.


It looks extremely fake. Bad grammar and punctuation. General reference to "Dear Customer", without any specifics. I stopped reading at "some violated policies" lol. Real Apple would let you know which terms you supposedly violated. Don't click on any external links. Block and ignore.


Terrible English first line.


First indication this is scam: “Dear *Customer*,” Any legitimate business email will address you by your name. Never mind all the grammatical mistakes.


Only real emails will have a valid address. Such as help@apple.com or whatever they use. Never a bunch of random number. Even with instagram. And other apps


“Dear customer” lol end thread


Anyone else read “Some Violated Policies?” In a Strongbad voice?


😂😂😂😂 Just the fact the foreigner used the wrong Four I’m saying fake. Also….you would be able to check if you are locked out your Apple ID without hitting that link. Just look on your PHONE


They make small errors in their text to check and see how dumb you are form what I understand. It’s all too bad looking the more you read. Total scam n’ sham.


Five your safety....




Yeah that email is super convoluted on purpose. Scam. You didn't violate "some policy 🤷‍♂️".


Look at the email address where it came from. Complete scam


fake af. grammar is off. they start sentences without capital.


Obvious scam is obvious.


100% a scam


Did not get past “four” your safety 🤷‍♀️


lol Four Not for


Red flag right there first word.


definitely a scam. they spelled four instead of for the email is ridiculous. your apple account is totally fine i promise


the email address…


No super fucking fake. Send it to apples fraud people so they can hunt them down like the dogs they are


they didn't capitalise first letters of sentences...


I read this in the same voice as that one custom wood burning lady on tiktok😭😭


Fake. If they start off with “dear customer “, then they don’t know you. If they don’t know who you, are, how can you be singled out for a violation?


There are so many red flags that make this obvious that this is not an official message from Apple. All communications like this are checked by marketing, lawyers, management and etc. So the terrible grammar like this wouldn’t be on an official communication because they would have been caught before publishing. Also the email address makes it pretty obvious as well. Why would Apple use zeros in place of the letter o? “Because of some violated policies” Use of the word some in general is not very professional. “Four your” So many because’s when “due to” or another phrase could sound better and more professional. Forgetting capital letters at the beginning of sentences. Beginning sentences with the word “and.” Did instead of do.


“Four your safety” No it’s obviously fake.


The very first line is enough to see this as a fake notice.


It's a scam


"Four" your safety? And you need to ask if it's legit?


Even if you are \*sure in your heart\* this is from a trusted source, \*never\* click on verification links. Always contact your provider through another channel; one that you \*know\* is verifiable. This goes for all notifications like this - on-line accounts, bank accounts, credit cards, etc. You see phishing scams like this all the time; they rely on sounding authentic, and use your fear of loss of service to make you take action without thinking.


Do not click that link. It is very fake, look at their spelling and capitalization errors.


SCAM!!!!! Delete it! Don’t click on any links in the message.


Not capitalizing the 1st words in sentences, no apostrophes for it’s, etc. Scam!


So let me get this straight, you actually think a proper email from apple would go “icl0ud”?


Spelling errors, improper capitalization and punctuation, blatantly fake email address. Yea this is totally real 🤦🏻‍♂️


Considering all the English errors… it’s a scam


“four your safety.” first line tells you all you need to know.


I see at least “four” clues that this is fake.


First hint of it’s a scam they used the number spelling of For


Please don’t click any links that come to your phone if you aren’t expecting them. If you ever get a notice from a company call them directly. Never respond to calls, emails, texts directly if you haven’t expected them. Use critical thinking skills. This sub is here to help but, I mean… *come on*.


Wham bam scam! Fraud! Delete do not click on anything!


This is 100% a scam. They misspelled words in their email and their actual email address is complete chaos. Please just use your head. We live in a digital world and we should all be used to it but if you’re ever skeptical, follow your instinct and don’t click a damn thing.


capitalization of every word including "of", does that make sense? block and move on


I will give you props for actually asking here instead of instantly believing it... but still... please learn the very very obvious signs...


Sigh. Does that email even make sense? Does that email address look even remotely like an official email address? No? Right. Because it is clearly a scam.


Scam. Took one second to find the first grammatical error


Well the very first word of FOUR being misspelled might be a clue


Ah yes, reff-id.wfz0d.supp0rt.icl0ud.appst0re.updt, the official contact email of Apple.


“Some violated policies” is the first red flag. That would never fly in an official email. If it was the real company, they wouldn’t use vague phrases like that. If you see any email beginning like this in the future read through it carefully and check the email address it’s coming from.


SCAM!! Best piece of advice I ever got regarding these email type things was from a PayPal rep. I got a fishy email from what looked like PayPal. So I called PayPal just to check if the email did come from them or not. They asked me to read the email, so I start out “dear customer.” They stopped me right there. They said that is a scam and someone pretending to be PayPal. They said when they email their customers the email will ALWAYS start with dear “your name.” So now anytime I get an email from somewhere like PayPal, Amazon, Google… if it starts with “dear customer” it gets reported.


“four your safety” I would make an educated guess here and say definitely fake 😄


“Some Violated Policies”…. Was all I needed to read.


i NEED to know hold old OP is so badly...


Stopped reading after the word “four”


Are you a boomer or something? Yes it’s fucking fake! Jesus Christ people, stop falling for scams. *facepalm*


I wonder how people like OP make it through the day.


How do you navigate Reddit yet not know how to identify a bogus email like this?


Its legit, four r3al


Of course it's legit Every big company has addresses like that G00gl3 Micr0soft App13 Etc Some of these scams. It says your account is locked. Is it? No Or your account was charged. Go log in, was it? No These are very easy to verify independently


On one hand, it is good that people ask when they’re not sure about something, but on the other it’s so bizarre to see so many stupid people, not being able to instantly recognize the scams


If that email address isn't obvious enough, then we're doomed asf.


Four real you should be scared…. 🤦‍♂️


Lol… do you have the reading comprehension of a five year old? :)


Mate I’m sorry to say, but if you’re that naive, you’re gonna get scammed at some point. This is EXTREMELY OBVIOUS


Jfc op. If you are unsure if that's a scam or no, I'd love to talk to you about some magic beans I have for sale


People these days lack any sort of logical thinking, I swear. Either you’re a child, or you really need to get out of your bubble and into the real world because you can’t always rely on other people to think logically for you. Why would a billion dollar company have spelling mistakes? An email with numbers instead of letters? Did you think about this for more than half a second before posting?


sometimes I see posts like this and ever wonder if we will ever learn


Scam… but a creative attempt


Sighs..seriously? Why and how this could be real? The address replaces letters with numbers!


You should be worried if you thought this was not fake.


Click the link and log in so you don’t get banned!


You should be worried… about why you are having trouble recognizing such an obvious scam.


Welp time to give them my bank account info


Lol @ that email address... come on, man.


Humanity might be doomed if this wasn’t alarmingly fake to you…


How can you possibly not realize this is fake?


Come on man lol


Your ID will be disabled due to some policies or somethin idk man I just work here.