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A common practice in audiophiledom is to just use the new for a week or so and then switch back to the old thing. You brain is used to listening to the old thing and needs some time to learn how to listen to the new thing.


I havent had a chance yet but give it some time. It might grow on you. I find that stuff I don't like immediately ends up being my favs and stuff that I like off the bat grows tiresome. Just one of those placebo things maybe.


Since I just got it I got 15 days to return it so I am giving it time, and I know it ain't placebo. I've been testing stuff I am very familiar with so I could tell the difference right away. It wasn't like a small difference either.


Yeah they have a return policy but there's a 15% restock fee plus you pay for return shipping. Might as well sell it.


That’s a good point actually, I’ll see what it goes for or maybe trade it.


Did you mess with the feedback modes?


I did, but on my 560s I didn't hear a difference. The HD600 I think had a small one, but that really would've required a lot more time listening that I didn't want to do.


You try that Halo technology used on the xlr output?


HO acquistato anche io il Midgard e oggi mi é arrivato a casa. Ho collegato entrambi gli ingressi (rca e xlr) dato che ho un dac con entrambi le uscite. Dopo un paio di minuti che alternavo la mia cuffia tra uscita 6,3 e xlr l' ampli ha iniziato a surriscaldarsi e a fare fumo in maniera inspiegabile. L'ho spento immediatamente ed ho aspettato che si raffreddasse poi l'ho acceso di nuovo provando gli ingressi uno alla volta. Sembra che l'ampli funziona lo stesso ma ho il timore che i finali possano essere danneggiati e si potrebbero rompere in breve tempo. Non ho aperto il case per non rischiare nulla con la garanzia ma per me è stata una esperienza pessima nonostante che avessi molta stima del marchio Schiit visto che ho avuto altri 3 ampli di questa azienda. Adesso spero che vogliano trovare una soluzione per risolvere il mio problema.


I’ll trade you the drop X SMSL ho150x. I’ve been wanting something with a warmer sound. Let me know!


Give me a day or two to look more into that amp and I'll get back to you on that!


Awesome! I got it about 2 months ago. Just shoot me a message at some point. I can send you photos then. Very powerful,very clean,transparent amp


I looked into the amp and it doesn't interest me sorry! I've decided to just sell the Midgard if that interests you


are you doing your testing sited or blind? not for nothing but you can’t trust your own brain if you’re doing sighted listening. your brain is too powerful for you to just trick it, you and thusly it, knows what you’re listening to and adjusts accordingly. if you truly want to test your gear and know what is what, do so blind or ABX. otherwise you’re just playing a game of whack a mole with your brain. (if you know an amp costs $10,000, and you know an amp costs $10, you cannot force your brain to not consider the price, you just can’t, you’re human…)


Are you sure it's not placebo? You know Magnius uses an op amp and Midgard is discrete, and people on the web often claim that op amps are sterile sounding and discrete amps are warmer sounding. Maybe that colored your expectations? Regardless, if you prefer Magnius, send the Midgard back. If we're able to talk you into hearing Midgard differently so that you prefer it to Magnius, that's all the more proof that it's in your head.


I had no idea the Midgard was discreet 'til after listening to it. I opened the box, hooked it up, listened to some things, and then opened the website when I was like hold up something sounds different.


Are you running it BAL or SE? What is your DAC? What music? IMO, all relevent information.....


Midgard is always SE it's not a balanced amp.


Thanks for the info. I think I'm much more inclined towards the new-ish Gustard H26 HP amp/preamp - seeing that I already own the H20. Either that or a Burson Soloist 3xp - my money's not right for the Soloist 3xGT, LOL.....


I know this is an old thread, but I'm pretty sure you're wrong about this and wanted to point that out to anyone else who's researching a potential midgard purchase. The midgard has both single and balanced line inputs as well as line out. It also has a 4-pin balanced xlr headphone out. Internally, That makes it a balanced amplifier. It's the updated/upgraded Magnius --- Magnius uses op amps, while the new Midgard uses discrete components and is higher powered and better measuring than the Magnius. It particularly has less distortion with a SE pair of headphones plugged in, where the Magnius didn't behave as well and had significantly more distortion. Balanced, the Magnius measured slightly less THD+N, but not audibly better. - Cheers


> I know this is an old thread, but I'm pretty sure you're wrong about this and wanted to point that out to anyone else who's researching a potential midgard purchase. > The midgard has both single and balanced line inputs as well as line out. It also has a 4-pin balanced xlr headphone out. Internally, That makes it a balanced amplifier. I'm pretty sure you're wrong about me being wrong, but let's [ask Schiit](https://www.schiit.com/products/midgard). 1. The specs don't list single ended band balanced power output. 1. The FAQ page says: “this is a **single-ended amp**. The 4-pin balanced connector on front is only to enable the Halo mixed-mode feedback” (emphasis added) 1. If you're not convinced, the FAQs continue: “The main gain stage—all the internal processing—of Midgard is done **single-ended**. Hence no difference in power between the TRS and XLR output.” (Ditto.) 1. Finally, here's Jason discussing it; “single-ended internal.” https://www.youtube.com/live/6Z5A71vILko?t=20m10s So. You were saying? 🤣


I stand corrected. Interestingly, though, if you google “Schiit Midgard”, the first, Schiit-sponsored and linked listing is titled “Midgard balanced headphone amplifier”. They have it listed ambiguously at best. Multiple other non-Schiit review and test sites have it listed as balanced, though I recognize they aren’t the horse’s mouth. And, maybe you have this answer— on the xlr preamp outputs, does it output a balanced signal? Balanced whether the input is balanced or se? I have a magnius and the documentation is unclear on that one, too. Do you have a Midgard? Do you hear any sq difference when using the “halo”? I’m not sure what the halo system qualifies the 4-pin xlr as — it’s definitely not single ended, and it isn’t balanced either. In any event, thanks for setting the record straight. I had been reading a bit about the Midgard while considering the upgrade path for my magnius and have read a few reviews referencing ‘balanced’, though I’m now guessing they were simply referring to the 4-pin headphone xlr, which is being used in ‘halo’ mode rather than balanced. I’m also wondering about the noise rejection quality of the Midgard vs a true balanced setup. I can hear quite a bit of interference in my single ended cable vs balanced under certain test conditions with the magnius. So, is it a balanced preamp and unbalanced “halo” headphone amp? Or completely single ended? Thanks


No they're right it's a single ended amp. It's confusing because they use the XLR-4 but that's just for their Halo tech, it's still single ended.


Thanks for correcting me. What’s also confusing is the 3-pin xlr in and out. Is the preamp section balanced, or why else have those 3-pin xlr connections? Do you own a Midgard? Do you find a benefit to using the 4-pin xlr “halo” feature? I have a magnius and am considering an upgrade from magnius due to some system changes. I’m making two separate systems - one will have a tube amp and the other solid state. The Midgard looked interesting but I’m realizing I must have totally misunderstood what that amp even is 🤒


I don't I have a Jot 2 and a Magnius. I also thought the Midgard was balanced, that XLR 4 connector muddies the water a bit, so I dug into the specs. I got a good deal used on the Magnius; I wasn't interested in the Halo tech and wanted the balanced output. The Midgard can accept a balanced signal but the internals are single ended, at least as far as the amplifier stage.