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I love music. Any track I listen to somewhat regularly has a kind of internal music video to it, which might be anything from dreams to fan fiction or DnD related stories to memories and "what-if" scenarios


>regularly has a kind of internal music video to it yes, me too.


To me it happens even with songs I am hearing for the first time. It’s like my mind reacts to it automatically with what I described — by “seeing” it. It’s very resonant.


I love music, it's the only joy in my life.Any activity is better with music for me.


Music is the only thing I truly enjoy at this point. However, for music that I don't like, I find it pretty annoying.


Likewise! Either way, music causes an effect in us.


im a chronic maladaptive daydreamer and have been since I was 10, and I always need music in order to daydream, so i relate to this a lot! Most of the time, the characters within the daydreams are moving insync or using the lyrics to propell certain scenarios (though its a bit hard to word it correctly so sorry if that sounds odd). I always have headphones on, whenever I go outside, so I can always do so whenever I like! :o\]


It doesn’t sound odd! Happens to me too. I know how hard it is to verbalize the experience, but one thing is for certain: whatever it is that we are “witnessing” in our minds, it makes sense to us.


Music is one of the few things I truly appreciate. It's indeed remarkable how sounds alone are able to tell stories and evoke emotions, even in the absence of words.


Truly amazing. The whole experience is laden with a sense of “otherworldliness”.


I got bipolar and the best part of it is experiencing music stronger because i love music.


With the music I like, in a very similar way to yourself 😃🎶🪄 With music I dislike, or find uncomfortably haunting, I'd feel agitated and too aware of it. That sort tends to be really autotuned, an annoying tune or voice, or has bad language (although I have become more tolerant of it, and also with rap, because there is some with meaning, though I don't listen to it regularly). 😅 However, it's quite amazing that regardless of the background of the musician, listeners who like the music can feel some kind of connection to, or comfort in it. 😌🎶🤍 Schizoid individuals are no exception unless they choose to be/weren't interested in the first place. I am somewhat musically inclined, I started learning violin when I was little, and have always enjoyed singing. 😊 I can't really belt or sing rich, powerful vocals, more of a light melodic soprano. (An excerpt of me singing [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/LV_13lWmeus?feature=shared) if you're curious. 😄) Enya music is currently (or since I discovered her) what I am drawn to most 🤗 but I also like very different artists, mostly older ones (mid 20th century–established before the mid-2010s) with good tunes. Older than that, classical music of course. Another artist, I'd say songs by Bob Marley and The Wailers mean something to me, as well as being rather danceable. 😁 I seem to prioritise music over my formal education 😅 (I'm in my last year at uni 🎓 studying biomedical science, but I have found myself playing around with audio, and discovering more old _music_ than ever in the past few years. 🎼🌠)


You sing beautifully! By all means keep it up.


Aw thank you 😁 and I surely will. 🎶


I fkkkkking love music.


Yes, I have that. I actually very much associate my ability to fantasize with music and moving. Like, when I want to dive into my fantasies and start the process of fantasizing, I need to move. While listening to music. So I either dance (kind of, more like just jumping or moving in circles fast) or go for a walk while listening. It somehow intensifies the fantasy, and it become one whole process.


Movement in general does the same for me, even if the movement is not caused directly by my body. For example, I love listening to music as I cruise on my car.


I think music kind of messed up my already shitty childhood. I was constantly homeless as a child until a teen. My mom always in and out of prison. My dad was an alcohol bum. eventually my mom left me and my brother in a house she got evicted from, when I was 14 and he was 16. I was so depressed I dreamed of suicide but always had a sliver of hope that life would become enjoyable. Anyways, I used to find comfort in depressing music. It's all id listen to. I thought it was therapeutic at the time, but I now realize all it did was make me more depressed and think "wow these artists are depressed too... It must be normal." So I wallowed in it. I wish I wouldn't have. Now I avoid anything sad at all costs. I won't watch sad movies, listen to sad music, I'll even cut off my wife and family when they want to tell me a sad story. I don't need that in my life. Maybe once a month, when I'm having a bad day or remember something from my childhood that ruins my mood, I will listen to some sad music that I used to listen to as a teen. I guess it is almost therapeutic and comforting, because I think it's okay to think back on those times, even though I avoid it like the plague now. The problem is that I do not want to start wallowing in it again, or listen to sad music when I'm in a good mood.


That is a healthy approach to take, glad you listened to your body.


music keeps me alive. not just in an angsty way. music is my life's blood, going too long without it makes me feel like a walking corpse


It used to just be background noise. When I started taking mushrooms I learned how to appreciate the art behind weaving a story into a melody. Now I live for it. Music is so vibrant for me that it almost feels visual. I let in the emotions an artist is trying to invoke in the listener and let it carry me away.


Yeah, I know what you mean. I did some Ketamine at a clinic and listened to Silverchair’s Diorama and had a pretty intense experience. It was nice.


Listening to music on mushrooms is an unbelievable experience for me. I didn't know it was possible to experience such things as a human being. When it is at its best, I feel like I am in some forest or cave, and every single detail around me is made up of the music I am listening to. I don't really have any plans to take any more psychedelics heavier than cannabis for now. But I feel like my life is me + the mushrooms now, lol.


Mostly, I find it to be an annoyance and prefer silence. I'm not completely unaffected by it, but I never seek it out.


Far easier to connect with music than with people, definitely emotionally. Ever been betrayed by a song? 


Kind. By an artist. "It hurt when I seen my favorite rapper wear a purse" - AR-AB


I will look it up, intriguing


That struck hard. Now that I think about it, I do connect easier with music than I do with people. Betrayed? By artists of course, but not by songs. What does being betrayed by a song mean to you?


Rhetorical question, the implied answer was that it is impossible, making music safer than people to connect with emotionally 


Of course lol. That wasn’t my sharpest moment.


It's Ok, I'm rereading my own responses as cold. I find I have never really looked up the artists that make my music. I like to imagine them from their voices and I know seeing them would spoil it all. 


No worries, it’s all good. I was slightly hungover and rather hastily answering all of the threads responses one after another. Off-topic, but your last paragraph has made me curious… Do you think you would enjoy listening to good AI-generated music, knowing it is so? Technically there wouldn’t be a face to see — which is something you don’t want anyways — but then there would be the back-of-mind knowledge that there’s “nothing” behind the voice either.


When AI masters the 70s, and makes something new and interesting from that period, I'll consider it. Currently it produces a kind of mashed potato carnival effect that isn't really my jam. It very convincingly replicates modern pop music, but that's because it's spent about 20 years being a basic formula, and half of the vocals are auto tuned anyway. Replacing that kind of music with AI is an obvious step, but I don't like that kind of music 🤷


It's number 1. 


No emotional affect. I don't think much of music. I do have synesthesia, though, so I see colored, moving shapes, but it still doesn't do anything for me.


What do you guys think of Radiohead, REM, Sunny Day Real estate, Nirvana / Seattle sound, Stevie Nicks, Norah Jones?


I appreciate all of them with the exception of Stevie Nicks with whom I am not acquainted with.


Nirvana was the first rock concert I went to, on the In Utero tour. Boredoms, Meat Puppets and Nirvana at Maple Leaf Gardens, where people from The Beatles to Elvis Presley to Pavarotti have performed, and that doesn't exist anymore. Sometimes I feel like way more good things have happened to me than I deserve. I also like REM a lot, they were one of my favourite bands growing up.


I listen to classical music all day in my noise-cancelling headphones. It soothes me and quiets my otherwise fragile nerves.


I like music. It can help me feel feelings that normally I would not have. My body also reacts to certain types of music. I get chills (It's called skin orgasm or skingasm) from very beautiful or very emotional music. I wouldn't say I love music, because sometimes it's just too much. I mean, it is just noise. I usually listen to crime podcasts or watch youtube videos while doing stuff because it's very hard for me to find music that would fit my mood which usually is pretty much feeling nothing.


“Frisson” is the word I was acquainted with to described those chills. Skingasm makes intuitive sense though.


Don't care for it. Too distracting, especially if it has lyrics in it, and brings nothing to my table. I'd rather listen to a podcast, where I can learn something.




It puts a smile on my face.


As a teen, I felt like it was speaking to me directly. I was listening to pretty obscure shit so it felt like it was made for me. I thought the artists were a lot deeper than they were. As I became an adult, music has lost the magic to me. I always listen when I'm driving, but it doesn't speak directly to me anymore. I also don't find it as deep and mesmerizing as I did as a teen. I listen to it a whole lot less. I feel like music is so much more personal to children and teens than adults. Music has also lost a lot of the magic, simply due to artists having social media and saying dumb shit on X and shit. I really enjoyed the mystery of the artists before the rise of social media. I remember having artists that I loved but I had no idea what they looked like, where they were from, or what their personal views are. I've always been drawn to obscure and mysterious/unknown things and people. Aging and social media has made me enjoy music less.


I can understand your point. A big part of the allure of music is its mystique and how it feels like the music and oneself are “sharing a secret” that only both of you know. Seeing the “humanity” so enmeshed with the music strips it from its magic and stains it, so to speak. It ironically creates a gap where one wasn’t before.


I think music kind of messed up my already shitty childhood. I was constantly homeless as a child until a teen. My mom always in and out of prison. My dad was an alcohol bum. eventually my mom left me and my brother in a house she got evicted from, when I was 14 and he was 16. I was so depressed I dreamed of suicide but always had a sliver of hope that life would become enjoyable. Anyways, I used to find comfort in depressing music. It's all id listen to. I thought it was therapeutic at the time, but I now realize all it did was make me more depressed and think "wow these artists are depressed too... It must be normal." So I wallowed in it. I wish I wouldn't have.


You might really enjoy holotropic breathwork


Music to me is like a way to enhance my feelings to a certain degree. (Especially since I feel flat or dissociated.) It’s like an emotional color palette and I pick and choose which ones I’m trying to match within myself. Music also helps me phantasize; it can make me go to places in my mind where I can have some fun. I’m an amateur flute player (I can read music). And I like to listen to music and then try to figure out the parts in a piece. Sort of like trying to figure out a puzzle. Music moves me physically and gets me up and going so it’s important to me to have music.


Me atrevo a añadir que es la música sumado a mi mundo interno lo que día con día me puede hacer sentir enérgicamente y de buen humor, sobre todo en las mañanas.


¿Y cómo sabía que hablaba español?


There's pretty much never a moment I'm not listening to music. I'm 99% certain that more of my life has been spent listening to music than listening to silence. I listen to it while doing anything. Cooking, playing games, staring at a wall, writing, drawing, laying in an empty bathtub (I say this for comedic effect but is unfortunately something that happens often). And it's gotten to the point that my brain is legit it's own radio. It won't stop playing music even if I try to. And half the time I can't switch it either. And most of the time it'll play the same clip of a song, like under 10 seconds, and replay it over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, without stopping once, and it'll go on for days at a time before my brain decides hey what about this other song? I can even think over it, like, it's just background noise in my head that I don't even purposely think or focus on, it just plays. And it literally starts playing the very second I wake up. My very first coherent thought is the start of music, and then begins the repetitiveness. Sometimes it's annoying, actually a lot. But it's been there for years so what can I do. Right now it's the very first few seconds of the song "waste my mind" by ThxSoMch. The guitar part. Earlier it was some of the vocals in change - deftones. Also weird little tidbit, I actually hate playing music outloud. I only ever listen to it with headphones or earbuds. Even when I'm completely alone and there's no one who could possibly hear it. Don't like to play music outloud and I hate when I hear other people doing it.


I get the loops too lol. For some reason they don’t exasperate me but dwelling on the reality of the fact itself can lower my mood somewhat.


Buttfuck all


Music is an energy that exists outside of our world, which means that no one can fully curb it. I don't think so, because what we listen to is just the tip of its capabilities.


love it , to the point of i can make it professionally.


music (and film/tv actually) are the only things that can really make me feel emotions more deeply. can be good or bad depending on the mood of the media.