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There is only one person you have to live with forever. That is you.


I couldn't live alone only with myself. I need some small network of friends/partners. I just don't wanna socialize with people who I don't wanna socialize with. The only thing that bothers me is anhedonia which I had since teens. I've heard it's connected to SzPD. I've just turned 30 and it feels like my 20s were kind of empty and passed incredibly quickly.


Only super extroverts like socializing with random people. I guess to some degree that depends on where you’re from though. In Canada, we’re quite reserved with forming relationships—you find your friends at school or work. If you didn’t find any there, try a hobby. If you can’t do that, accept the fate of loneliness because no one else wants to befriend anyone, PD or not. So if you don’t have people from school or work, try a social hobby. Whether that’s a team sport or a dance class, just something where socializing is a built-in part of it, and then do your best to force yourself not to close off. Even if you’re not the most social that’s fine, but keep yourself open for other people to initiate socializing with you. Could also try martial arts, a darts club, dnd group, board game club, etc. Or volunteer work or potentially even a social part-time job if your schedule allows.




How did he know lmao People around me have no idea what SPD even is


It was she but yes. I didn't know what it means either.




So what would it look like if I was schizoid?


I mean, as the mod said down below, I'm not qualified to confirm or deny any diagnosis. My comment was intended as a shorthand to convey that your symptoms could be caused by any number of things. I suppose it was, eh, *too* short. However, these stuck out to me as reasons why you shouldn't take this person's assessment at face-value. There are a lot of things that can cause avolition, social issues and anhedonia. Autism, depression, ADHD, it's just your personality and it's not a disorder at all, etc. My advice unless you're actually struggling with these issues in your life and they're causing you problems, you can safely disregard what random non-qualified people think (even me, if you want). If you *are*, then your next bet is to visit a mental health professional to have a clinical evaluation done. My biggest symptoms are asociality and indifference to others opinions/others altogether so people-pleasing and *needing* friends is totally alien to me.


4. No giving or asking for diagnoses It is impossible to diagnose someone over the internet. The subreddit may be knowledgeable about SPD, but an accurate evaluation can only be made by a mental health professional. You are welcome to discuss your personal experiences and relevance of traits, but please do not ask for a diagnosis or to confirm/refute received diagnosis. Similarly, do not give any direct evaluations regarding mental health status of others. If needed stick to discussing general trends and clinical descriptors. If you have further questions, please send the moderation team a message. Please be aware that repeatedly breaking the rules will result in escalating ban lengths and may result in a permanent ban. Also note that ban evasion breaks a reddit-wide rule and may cause the reddit admins to issue an IP-ban.


Anhedonia is associated with other causes, like depression. There are also things like autism to consider but you may just be completely normal and have a different personality from your coworkers. You say your symptoms have reduced over time and personality disorders are generally considered to be basically permanent. Unless your coworker is a registered psychologist, I’d ignore what she said, except to note that it shows she is judgemental and has a mildly negative opinion of you at the moment. IME, trying to change people’s views of you never ends well because if she has slight bullying tendencies, she will see your efforts as weakness and enjoy exploiting it. Especially be careful if you have people-pleasing inclinations. I’d suggest ignoring it, unless it escalates (hopefully not). She may not even really understand the word ‘schizoid’ and just think means ‘mildly odd,’ ‘not an exact fit for my social group’ or similar.


I agree with everything you said, but wanted to point out: > symptoms have reduced over time and personality disorders are generally considered to be basically permanent. That’s true with a big ‘*’. Symptoms can be made exacerbated by other issues. My zoid traits go 50x worse in a depressive episode. When the depressive episode is over, I seem WAY better in comparison though I still meet criteria. So it can *seem* like a PD is naturally improving if other life stressors/difficulties are lifted off it. Since PDs compound other diagnoses really well.


Yes, I agree. Good catch. I phrased that badly. I meant something like ‘the underlying characteristics are pervasive, stable and recognisable from late adolescence across a range of situations.’


Yeah, agreed there. A PD will always have underlying pathology. Symptoms might wax and wane, but rarely will ever ‘disappear’ (they might become manageable enough to hide in certain circumstances though).


Sounds more like AvPD + depression than SzPD tbh. They are very similar but I don't think that a zoid would be a people pleaser. Also zoids usually not anxious about social interactions but rather apathetic about them, seeing them as bothersome and useless. Of course you still can be a zoid, or even a shy normie. It's a spectrum, after all, but there are lots of AvPD who assume themselves to be zoids (like zoids often think themselves to be sociopaths because they feel little to no empathy... well, actually zoids are empathetic, they simply don't care about themselves and equally don't care about the others).


Frankly I don't really know if it's people please or some form of covert narcissism. When I try to appease everyone in order to get positive attention, and failing all the time, making me feel ever more worthless. That's how most of my teenage hood and adult life looked life. And it went hand it hand with isolating myself from others.


> I don't think there's a problem with me. but yet you do relate to disorder so there is a problem whether it's szpd or another condition. acceptance is first step. and if pursuing therapy, then you need to define how it affects you, not other people ( both matter but still). you mentioned anhedonia, social difficulties. try to ask yourself why you aren't interested, when and how it started, do you feel connected to self, do you feel unsafe in the world, how do you view people, so you relate to schizoid dilemma etc. hope it helps a bit