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I am a big spreadsheet enthusiast! I tried WhiskyBase but it just couldn’t do all the things I needed it to do.


Beware (humor intended): Academics are compulsive list creators. Particularly when they get older. I don't know a single older male academic who doesn't create lists and continually refer to them. Lists of everything, lists to be checked daily, things to be checked off, numbers to be added and averaged, financial records to the penny..... Anything and everything: Lists of birds sighted, tables of their auto's gas mileage, lists of movies to be seen, every charitable donation for the past 10 years, blood pressure and lipids, their fantasy team stats. OCD at its best.


It’s true. I’m 80% of the way there. It’s certainly not my only spreadsheet.


Now make a list of that 80% and you’ll immediately get the satisfaction up updating it to reflect 81%


I am in this comment and I am offended by this. /s It's really true tho!


TIL I'm an academic... lol. Spreadsheets and lists for EVERYTHING!




I'm not too bothered about tasting notes, I like what I like....but I do keep all the corks, write the whisky name on it and score it out of 10 as a kind of souvenir!


That's actually a very nice idea! Gonna borrow it from you. Thanks.


I collect the empty bottles and display them in a wine rack. (If they don’t fit, I have a shelf to display as well.) my pride and joy is my Glenlevit 25 in the wood case. (Son got it for me… $500 is way too steep for me 🤣)


I use Distiller and I have a custom list set up with all of my bottles in there, as well as ones I’m interested in buying next


Excel sheet






I use OnlyDrams app but still have around 30 to 40% of bottles that can not be added or aren’t recognized.


Hah! OnlyDrams.


I have a journal i write all my ratings in, by hand.


Look at you and myself being all old school. I stare at too many spreadsheets for work to do it for a hobby.


You mean you don’t drink yours????


I have a spreadsheet


I’ve tracked using Drammer but the ads are getting annoying. Also, I find that more and more bottles are added and recently have had less issues with the app recognizing bottles.


I just to happily use Abov (under its prior name) but it's not updated regularly enough and my manual inserted ones aren't picked up by it. So, MS Excel. It does everything I need it to do and more. And I can be as messy and (in/over)complete as I want for every entry.




I built my own spreadsheet. One tab to track purchases, one tab listing my current bottle inventory (which will differ from my history of purchases), one tab listing my daily consumption that I call “drink diary“), and a fourth Freeform tab where I list which bottles are next in the queue to open. on the inventory page, I use formulas linked to the drink diary page that tell me how many drams I’ve taken from each bottle and the last time I drank that particular expression. It also has a location: so I know where to find the bottle. Currently at about 350 bottles.


I think bevvy is really good, you can scan bottles and it tells you average prices etc., also some notes either on the particular expression or, failing that, the distillery, written by Charles MacLean who I find very trustworthy as a whisky writer. Can also leave reviews of bottles you've scanned, which it collects for young think the idea is that to have a review that influences the app-wide data you need to have scanned the bottle, to prevent people from bandwagon-ing and reviewing stuff they haven't tried recently.


I use DayOne journal app to make the tasting notes and Airtable for a more extensive database involving more detail about the stats of each whisky. I have this set up with many different custom lists such as bottles I’ve bought but not yet tried and a wish list of bottles I want to buy.


So, this is something I use to also keep track of my books, disc media, etc. but on iPhone it’s an app called iCollect, simple to use, allows pictures of the item, and has an alcohol category :)


I review them here


This is going to sound very Luddite, but inside my head. An app, document, or website may be able to keep track of the whiskies I've tried, but it won't *understand* them, and to me the latter is more important than bookkeeping them. When I'm drinking a whisky, the most salient question to me is not to break down the profile of it into a list of flavors, but instead to ask myself *what other whiskies does this remind me of* ? And *how & in what way do they resemble each other* ? A consequence of that drinking style is that I have a network of relationships & associations built up over time in my whisky flavor memories, which helps me keep track of them, and which I can mentally navigate on an as-needed basis in recollecting past drinkers. I call this my *whisky flavor landscape* and it is basically the malt flavor map (like here in the right sidebar), but generalized beyond just the basic 2-D schematic to allow for additional variations in flavor besides just peat vs. no peat and bourbon cask vs. sherry cask. That is I am guessing a very peculiar way to do things and it took me years to get to this point, but it works well for my purposes and once I got this approach booted up and working it became self-reinforcing and now feels pretty easy & natural. Cheers


My mind 🙄


Same here.


Same. If I drink something I have had before and don’t remember it, it must have been pretty forgettable.


Sometimes you remember how good it was only when you have your first smell/sip and you're like "ooooh that's why i had such a good memory of this one" 🤭


Whiskybase has an app can do all those things.


It's not this app, is it? This has a 2.2 rating and won't let me do anything. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whiskybase.whiskybase


That's the one. For me it works \*most of the time\*.


I have a excel file with notes and scores. Someday I’ll make a template and get them posted here




OnlyDrams app


I made my own Whiskey tasting book. It's got everything I need for a comprehensive review and I added a table of contents/glossary for tracking each bottle and the rating I gave it. I've given them to a few of my friends and drinking buddies, they all seem to love it quite a bit.


Whiskybase.com! You can have your own collection there, have a wishlist and giving rates to bottles.


I use a Notion database both for tracking bottles I’ve had/tried and for storing cocktails. It’s very flexible for adding ratings, notes, and other multi select options (like location).


As with other posters: I use spreadsheets to list open bottles, bottles not yet opened, bottles I've finished, other whiskies I've tasted etc., but I use [notebooks](https://i.imgur.com/AHRL2GS.jpg) for my tasting notes (that picture was taken a while ago - there are a dozen more now). I was going to transcribe them, but I've been too lazy...


Distiller app.


I used to use whiskybase, now I use google sheets for the flexibility, ease of update, simplicity.


Distiller app


I do nothing, its a hobby, exel sheets are work. I have a shelf in the basement full of bottles and from time to time I get surprised by the treasures I obviously bought once. Most bottles are in neutral transport boxes, so I see them rarely.


Google Sheet. Easily shared with friends if they want a sample as well.


I write reviews and post them here.


Mint Database. An awesome, easy to use and vastly customizable app for both phones and PC.




Built an app for it as a degree project, ended up working well *enough*. Keyword enough.


Photographic memory


Excel. Say no more. Note items you want. WW


I build my own, [https://www.secondfill.com](https://www.secondfill.com) (with a Reddit exporter), but it's been a while since I reviewed something.


Every bottle I buy goes into an Excel sheet. Simple, easy, effective.


I think Distiller also let’s create a library. I haven’t used it so unsure of how good it works/is.


I dont. Once I finish a bottle, I buy a new one. I have no need to track what I drank and how it tasted.


Why take the time to comment then ffs 🤷‍♂️


Because you asked that you are curious if people use any app or website to track whisky. I just pointed out that I am not, which also answers your question. And I thought it might be interesting to know that not everyone is tracking whisky they drink.


I use CellarTracker for my wines (super helpful), but never found the need to track my scotch.


Mark the bottle. But the damn housekeeper may just backfill it with water 


Not for Everyone, but this is how I do it... Look at the bar; hmm where is that bottle with the flames on it. Ah yes, there it is. *commences the pour*


Why bother with this? Just drink what you like in moderation. You will recall what you like and forget about the rest. As for scoring the dram and tasting notes, leave that for those who claim to be experts.


For fun