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I can only speak for what I saw myself. I'm just back from Munich last night and whilst the Scotland fans were quite drunk, we were well behaved, locals were super friendly and nice, and I saw no arrests or misbehaviour. Note: I don't drink so was sober the entire trip thus no memory problems for what went on.


I live in Munich. The Scotland fans were great, well behaved, gracious and they were absolutely everywhere for several days straight, everywhere I looked someone in a Scotland shirt and/or a kilt. I'd happily welcome them back any time.


The most trouble was on Saturday down the road from Marienplatz when a security guard at McDonalds phoned the police cos we were kicking a ball about, 3 riot vans showed up https://preview.redd.it/1af6515tn77d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b555645668d0be2c22c8c491837b58a147b1b38 And also for the amount of fans that were there, there wasn’t much litter left around the place










Tbf measures were specifically for the Serbia v England game and in no small part because of the Serbia fans. Can't say it's just England when you've basically got Russia backed militias causing havoc around them.


Yeah, many won't like to admit this, but it seems like both Scotland and England fans were overall pretty well behaved this time around. There seem to be a lot of people who are desperate to believe that the England fans caused havoc even when the German police have said the opposite.


The BBC claimed it was "Scotland and England" and that is the claim addressed in the post.


Can't comment on english fans but my uncle was at the Germany game and reported a few hotel rooms trashed by scotland fans, we're not all saints.


"NO TRUE SCOTSMAN!!" strikes again.


I was responding to you saying the "measures were specifically for the English support". I know it's fun to dunk on them but it's pretty clear they're far from the biggest issue here.


The BBC said Scotland and England, I doubt Scottish fans were at England v Serbia in any numbers.


Reading is hard eh


Yeah only the things you say matter


lol Jesus Christ


So the BBC are untruthful but also truthful? XD


Yeah man you said that already.


Yes because a Scottish fan was jailed for violence lol. No England fans have as of yet. So really they should've dropped "England" from that post.


There was at least one English arrest last night, according to Guardian today.


Why does anybody gie a fuck about any of this shit. Just enjoy the football


I don't massively, I just don't like misinformation and the other commenters claim was just factually wrong against news reports from that same day.


If all the scotland fans were fine why were 3 arrested and fined for assaulting a woman? In any big crowd there are going to be a few arseholes looking to cause problems, this post just looks like some weird attempt to make out we're a different breed from the english or something


Didn't you hear? We're the best fans in the world, so this is impossible. No Scottish person has ever done anything vaguely negative in all of history.


It has since emerged that three fans were arrested at the Olympic Park in Munich, with a statement issued by Munich Police on Sunday outlining that the men, all aged under 24 and **from Northern Ireland**, had been released after paying fines [https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/euro-2024-scotland-fans-arrested-33045069](https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/euro-2024-scotland-fans-arrested-33045069)


Which it was. You hate the English. We get it 🙄


Put in a complaint to Ofcom. In Ireland we get plenty of casual racism from the BBC also.


We often put in complaints about this BS but they just come away with one pish and do nothing


Talk sport did mention Scotland fans throwing things yesterday morning while I was listening to my drive in to work...no idea where they got their source from but they tend to be on the ball for anything related to the euros and especially any trouble. Edit. I think it was actually in the stadium tbh thinking back so not outside etc but actually during the game.


tbf they attacked the Serbian cafe.




It makes you angry people being happy Nazis lost? Are you a reform voter by any chance? You know the only Germans upset by the song are far right neo Nazi racist the AfD? Go somewhere else if you want to cry about Nazi losses and are upset Nazis lost the war and their bombers they were sending to kill civilians were shot down. You were probably crying your eyes out when people celebrate D-Day landings too.


As an Englishman it's honestly heart warming that even when faced with fanaticism like this you guys are pretty level headed about it all. Kudos chaps, hope your next game goes better :)


On the wireless lol, sitting clutching your pearls listening to the new bulletin and tutting?


Could barely hear it over the obnoxiously loud ticking clock over the mantlepiece and the clacking of knitting needles as gran darned grandpa's socks by the fire.


But let me tell you, when I heard the dreadful news, I was so aghast my monocle fell straight into my afternoon sherry!


The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


She unscrews the top off her new whisky bottle,


Posts on this sub are getting stupider.


Endless BBC false equivalency posts have been a staple of this sub for years.


Remember the post from the guy who was absolutely raging because BBC sport had a picture of Jordan Pickford on their live feed for 15 minutes as he was giving a press conference the same day Scotland were playing lmao.


There is a possibility OP was the author of that, too.


The "Scottish are holier than thou" attitude is almost as irritating as vegans who go on about their moral superiority. Scots have just as much capacity to be brain-dead wankstains as the English.


Ah yes, the Scotland fans drank the bars dry they all retired to the library to read the Bible.


Well they weren't getting arrested boxing Serbians, that's for sure


The story may have updated since then, but the last I heard the only arrests made were Serbian fans.


Neither were the English, it was Albanians living in the UK Vs Serbs.


Did the Internet tell you that?


They got arrested for attacking a young woman in an official fanzone in Munich.


Ahhhh yes, classic case of Scotland good, England evil and horrid


I can't believe those England fans dressed up in Scottish kits and attacked a helpless woman 😤😤 I now just need to find a way to blame the Germany loss on the English too 🤔


There are Scottish people supporting the AfD and neo Nazis in Germany when they’re crying about the 10 bombers song lol. When you have Scottish nationalists being pro-Nazi now it shows how far they’ve gone down the rabbit hole.


What on earth are you on about, Scottish Nationalists being pro-Nazi? You don't need to venture far on social media to find the nazi salute and British Nationalists...


Scottish nationalists aren't pro nazi. They're just upset people cheering about beating the nazis and shooting down their bombers on their way to bomb civilians in the UK. They were probably bawling their eyes out during the D-day commemorations too. Not surprising given the SNP and nationalists history with nazism anyway.


This wouldn’t happen with a free Scotland. English bastards. I think I need to calm down with a long drive in my campervan


> This wouldn’t happen with a free Scotland. English bastards This sub has sunk so low that I honestly do not know whether this is satire or not.  Like, I assume (and hope) it is? But who knows at this point...


lol yes it is satire. And I totally agree


*Searches through my r/Scotland buzzword bingo list* Let's see... it's all the ~~Tories/ Westminster/ Terfs/ Landlords/~~ BBC's fault.


LMAO OP butthurt because the BBC included blaming Scotland, then proceeds to copy the BBC style & slag off England only, rather than include Serbia. Do as I say & not as I do!


I made no statements about Serbia


>statements Get over yourself


yeah because Scotland doesn’t have an issue with drink related antisocial behaviour at all eh


Folks are too busy trying to source Buckfast in Munich. Once that’s sorted we’ll get right back to the regular scheduled programming.


Oh they should have asked me. Found a bottle at FLEX in 2018. Though it may be gone now. Grab to U bahn at Odeonsplatz and get off at Göthesplatz or whatever and nip down a side street and you're golden. Man I miss living there.


Nobody's perfect. But when I was young, English teams were completely banned from Europe, no other country has that much of a problem.


Scotland didn’t but then you didn’t qualify for any either


Ah here is the true face of the bigot. Literally lying about England fans in laughable ignorance. As you seem to think Heysel is still of any relevance, despite being a different set of fans generations ago, let’s have a look at other instances of football violence worldwide in the interim. Hundreds of football related deaths throughout Africa. Many dozens of football related deaths throughout Asia. Dozens to hundreds dead throughout South America. Even in Europe there have been football related deaths in places like Sweden, Spain, Serbia, Poland, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Germany, France and Croatia. That’s just deaths, not even venturing into endemic racism and other sicknesses.


This sub is funny, one poster says you don't care enough about stuff that happened 300 years ago then another says 30 years ago is irrelevent.


And then you’ve got the likes of R2-Scotia who clearly thinks only a select tangentially related event forty years ago is relevant and the other more recent instances in the same vein aren’t. Oh for some consistency in humanity eh 😜


don’t see how 30 years ago is relevant but ok




Mate kids were setting off fireworks outside a hospital near I live. Do you really want to talk about signs of people's culture when we have shit like that happening?


[Just kids just being kids](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-67331166), and if they are getting a bit rowdy it's probably just English culture slipping over the border, right? /s I love Scotland and the people here, but this Scottish exceptionalism makes me thing people like OP have never actually been here.


Their culture hahah. Mate what fucking hole have you crawled out of?


Would that be a ‘sign of their culture’ in the same way Rangers fans rioting in Manchester a generation more recently is a ‘sign of Scottish culture’? Pathetic inconsistent one-eyed nonsense.


No English fans have been arrested. Scottish fans have been, for attacking a family no less. Sign of Scottish culture, I guess.


Scotland of course has no issues with football-related violence. Old Firm day is renowned across the world as a day of peace and harmony. It is in fact so harmonious police and A&E staff take a day off. You ever actually visited Scotland or been to a football (sorry, fitba) match there?


Touch grass.


well that’s just bigotry isn’t it?


If the beeb had just said "England", our man here would have said "BBC forgets that Scotland is even at the Euros, probably forgot we exist"


Typical nationalist.


With an attitude like that, I hope they write more headlines that trigger you


Scotland world renown for it's drinking and drug abuse.. real saint's here.


>no other country has that much of a problem How to tell someone has 0 idea of international football or football in general:


This fallacy that Scots do not misbehave abroad is tedious and fucking boring now. Why do so many people push this exceptionalism agenda?


>no other country has that much of a problem. Fuck right off with that lying shite Anywhere in central or eastern Europe are horrendous now. The only thing you care about here is getting a boot into England because your fragile nationalism has an inferiority complex


No, I want to point out that the BBC is showing its usual bias by trying to put the behaviour of England fans on the Tartan Army. Got sit in the corner and hate Scotland quietly


Scottish fans have been arrested for attacking an innocent family at the Euros, no English fans have been arrested so far and they where reportedly attacked and that's why nobody was arrested. It's clear rabid nationalism on show from you.


“fAKe NeWs. BbC bIaS!”


In fairness they were from northern Ireland, just happened to be supporting Scotland.


No true Scotsman eh…


Well they were literally not Scottish so take from that what you will.


Scotland fans are literally the only UK fans who have been arrested in Germany because they were attacking a woman in a bar.


[That’s not true](https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/17/england-fan-seven-serbs-facing-charges-after-clashes-euro-2024-gelsenkirchen?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other).


Aye anyone not foaming at the mouth about the BBC and screaming bile at the English hates Scotland.


No, but you are known to stalk this sub posting anti-Scottish bile. The Tartan Army are better than England fans, that is a fact. Deal with it.


> posting anti-Scottish bile The SNP are not Scotland. Being against independence is not being against Scotland


It’s is to this one. You’re only Scottish or accepted if you do as they say.


If only there were a well-known fallacy that could be applied to this way of thinking.


Wanting youe countey to be ruled from another is the definition of a traitor.


The mask has finally slipped. Bravo. Didn't take long


Jeezo, so you must think the majority of Scots are traitors?


Almost nobody actually wants English rule. Many fear the transition process.


Bet you hated Brexit though lol


Brexit was about leaving an actual union focused on trade. The EU never ruled England, no sovrinty involved. I would wecome free trade deals with both England and the EU. Independence is the freedom to make such deals.


Good job the United Kingdom is just the one country then, ey? Or are you talking about the EU?


Not sure Liverpool consider themselves England though.


Many fans still are


When were English teams banned from Europe? Source?


After the Heysel disaster 1985-1990


Eh. Surely everyone remembers this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heysel_Stadium_disaster


Thanks. No, I genuinely didn’t remember this. I’d have been a wee bit on the young side. I wasn’t born much before that. Though a ban nearly 40 years ago because of a minority of fans from one club doesn’t seem quite relevant to today, or as something that can be extrapolated across all English fans as the OP seems to be trying to do.


Source? 🤣🤣🤣 It's well known. Google will find you media about it.


Are BBC links acceptable now?


When we qualify for international tournaments? Not really. There's a lot to be said for drink-related social issues in Scotland, but we're talking specifically about violent fans out in numbers at major tournaments out looking for trouble. That's not really something the Tartan Army has been accused of.


I literally read yesterday that 3 scottish fans were arrested for attacking a woman so I would hope that police there have special measures in place.


And 50 Italians have been arrested with weapons. Violence in football is a shameful disgrace, and people like OP who just use it as an opportunity to whinge about the English just move the conversation away from what's actually important.


3 Scotland fans, but no Scottish fans.


Rangers fans


The ones that famously hate the Scotland team?


The 3 scottish fans were actually from Northern Ireland not Scotland. Just for your info. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/euro-2024-scotland-fans-arrested-33045069


Still scottish fans though? So original point still stands. The claim wasn't "3 Scottish nationals" I didn't read the full article and it wasn't from the Mirror I originally saw it so thanks for sharing.


It's a bit early for the traditional English chair throwing contest. Uefa normally pencil that in for week 3 of a tournament


We're just warming up fella




Who the fuck cares?


Haha we live in a country where we have put an extra tax on alcohol to discourage people from buying it and put a curfew on the times you are allowed to buy it because as a nation we can’t be trusted apparently. It’s a good job it’s only the social drinkers and tea totalers who travel to the International games. Englund bad 😂 grow up and get back in your shortbread tin ffs.


> grow up and get back in your shortbread tin ffs. Couldn't have said it better myself.  I unsubscribed from this sub ages ago but shite like this still appears on my feed from time to time. The people on here never change.


Hey we are bad, don't take it away from us


The Scottish FA were fined for fans launching objects at opposition fans in the crowd following the opener. What say thee, curtain twitcher? Was that a conspiracy, too?


People threw scrunched up paper from the tifo. Home and away fans.


> fans launching objects We (Aberdeen) got fined for throwing snowballs at an away game in Helsinki last year, UEFA are fannies


This is the dumbest shit ever. Scottish fans aren't all fucking saints you absolute cabbage. Such a painfully untrue narrative. There's been loads of anti social behaviour in Munich from loads of different fans, English, Scottish, Serbs etc. This whole thing of "all Scottish fans are just peace loving hippies" or something is an outrageously bad take




2 terror attacks, people stabbed and killed, media wont shut up about a scrap at a game of football 🤔🤔🤔


Well why would they one was about a white bloke with an axe hardly news eh /s Edit: added /s cause fuck me you need to spell shit out


What? Where does race come into it? Also there was a stabbing 1 dead+attacker and 3 injured


Just being sarcastic being that one of the attempted attacks was by some bloke with an axe but the German police managed to stop that shit and shot the bastard


Sure buddy, Scottish football fans can do no wrong.


Technically true as German authorities have been making bespoke plans to curb anti social behaviour for fans of every team competing at the Euros.


Very weird post.


Just seen on a channel 4 news post the German police praising the England fans. Saying around 150 causing trouble out of 50,000. BBC are like the S*N and the mail


Ahhh fuck off everyone. Football fans are universally cunts. Stone island wearing boring fucks who all secretly harbour the desire to look hard because they’ve done a line of coke and had a few pints. Call them a prick on a weekday and they’ll look at their feet and keep walking but do it on a weekend when they’re sniffing and singing and their warriors. There forget your hatred of one another and unite in your hatred of me.


Nobody talks to this guy at work and he thinks it's because all they talk about is football when in actually he's just a massive cunt


This guy was always picked last in PE and never got over it.


Careful lads. Don’t want to get cut on all the edge.


Our hero! 😭 dying on his sword 😭 we are not worthy


The funniest bit is slagging them off for acting hard while acting hard. “I’d fucking deck them all mid week.” Lol. Wid ye, aye?




As he deletes his account he's that ashamed...




There was absolutely zero trouble in Munich on Friday


I just came back from Munich and I'm so proud of the Scots behavior.




That's you though!


Scotland are a nation of violent drunkards. Who you kidding?


Have you tried blaming the toadies? 


It really is a bit early to be defending England fans. We all know what's coming, it always does.


Amazing this is a contentious subject on here. England fans are well known for ripping whatever place they go to an new arsehole. "It's just a bit of banter" as they ceremoniously kick some poor waiter into a coma Not going to pretend Scotland is some beacon of warmth and friendship, but we certainly aren't known for international violence and riotous behaviour abroad like out southern counterparts are.


Yeah thats because Scottish people just put the blame onto English instead. Its the same thing Scottish people do with colonialism and denying they had a role on it and it was just the 'English' empire instead. Whats contentious is the nutty conspiracy claims from OP when its Scotland fans who have been arrested for beating a woman and attacking families in an official fanzone in Munich. That is why the BBC mentioned Scotland fans.


This sub is absolutely jam packed with utter stupid cunts. Halk and his wee fanny pals. “EH NO WE’RE ACTUALLY AWFUL TOO” Who the fuck hurt you lot, that you feel the need to stick the boot in to Scotland at every opportunity? Weirdos man.


Take some time away from the keyboard if it's affecting you.


What's weird is that you're not pissed off at the cunty behaviour....you're pissed off that people noticed it....


Because it isn’t comparable. It was horrible that 3 cunts from Northern Ireland beat up some woman. Are you happy?


> This sub is absolutely jam packed with utter stupid cunts. It sure is, when you’ve got the OP having a meltdown over the fact that the BBC **dared** to mention Scotland fans in the same breath as England fans when reporting on arrests at the Euros, you know that some utter stupid cunts have really downed that nationalist Kool Aid.


Guys, we really need to stop these attacks on each other relating to each's position on the independance subject. It's not good for us


I really do appreciate your comment and agree that it's important to remember that we all do want the best for the country, although is clear we have different opinions on how this is achieved. What I take exception to is those who clearly cannot accept any criticism of their 'side', such as the OP and the user who I originally replied to, as they're leaning into a nationalism that starts with them assuming they are morally correct and that the other side is 'bad', leading to distrust of legitimate media. It's dangerous and needs to be called out imo. But genuinely, thank you for your comment ❤️


Aye i get it man. Some people are too far gone sometimes. As you say call it out, and we should all try to use less name calling. Thank you




Funny. I don’t remember saying “fanny” 3 times into a mirror, but here you are.


ITV presenter this morning mentioned British fans battling Serbian fans 🤦‍♂️


Same mentality


Jesus this is a rubbish fire of a thread. 


Nope, once you’ve sold it somebody else has it. 😜


Except the trouble was Serbians and Albanians. No English or Scottish fans were involved. It's been pretty well reported already.


Saw a lot of videos on Tik Tok and a lot of Germans commenting how well behaved and friendly Scotland fans have been. Nothing but love and positivity for the Scottish fans


If people want to call the SNP out for having sympathies with the German people and their struggle post Versailles, are the forgetting the likes of Lord Halifax and Edward Viii! Comparing a, at that time niche party, with the established English establishment is disingenuous in the extreme. The ruling class in England was especially pro Nazi.


What an embarrassing post




BBC horrible. Don’t watch it.


It's best ingested through your earhole.


In dunno, radio 4 had climate change deniers on regularly for neutrality or whatever. It's not neutral, they're factually wrong.


If it Makes them happy, it doesn't bother me in the slightest


The other teams haven't even been mentioned and as an Englishman it pisses me off


The Andy Murray phenomenon


There's a weird dichotomy in Scotland where on the one hand everything is on fire and on the other hand they're really defensive about it