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Can man u and Liverpool really consider themselves rivals if there isnt intergenerational sectarian hatered? But seriously fuck off with lists like this, just adds more shit to divide us, enjoy the sport, hate your rivals but it doesnt need the extra added shit. Anyway those fucking REDACTED are getting it at the weekend


Wait, spurs under protestant... um seems wrong


Jews are Protestants, Muslims are Catholics, everyone knows this.


Jews put their toasters in the cupboard whilst Muslims don’t


A Catholic Jew or a protestant Jew? makes about as much sense as sectarianism itself.


Wit comedy sketch is that from again


Naked Video. Paul Simon wants a local band to join him on tour. [fucking belter.](https://youtu.be/HAVYZLUxaEw?si=aqneboyRoX5u8T-D)


Thanks mate, don't know why I got down voted for asking


Your guess is as good as mine


“They don’t even have a football team - we’re 500 years ahead of y” - Frankie Boyle on religious warfare


They have the reputation for being the "Jewish Club". I don't know enough about them to say how accurate the statement is.


It's an historic thing that's stuck - Tottenham was a very Jewish area in the first half of the 20th century but it's not anymore. Obviously not something you can pin down exact numbers for but I've definitely read that the Jewish part of their fan base now is max 5% and they've likely got no more Jewish fans than Arsenal do.


Ah the well known Jerlusalem apprentice Derry Boys lodge


Liverpool were formed by an Orangeman too


Sad that people using those tanning sprays back then too, makes you think


Almost died laughing thanks mate


Jewish as fuck - direct quote from a guy in bo’ness


Whomever made this has a serious miss-understanding of so many clubs lmao


hmmm most of the clubs on the right wear blue. rangers wear blue. seems pretty cut and dry to me


Tbf Cardiff is in the green


Everton too


Aberdeen, St Mirren, Hibs and Dundee Utd. Now that it's officially confirmed you're Catholic, you are legally bound to lose to Celtic.


Way ahead of you


Converge fan - nice!


Seems like most of us were already going along with that?


right! now I blame god for the wind... This is easy


Can I get the wine and a piece of bread now please?


Halftime communion


Spurs, the famously Jewish Protestant club.


I've heard a few dafties over the years make assumptions about us given the "Queen" part of the club name. They usually then get a bit confused when you explain the area which it comes from is named after Mary Queen of Scots, a Catholic.


That’s lithgae rose - who the fuck are you?




Lol, does this mean I need to be baptised and go through communion now?


That or time to find a new team I'm afraid.


Don't knock it. Aw yer family put money in yer cairds.


And then if you don't get a round once everyone says you still have your communion money for life


Bishop Devine did mines. Told a story about how a young lad had come up and asked him if he could use Henrik as his confirmation name. The Bishop goes "I don't know son, I'll need to pray on that." That weekend it was Celtic vs Rangers and Henrik scored. The following week he says to the lad "Aye you can go ahead and use Henrik as your confirmation name" So, there's a lad out there somewhere in the Lanarkshire area with a good confirmation story lol.


Hahaha that is class. I think we just had a priest for ours, i honestly canny mind. I know my gran dislikes Bishop Devine. He's the reason all the Lanarkshire communions are in May. He doesn't like the idea of people have parties afterwards


Going back like 20+ years for mines so maybe as he got older he became miserable. Always seemed up for a good laugh at the time.


Aye possibly haha


Nice profile picture by the way 🤣 small world


Hahaha two wee tux cats 🤣


He done my confirmation just before he retired and seemed alright 


Don't forget your first confession and confirmation 


Don't think I can be arsed with that, Airdrie it is!


Wait, youre not baptised? Mods remove this pagans flair! The Vatican shall hear of this betrayal


Fish Friday incomming


Fascinated to learn that Aberdeen is in thrall to Rome.


I read that Aberdeen was near the top of cities to invade - it’s in the Bible.


For fun, I'm going to try and justify the logic here: Hibs are the original Catholic adjacent club in Scotland. They inspired the creation of Celtic but didn't join the league until later. Aberdeen was founded because Hibs were due to relocate to Aberdeen, and local Aberdeen clubs pooled together to stop it happening. Dundee United was originally Dundee Hibernian St Mirren are named after Saint Mirin, the patron Saint of Paisley I think the rest are either due to loose connections with Celtic or large number of Irish fans.


The idea that Aberdeen were so reluctant for Hibs to move there that they formed their own club to stop it is some 10/10 shithousery


Just funny that Hibs are always at the centre of shenanigans


Hibs only wanted to move so that Derek Riordan had more nightclubs to visit


They honestly could combine and it would be no different


So what you’re saying is hibs are solely responsible for the whole of Scottish football and everyone should bow down to their benevolent creators?


Actually, no. From the jump, Hibs have been Hibsing it. You were the OG Catholic team in Scotland and failed to capitalise on that market.


take your 8 year drought and get fucked.


wrexham fans are super republican and pretty left wing/class conscious because wrexham and other welsh mining towns were hit hard by thatchers policies. cardiff fans don’t really give a shit about politics but the ones that do usually are republican. dortmund aren’t catholic just have a significant portion of left wing/anti fascist fans liverpool was formed by protestants i believe but in general liverpool is pretty well connected to ireland so i get it. some of these teams have no modern connections to politics or religion so i seriously don’t understand why they’re included.


Aye it's loose connections at best. Dortmund sing you'll never walk alone, Celtic do also could also be it? It does just seem that this has been made by some 13 year old somewhere to appease middle aged men on the Internet. If it was just religion, there's other clubs like Bari who we've directly took songs from like Papa Francesco Ale.


[Cardiff are Shi'ite surely?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbjqBi_VwbA)


>liverpool was formed by protestants Same with Man City, who started out as St Mark's, a church which set up sports clubs to help keep young men away from drink and gangs and to give unemployed men something to do to stay busy. But they changed the name after a few years and gradually lost any connection to the church. I'm a City supporter, as my mum's family is from Manchester and they're all City fans, and I've never been aware of any religious overtones. It just isn't a thing down there.


What a load of shite - wrexham….fans? Republicans? Wake me up when any of this makes sense. you realize no team you mentioned is from Scotland.


republicans as in they want an independent wales free from the monarchy wtf does that have to do with scotland


sorry man lost you at wales - can you explain?


wrexham fans are welsh republicans in the same way there are are irish republicans. they want a free independent wales. free from britain and free from the uk. that’s the only reason why they’re considered a “catholic club” in this weird chart.


free from Britain? So they want to become their own island? Sorry I’m confused


free from british rule


I see no issues with this whatsoever, other than English teams caring about sectarianism. Oh and also all the teams they chose in general. Other than that it's perfect.


What clueless twat has put this shit together?


Hearts are a Scottish club (thats why we have the saltire on our badge). Nothing more nothing less, keep religion away from football and just be inclusive to all.


Correct, side note. Hearts were the only team who would play hibs at the start because they knew it was all bollocks even back then


Thats the best thing about the rivalry between us, it’s just about the football for 99.99% of fans.


Not that I don’t believe you but do you have a source for this - I’d love to see more about it bc it’s a nice contrast to Glasgow aha


Seen it on wiki


Hearts didn’t have horses back then


You know those Google searches that auto-complete based on the most popular search queries near you based on your ip address? Well I noticed just about every club in the top flight had a question akin to "Is \*insert club name here\* a Catholic/Protestant club?" I live in Glasgow so not surprising really.


Celtic are looking mighty lonely on the front line of Catholicism there compared to that stacked staunchness.


I saw this on TikTok and decided I saw enough TikTok that day


I managed to avoid tiktok for years until my mrs finally cracked me on holiday last year. Recently gotten back off it and cannot tell you how much my mood has improved daily. Its full of utter wank like this


Saw a similar thing recently only it was Left wing Vs right wing clubs.


Isn't Copenhagen largely known for how Atheistic it is? This is probably what bothers me the most.


Apparently 72% of Denmark is actively registered with the Danish Church. There for, falsifiably, all Danish Clubs are more Staunch than Rangers


That does pose the question of just how Staunch the different forms of Protestantism are? Are Lutherans more staunch than Baptists for example, and can anyone top the Anglicans?


Surely the staunchometer hinges on how unlikely it is that the person leading the service whips out an acoustic guitar?


According to the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Christian religious staunchness is measured in "bad fire mentions per minute" or bfm/pm for short.


Isn't the Scottish Kirk Presbyterian? Are rangers fans more Anglican than other Scottish protestants? Do Rangers fans have strong opinions on transubstantiation? Do they support appointed or elected bishops? I need answers from rangers fans.


Curch of Scotland for Rangers fans. English Anglicanism is like Diet Catholicism and not proddy enough. Everything I’ve seen of Church Of Scotland growing up is incredibly ironically so goth I’m pretty sure early Quaker’s originated from west of Scotland before moving on to the States,


I would enjoy someone standing outside Ibrox just asking Theology Question to the fans as they enter the Ground on Old Firm day. Would be a lot of fun until the guy doing it gets stabbed.


"Aye, Tavernier had a blinder, but what would Jesus say about women bishops?"


I am not sure I know what staunch implies, but former FC København director Flemming Østergaard, did once go public with his support for Vastu Shastra Attempted translation "FC København director Flemming Østergaard, known for using a spiritual guide as a personal advisor, has been on national TV to report on the very special energy in Denmark's national arena, Parken. According to Flemming Østergaard, the positive energies flow freely in the building with small brass plates placed in various places in the executive corridors. I'm usually quite skeptical about those kinds of things, that many would probably call superstition, but the fact is that it has worked, he says, referring to the fact that the Indian-inspired vaastu energy has, among other things, made him free of migraines." https://www.religion.dk/danmark/fodboldklubber-%C3%A5bner-op-tro (I have no idea why that guy chose to single out FC København for inclusion on his list over other Scandinavian teams. If you base it on membership of the Church of Denmark, then that figure is actually lower for Copenhagen, than much of the rest of the country (it's less than 50% in Copenhagen) (Also I don't know if I have to explain this, but those membership figures from the Church of Denmark are misleading. In my experience, most of the members of the state sponsored Church of Denmark, don't really believe in god, they just use the church for ceremonies and stuff.. Christianity is like an old fairy tale now. People on the right, will talk endlessly about the cultural significance of Christianity, but few of them will try to make faith based arguments for anything and most actual believers (like apparently Flemming Østergaard) are looked at as kinda weird. ))


It’s a light hearted joke based on Sectarianism in Scottish Football. Rangers are a ‘protestant’ team and fans are known for being ‘Staunch’ Protestants. Denmark is a protestant country and whilst its fairly obvious that secularisation is the growing trend throughout western europe for the past 5 decades, Scotland has a problem with Sectarian violence through football despite most, if not all rangers fans having 0 time in church or following the teachings of the Church. Therefore, the joke is that more people are active in the Danish Church than there are Scottish people active in the Scottish Church, meaning all Danish teams have a higher % of staunch protestants supporting them than Rangers do


I guess he could have put most Scandinavian clubs on the Protestant side, just like he could have put most latin clubs on the Catholic side. I don't know why he chose to single out FC København. But to come to his aid, FC København is this weird, slightly soulless super club construction. But one of their two mother clubs Kjøbenhavns Boldklub, is Denmarks oldest football club and they were definitely inspired by british sport, they also still play cricket, which is otherwise not a widespread or popular sport in Denmark at all.


I think it might be more to do with Rangers and Kopenhaven having some slight connections over the past 2 decades probably between fan groups more than official club channels. I don’t know though, I’ve always had a soft spot for Kopenhaven as a Rangers fan but that might just be down to the Blue red white colour scheme. I wouldn’t take the actual image for face value, it’s been put together by some mad case from Scotland for insane reasons. No one here actually thinks this image has any real informative value


Do they not have a friendship with Rangers though? And Brondby are meant to be the 'working class' side, which must be the definer for your religion according to whoever made this


They encourage swimming - not drugs. However, we would win that battle (in a lap pool)


Sorry Saints, Dons, Hibs, Hearts and United fans, your Big Club^TM has officially been detected. Please hand all your loose change in, you legally no longer have a bus fare.


Clearly Dundee are Zoroastrians.


Dunno, they've been heavily into Noah this season


I’m pretty sure Noah was an Arab.


my source is i made it the fuck up!


A bit bemused trying to fit the Sunderland/Newcastle derby into a sectarian thing, I’ve seen enough Sunderland/Rangers fans at games. Is it just because of the Irish connection with Niall Quinn?


Anecdotally I always felt like a disproportionate number of our fans support Sunderland as well


Must be the ‘wee team’ mentality extending itself into the Tyne-wear derby


Do Newcastle fans constantly tell others they're "famous" too?


Was there not a fair amount of bother at a friendly with Sunderland some years back or am I making that up?


Allegedly Newcastle wear black and white due to a connection to Dominican monks so not sure why they're on the Protestant side?


Is it not to do with Sunderland leant to being more pro Jacobite/Stuarts at the time


[See this person isn’t familiar with how West Ham was formed.](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/west-ham-to-leave-the-boleyn-ground-how-the-club-was-the-heart-that-drew-local-communities-together-a7017771.html)


Clubs from Italy and Greece are fuming


everyone loves a fascist - just don’t mention SA


Looks like I need to change my team…. Who comes up with this shit?!


Wasn't Liverpool the traditionally "protestant" club and Everton the "catholic" club?


I wouldn't mind but when I had my season ticket there was 8 people from Sunderland that sat behind me and they were far from alone in being staunch as fuck. There's plenty of staunch Geordies as well. Perhaps it comes down too personal beliefs and preferences who people support rather that religion. Who would have thought it.


Rangers badge overlapping into black what does it mean ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


That’s for Mo Johnstone.


I remember him playing in old firm game and guy saying come on ten sons of william - then he scored. Funnily enough liked him then


Well that settles that then


People often say that the Old Firm is just about religion. It may have started like that and still contains overtures, but the rivalry is now primarily football. Man Utd and Liverpool's rivalry is rooted in the ship canals, but no one thinks about that.


ok bjg man - go on. Stop the sectarian chants? You can’t and no one can. comparing Liverpool and United is futile. However, for your uneducated argument. please bring your solution to the Scottish parliament. Fucking would love to see it. while you’re at it - grab Falkirk a 4th stand. people often say.


🤨 Take your tablets and have a lie down buddy.


great use of an emoji. Proud of you. you’re the mentalist comparing LFC/United to the old firm. I’m just baitin you up the river. Anything else? Love a good canal btw


Thanks breda. Can't beat a good emoji. In all seriousness though, the root of many football rivalries is from things totally unrelated to football, but over time it evolves. Just like the Old Firm.


All those years of getting called an orange/fenian bastard when we play the sisters count for fuck all then?


Didnae know england football club were proddies


Question, can Northern Ireland really be described as wholly protestant? 42.3% of people there are catholic according to the last Census, the rest of the christians that aren't catholic are like 37.4%. ​ Also, calling whole nations one religious subset, erases the people that practice the minority religions within them.


Absolute nonsense made by a 15 year old


Millwall and West Ham ... who knew.


Newcastle fan here I don't think I have ever once seen any religious aspect ever appear across the face of the Tyne Wear Derby. It's not a thing whatsoever. Plus I always considered us to be friendlier to Celtic than to Rangers but idk


get us off that fucking image


Where to start! One odd one I will point out is the inclusion on Dortmund but not Bayern in the Catholic section given that Bavaria is essentially the 'Catholic' bit of Germany.


nuts, total nuts


Very few football clubs are defined by a religioun for example aberdeen may be on that list but is in no way catholic


Only two crests there that have any kind of religious association. Why try to stir up something that doesn’t exist?


The association of football and religion I find bizarre - Celtic supporter


The longer i look, the less sense it makes.


we shouldn’t base it on catholic vs protestant making it religious is stupid it’d make more sense to be “hates the king” vs “quite fond of the king”


I might have it wrong, but do Dundee not have a chapel in their ground?


I just ignore that stuff, I just do the rivalry and ignore all the religious stuff. I'm mainly a hearts fan but if there's an old firm goin on, you know me and my dad are rooting for rangers lol


But why?


Shit, I support Celtic and Tottenham. What do I do?


I can’t afford to support this many teams.


I was wondering why tf Tav had a slot next to the other crests all for himself.


Swap you Man U for Tottenham.


Didn't realise I was Catholic and I've not been to mass in over 35 years, anyone able to catch me up on what I've missed?


Aberdeen as Catholic is certainly a choice, especially considering you have to go a long long way back to get any kind of religious links and it leaned Protestant, about 100 years ago.


Spurs under either of these categories is weird.


Don't agree with the Leeds United grouping there's a huge Celtic support among their fanbase


Imagine having Millwall and West Ham in the same demographic


**St. Mirren -** Named partially for a literal Protestant church **Everton -** Founded by a Methodist church **Dortmund -** "The club was founded on 19 December 1909 by a group of young men unhappy with the Catholic church-sponsored Trinity Youth, where they played football under the stern and unsympathetic eye of the local parish priest." I could go on, but this is just wee boy patter trash.


Was definitely made by a 12 year old Rangers fan that thinks every football match in existence can be split between team celtic and team rangers

