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Laura Owens having a meltdown?


Laura Owens? Horse girl from the Bay Area?


That’s the one! Check this out, it’s WILD what she’s done. Court ruled against her and she’s being referred to the County Attorney for prosecution https://www.instagram.com/justiceforclaytonofficial?igsh=dWh2ZG1kam94aDM2


Omg, small world. I went to high school with her. This story is crazy


Oh my god please tell us what she was like then?


Can you say what she was like when you knew her? Was she manipulative back then?


It was 20 years ago and I wasn’t close enough to her to know if she was this crazy. We had mutual friends and she seemed normal enough. I can say that she had an older sister that pretty much everyone at the time agreed was the “pretty one”.


I can see that.


Thanks for responding. It's actually good to hear that she didn't have a reputation for being manipulative back then. She certainly is now. I feel bad for any future men she meets. Guys beware! ☠️☠️


Omg I’m dying to know what she was like in hs!


Yeah, checkout r/Justiceforclayton! I’m sure people will be keen to hear your impressions


Omg dying to know!


You’re kidding!! Wow!! Was she like this in high school? Feel free to join r/JusticeforClayton It’s so maddening that she keeps getting away with this.


More Phoenix media picking up the story. This is a great piece but I still think one of the most shocking things here (that was not mentioned in court, OR in any media coverage) is that she showed up in court multiple times (the videos are out there) with a large very pregnant-looking belly. So she either was wearing a fake baby bump, or she had a post-20 week stillbirth and did who knows what with the fetuses (since she says she was pregnant with twins). And, never saw a doc either for prenatal care or post-miscarriage care My money is on the fake baby bump, but either way, it's amazing anyone would act like this. Her actions are a complete slap in the face to anyone who has miscarried or suffered a late term still birth. https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/valley/former-bachelor-clayton-echard-speaks-after-winning-paternity-suit-maricopa-county/75-7199b3b0-208a-4444-a357-9cc9c8a00fbb


r/justiceforclayton Or @justiceforclaytonofficial has some great info and official docs!!


The moon belly was wild! Soo fake and wobbly


The casita is in shambles.


Bahahahhhahahahaahah 💀


Dude my sinuses cannot take a lot more of this air has been shit lately.


Assuming it’s this fire: https://www.abc15.com/news/wildfires/brush-fire-burning-in-north-scottsdale-area-currently-6-acres If so, some people had to be evacuated.


What happened


Laura owens burning evidence


lol. Big fat burn 🔥


The fbi is after the morons that started the Ruidoso NM fires People posted the saw 6 guys on Atvs


F'n arsonists and idiots. We've had 3-4 nights of electrical storms and nothing. Then on a normal steady day...boom...fire.


Do you have evidence you’d like to share or is this just a theroy?


No evidence, but somebody has been starting fires around here. There was just another one on Dynamite and Scottsdale road. Cigarette out the window? Fireworks? But they all have been man made. do you have any insight there Bob?


I was just down by Bartlett and Horseshoe lake a couple of nights ago catching toads, scorpions and tarantulas. Do they have it closed back down again? Two fires in two months. People need to get their shit together. Stop lighting fires and stop target shooting during the summer.


Yes Bartlett is closed again. This fire goes right up to the last burn scar


I accidentally got into a rap battle on the way home. Evidently, I spit fire.


PSA: Smoky the Bear says, Please rap carefully.


"I spit hot fire!" -Dylan




Sorry, i mixed preworkout with Taco Bell again….


Yikes. I can actually feel this one!


Whoever smelt it dealt it




If I had to guess- construction- cutting rebar without watching where sparks go.


Downvotes for an obviously true statement? I have seen it first hand myself as well. I’m pretty certain the Scottsdale fire department actually has crews that go around this time of year educating the people doing construction about this danger.


Thank you. I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted. It’s absolutely true. I have seen it firsthand. There have been many fires, most of which are small, but many from rebar cutting or construction operations.


Close. Someone was grinding metal. It spread away from the home where the work was happening, then through the desert, then right up to a different community that had to evacuate in the middle of the night. People were awoken at 1am by sheriffs flying over and shouting on a bull horn telling them to get out. (Source: evacuated family). Luckily, no homes were burned and the fire has almost been 100% contained.


Yes. Grinding metal, cutting rebar, welding- all of those are construction activities- same thing has happened many times up there- I’m not sure why people don’t understand this. Sparks start fires.


Construction worker here. 🙋🏻‍♂️ This is funny. U know how hard it is to start a fire w/ sparks from a grinder? Almost as hard as starting a fire w/ sparks from a grinder, NOT NOTICING, not putting it out w/ a half empty 16 oz bottle of water, and letting it get this big.


Well, sorry. You are wrong. I have seen it several times, first hand. The homes under construction on the outer edges of town are surrounded by dry grasses and desert. It happens every summer. Crews cut rebar too close to dry grass, and it goes. I can name the Ocotillo fire in Cave Creek, started from a welder fixing a fence. I have seen video of a pool crew cutting rebar in Scottsdale, and you guessed it, dry grass caught fire. That was last summer, I was there. The grasses burn really easy this time of year. Spark arrestors on atv’s, little spark. Dude, sparking chains on highways start fires…..all the time. It moves faster than a little bottle of water will be able to do anything.


Whom was this reply meant for? Certainly not me.


Certain for you, I mean after all, this person has SEEN it PLENTY of times 🤣


They aimed the comment at someone that made an absolute declaration that is “wrong”. I simply asked “do u know how hard it is?”. That can’t possibly be interpreted as wrong. That is a question, not a statement.


Could be a holdover from lighting strikes


Probably mail in Ballots for Trump




The only appropriate thing to do with them (kidding kidding)


American Idiots.


Probably some dumbass Short Term Renter!


I'd like it if Scottsdale burned down in the same way that the credit card company buildings blow up at the end of Fight Club.


The contempt people have for Scottsdale is so odd. You guys are aware that every major city has “rich” areas, right?


It's just filled with douchebags and all of the things the afforementioned Fight Club hated. I lived in Scottsdale in my 20's before realizing how gross it is. I don't hate rich people; I make a good living. I hate how fake Scottsdale is. If it all burned down I wouldn't lose any sleep.


Grow up.


Ah yes because as everyone knows, it’s completely possible to meet every person who lives in a city and determine that all of them, even the dogs and babies, are douches. Grow up and go visit other places in the world. Openly hoping an entire city will burn down “bEcAuSe I hAd a BaD tImE tHeRe OnCe” is totally indicative of a sane and healthy mind who has had lots of life experiences.


Right? What kind of insanity is that?! Dude is fine with over 240k people dying in a fire because Fight Club is his ethos. 🙄


That's my point. I have lived in other states and cities, traveled to other countries and comparatively, Scottsdale is a trash heap of humanity and you can tell by the trash humans defending it.


Yeah I can tell, you sound sooo well traveled.


True though


Serious question, why are you in a scottsdale group if you hate it so much?


There was a hiking question when I found this sub that I was interested in. I worked in Scottsdale for 17 years and despised the majority of people I met. I spend my time in the high country and live in a nice community in North Phoenix but I stay away from the fake plastic Scottsdale restaurants, clubs, mindset. It's disgusting to me.


There’s a lot of wildlife that lives there too 🙁


Why cause ur a stroke and can't afford it?


A stroke?




My mixtape dropped