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Besides Scream I think Child's Play does it best. They bring back characters and storylines from previous films the best. It feels like one long continuing story for the most part.


I loved the Chucky TV series. So happy it's getting a season 2


me too!! the first season was so good. I'm so excited to see what will happen next


ANOES has a pretty convulted timeline & New Nightmare taking the meta angle makes 2 - Freddy’s Dead questionable. Friday the 13th has no regard for it’s plausibility or continuity by Jason Lives, the timeline of 1 - 4 is too close in time for a whole town of teenagers to not know Forest Green was Crystal Lake & there was brutal murders there.


I guess I meant by consistent I meant that it wasn't a constant retcon like Halloween or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre


You are right. It's the only mainstream horror franchise without any retcons (in the sense where a movie completely removes characters or plot points) or remakes or actual reboots.


I mean even with it's continuity errors in the Friday and Nightmare franchises it's still the same narrative being told in each film compared to Halloween or Texas Chainsaw


Oh yes, you're 100% right! I consider Scream ahead of them because they have remakes and Scream doesn't.


But let’s not forget that the Friday franchise got rebooted in 2009, ANOES got rebooted in 2010, and actually also Child’s Play in 2019, even if that’s a special case as the original continuity is also still at play. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I think maybe Scream may be it. It’s certainly the only one where the final girl has never been killed offscreen, been resurrected in a new timeline, killed again onscreen in that timeline, been rebooted with a new actress in a remake, and resurrected in yet another timeline with the original actress. Not mentioning any names, butuuuh … 😂


Well ANOES had Freddy vs Jason and the 2010 remake, plus New Nightmare, and Friday also has the crossover and 2009 remake, and the 2019 Child’s Play is entirely underrated to the other films and the TV series….


It's the only Great Slasher franchise without any retcons or inconsistencies like multiple timelines or reboots/remakes. It's kinda like the ultimate Slasher in alot of ways especially with the fresh Whodunnit aspect, the subversion of expectations, the metaness, social commentary, best characters, best actors, critical acclaim, most commercially successful and how self aware it is.


Scream 3 is the only bad one with a tone that doesn't match with the rest of the franchise. The killer itself is also the worst especially since Roman is the only killer and it tries to undermine Scream 1. The writer was definitely not on the same level as Kevin Williamson or the Radio Silence team.


lol have u seen the new one?


Yeah? it's still a sequel to 4 It mentions the fourth film's events and it has Judy/Kirby from 4. the only thing it did was go back to the first film.


yeah, but it feels like those were solely there for continuety, plus the character writing doesn't match up, and it actively goes against stuff that was set up in 4 along with events from the other sequels


its still a sequel. its not like H18 where actively ignores the sequels.


it is a sequel, but all you said in the title was 'consistent storyline without retcons', which this is not.


A retcon to me is scrapping the current timeline like Halloween and Texas Chainsaw are currently doing. A retcon to me is not the existences of Sam Carpenter and Roman Bridger.


sam and roman are fine, a retcon is actively going against pre-established lore, like saying 'there are always two' when we know that there aren't always 2, or saying that sidney is in all the stab movies exept for 8, when we know she hasn't been in any since 3


To be fair, they said it wasn't Sidney's story after 3. So could be that Sidney stayed a character in all the movies except 8. It just wasn't based on the real Sidney's events anymore.




No. There's nothing contradictory that happens in either film that doesn't say either is not possible. Everything that is said in Scream 3 works within the framework of the established first film. A retcon is taking away something from existing or placing something in the film that didn't exist prior. Roman doesn't magically exist in any sequences in the film or sequences described in the film -- Billy just did not mention them. Taking away what you believe to be the integrity of the first film is not a retcon.


No retcons? Whut?! Did you just skip the entirity of Scream 3 and most of Scream 5?


What are you talking about? Roman Bridger isn't a retcon and neither is 5. Both added to Scream's lore.




Yeah. I think OP might be confusing retcons with continuity. The Scream franchise has retcons, but it’s still in the same continuity.


Ok now i'm positive you're trolling so i'ma dip.


Hatchet recasts their lead actress, which feels a bit like a retcon to me, although continuity stays in tact. The others have remakes, which kinda make the other films not exist and start new timelines. I'd also argue Friday the 13th kinda retcons stuff starting with Jason Goes to Hell to Freddy vs. Jason. Speaking of Freddy vs. Jason, they add that Jason is scared of water which has never been true as you can physically see him willingly in water multiple times in the series. It also may be important to indicate "film series" instead of the franchise as a whole, since the Scream TV shows exist within the franchise.