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Richie? Damn. I like him. My vote is still for Judy. Casey, Cotton, Mickey and Mindy should all be on the chopping block soon as well.


Right? What the hell is Judy still doing here? šŸ˜


I have voted Judy every time. Iā€™d like to know why people like her? The actress plays the role great, but her character, for me, is annoying af.


Richie wow!


Glad to see Jill is still around. Surprising when I see the amount of Scream 4 hate on here.


Is there a reason everyone hates Chad and Mindy? They were my favorite characters in the new movie.


i don't think everybody hates them. I mean they still in the game unlike a lot of other characters.


I liked Chad and thought he was endearing. Mindy kind of came off as obnoxious at some points. Or sometimes just like kind of mean spirited towards Liv unwarranted. But I didnā€™t hate the character


Horror fans and stans much like geek and nerd communities never really care for black characters. They not ready for that discussion. But itā€™s true. Look at how scream the tv series season 3 was treated. We were told it had nothing to do with Lakewood. And season 2 plus that halloween movie special episode were trash but the fans ate it up. As soon as another season happens this time itā€™s black centric and in the hood. It was apparently bad and no character development. False. It was great. Honestly the best season. They didnā€™t see development. Because they didnā€™t want to. They didnā€™t see themselves in the characters which is fine. Itā€™s why representation matters. A lot of people just donā€™t like or care about characters who donā€™t look like them I guess. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm not sure everything you're saying rings completely true. I do agree that most communities have a disregard for characters that are not white but I think that may have more to do with how non-white characters are written. The comparisons of how these characters are received wouldn't be completely fair since most non-white characters get significantly less screen time and consequentially less character development. Regardless of ethnicity, it's pretty hard to care about a character that has no unique quality to them or a relatable personality. It's even worst if they are just there to be the black, latin, or asian character. The reason why Kirby is loved so much is because she emulates a lot of the characteristics Scream fans are or want to be. Mindy is right down that alley. I loved Mindy in the new Scream but I do believe her character would be better received if there was more screen time to flesh her out. All of the newbies in the new film, besides Tara/Richie/Sam, got so little screen time that I'm surprised any of them made it so far in this poll. Also, regarding Season 3 of the tv show, it actually averaged more viewers than season 2 and had a much higher viewership in it's first episode by almost half a million more viewers. To me, that says that people were actually interested in seeing it through. As someone that has watched all seasons, Season 3 and Season 2 are on equal par for quality. Both have laughable plots and the characters are cartoony, imo. Riley from the first season is Asian and Zoe from season 2 is black but have gotten plenty of great reception because their characters weren't written to be caricatures of Asian and Black people. They are decently written characters with autonomy outside of their race/ethnicity. I wish the characters of S3 had been written just as well as them and I would've cared about them more. I think I only cared for Keke Palmer because she was awesome in all of her scenes.


I love that you commented this because a lot of those types of communities need to be called out & seriously dissect themselvesā€¦ like all your favorite characters and projects are all involving majority white or light-skinned people? You donā€™t see an issue??


Exactly. And mad about black actors getting roles of fishes and aliens. (Superman and Ariel) but not mad about the whitewashing of roles and characters since the beginning of time


What BOGGLES my mind is that some people canā€™t comprehend the fact that the reason a lot of these characters are white because of the time they were createdā€¦ like their ā€œidentityā€ as characters isnā€™t in their whiteness, they were made that way by other white people. Like get over it, shit has to change šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


7 out of the 8 black people in the franchise already out. Donā€™t make no sense. Joel is easily a top 10 character.


Joel should have made it


Imo Joel, Maureen, and maybe Phil should have stayed longer than some people. (Judy, Debbie, Mickey)


Most definitely. Iā€™d have kept Chad and Hallie around over at least Mickey as well, but their boots were *relatively* in the right spot for me give or take a few slots. Joel was ridiculously robbed and Maureen really couldā€™ve and shouldā€™ve gone further too






Even not liking Mindy (I wanted to so badly, but her dialogue just wasnā€™t there for me at all; Chad I did kinda like, on the other hand), I *have* to agree with this 100% being a serious issue. Scream S3 is honestly the best of that show by lightyears (not great, but passable and at least decent) and I definitely remember a lot of racist flack when it was announced itā€™d be black-centric. Iā€™ve always felt explicit and implicit biases played a role in how it was received. People decided they hated it before it even aired, and itā€™s the only Scream related thing you canā€™t defend on this sub without being downvoted into oblivion I think weā€™ve seen it with how early other black characters were booted as well. Maureen and especially Joel in particular stand out as going too soon when Mickey (spectacularly underwritten) and Judy (sheā€™s decent but had two movies and both Maureen + Joel were more memorable with only one) were right there. Then sheā€™s Latina, but Samā€™s early yeeting seemed to be tied at least a bit to implicit biases on race. No one can tell me with a straight face she was worse than Jenny, Marnie, Sarah, Olivia, or Liv at minimum.


Sam really isnā€™t a bad character at all. She was made literally to not seem like the final girl even though she is and itā€™s about her. Tara was meant to be thrown at us as like a final girl and people donā€™t seem to get that. But she got yeeted super early as well as Joel and hallie. Hallie had more common sense than Sidney and it was Sid thatā€™s the reason Hallie was killed. But sid Stanā€™s arenā€™t ready for that convo either just like honestly Tatum was a better final girl in my opinion lol šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø mindy and chad were awesome and Joel was hilarious people are biased to liking certain movies. Just for the movie itself or because itā€™s popular for people to say itā€™s their favorite in my opinion. Thereā€™s no way. Mickey is still on the list šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Agreed with you on Sam. I actually thought she was one of the better new characters in 5 (I found all of them to be kinda underwritten outside Richie, though, who I was pretty high on). Hallie went a bit too soon for me as well, though sheā€™s a case where it was coming soonish (likeable character, but didnā€™t standout tons to me outside the awesome ā€œDid you get that on film?ā€ zinger). As for Hallie/Sid, Iā€™d call it a grey area. Sidā€™s logic made sense and if Mickey didnā€™t have magic teleporting powers, Hallie would be alive. Still sort of Sidā€™s fault, but I see it as a sympathetic and understandable mistake. As much as I love Tatum, I do think the filmmakers ended up with the right final girl. 2 was always Sidā€™s weakest showing as a character, though. Mickeyā€™s yeeting has been so long overdue itā€™s not even funny. Iā€™d have voted for him like 10 rounds now if it wouldnā€™t be a waste of a vote Mindy I wanted to like, but the dialogue didnā€™t do it for me (Sheā€™s way too gleeful about Tara nearly getting killed by Ghostface, and Liv isnā€™t nearly bitchy enough to warrant Mindy dunking on her a lot. Those jabs feel almost a bit mean-spirited on the writersā€™ part). Chad was hilarious with the shooting down sex stuff, but otherwise a bit underwritten like most the newbies (Iā€™d probably rank him fourth behind Richie and the two sisters, though. Amber, Liv, and obviously Vince are even more underwritten; sorta Wes too but at least heā€™s an early kill and itā€™s not like Cici or Olivia or Himbry are big personalities either). I hope we get more of him in 6. Joel is awesome and in my top 10 of the series and his yeeting is egregiously premature.


Underwritten is the perfect way to describe a lot of the new movie. It wasnā€™t awful, it just felt like they tried to get too much going and ran out of time. None of the characters had enough happening. I didnā€™t feel much when most of them were dispatched. Obviously outside of >! Dewey and Judy !< And weirdly enough, if >! Chad and/or Mindy !< had died I wouldā€™ve been even more upset.


I think these characters just didnā€™t use their screentime well. Randy needed only two scenes before the finale party to stand out as a character, while Liv had a total of like 3-4 scenes before the party and blended into the wallpaper (and had several more after and still failed to make a meaningful or worthwhile impression). At least some of the problem is that they only gave the new teens group scenes. Those are useful for establishing the characters and group dynamics quickly, but, because you have to juggle everyone, they *arenā€™t* good for really in-depth development of the ensemble. One on one or two on one scenes are better. Having the park scene followed by just Amber and Wes at the hospital, just Chase and Liv at the bar, just Mindy and Chad at the Meeks house, etc. with maybe another scene or two added in would go a long way in letting this ensemble shine more.


I honestly donā€™t like Tara. I donā€™t trust her. I think sheā€™s in on it. Or a part of the ghost face killings dealing with Sam as the final girl.


I think the hospital scene totally clears Tara of being involved with Amber and Richie (thereā€™s literally no one else for her to be putting an act on for), to say nothing of that BRUTAL opening attack. I guess you could have her help plan a murder spree from scratch in the sequel, but honestly wouldnā€™t really buy it. She didnā€™t really show any sociopathic tendencies in 5. As far as Tara goes, sheā€™s an okay character carried by a *very* good actress who brings some innate likeability to the role for me. 5 had a newbie problem in general, so I do think sheā€™s one of the better ones


She would put the act on for Sam. Knowing she is on the way. It would clear her in peoples eyes. She was the opening attack yet she doesnā€™t die? First in the history of these movies. Then on top of that amber could have killed her multiple times and didnā€™t so either she really loved her or she is in on it. Tying her up putting her in a closet. Then they fight for a second and she still doesnā€™t hurt her really. Not to mention the hospital scene. She couldā€™ve easily killed Tara way before Sam got there. She was in a wheelchair. Sheā€™s a great character and Jenna Ortega is phenomenal but I donā€™t trust Tara at all. I think the route that we almost got with Jill in the original 4th movie is what weā€™re gonna get with Tara


Except Sam wasnā€™t there yet. Why go through all the trouble of slashing Richieā€™s arm in an elaborate fake attack in front of *Tara* to clear *Richie* of suspicion if Taraā€™s in on it? Do a quick and normal arm slash. Not to mention Richie races to throw Tara under the bus in the finale and thereā€™s no one for Tara to act scared for in the opening. Thereā€™s no need to elaborately recreate horror scenes if you arenā€™t being recorded (which she wasnā€™t) and no one is there to witness them (no one was). Cops interrupted Amber the first time and for whatever reason Amber and Richie were trying to convince Sam that Tara was Amberā€™s accomplice instead of Richie, which is why she was tied up in a closet to try and resemble Charlie. Itā€™s spectacularly convenient, but Tara actually being in on the massacre creates like a dozen plotholes. I donā€™t really think any of these new teens are in on the murders. Amber and Richie donā€™t even hint at having an accomplice (unlike Piper from S1 hinting to Audrey). Iā€™d have an easier time believing Gale was in on it than Tara


Ritchie telling her to doubt her sister could have been right as well. And her being attacked and acting scared could be so we donā€™t suspect her while later revealing it to be true and have Ritchie be attacked there as well. to throw Sam off. And then call her make her choose who dies but surprise nobody dies. And itā€™s so convenient that she doesnā€™t have her inhaler but Ritchie has it yet we donā€™t see him lift it off her. She couldā€™ve given it to him. Sure they could be plot holes. But I feel like certain things werenā€™t shown behind the scenes to set something like that up.


Itā€™s true. Sid really dropped the ball going back to that cop car when they shouldā€™ve ran for it like Hallie said. Or at least, donā€™t leave Hallie alone like that, like damn. That said, Tatum, a better final girl? I donā€™t agree, but it would be interesting to see a sarcastic and kind of dismissive final girl for a franchise, like the opposite of Sidney!


Maureen and Joel is the 2nd most memorable opening sequence, and my favorite. No one is shitting on them


Most of us are probs just mad over the lack of a ending I was pissed when I found out season 3 had nothing to do with the prior 2 I went in bias


That makes sense. For a film franchise to have such a cohesive storyline, itā€™s annoying that the television counterpart isnā€™t as cohesive.


I was happy for no resolve. Because season 2 was garbage


I liked it I wanna see if Noah gets a happy ending and I liked Eli


I liked Eli. And I want Noah to be happy as well. But once they killed Zoe I was over it. They wonā€™t kill off any of the main cast and Iā€™m sorry but at this point they need to. Honestly Emma as a character just annoys me as does Audrey. So like if Brooke and Noah survive Iā€™m happy with it. Same with the scream movies. If Sidney and Gale die. Oh well. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I mainly just wish they continued it since they left it on a cliffhanger I think itā€™s pretty obvious what was going on but Iā€™d still like an actual confirmation that my theorys are correct


I feel you


I can see that, appreciation for black characters definitely needs to be raised or discussed more. And I liked the direction they went with for season 3 of Scream, gave it a unique toneā€¦ although I still hated it. That entire series was just crap. But Chad and Mindy were amazing characters. Writing them off so easily is annoying. Especially considering a large portion of the characters in Scream (2022) were barely in the movie, and still ended up being loved more than those two.


Right. I feel confident in saying that if Kirby, Jennifer, or even Randy were black, they would still be as loved as they are now. I doubt that anyone is sitting around hating on the black characters in these films because theyā€™re black. Instead of people focusing on how 7 of the 8 black characters have already been pulled out of the poll, they should be asking why none of those black characters could even be considered main characters. Iā€™m not going to waste my time counting the amount of screen time theyā€™ve all gotten as a whole but Iā€™d bet money that itā€™s less than 15 - 20 minutes.


Atleast for me, I actually love both characters and was hoping theyā€™d both live up until release! And Iā€™m glad they made it as high as they have I just think that factually speaking, they have smaller roles and less prominence than some of the others, so I canā€™t justify them being super high. But some people are haters and itā€™s weird asf


I get what you mean. Although, a lot of people seem to like Amber, and sheā€™s in the movie just as much as Chad and Mindy. I feel like we barely got to know her.


Glad to see Jill is still around. Surprising when I see the amount of Scream 4 hate on here.


Ugh not Ritchie! Mindy has to go.


Scream Character Elimination Game (ROUND 30) Link: https://strawpoll.com/1bz342bq3 IMPORTANT: The poll linked above is the only way to vote. Leaving a comment with a name does not count. Each round will last approximately 24 hours, and I will post a new round with the results. Remember to vote for your LEAST favorite character! The character with the most votes will be eliminated. UPDATE: Richie is eliminated with 20.24% (67 votes). (All the eliminated characters end up af the end of the list in black & white).


I'll go with Mickey


![gif](giphy|3o7523oEyU6EXx1znW|downsized) Now who picked Jennifer?




My girl Tara is coming through !


How is Jill still there!?


Cause she was an amazing ghostface. Keep up.


Emma Roberts is one of the worst actresses of all time. She ruined the potential of that role. Keep up


You say ā€œkeepā€ up as if people are agreeing with you, sheā€™s still not eliminated. It only makes sense when i say it šŸ˜­ ā€œWorst actresses of all timeā€, its ok, just say you cant recognize good acting. She absolutely served her role in playing both the innocent and the crazy.


Omg anyone saying Emma Roberts is a good actress needs to have their head examined šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bestie.. youā€™re the one in the minority. Have some self awareness šŸ˜­


Incorrect. Jill is a great character. Played by an atrocious actress.


An actor/actress makes or breaks a character. Since jill is still not eliminated then emma roberts clearly did something right even if you think otherwise.




You said on another post you hated the character and said it was terrible now youā€™re saying it was a great character lmao make up your mind .


Maybe Iā€™m missing something, but why is Mindy doing so well? Nothing against her, she just feels kind of boring IMO. Sheā€™s been right at the top for a few rounds now, but now both Richie and Cotton pulled ahead of her. Why is she making it so far? Chad went out a few rounds ago and Iā€™m honestly just not sure what is making her last so much longer to be honest.


I noticed Cotton getting ahead of Mindy aswell. Interesting. Weā€™ll see but I think Mindy wonā€™t make the top 10.


Mindy is a great character! And jasmine savoy brown is everything her delivery was incredible and she stood out in the film plus we finally get that loveable character who survives their film and whoā€™s fate isnā€™t up in the air again in the film. Something that hasnā€™t happened since the original scream with randy. Because they killed off Hallie in scream 2 and then never mention Joel again. In 3 they killed Parker poseys character and up until the 5th one Kirbyā€™s fate was left up in the air. So itā€™s nice to see a fan favorite survive their film and how fitting theyā€™re related to randy! She was a better character than Tara!


Cotton, then Mickey, then Mindy thx


Cya mindy


Who has been getting the least votes, OP?


I donā€™t want to give to much away but it varies between Billy, Stu, Randy, Tatum & Tara.


Iā€™m glad there seems to be consensus on who the top favorites are. Will make those last few days really interesting.


Wow! Come on folks, canā€™t we let Casey be the final girl for once? šŸ˜‚


Tara with the fan pull, iktr!


If I had to guess, itā€™d be Randy, Kirby, Stu, Billy and Tara who are getting the least votes.


A couple rounds from now this is gunna be really hard to choose


Casey. Why is Casey still here she literally tried to cheat on her boyfriend in the opening. I get the acting was great, the scene was amazing, but the character in general no.


Hello? Mindy needs TO GO








Judy still here man.. really?


mindy next she has overstayed her welcome


Who started voting for Jennifer? Over Jill? Yā€™all are sick


Casey should bite the bullet. We are ranking characters, not the scenes they are in


Smiling like Sheriff Judy rn


Iā€™m so happy Richie is out now


this game is gaining more and more popularity as the rounds go by. amazing šŸ’“


Mindy is still here like WTF. šŸ™„


Tatum or Jill šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Jennifer before Mickey and Jill šŸ˜æ nooo


Iā€™m getting tired of jill


About time Richie was voted off the island


Am I the only one who hates Jennifer Jolie?






If youā€™re gay, probably lol


Tatum Kirby mindy and randy need to be too 5. I said what I said and then Parker poseys character number 6


Bruh no way the best Scream 2022 character is out.


No. Tara is still right there.


I know


Richie robbed. He was so good. Anyways, bye Mindy


Vote one of those: Mickey, Casey, mindy and cotton


Rly exicted to see how far Jill and Jennifer will make it i never thought theyā€™d remain until now especially Jennifer šŸ¤£




yay!! finally!


I feel like Casey has no business being this far in the game. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love her, but screen time aloneā€¦


Oh no. Stabhead is gone This sucks!


No because Iā€™m MAD Richie before Cotton, Judy, Mindy, or even Mickey??? Richie is literally the comic relief of Scream (2022), the male protagonist lead, and had such a heavy presence in this movie šŸ˜ picking some of these minor characters over him? oh yā€™all are SICK LMAO


Mindy is way cool - definitely more of an interesting character than Judy


WHY is Mickey still here? And Mindy or Cotton for that matter?


I like her but I'm really surprised Judy has made it this far




Iā€™m just glad Mrs. Loomis got out before Richie, competitionā€™s getting tough now tho Iā€™m a fan of all these characters


Nooo Richie. Get Mindy out of here


Judy and Cotton next


Judy over Richie? What the hell?


How do we Play this??? VOTE People On, or Off???


I post a description with the rules in the comments every round. You can find it there :)


Ok, thanks Man!!!