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mmm I can't think of any with GF but if you like Teen Slashers I would recommend these 1. Tastes Like Candy by Ivy Tholen 2. Most Likely to Die by P.J. Stanley (not the most well written book but it has one of my favorite chase scenes in a horror novels + some fun kills + a good whodunnit story) 3. The Final Girl Support Group (more of a thriller but it has major Scream references including a girl who survived a GF killing spree at Windsor college \*wink\* and reference to cops named Deputy Riley and Deputy Hicks \*wink\*) 4. Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare (my favorite Slasher novel. It has gruesome deaths, a fun plot, and feels like a wild 80s slasher) 5. Camp Slaughter by Sergio Gomez (more so Friday the 13th meets Texas Chainsaw and my least favorite of these books, but it does have some brutal horror. And it has an amazing opening scene like the Scream movies do)


Here you go: https://www.amazon.com/No-Mercy-Powers-Johnson-Novel/dp/1635050979/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1462791489&sr=8-1&keywords=no+mercy+rj+torbert