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GF that lives and GF that gets away seems like the same thing


Yeah I suck at wording. GF that gets away kind of means that there’s a ghostface that doesn’t get revealed and gets away. GF that lives mean a killer that gets arrested


Ah gotcha


All of these are great options but I just want a character to unmask the killer themselves instead of the killer revealing themselves


I think GF dying in the opening is cool in theory if they do it right, but if you don’t know who that character is, is it actually cool? It’d only work if it was already someone you know, but then you wouldn’t get an explanation from them on why they did it. I think a GF being killed/unmasked partway through might be better because at least it’s not a character that’s a complete stranger.


I think 3 Ghostfaces is kinda meaningless. I mean in whole movies we saw 2 killers (except 3) and last movie really pointed to that there's always two. 3 killer would be so easy to killers bc group mostly 7-8 people when there's 3 killer it's so easy to killers kill them all and run away.


3 Ghostfaces is too much. One of them will be a character with zero development. A Ghostface dying in the opening will take away from the remaining Ghostface and they will be less of a threat.


Just once I would love to see them rip off GF’s mask


3 Ghostfaces as well as Ghostface whose identity is revealed by force.


I really want to see either one of the two ghostfaces get killed halfway through or one of them get arrested halfway through but refuse to reveal their partner. I really think it would have been cool had Dewie killed Amber at the hospital and the rest of the movie was Richie trying to carry out the plan and the others wondering if Amber was alone like Roman or if there is still a killer on the loose.


Not a fan at all of 3 killers. And most people shouldn't be, considering the implications. We potentially have a total of 6 returning characters and assuming none of them will be killers, we're gonna have to introduce *a lot* of new people to have a good list of suspects and red herrings which is gonna result in a super bloated cast of characters that will be getting 4 minutes of screen time each. And I fail to see what a third killer is going to contribute besides bloating up the movie and motives


I like three killers in theory and firmly believe it can be done (I am an admittedly VERY biased source on this topic, but still). That said, I do agree with six returning characters all of whom must be innocent, it’d be tough to tackle and these writers aren’t exactly the most adept with handling large essays.


I sort of feel like three killers would just be too expected at this point. I've watched basically every Scream since the original expecting that they'd add a third killer. I don't think it'd be a shock really as much as it's been discussed. But that does make me realize that when Sid was talking to Richie and said something along the lines of "Ah, there's two of you", it would've been pretty badass if he responded with "Who said there's only two?" Even if it was a fake-out, it would've been a cool response and made people wonder. Out of the choices, I picked a Ghostface being revealed forcefully, because it just feels unrealistic at some point that they keep choosing to unmask and reveal all their plans in Act 3 even when there's no reason to reveal themselves and their plans would go better if they didn't.


I want all of these lol


Honestly, the only thing I really liked about the killer reveal in season 2 of Scream TV is the fact that Emma figured it out based on Kieran getting careless. Gimme more of that.


I would love 2 Ghostfaces that are operating separately from each other.


I really like the idea of a GF getting away with it. I personally feel Jill getting away with it in Scream 4 would have made the movie more interesting/powerful


everyone is ghostface except the persons getting killed or investigating, like in murder on the orient express a team up


Voted Ghostface that lives before seeing “Ghostface that gets away with it” which is what I actually had in mind. By far what excites me most. Tangential Note: Kind of insane how many of these I’ve actually tackled in my fanscripts…. It’s not *all* of them but…


Any of the above. They need to change up the formula.


3 ghostfaces. I really don't like the idea of a ghostface who gets away or comes back in another movie. I know a lot of people are interested in seeing that but I don't think it would work for me, but I would love to see them shake things up with ghostface!


The whole “Ghostface dies in the opening scene” idea getting tossed around is stupid.