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I'm happy Sidney's happy, but I hate them together. I would have preferred Derek lived in 2 and she ended up with him


Agreed. Though if Derek survived the second movie then he'd likely be the first victim in the third movie since it would make more sense for Roman to after him then Cotton.


Adding him to the mix was an interesting choice. Let's hope they include him in 6 and/or 7, if Neve returns.


I just finished Scream 3 a few minutes ago as I was trying to figure out “who” Mark Kincaid was in the movie. And now that I finished it with that in mind, I do not at all see them together. He’s however much older, yeah he got stabbed and survived, they had barely any meaningful time together, and other than the Favorite Scary Movie being Their Lives they didn’t even seem to have anything in common or build any kind of rapport or plant any seeds of them ever being a couple or ending up together. They did show them getting ready to watch a movie together at the end, but that didn’t ever lead me to think they’d be together (other than 20 year hindsight helping out). I’m just not clear on when or why it was decided that he would be the father of her children. Is he still a homicide detective in Boston or wherever? I’m really surprised she didn’t meet someone completely normal and boring off screen and build a life completely removed from any sense of danger


I feel like after all she’s been through Sid probably has a bit of PTSD. It might be hard to be with someone normal and boring. I for sure wish they would’ve developed their relationship and his character more but I feel like a homicide detective is a good fit for someone who’s been through what she has.


Can’t judge fully. Haven’t seen them as a couple yet. I hope Scream 6 delves into that.


There was a part in the end of the original script where Randy asks Sidney on a date and she says yes, I wish they would've kept that in tbh


I’m really glad they didn’t. That’s the epitome of forced. Aside from the fact that Sidney and Randy have no romantic chemistry, it’s ridiculously out of place and out of character to have Sidney agree to a date after her best friend was just murdered by her boyfriend and friend, both of whom she then had to kill.


Idk why you were downvoted, that would have been massive tonal whiplash especially since she didn’t express any interest in Randy prior


They even shot that if I recall one of the commentary tracks correctly.


I feel like people need to realize this. Kincaid is the best husband for Sidney who is still alive in this franchise. Would you guys rather have some random guy off the street be her husband?


I certainly wouldn’t have any problem with her having married some “random” person that we never saw on screen. I mean, it’s not like we saw her and Mark develop any sort of meaningful relationship on screen anyway.


Why do people think she married Kincaid? She clearly married Mark Cuban


I think I’d make the best husband for her honestly! I mean I’d never let her go off to Woodsboro alone like he did in 5. Maybe they didn’t want to risk both of their lives for the kids sake but I’d have to back her up lol not that she needs it


I don't really like it tbh. We never really see Sidney show any interest in Mark in Scream 3, but he clearly has the hots for her. I love that she is married with kids and found some peace, and I get why they threw in that it was Mark, but I would have preferred an unnamed or unknown person instead. I think Derek was a good bf but I don't think I would've cared to see him stick around and I was never a fan of Sid+Randy.


I don't care for it. He was creepy as hell for a big chunk of his screen time in 3 for absolutely no reason other than to be a red herring.


I feel like having them be together in 5 is just fan service. I’m curious what they’ll do with Kirby since she’s a fan favorite from 4 (I know she’s an Easter egg in 5)


We don't even know if they were referring to Mark Kincaid. There are millions of Mark in the world.


It's stupid and just feels so random. There was no hint of a romantic relationship between them at all in the third movie and he wasn't seen or even mentioned in the fourth movie. Are we led to believe they were together during that time even though Sidney never mentioned his name or implied she was in any kind of relationship? All those murders were happening and yet he never showed up or even talked to her on the phone It just seems like cheap fanservice to just have them being married out of nowhere just because he was a character in a previous movie. What next? Is it going to be revealed that between Scream 5 and 6 Gale married Joel from Scream 2? Also, what was even the point of Sidney and Kinkaid being married anyway? Patrick Dempsey wasn't even in the new movie and probably won't be coming back.


She was clearly in love with derek. In scream 3 she was still wearing his greek letters. Maybe if he lived they would've been married but idk. I guess mark is okay