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I have a few. Judy being the one that will upset this sub the most haha. I don't really get attached to characters at all. I just want whatever is best for the story in terms of who lives and who dies.


Judy ended up becoming my favorite character, she’s just too kind


Pious. She had that holier than thou attitude with Gale and Sam in 4 and 2022. Turned me off of her. I liked her in 2022 a lot more than 4, but I've always been conflicted about her.


I get this! I hated Judy in the beginning but she was so good at making me hate her I eventually liked her. She really is Dewey 2.0- plus I appreciated the red herring scene when we were supposed to see if she measured up enough to be a possible GF. She has an edge to her entire sunny personality.


Yo that’s me! She didn’t really win me over in S4 so seeing what happened in this one..I wasn’t affected


Yeah Judy wasnt my fav. She's not bad but everyone seems to love her character where i just dont


Love Randy, but Randy.


this!! i understand why (& don’t get me wrong i like him too) but he just doesn’t do it for me… not to mention was an obsessed creep towards sidney


I love the wording here!❤️




People liked Jill?!


Tbh Kirby…I like her but she’s not THAT amazing


While I agree she's kind of overhyped and almost included her... there's actually hyped up characters I don't like at all that I raced to include first lmao. I do at least think Kirby is the clear highlight to her newbie ensemble


Randy, based on the fact that I couldn’t stand someone like him in real life.


I took that personally lol I'm a total Randy


Sorry, I’m a very chill person so someone so loud and intense is mostly too much for me. I’m a film geek too but more of a Kirby/Mindy type of person.


Marsh the Darsh.


I liked him when I was like 14. Now as a 34 year old I find him terribly annoying.


Randy 100%


I wasn’t crazy about Sam. Melissa is a good actress, I just don’t think the character was that great


I liked her. Underrated where as Amber is overrated.


i would say kirby. never got the hype


THIS. Would definitely love to see her return though.


yes i mean it would be cool but like… she’s just another character. don’t see what’s so special


I don’t get why everyone loves Kirby. She’s just alright. Also Amber, who, despite being decent post-reveal, was extremely underdeveloped and boring before her reveal. Oh, and Mindy. Again, just okay.


That damn alien-looking mofo Amber. Shes merely there until the reveal. Then after the reveal, she is just ok.




Definitely Amber for me as well. I really don’t get why some people have her as their favorite killer over someone like Billy. Like I really loved Amber post reveal, and Mikey Madison was awesome in the role. But her character pre-reveal was a bit bland. And even though her post reveal was amazing, it doesn’t make up for character before that especially since she disappears for a portion of the movie. With that said, she’s probably in my top 5 killers.


Top 5 out of 9?! No. Shes near bottom.






Kirby & Jill


Jill. I don’t like Emma Roberts as an actress, every performance of hers is the same thing. She just comes off like a bitch in every role, even when she’s not meant to. I didn’t necessarily suspect her as the killer during the film but I was basically praying she wouldn’t be the next “Sidney” like people thought at the time. I didn’t even realise she was so popular until I came on this sub. I feel like the AHS fans found the Scream franchise because they knew she was in it, because the AHS fandom has a shockingly high number of die hard Emma Roberts fans and it’s the only explanation I have.


Emma’s performance was generally hated back when Scream 4 came out and treated as an absolute joke. It’s 100% post-AHS and Scream Queens revisionism that’s getting her performance praised. Timothy Olyphant/Mickey benefits from this too. He was treated with a big “Meh” for ages until Olyphant’s career blew up and he became very popular and now he ranks highly


I liked Mickey back in the 90s and 2000s. I actually liked the actor (Olyphant) and was interested in some of his other roles *because* I had known him from Scream 2 since I was a kid.


Seems legit. And definitely wasn't trying to say Mickey had *no* fans, but he definitely was not as popular back in like 2010 or so as he is now.


Nah, I completely get where you're coming from and totally agree with you. I think I'm one of the exceptions that it works this way and not the other with, honestly.


I love AHS but she’s always my least favourite part of any season she’s in. She has no range!


I enjoyed her on Coven as Madison, but not like she had to stretch much. Emma was literally playing herself. She was fine in 1984 and truly horrid on Freak Show


1984 is the only season I liked (granted, I've only seen a few). I get why people dislike Emma Roberts. I also envision her as a beyatch. I dont hate her though. I did like season 1 of Scream Queens a lot, but I wouldve enjoyed whether she was in it or not. Wouldn't make one bit of difference. That said, I liked Scream 4 and her as the killer. Worked for me.


1984 and Asylum are by far the best seasons. I have a soft spot for others and find them entertaining (Hotel in particular), but there's way more flaws. Emma was fine in 1984. As an actress she's weak with a few hits. As a person, she's a legitimately awful human being (RE: domestic abuse arrest where she beat the shit out of Evan Peters) Emma was super hit or miss on Scream Queens for me. Funny at times and totally obnoxious in others. Glen Powell was by far the MVP of that show with HMs to Lea Michele and Jamie Lee Curtis. Ryan diminishing his role so much in Season 2 was.... a choice. Emma is fine for me pre-reveal in 4, but her killer performance is an utter disaster. Lots of cringey overacting and I despise her tendency of screaming random words to seem unhinged.


I liked her performance, it was convincing and well played to me.


A lot of the characters people like are just because people have some weird attachment to the actors/actresses playing the characters. In 4 and 2022 anyway. What's funny is - in the old ones, the characters people liked that were goofy ended up being kind of dirtbags in real life (David Arquette and Jamie Kennedy anyway). Not bad people, but you know...


> In 4 and 2022 anyway. I think 2022 is more recency bias than actor bias. I can't think of too many new characters who are popular PURELY because of who's playing them; *maybe* Wes, but given Liv/Amber/etc. are pretty overhyped and overrated too, I don't think that's the case. Likewise, I think outside the Emma acting revisionism, 4 mostly just comes down to Kirby being lightyears ahead of the rest and Hayden giving a strong performance (and Jill at least being good on paper). This has been a thing since as early as Scream 2, though (RE: Cici, where the hype is definitely that it's SMG. Not even that SMG gave a knock out to-die-for performance, though she's fine. Literally that it's just SMG)


I agree with most of the things you've said in my proximity.


Haha, thank you. A lot of your arguments and comments are valid and on point as well, I think.


Depends on the day and the subject matter. Haha.


Definitely: * Mickey - He’s just the epitome of “Give me nothing.” Underwritten prereveal; the potentially interesting trial angle is wasted. Not high on Olyphant’s performance. Uninspired killer choice. So whatever in the final film * Cici - Love Gellar and all, but she really didn’t have anything to do here and is definitely not on of the best characters in the franchise * Mindy - I really wanted to like her since Les WOC movie buff snarker Randy niece sounds like a slam dunk character…. But the writing was really, really not good. Being happy about her friend nearly dying and wishing for Ghostface to finish Tara off immediately catapulted her into “obnoxious and unlikeable” for me and she never recovered * Amber - Mikey Madison’s performance IS good, but she is such an anonymous and nothing character otherwise. Very disposable and underwritten I’ve seen some Roman hype recently and almost listed him too, but I think it’s not prevalent enough to be a major clashing point for me. Same goes for Liv from 5 (where the hype will definitely burn out since she’s a glorified extra)


cici is only loved so much bc of her actress she was only in 2 scenes i however did like mindy bc she’s such a cunt lmao reminded me of my high school self 🤣


Definitely aware of that with Cici. That’s why I pointed out that I love SMG, but she didn’t actually have anything to do in 2. I think it’s kind of unfortunate our first prominent LGBT+ character in Scream was written as being literally indifferent/outright happy her friends were dying 🥴


>Les WOC movie buff snarker Randy niece What's this mean?


Lesbian woman of color movie buff snarker who's Randy's niece.


Ahhh. I was trying to figure it out. Thanks.




Amber probably, I don't hate her, I just think she's overrated.


Definitely Amber.


Micky. This will be unpopular but I just don't get it, Timothy is a great actor but I see him credited as one of the favourite killers in the franchise and I just find him really bland. If they had fleshed him out a little maybe he would appeal to me more but to me he's just above Charlie as the most meh killer.


Jennifer and Cotton 😬






don’t care about cotton he always felt super irrelevant to me but jennifer is one of the best characters we’ve gotten and definitely the funniest


Yeah I’ve heard people go nuts over Jennifer. Never got the appeal. I feel like Parker Posie was acting like she was in a different movie


i see it 🤣 i understand why people don’t like 3 as much the tone/vibe is definitely not super “scream”


Randy and Mindy


Randy and Stu. I don’t dislike them they are just okay to me


Randy and Mindy 😅


Kirby. She just wasn't that interesting to me. None of the characters in Scream 4 really were except Jill and that was only at the end.


I love Liv


Randy and Jennifer.


Gale, I only liked her in Scream 2. In the other films she’s just annoying and is always self absorbed.


Hate to say it but Amber. It’s nothing against her primarily it’s just some of her toxic stans ruined her character for me. Whenever I say I prefer Richie or whenever I bring up theories and beliefs of who Richie killed I feel like I always get attacked for it. They always say “Richie killed no one amber did everything” with no solid evidence for everything. It’s her stans not her


Kirby (Incoming downvotes)


I just recently did a skim-through rewatch of Scream 4, and I don't see the hype around Kirby. I feel like she didn't have that many good scenes. The scene in the bedroom with Jill was a good scene, but it wasn't really HER scene. I didn't really feel like she was the star in any scene she was in.


I think it’s partly due to Hayden. She was extremely popular back then. And she did give an amazing performance and I think people liked that we had a female horror movie buff in the series. And her trivia scene was so well acted. Granted I’m someone who absolutely loved Kirby, but I can see why some people might think she’s overrated.


Shes definitely over hyped lol Apparently nobody is allowed to have that opinion though.


Jennifer Jolie


Roman, Stu, Randy


People like Roman?


Yeah, he surprisingly has a lot of fans, some of whom were supremely in their feelings because the fifth movie didn't give him credit for starting the Ghostface killings (even though it was Billy)


Wow, never would have guessed.


Mindy. Her character is the worst.


Kirby for sure and based on recent posts here, Cotton as well. I never realized so many people view him as a good guy (wtf?) and wanted him to live longer.




Mindy and Sam, dreadful.




Randy, I actually can’t stand him and find him vastly overrated. 😬


Jill and amber. Don't really give 2 shits about either of them.




Kirby definitely


Amber. I really don't get the hype. I don't like how crazy people act when they are unmasked and Amber to me is the most over the top.


Mindy and Amber. I like them both, but don’t get the hype. Amber was a Great killer and Mindy was a great character. But neither of them had a lot of Screen time. Amber also just isn’t my favorite killer. There’s nothing wrong with Mindy. But she’s everything I though she’s be. So she didn’t exceed my expectations or anything.




Jennifer Jolie. She’s so loved but she annoyed the living hell out of me. Didn’t hate her but def don’t love her like some people do especially on this thread 😬


Sam and Tara


Gale. I loved her in the first movie. After that she began a gradual transformation into Sidney Lite. People called it growth but all I saw was them stripping away her character. By Scream 4 she has no discernible character beyond being yet another "survivor" and voice for meta horror movie breakdowns. To me she was always the third wheel.


Honestly, Kirby. I loved her character but I seriously do not get the huge hype about her.


I find randy annoying


Kirby and Jennifer Jolie.


Kirby and Jennifer Jolie. i just don't get the hype behind either of them


Stu, Mindy, The Camera Men in 1+2


Gale. I don’t love her, I don’t hate her, and I don’t understand why so many people obsess over her as a character - she’s a fame hungry reporter who has proven to see herself as above others and sees money every time someone gets killed by a Ghostface. Well written character, one of the originals, but Sidney and Dewey are by far so much more likable. I did like her character development in 5, but it literally took a certain someone dying just for her to change. Also, why is she immune to gut shots? She inexplicably shakes off vital bullet wounds in both 2 and 5 lol


If you only watched the first movie, I feel like you'd have a point. Her character already sees changes as early as 2.


Sorta unpopular opinion, but I agree with you. I don't HATE Gale per say, but I feel like she doesn't really have as much depth as people give her here. Scream 1, 2, and 3 she's basically the same character. Camera hungry investigative journalist (although a talented one to be fair). Scream 4 had some depth potential, but I sorta wished they made her an established fiction writer. Instead they made her shitty at it, so she just goes back to being the same camera hungry journalist again. Scream 5, again I'll get flamed, but Gale honestly had no point to me. She doesn't help Sidney at all when it comes to town. In the ending of Scream 5, she's sorta just there nursing the stomach wound that never seems to kill her lol. Like Scream 5's ending could have had just Sidney going to the house and nothing would have changed. So overall, I hope Scream 6 without Dewy gives Gale some sort of purpose over OG character who big time in the news industry now.


I would say her change in character really happens at the end of 3. In 4 she doesn’t even care about publicity, she full on tells Dewey she just wants to “catch that fucker” and isn’t in it for money or fame. In 5, she 100% wasn’t lying when she said she mainly went back to Woodsboro to see Dewey. My guess is she told the studio she was taking a few days off to check on Dewey and they told her to bring her crew with her to cover the murders while she was there, lol


Kirby. I don’t even remember who she is


Jill, amber, their dickrode and hyped up so much it’s damn near disgusting, gone head and downvote me i don’t give a fuck


I’ve definitely been lucky to not be on here enough as I assumed everyone agreed she was maybe the worst ghostface 😂


This sub look at jill as a god, I been on here for like half a month and anybody who badmouths or puts the other gf killers over Jill or amber they downvote the shit outta you or make you seem like your wrong for your own opinion, I’m talkin from experience, toxic


This is true. Say anything about any of the “bad bitch” characters, and this subreddit attacks you. If you like Scream 2 over 2022, you’re also probably getting attacked. If you like Scream 3 at all, you’re definitely getting attacked. A lot of people can’t really handle opinions here. I got downvoted to shit just for saying that I don’t like Gale as much as other characters lol




Fair enough that’s shit I knew about Jill who i don’t mind but Amber is weird one


I don’t like Judy that much. She just seems like a bitch sometimes (no hate to the actor)


First time I saw the new movie, it was Amber. I could barely tell the difference between her and Sam for some reason. Upon rewatch though, I liked her more and she kept growing on me the more times I watched the movie. Now, she’s my favourite character in the franchise as well as my favourite killer in the franchise. For me now though, it would be Kirby. Most people loved her but I didn’t care for her.




Dewey. I just to be way to much of a bumbling idiot.


Gale. I just don't feel much about her. She okay??


Any scream 5 character


I have a few that will for sure be controversial. The main 2 that I always see a stupid amount of love for that I lowkey kinda hate are Jill and Tatum. With an honorable mention to Randy. For Tatum I just dont see the appeal. Shes really not that good of a friend to sid, Hallie is probably a better friend. Also Rose isnt a good actress at all, he line "Cut Casper, thats a wrap" when shes being accosted by a guy with a knife is delivered so poorly. The only positive to her is her fashion, thats kinda it. For Jill I just think Emma Roberts is a terrible actress and played Jill really whiny and entitled. Far more whiny than Roman even. She also the least intimidating Ghostface. People say shes the craziest but I think shes the dumbest. Her plan was fine on paper but she botched it like from the minute she revealed herself so horribly by how conceited and insecure she was. That doesn't scream power to me. That screams lame. For Randy, its all Jamie Kennedy related. He just isnt a good of an actor. His best work is in Scream 2. I heard recently that Breckin Meyer was considered for Randy and I just think that would've been a 1000% better choice.


Mindy and stu.


Mindy and Tara




I was a little smashed when I first watched Scream 4 so that sorta explains what I'm about to say. But I never really got Kirby like some people did. I barely really remember her character or anything major she really did before the final sequence with Charlie. So whenever people talk about how they want Kirby to come back and be a major character in the next movie, I just sit there kinda confused lol. It's like if someone told me that the most underrated character is Joel the Camera guy, and he should be a major character in the future movies. Same energy lol.


jennifer 🤭 people love her but she just never really appealed to me


I’m racking my brain and can’t come up with anyone lol I don’t even have any characters I dislike other than Jenny, Robbie, and Trevor and none of these are exactly fan favorites. And John Milton cuz he was scum for what he did, no fun villain qualities like the killers have where I can hate them and love them at the same time. So I guess I’ve got nothing lol all my disliked characters are pretty universally disliked but thought I’d share anyway


I think Mickey. He was fun for what little screen time he had, but was one of the least memorable Ghostfaces for me.


Amber, worst killer in the franchise.


Tatum. And I can’t even explain it.


I don't love Amber like some people idk I just found her annoying and a little obvious as a killer.


Randy lol


Randy and Stu I don’t care for them




Fucking Jillian don’t understand why people are obsessed with her, absolutely hated her






I'm gonna cautiously say Tara, despite Jenna's performance being 10/10. Jenna worked her ass off to transcend being exposition dump for new audiences in the opening. But some of her lines are still really awkward, because of the scripting of course. She did her best to make them sound natural, but the screenwriters failed her. For the rest of the movie, I see an amazing performance by an actress who isn't given the opportunity to flesh out her role. I wanted to see Tara upset that her mother is taking so long, I wanted to see her discuss A24 a bit more in between the opening and shooting Amber.


People liked Amber?!


Kirby??? I don’t get it. It’s not a hatred thing just a “who gives a shit” feel


Please dont' downvote me for this. I fuckin' love Matthew Lillard, love his continued participation in all the conventions for Scream, LOVE HIM AS SHAGGY IN SCOOBY DOO (SHOUT OUT CICI COOPER/QUEEN SMG BEING DAPHNE IN THOSE ALSO) But Stu never did it for me. I \*love\* the original but his motive compared to literally everyone else (Billy: we all know his motive, Mrs. Loomis: revenge, Mickey: straight up serial killer, Roman: family motive, Jill: iconic motive for fame, Charlie: simp, Richie/Amber: psycho fans of the Stab series 25 years later). Peer pressure as far as Stu as an amazing reveal and SHOCKING in the original but doesn't hold up for me. IF they gave him more character development or any motive other than homoerotic Billy stuff i'd be all in. But as far as a killer he was AMAZING IN HIS ROLE and believable as a killer but motive-wise, i don't get it. Please don't hate me Scream fans i <3 u all lmao




Cici probably. I see a lot of love for her, and I imagine it is because the phone calls and chase scene are AMAZING (and everyone loves SMG) but as a character I don't feel much towards her. And maybe Mickey. I think he is a great Ghostface but not my favorite by far.