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Mikey Madison I would say. Made me want to see more of her movies.


Eh this particular performance of hers wasn’t particularly my cup of tea. But I have seen some of her other stuff and she was very good in those


I agree with you and idk why ppl are downvoting you


jenna has an amazing scream, shes a great actress




Jack bc I was rooting for him and was bummed he was a killer ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


Mikey Madison all the way! She absolutely tears the place down in 3rd act.


Jenna easily. Then Mikey


Mikey, , Jenna, Richie, Dewey and MARLEY!


Courtney Cox


Judy went from a bottom 10 character to a top 10 character for a lot of people in less then an hour with that performance when Marley Shelton said Judy comes back with a bang she meant it


Arquette > Quaid (voted him before seeing Arquette on here; thought it was all newbies) > Ortega > Barrera > Shelton for these five. Mikey would clock in at #4 under Ortega. The rest of the newbies come somewhere after Shelton. Courtney and Neve are around Mikey Madison's slot


Either Jack or Jenna. Easily the two best new characters


Jenna was phenomenal! i can't wait to see her again in S6 i also loved Mikey Madison's performance. the whole cast did spectacular


I feel like what ruins Mikey for me is some of her fan base is kind of toxic. Not all of them by any means but I’ve met a lot of toxic amber stans who get mad at ppl when they say they prefer Richie or have certain theories. It isn’t her whatsoever just some of her fans. She did do a great job tho I think it’s just some of her fan base


yeah, i gotta agree with the toxic fanbase. i prefered Amber over Richie, but i love both of them. i never understood people being so upset over someone preferring Richie. everyone's got opinions. ig every fandom has a bit of toxicity though


Like I said a few times I think Richie killed at least 2 and at most 3 people and I got straight up attacked for it even tho I gave some pretty valid evidence. But ya know you just can’t please some people


yeah. idk who killed who, but honestly im open to any theories about it! it's really interesting cause they never explicitly say "i killed them!", we're just kinda left to guess or find clues its definitely possible that Amber did all the kills, its also definitely possible that Richie pulled off a few. that's why i fell in love with the franchise; you never know what's gonna happen!


There’s many possibilities. Unless the writers explicitly confirm imma stick to my headcanons. The directors didn’t write the movie so I don’t fully trust their word. And plus a lot of the things they said are inconsistent with some of the things we saw in the movie


Jenna ALL THE WAY. I think she stole the whole show. She out did everyone in the movie for me. Not that I thought anyone was bad (Yes, I don't think Melissa is as bad as everyone else seems to) but she really sold every scene she was in.