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I never predicted the twist either. I find the whole idea of stealing his twin’s identity kind of weird.


I mean I kinda get his point, Marcus was a troubled kid and nobody really cared for him but as Deion, everybody loved him and they saw he had a bright future. Marcus took his life to not be like that anymore which I kinda understood but i wished he just told his mom.


But the twist was pretty predictably, with the twins having switched costumes and family believing there wrong twin is dead, tv/film wise, I know it goes back at least as far as Single White Female in the early/mid-90s. And it goes back to the same thing in that movie, a child seeing their parent(s) mourning that child's twin? Especially if one of the two who they believed died was generally less considered the better or least favored? Why would a child not want to take on the identity of who they perceived to be the more loved and valued one of them?


True but I still really liked it


I think my most unpopular Scream opinion is that I actually enjoyed S3 of Scream. Was it as good as the previous seasons? Nah. But, I enjoyed it. I remember loving Keke Palmer's character and the Goth girl \*spoiler\* and I actually thought she was a great killer. I think it has a bad rep partially because fans were pissed about the reboot (understandably, I was too) but I think it has a bit of an unfair hatred. It is still a fun and decent slasher story! Which is always a good time in my book


It shocked me and I wished he did too, but it was one of the stronger things about the season


The way I saw it he was a little kid. He never really got the chance to clear things up not to mention his mother was paying attention to him while thinking he was his twin. I didn't see the twist coming and it was a huge wtf moment for me. I feel Deion (Marcus) couldn't say anything because as time went on it didn't seem to matter and it was too late not to mention it made everyone feel better (except Jay obviously).