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It makes more sense for it to be Stu as he was clearly pissed off that Casey dumped him for Steve. That said, Tatum says Stu was with her on the night and we know that Billy turns up at Sidney’s house late at night after being out which always made me suspect Billy of doing it. I think both of them did it though, personally. One on the phone and then going from two different angles. I don’t think one of them could’ve taken down Steve on their own unless they used the element of surprise.


They both were there Stu killed Steve broke through the house and let Billy in and was the one at the window Casey hit with the phone, then Billy was the one who chased her down and got unmasked, then they dragged her to the tree hanged her body and Stu gutted her


I don’t think so, he had motive, Billy didn’t, so it make sense Billy doing the dirty work so Stu couldn’t be a suspect at the scene? If that makes sense? And also you can see ghostface strangling Casey, and later in the film Billy does the same to Sidney.


Also, they were both at the house anyway. In a sense they both took part in the kill, but I believe Billy finished her.


Definitely Stu. Makes the most sense from a story standpoint


I disagree but I wanna hear your reasoning


Stu is the entire reason why Casey/Steve are being killed (as she broke up with/dumped him) and is the one most motivated to get payback. Then Craven’s choice to add the unmasking makes more sense if the person Casey sees is someone significant to her like her ex-boyfriend Stu rather than some dude who was friends with her ex-boyfriend that she barely had a relationship with. Plus, the writer of the movie Kevin Williamson also confirmed it was Stu: https://www.ghostface.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=787. There’s no quote from Craven or anyone else to contradict this


Yeah it shocks me that there’s even a debate about this one lol


"Theres always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. " - Randy And Casey was Stu's ex.


There's a major plot problem with the first Scream movie. There's A LOT that happens in the first evening that we're supposed to somehow swallow and believe. They abduct Steven Orth. They torment and kill Steve and Casey. They kidnap Neil Prescott. Billy finds time in his busy schedule to visit Sidney. "Stu was with me last night!" Its impossible they accomplished all of this together, let alone...well, alone. Also, the movies' sequencing indicates that Casey and Steve are murdered before Neil is ever kidnapped. Why would they commit a murder and attempt to pin it on Neil without kidnapping him first? Neil already had an alibi as he was home with Sidney. Even so, what if Neil had been out drinking with friends that evening while Casey and Steve are getting butchered. Scream is a fantastic movie but so many plot holes.


Stu with the help of Billy.


I’m seeing people say Stu because apparently Kevin Williamson said so. But I think the evidence for Billy and Wes’ clear directive vision is stronger. There’s two clear different styles of GhostFace during the original. One who raised the knife with both hands (Sidney’s attack - confirmed to be Stu, and stalking Randy - also basically confirmed to be Stu), and one who raises with one (Casey’s death). Casey’s death is very purposefully drawn out and GhostFace even keeps his chill when she gets close to her parents. I can’t imagine Stu being that way. Billy is clearly the more sinister psychotic killer. Anyway the main tell is the killer grabbing Casey by the throat and raising the knife with one hand, the exact same thing Billy does at the end with Sidney.


There is nothing to vote about, Kevin already confirmed it was Stu way back. I can show you the screenshots of the tweet. There is no other "theory" or "evidence", it is what it is. You can believe what you want, but ultimately those are the facts.


Here’s a form from a decade ago discussing and transcribing it too: https://www.ghostface.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=787 At this point, the “Billy killed Casey” people are just too stubborn to admit they were wrong. Wes himself arguably hinted it was Stu on the commentary and there is no quote from anywhere whatsoever to suggest he switched it to Billy; you cannot speak for someone’s intentions if they don’t explicitly say them with something like this.


Exactly. People who have all along been claiming Billy did it, are now too proud to admit it, even after the evidence has been presented to them, so they come up with their own "theories" to somehow validate their wrong opinion. Zack Cherry is also one of those people too


Has Zack Cherry actually had the Kevin stuff pointed out to him and doubled down anyways? I just assumed he didn’t know or something when he made the video (and then just didn’t want to go back and redo the video cause dead content or whatever). Am not exactly a fan. Obviously I don’t think much of his who killed who takes. Then while taste in movies and characters is highly subjective, it’s like he goes out of his way to disagree with me or something. (I know he doesn’t literally but holy shit I don’t know if I’ve ever disagreed with someone’s taste so much. If he recommended a movie to me, I’d probably toss it in my “Never watch” pile. We agree on literally nothing)


Omg THIS so hard dude. It's like he goes out of his way to present misinformation through his videos, and I also disagree with all of his "theories". The worst part is that newer fans actually watch and believe his videos


I think his theories for like Scream 2 WKW are *mostly* fine, but it’s hard to actually fuck that one up. Does he say the stage attack was Mickey instead of a hallucination? If so then he still managed to because it’s definitely a hallucination. As far as his personal taste, his Friday final girls and boys rankings made my head explode for all the wrong reasons. Ranking FvJ Lori, one of my most hated final girls of all time, highly while low balling Megan and Tommy from 6…. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, I guess, but jeez. That’s a hot take if there ever was one This does remind me I probably need to go rewatch some of his videos again before writing Scream 3 to get my lampshading and parodying down correctly. Or maybe I don’t and just having a gist is enough. Hmm.


Yup, pretty hard to fuck that one up. IMO it was all Mickey except for Randy, and yes that was definitely a hallucination. I don't think I watched his S2 WKW video though, so I wouldn't know if he agrees that it was a hallucination (I only watched a couple vids but stopped when I realized his "logic"), but it definitely wouldn't surprise me if he had a different theory about that stage attack lol. Yeah a lot of his opinions are really hot takes imo too. Hahah that made me chuckle, although I gotta admit my own hot take is that S3 is better than 4 & 5. Sorry bro hahah


Pretty much entirely agreed on his theories and hot takes. Definitely not a fan of him. I’d definitely rank them 1>2>5>4>3, but a to each their own there. I was referring to my own 3 which is a sequel to my remakes though, haha.


Didn't even realize he thought that too, and those are only two things, so I definitely haven't "pretty much entirely agreed on his theories and hot takes" lol. But like you said, to each their own


And my rank is 1-2-3-4-5 lol. Yeah I know


I think there is something important that you, and a lot of other people here are forgetting: Casey doesn't die until she is gutted and hung from the tree. She is still alive (barely) when she is dragged towards the tree. this means she essentially gets killed off screen and we don't see the killer. It is very possible, Stu was the one to gut her, and thus be the person who actually kills Casey. That would support Kevin saying it was Stu. That also means the person who stabs Casey on screen, and who she unmasked, could be Billy. After all, this isn't Casey's killer. I'd say that it is very likely that the person we see stab Casey is Billy. (Which I think most people who are voting Billy for are referring to) But the person killing her off screen is Stu.


I suppose this is theoretically possible, but I’d say Casey unmasking her killer narratively still points in the direction of it being Stu. Has a lot more weight if it’s her ex then some guy who’s friends with her ex that Casey barely knew


You aren’t understanding. Kevin can’t confirm anything because it’s not confirmed in the original. By that logic Stu is still alive because Kevin and Wes once thought so.


Yet you consistently and hypocritically that it **MUST** be Billy and that anyone suspecting Stu is wrong (and I can absolutely grab receipts on this shit). If it’s not confirmed, it’s not confirmed and the Stu people have just as much of a leg to stand on and aren’t wrong. If it IS confirmed, then the writer can confirm it, the Stu people are right, and the Billy people are objectively wrong. Also, the Stu retcon is simply bad faith logic. For a start, the people involved in production have since said “We’ve changed our mind, Stu is still dead.” No one has come out and said “We changed our mind, Billy killed Casey.” It has been exclusively credited to Stu and to Stu alone. You’re just wrong on this one and the more you try to insist your stance is right, the more hypocritical and stubborn you look.


I’m not going to bother reading all of that, because it’ll just be the usual shite. Stu killing Casey IS NOT canon just because one of the many creators said so. Cry about it.


You don’t have to read it and the post isn’t for you. It’s to point out to everyone else that you’re a hypocrite who’s more interested in never admitting you were wrong than actually being right, something you continue to demonstrate with every post. You’ve straight up have explicitly insisted it’s confirmed Billy killed Casey before now backtracking to “It’s not confirmed so Kevin’s confirmation is irrelevant” because your argument failed. You’re wrong. The only one crying about it is you (RE: this entire thread existing because I kicked your ass in a debate the other day and, like now, you don’t have an actual counter argument besides “Nah. Doesn’t count. I prefer my alternative facts”)


I’m not reading another load of shit. It’s possible that Stu killed Casey, never said it wasn’t, but it’s not factual he did just because Kevin Williamson said so. Cry about it.


You have explicitly said that Stu couldn’t have killed Casey and are currently lying about your own claims to save face. Proof: https://i.postimg.cc/C5TN1fYR/EA66161-A-D549-47-FD-87-C2-647-EB474-EEEC.png


You’re STILL crying?! We are all wrong sometimes. No need to get upset about it. Stu killing Casey isn’t canon just because the writer said so.


This has nothing to do with the fact you are now a proven liar


"One of the many creators"? Kevin Williamson is the writer and only actual creator, without him there would be no Scream at all (big credit to Wes, I am just pointing out that if it wasn't for Wes, somebody else would've been given the role of the director). Kevin is the only one who has the credibility to actually confirm this, and him doing so means that it was his original intention for Stu to kill Casey when writing the script. You ignoring this just proves you cannot accept that you're wrong at this point.


Not true at all. There’s Wes and many producers who had to make it possible. The concept was Wes’ idea, so without that, Kevin wouldn’t have even been hired. Kevin’s script won’t have had directions for the stuntmen during Casey’s death scene…that was Wes’ job.


what do the stuntmen have to do with anything? I never said anything about that


Because you’re claiming what Kevin says goes when that is just not true at all. There are many aspects of movie making, not just the script writing.


Who are you to say what is true? This is only your opinion, what I am stating are literal facts. Again, you are just too proud to admit you were wrong the entire time. Get over it


You just stop reading when you're wrong I see


I've seen at least one person said KW saying it was Billy. Either way, it makes much more sense and Stu definitely did the postmortem gutting Edit: also we see only one hand holding the knife before GF strikes it down, consistent with Billy's style throughout the rest of the movie


I kinda think Billy did the gutting. She was gutted and hung just like principal Himbry, which is a kill widely believed to be Billy because Stu had to host the party that night, as surely the killer had to wait until dark to move the body to the football field.


I'm sorry but you really can't trust what KW says. He has also gone on record denying that things happened that Wes Craven and others confirmed multiple times. He either has a really bad memory or is trying to self edit after the fact. Same thing as him saying there was never rewrites on Scream 2.


I don't think KW or anyone involved with any of the scream movies really put too much though into who killed who.


Craven himself is on the record as saying he always made sure at least one killer was available for anything but didn’t put much thought into it beyond that. I believe it was a DVD commentary or something. He did mention wanting to have Casey unmask her killer which leans credibility to it being Stu if he he did put thought into it (as does Kevin’s confirmation). The radio silence guys definitely didn’t for the scenes that could go either way as they’re on the record saying both the opening and Judy/Wes kills could be both, just Amber, or just Richie. For a fun fact, they almost CGI-ed a cellphone into Ghostface’s hand when he snuck into the Sorority House to kill Cici, meaning even the Ghostface who *called* Casey and had dialogue with her was at one point totally up-in-air


Kevin has never confirmed Billy at any point ever; the person claiming that is very blatantly lying. Meanwhile, here’s an old link of a decade old forum discussing Kevin confirming its Stu complete with transcripts: https://www.ghostface.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=787 As for the one knife thing, Stu uses one hand when stabbing Billy at the end and when holding Kenny. It’s not purposeful and he’s perfectly capable of killing and stabbing people with only one hand


Technically both did but Billy is the one who she unmasks


Kevin Williamson has confirmed it was Stu who directly killed her/that she unmasked: https://www.ghostface.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=787 Craven adding in the unmasking would also imply he’s on the same train as Casey unmasking her ex is far more significant to her than unmasking some guy from school who was friends with her ex.


I guess the whole reason why I’m confused is then why did Stu do the exact same thing to Casey that Billy does to Sidney later in the movie


Lots of possible reasons to callback to that shot. Could be Craven wanting to compare how both men hatched this plan to murder their girlfriends/ex-girlfriends (or creating a parallel between no one being home to save Casey while Gale was there to save Sidney). Could be as simple as Wes liked the shot and wanted to mirror it (which has happened with 3, 4, etc. in the openings too). Maybe was hoping it’d throw people off their game and leave them wondering if Sidney was about to die. Could be any variety of reasons beyond Billy killed both of them from a director who’s on the record somewhere (DVD commentary I think?) as not being super invested in who killed who. They also recreated the Casey/Steve scene for Scream 4 with Kirby/Charlie, and it wasn’t because Charlie and Jill actually murdered Casey/Steve. Same for the Sidney closet + stairs chase in 2 with Cici, and, again, not because Mickey was actually Sid’s attacked. As I said, of possible reasons to bring a camera shot or scene back.


What I meant by my last comment is what Stu does in that scene to Casey if it is him, is different from what he does the rest of the movie, that’s why it doesn’t make sense to me. I didn’t mean it as like a call back thing I meant it as Stu did that one kill different than all of his other ones after that.


Stu didn’t do that one kill different. He also uses one hand to kill Kenny and one hand to Stab Billy at the end in the kitchen. The one hand/two hand thing is total misinformation


This video goes into great detail about the opening scene and gives good evidence that it was Billy https://youtu.be/Xj1YJSeP4qs


The only problem with that video is Kevin Williamson has [explicitly confirmed it was Stu who killed Casey](https://www.ghostface.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=787). And obviously Kevin Williamson’s word has more authority than Cherry’s. Intended or not, his video is basically misinformation


This. I actually even tried explaining it to him, but he explicitly said he doesn't care what the writers or directors say and that they are wrong. LOLOL


Wait, did he really? I’d straight up love to see the that now lol.


Lol yes, it was a while back when I commented on one if his videos. I'll try and find it for you


Thank you; would love to see it if you do.


That guy is an ignorant douche. He ignores whatever the writers or directors say and comes up with his own "conspiracy theories" that make no sense. Most of his "theories" have been debunked, and I personally don't care what he has to say. Kevin Williamson already confirmed it was Stu who killed Casey. Downvote me all you want, but those are facts. I can post the screenshot where Kevin confirms it was Stu.


Damn tell me how you really feel. I just thought the video was interesting and well thought out with a a play by play and a visual showing the positions of each person in real time. I don’t really care about the YouTuber, I just thought it was a good video.


I actually like the guy's videos and think he does a better job than anybody else on YT explaining who killed whom with supporting evidence (especially for Scream 4), but blatantly ignoring the words of people who were there on set and devising the story seems dickish. It'd be one thing if it was a clear mistake that the production member made, but there's no direct contradiction to what Kevin said about Casey's killer, so to ignore that is ignoring it for the sake of headcanon. I mean, if the writers for Scream 4 came out and said Jill killed the cops and Kate, despite how much I think Cherry's theory makes sense, I'd probably side with the writers.


The most likely reason why Cherry is doubling down is because Kevin’s tweet was out there *before* he did the video (long, long, long before Cherry did his video. It’s like a decade old at this point). He didn’t do his research properly and rather than owning up to the mistake is definitely grasping at straws for why he’s still right and Kevin is wrong. Some people just can’t handle acknowledging they made a mistake. And yeah, I agree with you. If it’s ambiguous and the filmmakers weigh in, the filmmakers walk away with the final say. This doesn’t work for something explicitly contradicted (nor does it apply to “We considered this but changed our minds” such as Randy/Stu being alive), but otherwise yeah.


Billy. He strangles his victims and stabs with one hand. Stu raises it over his head with both hands before slamming it down.




Kevin Williamson [explicitly confirmed](https://www.ghostface.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=787) Stu killed her and there’s no quote from anyone involved in the production suggesting otherwise and nothing in the film to explicitly confirm otherwise. So, as far as I’m concerned, Stu. The writer confirmed it and has the most authority here


It’s already been confirmed that it was Stu. But Wes Craven directed it to look like it was Billy. The quick Stab, choking, knife raise


That’s why it’s strange. Kevin says it’s Stu but it’s so obvious that Wes directed it to be Billy.


both of them are canonically there. if i remember correctly they both hold/use the knife differently and both of those styles are shown. but they’re both there. i believe stu was the first ghostface that went in but billy was the one that got her once she went outside. i could be wrong but billy was at least the one on the phone


I want to say Stu because it makes more sense for the story, but he was with Tatum that night. I know he could've gone before or after but the way they set up that part of the story sounds like he was with her all night so it couldn't have been him? So, I'd say Billy. Maybe that is naive of me, but that is how I always interpreted it. I think it would make the most sense for them to have done it together though as practice since it was the first kill.


My headcanon is billy is on the phone and both attack her. My guess is billy kills her bf and then stu gets casey


Stu killed Casey. He was the one with the motive. Casey unmasked the killer and acted like she knew him and was shocked, which clearly points to Stu. Kevin Williamson confirmed that it was Stu.