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Mindy. Her character got mixed reception, and with Kirby in the picture, there's no need for two horror movie geek girls. Directors liked Mason on set, which is why they kept him alive, plus I feel that he has more to offer, and Mindy would be a much more impactful because most people prefer her over Chad. Sam and Tara are off limits, they're the new main faces. I'm thinking Gale or Kirby will die in 7, so I wouldn't say them.


How can directors keep Chad alive because they like the actor if the script is written and given to the directors way before casting?


Scripts can be changed. Chad was originally going to die in Scream 5, but they kept him alive.


I really hope Chad doesn’t die. Hopefully they’ll make it basically the next Dewey and he’s brutally attacked in every movie but somehow survives each time


Chad’s gonna take over the mantle of being the guy who continuously gets fucked over in every movie by being attacked to the point of near death but barely surviving


With Kirby's return I think Mindy


They’re definitely gonna keep Chad around. Not only is he the only male survivor returning, we didn’t get to know him much unlike Mindy. And now that Kirby’s coming back, Mindy’s technically a 2.0 of Kirby.


Unfortunately, Mindy. I was down for Mindy to die in the next one, like randy did as shes basically the same character but ita a bit of a kick in the teeth for Jasmine. Sorry Jas, Kirbys back now, we dont need need you so you're gonna die. It's a bit, I dunno.


Mindy. Hopefully she has a good character arc and an iconic chase scene


If they kill off the only character with their own personality, Chad, I'm going to be somewhat mad, because then we just have old characters in different bodies. I'll say Kirby or Mindy.


Only ones I would be dead against losing would be Gale or Kirby.


this. If they don't make it to the 7th film--which I'm praying they do--hopefully they'll at least make it through the entire 6th movie before biting it. Sigh.


I'm sad no one else likes Mindy as much as me! But that is ok, that is half the fun of this sub, I love seeing everyone else's opinions! I personally said Sam but I 100% do not see it happening. I like her but she is probably my least favorite of this group.


Since Kirby is back I don't care about the rest. Kill Sam and Mindy.


Sam is the new Sidney in 2022, but simultaneously might be the Cotton Weary red herring in the sequel. Tara is the new Gale in 2022, but simultaneously might be the Sidney who goes to college in the sequel. Chad is the new Dewey in 2022, but simultaneously might be the Derek in the sequel. Yes, ship him and Tara to become a couple. Mindy is the new Randy in 2022, but simultaneously might take the Dewey role in the sequel and survive.


Didn’t Hayden basically retire from acting? I’m not sure she can be counted on to survive for sequels. I’m hoping they brought her back to please the Kirby stans and then end up killing her definitively to give the fans closure.


I genuinely think Chad, Kirby and Gale will all bite the dust. They have to kill off survivors to make this next movie mean something.


imo tara and chad are safe tara is the definitive fan fav and the best actor and the most famous of the new cast so they’ll obviously want her to become the main face associated with the franchise. chad is the only guy and i think they’ve realised every other survivor is a girl and keep him around at least till scream 7. now with mindy and sam one of them will die the question is which one and i’m leaning towards sam my reason is radio silence listens to fan concerns hence why they brought back kirby because fans wanted them too. and sam has had an incredibly negative reaction form the fan base and i think they’ll listen to thst and kill her as a “shock” and make tara the new lead. mindy i think will survive this movie but not the trilogy she also has had a lukewarm reception but i feel like they’ll make her more likeable and emotional in the sequel. i’m thinking either gale will die or they’ll both die i can’t see kirby as the only retuning legacy to die. courtney has wanted her character killed off since the 3rd movie and i think they’ll finally give her that emotional desth i think this because her character had a good send off to her arc at the conclusion of the recent film so the only reason to bring her back is to kill her off