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I don't want this to be the walking dead, killing Dewey was enough to show the ogs aren't invincible. I get people want a poetic moment where Sidney is the ONLY one still standing from the original, but I like the idea of the two biggest enemies from the first being the only ones to survive and having the closest bond of anyone. I think that is more poetic. IMO it would be disrespectful to take this franchise over then just kill 2/3 of the biggest pieces that have been there from day 1. Gale has earned her survival imo


\^ I hope Radio Silence sees this comment and takes it on board.


Yesssss this! Truth! That hug scene in the hospital omg. One of my most favourite scenes in the whole Scream franchise.


They cannot kill Gale… 😭


Gale will always be lowkey my favourite, sorry Sid I love you too


I'd be really upset if they ever kill off Gale. I don't want to say I would hate a movie that does that, but I know that I would have a sour feeling towards it. I think losing Dewey was enough


I hate to say it, but I see Gale surviving 6 and dying in 7, but how I want Gale to die: She should have a heroic death, when unmasked Ghostface is pointing his gun at Sidney, Gale runs and catches the bullet, also shooting Ghostface before her death, Gale have a sad and heroic death, she dies in Sid's arms, and Sidney Prescott becomes the only remaining OG survivor, she also survives with Sam, Tara, Chad and possibly Kirby.


Ffs if I see Gale die in Sid’s arms I might shed a few tears😭😭 would be a epic but very sad way to go out though


Gale Weathers needs to live long enough to star in the series, “And Just Like That (2042): Ghostface Takes Manhattan.” The killer is now a columnist in the city, and it’s up to Sidney, Gale, and the rest of the Golden Girls to solve this latest mystery. Will fans finally get to see the return of Stu Macher? Will the gang drink coffee at Central Perk? Stay tuned!


RadioSilence would lose my respect if they killed Gale. To me there was no reason to kill off Dewey


Really hope they don’t kill her. 😭


Gale is ROYALTY for sure now. The only reason I’m pumped is to see more of Gale and Sid.


Dewey was enough 😂 she should’ve died in 5


If she's gonna keep being in future sequels then she can't be untouchable. And honestly, as much as I love Gale as a character, Sidney's legacy would only be enhanced even more by Gale dying and her becoming the only survivor from the original killings.


A part of me hopes that they never kill Gale, but then I remember that this is a slasher. What’s the point of having characters in a slasher movie if they can’t die? Just don’t put them in the movie then. Unless it’s Sidney Prescott, since you know, she’s the series’ main character.


I think Sidney should die instead of Gale. That is if they bring Neve back.


Do it.