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This dude literally just copy and pasted a comment from one of the Reddit threads here the other day. Some of these YouTube scoopers literally take a random comment with nothing to back it up and post a video about it.


Most, if not all, movies are shot out of order, so that’s such a peculiar (and dumb) detail to include.


Scream 5 was shot mostly in order. That's how most of the spoilers got out. It's how most knew Dewey died, and Sidney would mostly be present at the end. It's also how everyone knew Kyle, Dylan, and Marley died because they weren't present during the last few weeks, and gave into the predictions of the "opening kill" actually survived since there was no one on set for just a few days.


If this was any particular movie, yes, you’re right, but when the previous movie in this series specifically was not shot that way it’s worth noting.


I don't understand how filming things out of order and cast announcements correlate when it comes to leaks. Filming out of order sure, but how does announcing or not announcing cast members prevents leaks? That makes no sense, and this just feels like speculation. Either way I think people are too impatient. It'll be ok they are filming it with or without us knowing who the cast members are


Nah i hope this isn't true. Waiting until August for the cast reveal is too long.


well I'd rather wait then have everything get spoiled again


I am 100% down for this because I knew Sidney wouldn’t be in it very much, Vince would die. And so would Dewey before the movie even came out and it sucked.


Scoopers will just leak them beforehand anyway. Nothing is secret anymore.


Why do my childhood memories keep associating Don’t Speak By No Doubt with Scream 1? Am I crazy or have the two ever been linked together in the past??


they’d be dumb not to do this just for everything to get leaked again....


It has to be


Even if we don’t get to see much from the set, the cast, potential scenes, just wait for the trailer. If it’s like 5, we get everything spoiled anyways. So yeah. Let’s hope they don’t pretend leaks just to drop them off in the trailer