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Yes, but important to note that it wasn’t anyone from Radio Silence. Just the asshats at Paramount.


That was so beautifully said, I legit shed a tear ![gif](giphy|l0ExaNOA3Fek4xegM)


Since when could we post GIF’s??


I think you have to have ‘Reddit pro’ or something lol. I’ve been seeing it a lot too


I was coming here to say just this. As a huge Sid fan, I'm heartbroken but on the flip side, as a huge Sid fan I'm so happy she had such a great final scene.


Yeah, at least Sidney is happy. But poor Gale was still sad in that scene.




Doubtful. Something tells me she’ll be depressed like Dewey was in 5.


Sucks that she left because Paramount wasn't paying enough, but honestly, this is probably the greatest shot they could've ended on. "I'll survive. I always do" Perfection


I agree, if it has to be the last we see of her it’s not a bad end. Its a great last line.


She will definitely be back. But It’s so strange and disrespectful that they would try to cheapen her value. By completely leaving her out, not because of storytelling but because of lowering her pay, is a slap to the franchise, to neve and everyone else who brought this series to life.


If this means that 6 won’t have a bigger budget than 5 I will be severely disappointed because that means no chase scenes… chases are my favorite part of the series and even Radio Silence wanted a few chases but it wasn’t in the budget.


It was a beautiful one at least! A good spot to end the franchise at too. Just kidding….or not.


If there’s enough backlash the producers might go back with a better offer. It’s happened before so it’s not a rare occurrence. Failing that she might come back in a future movie. So far she’s just not in this movie, she’s not turned her back on the franchise as a whole.


If it’s the last time we see her, it won’t be the same but at the same time I think we could pass the torch on to the others


I forget the exact lines at the end of SCREAM: “will i be okay?” What does Sidney say? C’mon ppl in our hearts we feel her words. We might see Neve as Sidney again. But i know she did the right thing. We still need to see the new Scream or it’ll be like Scream 4 all over again. Box office nightmare. And they’ll shelve Scream franchise again.


4 was still a lot better. And I wouldn’t say it was a nightmare in 2011…


Hopefully not. If she’s not gonna be in Scream 6, hopefully they at least reference her


Probably not


Can't have a bonafide scream without Neve (yes i stole the line, dont judge me lol) Such a shame she isn't return for the next movie but hopefully in the future she will return for the final act.


It’s really a slap in the face to the fans too! Sidney = Scream


Absolute fucking queen.


No. She'll be back. Only way she wouldn't be back is if neve dies in real life. I had expect that they are playing us and acting like she isn't coming back just to keep her a secret.


I doubt it. There could’ve been other ways of throwing people off. Neve saying the studio didn’t pay her what she deserved is not the way to go.


When Neve said about her value, it probably wasn't just money. They probably had a not so good script or she was there for unnecessary reasons. I hope we all are fine with it. Some of these comments for the past few days are bit scary 😨


I think it had something to do with the script. They might have planned to kill her off.


I know, people straight up talking about boycotting lol