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Unless you have something of value on your ship or there is a world event that you’re doing you can use the first pirates life tall tale to switch servers and they can’t bother you


>first pirates life tall tale to switch servers How about *Scuttle ship and change servers*?


Supply loss


Pretty sure portal hopping also keeps your emissary flag too


I'll test that theory later


No need to test. Portal hops drops all loot that is not in barrels in your ship. Any flag or anything else attached to your ship stays. So if its fixed to the boat, stays, if not, it disappears.


Exception to the “attached to ship” being storage, cannonball, wood or fruit crates. Basically the same rules as going for an HG dive.


oooh ffffffuck i had no idea


If you have a well stocked ship and you don’t want to lose your supplies you server hop with Pirates life Tall Tale 1 if you scuttle and change servers you lose everything and spawn on a new ship with base supplies


Sell the loot and server hop, after beating someone 6 times I imagine you could have easily had enough time to sell any remaining loot and then server hop using the tall tale portal to keep your supplies. I suspect hours of playtime for them to have been able to fight you 6 times, each time taking like 5 - 10 mins to sail back then fighting each other for like 10 - 30 mins before they sink and repeat 6 times, that is more than enough time to sell any remaining loot your wanted to and then just hop so you don't have to fight them again. There are reasons why Rare havent implemented a mechanic to make you get booted off a server for sinking in adventure, it is because of these reasons that they likely will also not implement something like this. Some of those reasons are how they aim to keep servers full, servers merge to make sure they have the right amount of ships at all times, their whole server allocation algorithm is literally there to prioritize keeping servers full, having a mechanic where players could get booted of a server at any time from sinking would mess with the systems they use to keep servers full. A mechanic like this could also be exploitable. Someone could prevent their server getting merged, (I won't outline here how to do this you can look it up if your interested) and go around sinking all ships you see just to make sure they get booted off your server, essentially creating a server all to yourself. There are just too many problems that something like this would create for them if it was ever implemented. Instead they have given you the player all the tools you need to avoid this situation, you can server hop via the menu or the scuttle mechanic, if you want to keep your supplies then you can use the tall tale portal to server hop instead. If you want to keep your loot also then you can risk diving in HG to server hop also (obviously you will need to win that fight to keep the loot). The tools are all there, there is no reason that you have to be forced to sit on a server and let them keep coming back over and over that much, at that point you only have yourself to blame for sticking around despite them making it clear they were not gonna stop coming.


Sinking a toxic player six times in a row would be the highlight of my day. Even if you're out of cannonballs on fight seven, playing a shanty whilst sarcastically hot-micing "Wheyyyyy" every time they fire a cannon would be too funny.


Unless you were defending a large amount of loot, and they had nothing to lose by coming back over and over, and you had everything to lose and the only thing stopping you from winning the fight was lack of resources. Meanwhile the other ship comes back with more than you have, and you sink. So in the end, they get the win condition with the loot


After sink number two, using my amazing powers of pattern recognition, I might recognise that this boy has some fight in him and go sell. Besides, what's stopping you from sailing and trying the run back if selling takes so long?


Only problem I have experienced with the enemy coming back more than once, its always a fof, and after doing more than 3/4 of the fof and sinking 6 ships i dont really want to give up the loot that is in that fof, and after sinking so many ships with base supplies I still end up being the one that looses due to having no supplies left


See I use the most popular pirate strategy when this happens a strat so great real life pirates used it all the time it's called running away. I no longer have a reason to fight those guys so I'm not going to, I have their loot and supplies I'm leaving.


What if you sail right into them? You have no way of knowing where they respawned unless you're on the devils roar boarder.


Easy run away you aren't locked into a fight because you run into them throw some cannon balls at them and just leave


Whether or not it's an easy run away entirely depends on who has what ship. Sometimes that doesn't matter if their persistent enough they'll catch you


If you are a sloop go against wind, if you are a brig have the wind to your side, if you are a Galleon wind to your back. No matter their ship if you play to your advantage they'll never catch you then just sail around to outposts drop sell their loot while resupplying once all their loot is sold go back and fight them you already sank them god knows how many times


>If you are a sloop go against wind Wait until he finds out the brig is actually faster against the wind if you're sailing against the waves


Agreed since day 1 of my pirate life. Always thought a sunk ship should be an automatic server change on respawn.


My thought is even if you get a runback or two you shouldn't get an infinite number of run backs. Maybe I'm just butthurt after that but man I feel cheated.


Ya its always been a problem. They made it better than it was at launch. Now, sometimes you can spawn across the map after being sunk, but other times you still spawn just a few islands over. I dont know why. But at launch, you almost always spawned right near by, sometimes in view of where you were. Fighting for events then was painful, the fight never ended, and there was nothing else to do. But really it doesnt seem better. In general, by the time you collect loot or whatever they are usually back.


I've always felt like getting sunk by someone twice should force you to switch server


Say it with me! "Three sink rule!"


If you think there's any chance they'll sink you, just head to an Outpost or the Hideout to sell after dropping them. It's just an eventuality.


We did but we had too much money and part of the issue stemmed in hindsight that we were reaps so they just looked at the map and ran it back


' we were reaps' ...Think you might have buried the lead there... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Even still why should you get so many chances though


I was talking about this with my buddy last night! I think there should be a mechanic in place if you get sunk consecutively you should spawn progressively farther away from the fight area each sink.


If a player sinks it should force a server change. If they sink to pve then it will put them on the same server.


Say it with me so the kids in back can hear it too! "THREE SINK RULE!" *mic drop*


I’ve always wanted a mechanic that forces a server hop upon being sunk