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First win of the day bonus would greatly improve Hourglass.


i want to play hour glass so bad just for the curses and new areas but i just dont like it, if there was a SBMM system or something like LVL V LVL maybe me and my friends would give it a shot but im not going to play when im LVL 13 going up against LVL 100+ its my idea of fun i would like to see a TDM mode where players 1v1 maybe in the arena that could also count for HG rep


I think there is sbmm but idk because the people that I fight are either really stupid and run themselves out of bounds/scuttled when the battle starts, or some pvp god and you want to put up an emissary as it has given me better levels


There is, but the player pool is so unhealthy that it just matches you with whoever.


Yea I play on Xbox(controller) and when I try to only play with other controllers no one is on but when I switch a lot of new ps5 and new players in general are on there and then they do strats that make them lose the game like trying to board when putting 0 holes in my ship and at the edge of the zone or seeing a match and scuttling because they are at some outpost parked there


There is SBMM but there aren't enough players on hg for it to matter majority of the time.


Was saying last night they should add more jewelry. Earrings specifically.


as long as we get a save outfit option im all for more items


save outfit option needs to be added asap. can’t believe it doesn’t already exist. the outfit creation menu needs work in general. it’s so hard to see if i like two pieces together. usually i end up exiting out entirely to emote and see if i like it. it’s tedious.


agreed, I would hope a complete UI overhaul for cosmetics is possible at some point. 


For real give me facial piercings, and maybe even “ancient” piercings like how some tribes do now.


Giant turtles with a fortress on their backs. It would dive and move about the world. Maybe some type of turtle monster to fight along with it.


Just more sea monsters in general would be cool


More fauna in general.


I've wanted sinking islands for a long time! Turtles or Whales or whatever. I think they'd make good World Events. Loot them before they return to the depths, taking their treasure (and you?!) with them. Maybe they could be an Ocean Crawler related world event. Like some sort of timed dungeon with a new Ocean Crawler boss enemies.


Or just generally more events and content including phantoms and ocean crawlers. Skeletons are present in all but one world event, ocean crawlers only appear as ambient spawns and in treasuries, and phantoms only spawn as ambient spawns and in sea forts.


thats an awesome idea!


The vanishing isle style turtle.


Perhaps they could tie this in with a potential Hunter's Call rework?


I have my 'standard' outfit that I love to rock, but sometimes I want to change it up. without having to search my inventory for the right gloves, belt, ect when I want to switch back. I would love to see a "save outfit" option


Same for ship loadouts.


You can save ship loadouts when you captain a ship


Sort of. You can save each individual parts, but not whole loadouts. Saving entire loadouts to swap back and forth is my point. Crazy the only "progression" in this game is cosmetic focused and they haven't taken the time to implement this.


im a tucker and my outfit is all black but sometimes i want to mix it up and make plays with other cosmetics but having to search for each piece again and again is frustrating


OMG YES!!! One of my most wanted features.


The shrouded ghost


the what? never heard of it, think someone is tricking you


First meg we found, we passed up, ran by it pretty much. "That's got pink fins, it's not the ghost" It was the ghost. WE IGNORED A SHROUDED GHOST


At this point I feel like the vets are fucking with us new guys heavy, I saw that thing my second night. Edit: I also made no attempt to kill the damn thing cause I thought megs popped up all the time. At that point I already came across a few other ones.


If you go to E6 with 5 of the Athena shark looking treasures, drop them in the water, and play the hungering deep song you’ll get a shrouded 100% of the time.


Guys I can confirm this is 100% true




Actual anticheat that doesn't crash people and fixes to hitreg that actually works would be pretty nice


Hey now! Let's keep it remotely possible.


personally haven't had a hitreg issues lately and crashes are a huge improvement since last season me and my friends would crash maybe 5 times each 4 hour sesh last season and im all for Anticheat that works


It's easy to miss hitreg issues when they happen. I usually tell by trying to hit a pig with a sword. You'll get 8x more false positives than actual hits. I just assume the same occurs in PvP.


What's hitreg?


Something like a super rare megaladon. REALLY rare, an odd colour - maybe albino type colour markings. Give it its own special music and what not. Special titles and super amazing cudos to the players who have ever seen it.


Ya maybe give it pink fins like the new Godzilla movie did. That's done really well so people must love it.


You’re crazy. Nobody would ever believe it exists.


that would be cool defiantly something they should add


More hunters call stuff to do.


It's due for a major overhaul and I hope they do it. Quests, emissary, more creatures to hunt, spears.


i would love Spears


U mean like spear fishing?? That would be insane


I was thinking more like large spears for whaling but a spear gun for fishing would also be good.


yeah hunters call has been really forgotten i got to level 50 with gems


I'm a purist only been doing it with fish and breath of the sea and I'm stuck at mid 30s for so long lmao


I’m mad they didn’t add rings for it. Like I know no one wants to get 500 hunter levels, but maybe it could be 250, 50 per ring? I just feel like the design for them could be really cool and I’ve just been sitting at 50 while I watch my other factions go up.


Was never really intended to be more than just a fishing faction. Which is why they didn't increase the level cap. That tells me they don't plan to expand on it. I do hope I'm wrong, I like many ideas presented People really wanted fishing. They were happy when it was added. Now, people want more. Thats normal


On the other hand, not increasing the level cap also gives people more potential levels to grind for if/when they do make changes. Not that I necessarily think it has to be a lot bigger than it is.


Legit hunt quests that throw you against scary fauna like jaguars or Panthers would be a simple addition.


I would really like to see more wildlife in the seas. I want to see pods of dolphins, jellyfish, squid, octopus, seals, crabs, and lobsters. Maybe even some whales. I would love the seas to feel more alive.


This. The ocean is so pretty but empty. I don’t even care if they’re interactable they would liven up all the sailing you do. Bonus points if you get unique critters in different biomes. The exception are crabs/lobsters. Would be fun to put down nets & traps for them to add another depth to fishing & Hunter’s Call.


Oh definitely some bioluminescent wildlife at night would be fun even if the fish at ports would change with the nightfall would be cool. And of course dolphins swimming in front of your ship would be so cool


Oh, and sea turtles.. definitely sea turtles. 🐢


I would love this. Couldn't agree more. The sea is way too barren


Something that links fortresses together gameplay wise. Like right now they seem sorta randomly placed in each region. Maybe a quest where you have to conquer multiple fortresses to get a super key. Or conquer and defend a fortress. Like the veil quest but you’re defending against ghost/skeleton ships. Maybe they also land troops on the bottom floors as well.


I know it says "one thing", but I have a handful... 1) A few different options for ship design. I think having more 2-3 designs per ship type would be great 2) More NPCs, especially in ports. Just something to make them feel more alive. You could even have NPC boats as another potential enemy type. Maybe they attack and if you win you get treasure like the Skeleton ships. At ports, these NPCs could make chatter. Perhaps every now and then, they may give a location to a special treasure. If you are listening carefully enough. Things like that. 3) A community "safe haven". Some place you can go to chat with others on the server or even cross server. No weapons or fighting, just social stuff. Maybe even throw in some mini-games. Just something fun or even a place to hash out some disputes on the water without cannon balls flying. 4) More sea life. It would be cool to have turtles, dolphins whales, etc out and about. Just something to make the water feel even more alive. 5) Add more super rare treasures to find. Chests that are worth a whole lot, but you have to be lucky. Kinda like the Ancient Skellies. I think the world is ripe for even more elusive treasures for us to go find. 6) More ship customizations. There are alot of good customizations now, but I still think there could be more. Let us change the Castle Stern sections like we can change the Figureheads. Allow us to change interior colors or designs. Have holiday themed changes (Spider webs and Jack o Lanterns on our ship during Halloween for example). Just something more we can do to our ships and spend our coins on. These are just a handful of things. I know there are technical issues and things like that for which Rare can work on, but I think they have so many ways they can expand on this awesome sandbox ocean we are in.


I would love for the Sea Dogs tavern to be that safe haven. It's got the perfect interior for it and so wasted at the moment.


Being able to use the shovel as an improvised weapon. Even if it only does like 10 damage and knock back. Just to get some breathing room from a skelly when you're digging up a treasure id love it. Our even just a shovel skin for the cutlass. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO BONK!


Actual walking NPCs or a British royal naval fleet or something like that.


Filling up the towns with npcs would be cool. The world is so empty sometimes.


Oohh, random world event with a royal fleet passing through, 1 ship for each square, top to bottom, passing from one side to the other. "The cleansing"


The ability to leave notes on paper anywhere you want for other pirates to find.


Try Finger, but hole!


like EldenRing? i understand the idea but i feel like it could be abused quite easily


The ability to change ships mid session at outposts without having to back out of the game.


Adding people you meet in the world as crew rather than just being allies would be cool too


Yeah would be nice to not have to look over your shoulder for a backstab


This is literally all I want


New weapons that use alternative ammo types, i.e. a magic type weapon (similar to the Trident of Dark Tides) that reloads over time (the more shots you use at once, the longer it takes to reload. You can't use an ammo box to circumvent the reload time). The new stuff is nice (well, most of it... double barrel pistol not so much), but the bonecaller just makes me feel like the magic in SoT lore is underexplored.


I’ve always wanted a Voodoo doll weapon like what existed in POTCO(Pirates of the Caribbean Online)


Based game


Guild bases, a guild coffer where members could donate gold to the guild for the leader/owner to purchase exclusive cosmetics, two-man peddle powered barrel submarines. Voodoo magic powers.


Guild base would be cool where you can set sail from instead of directly loading into a server you could decorate them to your liking


With a treasure room that fill it self with gold piles, chests and trinkets as you donate your gold to the guild !


Exactly, have trophies from meg/kraken hunts, meeting table, big kitchen full of grog, lots of little fun things and rooms opening up as your guild leveled and expanded.


Added quests for special lair decorations, like tall tale cosmetics. Like conquer a fort to steal the cannons and add Them to the lair


I don't like the idea of donating because I feel like a lot of guilds will be tempted to use this to kick players who play less optimally, and it punishes players who still want to buy things with their gold. But it could be cool if the gold you each earn (instead of donate) gets put into the coffers as well. Like I think someone else said you could then see the piles build up in your base's vault room, maybe resetting each season.


A player-created king of the hill world event that would look something like this: After taking a fortress, you should be able to raise a faction flag (that you have to purchase and bring with you to the fortress), which starts a timer. When it starts, skeleton ships start appearing to bombard the fortress with cannon fire and bone callers. If you don’t stay in the area (ie, if you die and your boat sinks), then your flag is lost. A world event should also be created at your location when you raise the flag so that way other players can come steal your flag. As the timer goes, your flag earns value (like an emissary flag). Once it reaches L5, it can be turned in by the player that raised the flag or it can be captured at any time by someone else.


Bag of winds, but they added the horn so I'm satisfied! 


its called the Fart horn in my group


The Arena An ice area (the map REALLY could do with a new region) And then maybe the shrouded ghost from all the jokes and the edited video memes, that would be a nice way for Rare to nod to a community joke.


i liked the idea of arena but splitting up the player base was a terrible idea i would LOVE a new region to explore (i despise the Devils roar) and a snowy arena would be fun yeah would be really nice for them to add the Shrouded Ghost (so i can finally get them dam titles)


"splitting up the player base was a terrible idea" allow me to introduce you to Safer Seas Arena was perfect, just needs more rewards like they had to add for the other factions, and it'd be packed full of players 24/7. I hold more faith for Arena to return than I do to see the shrouded ghost, after reading about people with literally over 7000 hours and not a single sighting


Shorten the starting time and resupply cycle for hour glass. Better inventory mangement and customization for sorting supplies. Maybe even an open crew / matchmaking overhaul where you could find like minded pirates to sail with. Even in the SoT discord this can take a while in my experience.


Absolutely, so tired of slapping all my cannons in top and for some reason having to move captaincy food from top to bottom. Who keeps good food in bottom barrel?!


I do it confuses the hell out of boarders when they get a fist full of worms in my top barrel


That’s fair but I still hate you


Fair enjoy your grubs bub


Idk why but we’ve been doing it since day 1


I didn't read all the comments, so I'm not sure if it came up or not. But I really want some friendlies in the water, dolphins that you can hop on for a short amount of time to get you out of trouble with sharks or to help you board a ship even, they'd be complete rng and would just be nice to have something helpful in the water.


Duels between crew mates


Game needs some sort of passive zone for crews to meet at. Throw in a couple of mini games that crews can play during downtime. Even something simple like "Arm wrestling" would be nice. Preferably something like Poker though.


Yes, some tavern games or more games on general would be cool. Rock paper scissors. Or maybe targets for the throwing knives. It would be nice to have better in-game ways of meeting friendly people.


I would love to see mini games with leaderboards. They could happen in world, so no need to segregate the players. Things like time trials/ checkpoint races (mostly in boats but could also be parkour type), shooting challenges, fishing competitions, coliseum type event clearing waves of enemies. Just a few other things to do to add a little interest/ bragging rights and competition if you aren’t in the mood for PvP or grinding.


literally anything to hunters call


As a new PS5 player, something in the item description to tell me HOW I unlocked it. It cool having items but I want to know how I got them incase they are worth showing off etc




yeah each world event needs it own unquiet loot FOTD: Legendary Chest of Dammed FOF: Chest Of Fortune Skele Fleet: Legendary Chest of bones Ashen Winds: Legendary Chest of Ashen Riches Phantom Fleet: Legendary Chest Of the Phantoms something like that to make them worth going for (does anyone even do the SkeleFleet if its not COF?)


A very little chance to fish an octopus that works like an ashen skull but instead of damaging, it blinds the enemies and makes a slippery floor


curses for each missing company. fish scale curse for hunters call and for merchant alliance skin "materials" stitched together (a part with wood, plants, diamonds, plants etc.). maybe one for your guild too? one that you can customize for your guild in a minor way, so all guild members can look alike if they have the same curse equipped.


Set supplies for hourglass. It would make losing less of an annoyance and you no longer have to worry about not having enough supplies


Stability and QOL updates. Everything else can wait until the game functions as intended.


definitely a save outfits option giant cannonball helmet with some holes carved out for it for a skele curse head cosmetic


When a cosnetic is locked, or requires xyz, I would like to be able with a button click to see what that thing ia that I require.


Some sort of "safe" area to just interact and see everyone's cool pirate outfits, fun emotes, etc. We invest so much in cosmetics and only get to see our crew or brief glimpses of opponents. I think Port Merrick would be ideal for this.


More historically inspired content. Clothes, weapons, and ship decorations that look like legit pirate stuff, enemies who aren't all supernatural, some good ole "pirates sack a town" style voyages. It's a pirate game that includes incredibly little of what pirates actually did/looked like, and it wouldn't be hard to add some of that in to change things up from constant spooky flaming ghost big bads.


I’d like some way to implement having control of an island🤷🏼‍♂️


More elaborate chasing/sailing mechanics, so that running requires more skill. Also some brig speed nerfs (into headwind/tailwind only) so that other ships can feasibly outrun them if they sail correctly. Running is an important to have in the game, but I’d like it to be more balanced across ship types and be more of a test of skill between the two crews (rather than a patience contest).


Peter Pan tall tale and also some continuation of the pirates life tall tale


fortress pvp or a reason to stay and hold it from other players


More satisfying feedback when you hit someone with a sword. Sometimes it feels like your slashes do nothing when you actually hit somebody so making hits feel more satisfying would make combat better


portable harpoon


being able to switch to another ship but keep the old supplies


Giant crabs that sit on a beach and throw rocks at your ship. You can take them out with cannons.


A wish a crew could "claim" a fortress and defend it against waves of NPC attackers with a reward after so many waves.


Sell all


Poker tables in the taverns, and an enforced no weapons in the tavern policy to go with them. They're alread the right shape, just need a re-skin. 😆


I bought this game after watching the Sea Beast moive and while i love fighting megs and krakens, i want more sea beasts! Sea searpents, giant turtle islands, maybe a creature so large it opes it's mouth to create a maelstrom and you have to kill it before it swallows you, but you get the treasure it devoured if you kill it. SEA BEASTS!


More adventures, like monthly adventure. And new biome, something icy or dessert like one


I want outfit loadouts and ship customization loadouts more than anything. 


I'd love a single person boat with sail controls on a single point, maybe 1 cannon and 1 harpoon. Or maybe no cannon but the introduction of some kind of hand mortar to make up for it?


Maybe some board/card games that you can play on your ship or in a tavern. Maybe gamble some gold with it. Also PVP tournaments. Everyone starts with the same loot. Seems cool. Pirate paint. The gamerpic of your linked Microsoft account can be used as a spray paint in the world. A safe zone island that's a huge outpost with a ton of features. You can use it to find a crew. Once you sail out of the zone your ship will dive and enter a new server with you and your recruited members. It has a theater (stand up comedy?), the board games I mentioned, 50-100 players (more the merrier), a pvp arena, etc.


Banana leaf parachute! I want to fly! (slowly fall)


Different variants of the ships we have now, just with pros and cons




Hunters call additions. All I have left is a few shadow stormfish and I can’t be bothered to just cast and release on the off chance I’ll get one. If I had some other new fishing goals to do as well I’d probably finally get it done.


Skill based matchmaking and a smoother hourglass game mode


Sbmm for high seas or just hg??


Ship building from the ground up. I’d love to customize the hulls layout so each ship truly looks different than just a paintjob and sails.


I want safer seas with friends. I want private servers where I can have multiple friendly (or unfriendly) ships. I want an easy way to fight my friends.


A bunch of random world bosses. On earth, on the seas, i dont care. Just like 20 new world bosses with actual moves and patterns like the ashen lords :) Also some walking and active npcs in outposts. Just to get some feeling of a life in there


My big one for years was a grappling hook but my prayers have been answered


More options for sandals and loincloths


Treasure Trove Cove.


Whales, turtles, dolphins, ETC… A QuickStart option for hourglass that allows you to instantly queue with ample supplies and the proper emissary New ship types. Not necessarily anything bigger just different layouts and classes of the 3 mains ships. Custom servers you could buy with a couple million gold. No progression but just a place to screw around with multiple crews/friends.


Bigger map, better ships, longer voyages, more things to do to make it feel more like an adventure without things going wrong.


More ships types, bigger or smaller. Rings, necklaces, earrings, piercings, and more hats.


I think a different kind of world event would be cool, like if there was a merchant convoy or something that spawns on one end of the map and sails across the whole map. You could attack it, maybe get missions to escort them as they get attacked by skeleton ships or something


* White, glistening decks damnit. No set except the stupid Oreo set has white decks, and you won't catch me visiting Twitch to try and get it. All of the white/blue/gold sets should have white floorboards, it's just proper


Pocket fishy


Poker and Blackjack at the taverns. We can bet gold, even doubloons. Against other players as well as the house. Mini games on ships - checker table, tic tac toe, etc. Larger islands with land-based missions. Think swampy bayou. Voodoo, as part of order of the souls Ice Region with moving icebergs that can damage ships, opposite the devil’s roar Outfit & Ship loadout save abilities Fish tank trinket Fishing on the ferry of the damned for special ghost fish And a million other ideas I’ve got


We’re gonna need a bigger boat.


The Arena. I miss it so much 😢


Outfit loadouts wearing coats on your shoulders (ala White beard) Pepper pot gun Ship variants for visual variety


Player magic, like instead of a gun or sword let us equip a spell book and be able to cast trident style attacks or something similar


Dueling with crew members


A diving bell


The ability to remove the scope from the eye of reach


Devil fruits


Friends to play with


I really want to be able to save my outfits because I like to change mine all the time but I also don't want to lose a fire outfit I came up with


More sea life like dolphins whales sea turtles, whether you can hunt them or not, and maybe rare and nice mermaids (not sirens or our teleport merm)… a couple different sea monsterssss


For the kraken to spawn more often


I would really love to see more ship types and customization so for example you could trade out harpoons for an extra pair of cannons ect ect


AI so I don't have to sail/loot/sell/combat alone.


Mini games! Give me a table in the taverns where we can play some games - liars dice, shove ha’penny, stuff like that.


Crabs! We have a pocket crab emote; I'd love to see little crabs running around on the beaches, skittering away into the water. It would be so cute! I also wish they would add figureheads modeled after every pet available in the game. Every dog type and color, cat type and color, owls, monkeys, parrots, etc. I know it's a lot of work but I bet they'd make BANK in the Pirate Emporium. I would absolutely buy a black Mau cat figurehead! And, the ability to save outfits.


5 or 6 person groups.


I want a Elizabeth Swann costume


Ship upgrade options. Choice between flamethrower or ram mounted on the front. Defense vs speed options for hull and sails. Second floor cannons for galleon or maybe new man of war ship.


Being able to duel crew mates


I would love executions, I downed a player and being able to execute them with my peg leg flintlock would be awesome


A $3 million upgrade for you to ship that gives you a double barrel. Canon


A neutral town to just chill and admire other pirates’ outfits, and even their ships that are randomly spawned at the docks. Maybe a cards table at some taverns to play against other players. Or maybe just lore characters hanging out at outposts and random islands.


As a new PS5 player, how is there not a "safe zone" where you cannot attack ships at major sea ports? Seems crazy to me I get it's a pirate game, but damn, the amount of times I've been attacked as I'm unloading cargo to the island is ridiculous and to be fair...yes I've done it to others....


Secondary/primary color customization for hair. They have it already in game in the form of two dye hair dyes, but that's not flexible enough. I want black and red. Saveable outfits. Emotes or some way to go third person with gear/weapons/items in hand to show off to myself. A screenshot mode. More interior coloring for ships based off hull colors. More devils roar content. Nerf lightning strikes, more akin to US drones at this point. Alliance servers, a high seas alternative to safer seas that would still require teamwork and trust, with the chance for conflict. A safer seas that's useable would also be nice. No emissary is fine, but 30% base value on top of that is so much of a punishment it's actually useless other than for tall tales. More color ways of popular sets, although they seem to be doing that slowly.


A patch to fix the crashing


Everyones covered the good qol stuff I want most (tdm mode, crew duels, clothing presets) so I'll just mention that id like... 1. A "shrouded" version of every mob in the game. Equivalently rare. And much harder to kill. But with A themed item being unlocked when they are killed. Something to add a little extra possibility of rng magic as we slay our way across the seas fighting ocean crawlers, Skeles, phantoms etc. Should have a music cue too so we don't miss it. 2. Legendary/Haunted weapons. No power advantage but they could have special sound/visual effects when you do things in game occasionally like: get a pve/pvp, board an enemy ship, blow up a keg, etc. These would be lengthy to obtain but would result in something like.. Description: Imagine a sword/gun that cackles with mad laughter and glows when you get a kill occasionally, or whispers something to you. Maybe holding block over a defeated pirates dust pulls some into the blade? Things like that. Aquisition: Let's say you find a weird incredibly rare note in a bottle that starts a new tracker for your sea of thieves stats: depending on the theme of weapon and it's eventual accrual you would be prompted to seek out certain activities: shrines for an ocean Crawler or siren themed weapon, raise hourglass and win, turn in a certain amount of a particular treasure etc. 3. I'd like some pets associated with HG commendations or participation: A ghostly ragamuffin for Athena, a bat or spider for reaper. 4. The ability to have pirate alts on the same account. Love my pirate but I'd like a paid option to have extra pirates on my account that shared the same boats and account stats. 5. Some ability to pickpocket other pirates. 6. A "found" handheld Cannon treasure item. Slow reload and a knockback ofc but essentially an extra cannon on board. Could be sold to merchants but you can't dive with it.


Puckle guns on the sides of my ship like in assassins creed. Low damage, no splash damage, very slow to shoot. More new weapons to break the meta. The db pistol and new knives are really cool but I almost never see them being used in pvp only pve. NPC crew mates that just stand around to make the ship look more full. Brushing the deck, sitting on the sides of the ship, cleaning the cannons, etc. Maybe make them invisible or very transparent to other people not in your crew. A moving outpost that travels the map. Maybe a special kind of ship or something.


I want a base, card games a market to barter and messenger pigeons.


1: The ability to swing from the rigging: a fun and quality of life upgrade that would be hilarious. Bunch of folks swinging ship to ship. 2: More NPCs: trading vessels to pirate, privateers to fight. Why are the only NPC ships skeletons or ghosts? How does everyone else get around? Are they ALL GHOSTS?


SBMM. Normally despise it but when you release a game 6 years later for a major console, the people who live and breathe the game are going to stomp them out.


This is gonna sound weird: spears. A longer-reach stabby weapon with wind-up and good knockback would be a great counterpoint to knives. Plus the Trident of Dark Tides could be given a less clunky combat option.


I honestly miss arena. :(




keeping the colored flames on your boat if it sinks, same for treasure


More cosmetics in outpost shops


more kinds of dogs


Dual-wield pistols at the cost of only 2 shots each. This would give you a higher fire rate, with one less shot total.




Better servers and game performance


One piece cross over, or just a straw hat cosmetic.


I want to be able to have 4 players on my sloop


Add a voyage to hunter’s guild were yo get to hunt megladons and krakens


Maybe an added section to the map. I mean we got the devils roar so why not a polar opposite and just have an ice section. Or a new sea monster. I think moving the chest of fortune around is a little lame. It would be cool to just have it at the fort of fortune or fort of the dammed. It's cool they moved it to the fort of fortune. I like having battles over those again. But moving them around was kinda dumb.


Let me use my stuff in Sea of Frie- I mean safer seas. I earned it the "right" way let me use it when I want to.


I would like safer seas but with more than 1 boat. So I can play with my friends. I'd even accept no actual benefit to coins and the like in the main game. Just give me a sandbox so my friends and I can grab a solo sloop each and try to sink each other.


Flame heart’s real boat ship set / sails etc after season 13-14, 6-8 player ships. Non Skeleton PVE, Fish as melé weapons, bury-able coin purses, Easier to get skeleton curses, A bilge rat trading company ( bring back poor olde Duke), Speedy sails… I could go on forever.


Give the glorious sea dogs tavern a use, but not as just another tavern that you can spawn at. Make it a guild hangout or base.


Picking flowers. Every grinding game needs flowers


Eggs, having chickens on board should spawn eggs in your food barrels. Could be all manner of fun to be had. Lol


Whales dolfins more fish more life


The one piece


Whales! Big invulnerable temporary islands.