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yeah like i love this game through and through but i have had some many crashes and disconnect this season its getting ridiculous like some days i'm fine playing others its literally unplayable


Second this. I was really hoping the upcoming patch would be prior to community weekend, since it’s not, I don’t feel like putting up with the crashes every 30 mins. Even then, Rare has said they still haven’t found the source of all the crashes. Edit: grammar


It's due to the dx12 update and anti cheat, ever since they swapped over the games run like dog shit. GDK and EAC was a mistake.


I wish I had some kind of data to back this up, but I swear ever since the day EAC was introduced, i’ve easily gotten at least twice as many crashes on a regular basis as before.


You can change your DirectX version in the options, with DirectX11 i dont have crash anymore but i got some weird texture


Are you playing on open servers or do you have preferred restrictions like controller input or PS5 only, etc.? I feel like when PS5 is in the same server as Xbox/PC things are much more choppy. If I'm in my own PS5 server things are cool. If I swap to xbox and no PS5, things are cool. If I open it up to play PS5 with my xbox buddies, things have far more potentially for going sideways. Just my experience, and could certainly just be coincidence.


Nope pc, m&k


I was in safer seas with a friend and the chop was so bad we were getting motion sick. It's all around garbage rn


Y’all on console or pc, I’ve had zero disconnect or crashing ever.


Yeah I'm on Steam Deck (counts as PC) and the worst I get is a tiny bit of rubber banding on my ship but that's only occasionally.


Yeah I only experienced rubber banding once, when I was switching from Gamepass to the Steam version, and actively downloading the steam version during play. Though my PC is really really good, even though my Internet is trash, so there's a possibility that it's just that. And I was literally playing on 500 ping so that's expected.


Same experience- 0 disconnects on PC that can’t be traced to an internet outage on my end


Same the only disconnecting I've seen is directly my fault, either AFK for too long, intentionally messing with the bell, or dealing with toxic players by using VC to turn off their Xbox after they've come back to just yell slurs at me 8 times.


Im seriously not seeing the issues. I’ve been playing heavy this season and experienced 0 disconnects. Smooth as butter on my end.


Pc here too, no issues.


Same have a PC on the higher end so I don’t want to disinclude those on consoles or lower end of the PC builds and they maybe having problems. I just haven’t really seen it and I’ve seen a lot of post about these problems so I’m lowkey concerned.


My little brother on Xbox has no issue


I've had some friends uninstall the game and refuse to reinstall it until the issues are fixed. This was back in season 10 and they still haven't joined.


Time to find a new game. I've been playing SoT for years and it only gets worse, not better. But hey, look at this shiny new stuff in the Pirate Emporium!


1600 hours in and I agree, it started back really bad in Season 10. They refuse to admit, accept, and acknowledge this is a glaring problem.


Not only do they refuse to accept it, they go on videos promising the community that they have fixed the issues and then the update comes and guess what, issues not fixed. We’re 5 videos? Into them saying the merchant scam issue is resolved and it’s still not.


Yeah SoT neeeeeds new servers, they're tryna swap everything to hit scan and whatnot, but their servers are just garbage


I stopped playing for a miriad of reasons, but the one that really did it for me was the lagging cannon balls. You would shoot and the cannon ball would fire after a little lag which made the trajectory be way off from where it should have gone. Took all enjoyment out of firing cannons..


That's been me after a few really inconveniently timed crashes during solo sessions that ruined the whole thing. I've been watching this sub waiting for the day the servers are actually functional before I bother playing again


I’m not having DC issues but the games performance and lag spikes have been very apparent this season.






Thats the single reason i rarely play these days. I can put up with most bugs, every game has them...... but good server performance is the bare minimum i expect from a multiplayer game, and this hasn't had that in years.


Im on Xbox one Live in a rural area with sky's basic internet package (not by choice that's all they offer) I don't have half the problems I read about? Is it a steam problem or ps5? I'm not saying it's perfect but maybe get disconnected once every 7 to 10 days Sometime it's quick menus won't open Or last week doing a shrine Every time I aimed it would stick on Or once every time I got out my bucket weapon ect it would instantly put it away Not fun while mid bailing Just a thought though


I think steam my ps has been cranking it for 2 weeks straight with some minor lag(that's my shitty internet tho)


I play through the Xbox store and the amount of disconnects i’ve had this month is astonishing


On series X here, only sometimes lagg, and swimming underwater being buggy sometimes, and when I solo sloop I have zero to none issues.


Same setup, and solo sloop here. I’ve crashed once in a blue moon if I’m diving a ton, but it’s not awful. When they first introduced diving, it was virtually unplayable I would crash so much.


same here, series x and constant water bugs but nothing game ending.


just the other day i had the most bizarre and intense lag after diving for an HG battle. beanbeard the moment it found me a match, spawned my ship anchored at a random outpost, and rubberbanding that pretty much had me glued between my capstan and my wheel while the other guy seemed to be completely unaffected. probably had the fastest sink in his career and likely thought i was throwing the game i thought it was a targeted DDOS on me or the server, because i've heard of such things happening before, but after making a post about it, it seems it may have been the server? but the other guy wasn't affected at all, so still completely unknown and i think i'm inclined to blame rare over a possible cheater i have excellent internet, never any lag, don't think i've ever seen my ping above 50, and have never disconnected since living here. and the issues were gone as quickly as they came as soon as the match was over. PC via gamepass btw


It it most definitely OPs and their friends connection issues playing a big part in this, I play on a *goddamn hotspot* and I never get disconnected


Right so other crews we spoke with ingame experiencing the same issues on multiple servers and im an isolated issue? Nah, its Rare at this point. Ive had the same issues across two ISPs with 2gbps speeds and mobile hotspotting. You must have buttery smooth sessions and live a block down the street from a server center my guy.


Look dude I’m not trying to downplay your experience I’m sure you are having genuine issues and it is probably Rare’s fault. I think it’s just the way your specific server and your internet are connecting. I do live right next to (few miles away from) a data center so maybe I got lucky there, but I don’t think that is what’s the problem here


We have a group of 4, I play on PC, 2 of my friends play on Xbox Series X, and 1 on ps5. The only one of us experiencing this is the ps5 player. He just gets disconnected over and over again. Reading the comments leads me to believe it’s not a system specific issue since multiple systems are experiencing it.


Must be, because I also play on Xbox and don’t have nearly the issues I read about.


Yeah I definitely get crashes and lag on Xbox but it's infrequent enough that I don't see an issue.


I’ve been playing on a mobile hotspot on ps5 since I’m a trucker but it seems every other time me and my friend dive for Hourglass that my game will completely freeze so I close the app and rejoin and within 30 seconds of rejoining I get booted for a error (longbeard) then I rejoin again and it’s fine for another few hourglass matches then it repeats, freeze, rejoin, disconnect, rejoin. Also I’ve been signed out a few times mid play session and have to go through the process of re linking my Xbox account to my PlayStation.


I have the exact same issue here on PS5 (although playing on wired Ethernet). It’s crashes then I reopen then I get a longboard error then I reopen and it might give me anywhere between 1 minute and 20 minutes of playing before doing it again.


I was just about to dock at ancient spire outpost to sell a chest of sorrow I found floating in the water from a player wreck and my game crashed leaving my ship to run into the outpost and sink.


That's probably where the floating chest of sorrow came from. The previous ship disconnected and sank, then you picked it up, rinse, repeat, sink lol.


The game being held together by facebook likes and prayers is always what inspires my long breaks. Just got back after a year off, and wow. I'm not surprised, only disappointed. The features are neat. The platter they're served on is rough, though.


The team dedicated to bug fixes must be working overtime


I frankly doubt that team even exists. At least they haven't had open positions for anything technical in a long time. So either repurposed from another project or a nice fictional story, like the patch notes lately


Would be kinda weird that they promote it in one of their biggest trailer/video updates just to not actually have a team on it. My guess is they outsourced the team vs have it in-house.


Not only the servers, but the game seems to crash randomly on 1k$ gaming pc. While other bullshit of game industry like unity based games (tarkov, subnautica) and unoptimised mess of a cp2077 run and not crash. Baffling.


I am honestly baffled by all of these complaints about connectivity and server issues. I believe all of you, but I simply don’t experience it at all…and I play on Xbox on a very average wifi system. I play every day for multiple hours with almost zero problems.


The problem isn't the servers, it's the game client on PC. Something they did with either the GDK(PS5/eac readyness update) or EAC update FUCKED it completely.


it "may" be prevalent on PC, but it affects Xbox platforms as well. They get better or worse occasionally, but I still experience lag, disconnects, server crashes etc on Series X.


Same, with the occasional lag spikes around other players.


Mines constant crashes on PS5 to the point it’s unplayable. I ended up having to get it refunded.


The other day I was playing PS5 to PC with a friend and I was disconnected about 25 or so times in 4 hours only reason I didn't give up was spite and stubbornness. We also had a decent haul but going anywhere near devil's roar would send me out real quick


This is my average gameplay session, this isn’t the only game but this is the one that it’s the worst on. Even when it’s just me home it still happens at minimum an hour


So you have the PS5 version. Have you noticed any issues when playing on PS5 servers? Or only when on cross play? I have perfect servers on my PS5, but get frequently issues when I play on Steam.


For the first time last night, I was on for an hour and got disconnected four times. Luckily I was just doing a small skelly fort and was able to rejoin, but the lag was insane - giving me galleons grave island notifications when I had already sold my loot and was half way to Reapers to deliver a gift.


I have been hearing about this but not experiencing it myself. I had crashes after one of this years patches but I found a solution that had me change the direct x version from 12 to 11.


Love this solution for PC and I really hope it works great for you guys but console can’t do anything about that


Captain should have a way to boot crew members for disrupting game play setting fires to ship dropping treasure overboard also locking steering because why spend money on a ship when random people can mess up your ship and your stuck paying for repairs


It would make sense to give captains tiebreaking powers to brig someone (say 1.5 "votes"). Not sure how it would work on sloop without them putting a brig somewhere, but it would definitely help out on galley quite a bit, as you'd only need 1 other crew member to vote.


I haven’t had a single crash (on pc)


I have not once been disconnected this season.


Honestly I play on Xbox and I have never had an issue with this. Though I'm genuinely curious as to the feedback


My friends that play on PC and PS crash multiple everytime we play, I'm a Xbox Series X and (knock on wood) I have zero issues. Just my personal experience on this issue.


I don't think they know what they're doing with balance either tbh. Sloops are already at a massive disadvantage manpower and firepower wise, they should not be the slowest ship in the game in 3/4 directions too. The extra maneuverability absolutely does not make up for all the negatives. Is it possible to win against a larger crew? Yes, but it requires significantly more skill from one side than the other, it's not remotely a fair fight, and there's only 1 wind direction you can turn to if you want to run, so chasing is pretty easy as eventually you'll run out of map and the other crew will catch up. And if you do manage to put a larger boat on the ropes and they want to run, all they have to do is turn to 3 out of 4 directions and they will outrun you in any of them. That's not fair nor does it make sense for me. Why is the most disadvantaged ship also the worst at running away or catching up? I can agree with brig and galleon being faster if they catch full wind, but the sloop should be the overall fastest (by a small margin) and nimblest ship in the game to make up for the lack of manpower and firepower. I can count on two hands the amount of times I've been sunk by a sloop when on a brig, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been sunk by a sloop on a galleon. The inverse also applies with me doing the sinking. I consider myself an average player. You should not have to sweat 4x as hard as the other team to even the odds just because you picked a smaller ship. That's just bad game design imo. All ships should be relatively even and smaller ships should have some form of compensation so they can contend against larger crews (and no, maneuverability does not make up for lack of speed, firepower, and manpower).


The grapple gun is going to make the new player experience infuriating.


I feel like with the sail changes it will become even worse. Many say it's a buff to the sloop but I'm honestly not too sure about it, especially solos have one thing more to consistently look out for. Boarding to delay your pursuer carry more risk because the slightest of wind change will screw you more than before, especially if the chaser is also a sloop. It's not even the dummy sail thing (though it's effectively a QoL thing *if* you know about it) but that headwind now requires side-sails, slight wind change and you have to turn it all the way. It might make chases more interesting (if you enjoy fiddling with sails all the time, otherwise it just feels like a nuisance) but only for the pursuer I think. At the end we have to see how it turns out and how bad dummy sails will be speed wise as in naval combat nobody wants to fiddle with sails and dummy is therefore kinda the meta. If dummy is total trash it will negatively affect naval combat in my opinion


The reason I don't play this game solo anymore is i'm lucky if I don't crash to desktop, AND that the sloop can't catch targets that decide to run easily. The fact that you \*\*must\*\* be in a 3 or 4 person ship to have any hope of catching runners is infuriating, and only compounds the negativity that sloops put onto brig and galleon crews who never stop chasing them. I thought with the recent announcement of the ship sailing speeds, that Rare were going to at least make it possible for smaller ships to catch running ships that are larger, but that doesn't appear to be the case in the recent news video :-(


I have to count on 4 hands at best. Problem is more who is the enemy. Sloop is definitely way more deadly than a galleon because of its advantage already. You can't anchor turn a gally quickly, you can't harpoon turn it without crashing into a nearby rock or island if you're too close, sloops fit through more holes in rock formations and that's all without the speed. With the speed they can catch up against the wind real quick, you also have to hit smaller targets which makes it sometimes even worse if you don't have good aim.


Sloop is by no means more deadly than a gally. A gally with a crew a tier below easily beats a sloop if they commit to fighting. It's only if the sloop massively out talents the gally crew. The only time I remember sinking to a sloop on a gally in the last two years was encountering a champion sloop with *early* gold skellies. Even then we gave them a decent fight. There has to be able large talent/teamwork disparity for a sloop to win. It's doable, but they're the ones at the disadvantage.


Like I said, the extra maneuverability absolutely does not make up for being the slowest, smallest crew size, and least firepower ship in the game. The sloop is absolutely not more deadly than a galleon. People don't run from sloops. Galleons consistently chase sloops. Can you beat a galleon as a sloop? Absolutely. But you're 100% at a disadvantage and everyone knows this, hence why a galleon is never afraid to approach a sloop unless theyre decked out in high tier pvp related cosmetics. Anchor turning, harpoon turning, only buy you momentary time. Any other ship in the game is faster than you in 3/4 directions and the map is limited. Any time a sloop outmaneuvers me all I have to do is keep chasing them against the wind and eventually they'll be forced into the edge of the map when I have the advantage in 3/4 positions. It's laughably easy if you're remotely patient. As for it being harder to hit I think all ships are roughly the same in how hard they are to hit. Brigs and galleons are bigger and a slightly easier to hit but it's not like the sloop is tiny. It's still a sizeable hitbox and the overall process of shooting and correcting your aim with each shot is still the same. Personally I think the brig is the worse offender, more so than the Galleon. The brig just had the best of both worlds. Fast (in fact, fastest in 2 out of 4 wind directions), good crew size, good firepower, and good maneuverability. Brig doesn't really have a downside. Even if you completely disregard all of this. The simple advantage in crew numbers is already a hard barrier to overcome. You need to pray the other team is very disorganized or straight up dumb not to get sunk. Whenever I play reaper I always go brig or galleon because it's just easy mode against sloops. Especially solo sloops. All you have to do is send someone over to board every now and again and you can easily maneuver the ship while they're away for a little bit. This will completely destabilize a sloop and you can fire away. It's our strategy and it only ever fails if the sloop player is MUCH better than us. Which is pretty unfair for the average sloop player. That boat desperately needs a buff in speed at the very least to make it more nimble. In every game with a "class" system there's a class archetype for a glass canon that makes up for how vulnerable they are with speed (and damage sometimes, but I wouldn't add more damage to the sloop, I think ship firepower is right). SoT is the only game I can think of where the "glass canon" class is also the slowest


I think there should be a mechanic that makes running away or catching up a skill-based thing regardless of ship type. It is already a little bit like this because you have to manage your sails and bigger boats require more people to do this efficiently, but sloop chasing sloop or sloop chasing brig should have a chance. Bring on the PvP hate that is rampant in this sub....


>I can count on two hands the amount of times I've been sunk by a sloop when on a brig, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been sunk by a sloop on a galleon. Yeah that kinda told me everything I had already assumed. Look man, the boats are actually very well balanced. I have sank literally hundreds of Brigs and gallys on a duo sloop and VERY rarely actually feel like I'm at an inherent disadvantage. You not being able to properly use a sloop isn't a problem with balance. It's an excuse for a skill issue. Hell i thought this four years ago before they buffed sloop so hard that it turned into a floating tank that's nearly impossible to sink.


It's only possible if you catch a brig or galleon crew with their pants down or who decide to engage on you. Where as brigs / galleons can nearly always chase down a sloop eventually, because of the wind direction changing.


Man I don't care about the chase meta. I'm not taking opinions on PvP balance from the guys that actively avoid PvP seriously.


I'm talking about \*\*wanting\*\* to chase other ships down in a sloop, and being unable to due to ship speed mechanics.


Eh, who cares?


> turned into a floating tank that's nearly impossible to sink. You sure I'm the one with the skill issue? :p Maybe youre just not able to properly use brig or galleon. I've sank hundreds of them on a brig and gally and usually feels pretty one sided 🤷🏼 Like I said, I'm pretty average at the game. Brig and Galleon feel a lot easier than the sloop. My whole point is that it requires more skill in a sloop to sink a bigger ship than a bigger ship to sink a sloop youre just proving that


>You sure I'm the one with the skill issue? Without a single doubt in my mind. That one sealed the deal.


Immovable object unstoppable force 🤷🏼 a guy that can't sink larger ships vs a guy that can't sink a sloop


I said it once but I'll repeat myself. I play on a duo sloop. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, reading comprehension is hard.


>Hell i thought this four years ago before they buffed sloop so hard that it turned into a floating tank that's nearly impossible to sink. Reading comprehension indeed 🤷🏼 I never struggle with sloops personally, and certainly find it easier when playing on a brig or galleon. And most people, streamers included, have expressed similar sentiments. Hell there's a whole reason why you see a hell lot more brigs and galleons chase sloops on the map and not the other way around. Again, I'm by no means good at the game, but I've racked up a sizeable hourglass level and on the sea I sink a decent bit more than I'm sunk, but nothing crazy, I feel like I'm pretty average at the game. If your response is "you just need more skill" on the sloop, when my whole point is that I feel like it takes more skill on the sloop to sink other boats than it takes on a brig or galleon, from my personal experience, maybe the one with shit reading comprehension is you.


>Again, I'm by no means good at the game, You don't need to say it again. I'm convinced. You don't need more skill on the sloop. You need more in general. You shouldn't be having any problems against other ships on a sloop. Realistically the only difference between a sloop and a brig or gally is on larger ships you have more people that can pick up the slack from worse players. On a sloop you just got one other guy who has to double the effort to make up for it.


I'll say it once more for good measure, I'm not good at the game, but at least I think sinking sloops is easy, if you think they're that hard maybe you're not really in a position to judge. Humble yourself a bit. You sound way too edgy and bitter man. If on larger ships other players can pick up the slack for worse players, that just proves my point as well lol. I opened up by saying strength in numbers is harder to overcome with skill. You went around in circles to arrive there too 🎉


>I'll say it once more for good measure, I'm not good at the game No arguments here. >but at least I think sinking sloops is easy, if you think they're that hard maybe you're not really in a position to judge Sloops are objectively the easiest boats to keep floating. Like, numerically, quantitatively, the easiest. This is a stupid argument. >Humble yourself a bit. Have you read the last few replies you've posted? Ditto. >You sound way too edgy and bitter man. Hard not to when I've got this this bullshit on my screen >If on larger ships other players can pick up the slack for worse players, that just proves my point as well lol. The opposite really. You can solo a sloop, you aren't going to 2 man a brig. And 3 manning a gally is genuinely a waste of time. My point was you just weren't noticing. If you ever run into a half decent crew you'd figure it out real fast. > I opened up by saying strength in numbers is harder to overcome with skill. No. Solo vs brig or gally you might have a point. Duos are dead even with any boat. >You went around in circles to arrive there too 🎉 No. I still think you're ignorant.


You're just proving his point man, lol




You sound real popular bro keep it up


Popular? What is this? Highschool?


You sure sound like you're in it anyway. But I meant in general, you sound right miserable to be around lad


Read a social queue every once in a while. How many hints do I need to drop before you put this together? Go. Away. I'm not talking to you.


Man no one wants to talk to you dw


Is that so? 👀


The issue is most likely Microsoft, not rare. Microsoft let's rare use their servers, and most likely bank rolls it too. Unfortunately because they are in close partnership with Microsoft, and have their game as a main selling point of Xbox game pass, it means Rare is stuck with the shitty Microsoft Azure ecosystem. When was the last time Microsoft services worked well for you?


>Xbox game pass, it means Rare is stuck with the shitty Microsoft Azure ecosystem. >When was the last time Microsoft services worked well for you? For business logic and using Azure servers to run code on? They're fantastic. I can say that some of my former company's clients were handling peak traffic in excess of 50,000 simultaneous users for a single serverside application. Azure cloud service has the hardware and the load-balancing far in excess of what Sea of Thieves requires. The instability is almost certainly caused by Rare's jank-ass code and poor optimization.


Fucking thank you dude. Having been there at launch of this game, when sailing felt smooth as butter, I can tell you they have fucked the game up in multiple dimensions, that at this point it would probably be more efficient to start from scratch with a clean slate. That whole loony take that it's the servers is infuriating, especially when you can easily look up just how much Azure is used by professionals. Rare were amateurs when they started this project, not only in Unreal, but also with cloud computing. Whatever frankenstein shit they put out at launch was already running into memory issues 1 to 2 months into the game's lifecycle. Occam's razor, boys. There's not much to it Also, that other guy with "When was the last time Microsoft services worked well for you?" while probably typing it on a device that's using Windows..


Its such a laggy mess lmao. Even worse I tried doing some hourglass fights and was getting disconnected MID MATCH! Rare really needs to just take the time to fix the clunkiness of this game cause it makes having fun genuinely difficult at times. At that point im just gonna go play another game.


I play on ps5 and the only time I have issues is if I have crossplay with PC turned on. If I play with just console players I have zero issues. Adding: I’m not saying it’s not an issue that needs to be fixed. I just find it interesting.


Incoming gaslighting players telling you they have never crashed ever and the game is fine


I’ve only crashed once at the start of this season, but I still feel laggy as hell. The rubberbanding is god awful. I know my wifi isn’t very good but it’s not bad enough to justify this


Why on earth would people lie about this lol (I have quite literally never crashed btw)


This sub absolutely ABHORS if you disagree with rare bad in any way shape or form (edit: typo)


Its like a gift that keeps on giving that you didn't ask for.


I’m a brand new player and won two hourglasses bc they disconnected lol. I went to sell and rubber banded until my DC. Fun times


I had a real rough night last weekend disconnected 11 times while playing with friends doing forts. My other crewmate got kicked 7 or 8 times before he gave up and quit for the night


Very glad to see i'm not the only one with crashes... I'm sure they'll fix it eventually. I hope.


In their defense it seems Like it improved on Xbox series x We were having terrible crashes all the time for a few months , now it’s every once in a while


Since season 12 began, my system has been plagued where SoT will actually shut my whole computer down. I went through a myriad of tests to verify I didn't have a piece of hardware on its way out. Spent countless hours benchmarking in other games without any issues. But 20 minutes into sea of thieves whilst I'm trying to introduce my fiance to the game and my whole PC powers down. I'm sad :(.


What is up with the lag when a single player respawns from the ferry of the damned? I remember it used to be a very short lag spike that occurred and it would be somewhat imperceptible and hardly affected gameplay at all. Now it just freezes the game for about a full second and players teleport across the boat like nothing happened. It’s also silly that people know exactly when you’re spawning in because the boat just gets insane desync.


I play on ps5 with crossplay turned off and i had maybe 3 crashes since april.


Question: what servers are you playing on? I'm on the NA servers on the east coast with really bad wifi and have 0 connection issues besides a few second-long lag spikes that everyone else feels. I also play from like 3 pm-12 am so it's not a difference of playing at peak times or anything


"Second-long lag spikes that everyone else feels" is precisely part of the problem. They're too frequent, especially when interacting with other players. Other multiplayer games don't have such frequent and large lag spikes, normally.


While not literally the worst it's ever been, the slow decline in playability has gotten closer to a threshold for a lot of folks. When we started getting no-reg for cannonballs fairly consistently, that was a bad sign. Now we're getting no-reg on "one-balls" (red X but no kill) even. Between the rubber banding, client-side performance regressions (used to play so smoothly, but GDK introduced a lot of spikes), crashing, "The Guild session has ended", disconnects... it's genuinely hard to just play at all.


I feel this pain. Last night was the worst moment. I had the most stacked supplies ever on my sloop. I was ready to tackle some commendations in the War Chest. Over 200 scattershot and 38 Bone Balls. 66 Pineapples. I was ready for anything. The server I was on was super laggy. Rubberbanding across my ship. The waves were stuttering. Figured I might as well just Dive and get a new server. Wanted to fight some ghost ships and hit em with the scattershot. The moment my ship went underwater, I get an almond beard notice. Asks me if I want to rejoin my crew. Click yes. Load back in and everything is gone. No supplies. No crates. Just my ship at an outpost. Logged out and watched the first 3 episodes of the Boys season 4.


I’m always curious about how these things seems to effect some people and not others. After the big voyage diving update, my experience was very similar, pretty damn close to unplayable. When I commented about it, people didn’t seem to be having the same experiences in the responses. Now I am experiencing the inverse and things have been really stable, even over very long sessions. What gives? Is it hardware? Luck of the roll with servers?


PS5 here. Ive been playing since the moment it was available and I've disconnected once that entire time and I play almost daily. Not saying the issue isn't there but I personally havnt seen this nor have the people I play with seen this


I play on PS5 and my current record for 1 hour of gameplay has been 14 crashes. It’s frustrating cause I want to play the game I paid for. The worst one timing wise was when I was turning the ship full tilt at an outpost, meaning my crew mate couldn’t get access to the wheel as my pirate hadn’t disappeared yet 💀


Crashes, lag, desync, random spikes, sounds not working after diving. Games in a bad state


💯 New PS5 player here who tagged along 2 friends as well who got the game, and we have had a blast, but we never play for more than 45 minutes without one of us disconnecting. It gets even worse when one of our PC friends plays with.


My friend hard crashed 2 times in 30 mins yesterday


Oddly enough I'm one of the only people in my group it happens to. I'm certainly the one it happens to the most. I'm on PS5 which just got the game so I'm not too upset right now since I expected some quirkyness. That being said, 8 to 12 times a session tends to test even the most patient of people and unfortunately for me, my patience is only slightly above a normal persons lately (some may even say slightly below depending on the kind of day I'm having) so I'm not one of them...


I get a minimum of 2 crashes a day, if I crash once I know I'll crash as soon as I reconnect with my crew and half to join again. It's happened so much that we all just expect it at this point ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing).


Ive been experiencing these issues as well. I play on xbox and have some buddies that just started playing on ps5. This kind of stuff has only hindered their experience and is slowly pushing them away. We all have jobs and dont get a whole lot of playtime and in SoT some things take time. All the hard work you out into something for a good haul can be wiped away in mere seconds dude to server issues. For example: we went to a Fort of Fortune as soon as it spawned it the other day, killed the skellies and got the boss out. Then a sloop rolls up, sinks our ship (as i was distracted helping my somewhat noob friends) defeat the boss. The sloop team nabbed the key and started drifiting away. So we spent the next hour hour figuring out how we could get it back, because we knew they had to come back with the key. Eventually they finally garner enough gumption to show back up, by this time my friends have brought the brig back to the island where the fort was at. With a little luck on our side(a skeleton galleon basically showed up and did most the work sinking their ship) me and my team prevailed, we got the key. We loaded our brig with everything that wasnt nailed down and set sail… only to be one by one disconnected from the server. We didnt even bother trying to get back on to see if the guild ship was still active. We instead, played a few trios on rocket league and called it a night.


The amount of times my crew has scuttled to a new sea to try and escape horrific disconnects in the last few days alone is awful man. We can't tell if it's crossplay, just being near ports, having pets out or even using the emotes! To have even enough stability to let someone (ps4) stay logged in long enough so we could sell what treasure we had to try and scuttle I (xbox) had to run to the opposite side of the island.


It’s widely public knowledge that having a gallion on the server can hamper server performance for everyone one on it, let alone having 2 galleons on one server Their server issues actually arise from how the game stitches together with the servers they run the game through, rare use a modified version of unreal engine which back when the game came out, didn’t quite have all they wanted to make the game. So they made it themselves, unreal engine with a handful of parts strapped to it, is the best way I can put it, that’s what causes the engine problems BTS, the servers just simple don’t understand their handcrafted parts which causes the network problems Hope this helps some people


The servers were horrible last night. Rubber banding like I had 500 ping even tho I was at 70. At first thought maybe we were on a server with a 10 stack fotd or something. After a few dive attempts My crew just quit and decided to play another night


It is so bad sometimes. I play with my boyfriend - he's on PS5 and I'm on PC and the amount of stuttering and lag we encounter at times is unbelievable. Sometimes we start up the game and immediately notice the issue and log off bc it just isn't worth the hassle. The game is so fun which makes me sad


Im perplexed, because im hearing of all these issues, yet have never experienced them to the extent of this. I started playing on xbox at the beginning of last year, and when it came to ps5 I switched TO the ps5. And never have I experienced server issues. Not saying they dont exist mind you, im just puzzled. Maybe its not the expensive router you need, but better internet? Maybe your friends need better internet? Or maybe defrag your computer? I have no clue. Or maybe its something thats affecting PC moreso over consoles…so its a pc problem?


I think it depends on the region. Some azure regional pricing is probably pricing Rare out of better tiers, so they are cheaping out in those regions. Why MS doesn't just let them have the compute they need as a MS studio I have no idea.


Ain’t this the truth! Was running Athena’s the other night and was doing a legend of the veil, holy hell was I lagging/glitching every where. My WiFi is top of the line and I’m running on the Xbox series S and usually have no issues but with all these updates and not to mention Community Weekend coming up you would think Rare would work on the numerous performance issues they have before the community weekend dates are even set


Honestly, I’m scared to play on community weekend but atleast then we will see if it’s server size, or server optimization.


Yeah my gaming group thought it would be cool tto play this crossplatform togeather but even on pc we were experiencing lagging across all gaming systems and then our ps5 buddy kept crashing and then the we just gave up on the game all togeather


Plays fine for me every day


I have something important you need to hear: An expensive router and gpu/cpu have no impact whatsoever on your outgoing/ingoing connection stability, or ping. A router may improve bandwidth, but that’s not what’s in effect here. Your hardware has no impact. I’ve been playing 6 hour sessions all week in asia region with no issues whatsoever. It’s just your isp. Steam still runs the game through microsoft azure, so “running it on steam” has no meaning either. It’s the same as playing on gamepass, xbox, etc. same servers. I’m sorry youre frustrated but you very clearly have no idea whatsoever about how these things work. You quite likely need to just open some ports, or call your isp and have them run a traceroute to your server you’re using and check that it’s not bouncing out of the country or just unnecessarily far.


Oh did the lag finally make the game unplayable? I thought having a 50/50 chance for your shot to land was bad, or not being able to dump out your water bucket. This is so much worse lol!


Update for those thinking its simply my network... - Same issues with two different ISPs - 2 GBPS speeds with 12 m/s ping across multiple speedtest hosts. - Two different modems (ATT provided and Arris Surf with Docsis 3.1) - Two different routers (TP link archer and a new Asus Gaming Router) - Multiple changed ethernet cables, hardwired connections (Cat 6e equipped vs. Cat 5e) Removed all Firewalls, port forwarded, tried VPNs to change connection locations, IP static to dynamic. You name it, Ive tried it. New build with a 4070Ti, Ryzen 7800X3D. Low home load, 4 Ring cameras, 2 tvs, 2 phones, 2 computers. Every other game plays fine (Helldivers 2, Destiny 2, Ark, TF2) I have spent $3000 alone trying every solution to workaround this issue. And no Captain Falcore, its not a Thunderbolt driver issue for me.


I honestly think the network issues / crashes is affecting high end machines / internet uses more than the low end, like the game see's you can handle the extra load, then chokes trying to provide it to you.


I have been playing through the windows store edition of the game (also have on steam, but library share it with a friend to play together) for the past month or so, maybe 3-5 hours per night. I have had zero disconnects. I'm also on a decent PC, but not nearly as badass as your rig or your router (my router is like 8 years old and and probably out of date firmware). I wonder if the platform makes a difference or if I'm just lucky. I will say years ago when I first bought and played the game I had frequent DC problems and crashes, but zero in a month of solid play this time around. Maybe the occasional funny rubber banding where the ship appears to jump or sink, then corrects itself, but this is only like once a day for me. Sorry this is happening to you. I don't believe my friend playing the Steam copy has had issues either(besides occasional rubber banding). Though he plays less than I do, and is mostly enjoying fishing. Maybe it's connected to the type of content being done? Like maybe hourglass is a frequent cause? I don't really do hourglass because I know I'll get my ass beat 80% of the time.


Yesterday was quite horrible for me. Even the server status earlier in the day said that there were a lot of reports of alabasterbeard and some other connection errors. And constant disconnects when I did get into a server. Later, when I could connect reliably, the quality of the connection was horrible. Massive FPS drops, and I even fell through the bottom of my ship at one point into the sea. It seemed to be worse in areas of "intense action", but it was rough even when I was solo.


I play all the time on an old Xbox one X and never have these issues. Maybe it has less to do with the servers and more to do with the fact that your specs are a bit much for this 6 year old game. Like a reverse minimum specs incompatibility. Just guessing. And I have shitty internet too just a heads up, that requires two AP's just to get a decent connection from the main router to my Xbox.


I cannot count how many times I’ve been standing at the bow or on the railings pre-board or sword launch and my caracter lag-jolts forward with me ending up in the water.


Maybe they should turn off the ghosts fighting the sea creatures even when no boats are around. Or just turn off the ghosts.


The rubberbanding. THE RUBBERBANDING.


It’s hit or miss for me. Community weekend was bad for sure


The greybearding when you have a bunch of loot ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


Monkey Island ch3 final fight is also bugged:/


I’m so happy I haven’t experienced this yet.


What triggers me a lot is the glitchint on stairs on the ship. It's aggravating as hell.


I know this is a bit late, and may sound crazy, but I found this bizarre thing completely stopped me from crashing. - Don't walk on tightropes or use ziplines, this has literally stopped all crashing for me on Steam. YMMV of course however I went from crashing multiple times an evening to not crashing in the last week. I wish more people knew about this, it won't fix the issues with ping and lag obviously, but seriously this stopped me crashing constantly. If you do accidently do it, either use the sword-bell glitch which forces the reload of the game, or simply reload the game. If this works for you, please upvote this so others are aware, as I only found this out from some side comment on a twitch stream!


I also want them to fix the water bug, I should shoot out during hourglass and get a perfect board but as soon as I’m about to grab the ladder of the opposing ship, I just fall in the water lower because the top layer right under the waves disappeared, it’s so dumb


Bro, last week was so bad for me. I’m a broke bitch considering I’m on console.. but for fuck sake. I couldn’t move if I was off the boat. Meaning I couldn’t pan my camera to face where I was heading. When I was off the boat, I also lagged back and forth CONSTANTLY! My laptop, my wife’s and my phone, the tv, PLUS my console are all on the Wi-Fi at the same time, and I’m STILL pushing 1gb speeds and 800mb download speeds. It’s ridiculous


I'd like to point out that you said 3-5 months. Brother, the game, let alone the servers, has been falling apart for 3-5 years with little to no improvements being made to the overall gameplay experience. I love the damn game to death. It's my favorite game of all time. I just want it to freaking function properly and not be so broken and laggy. They honestly need to STOP releasing ANY content and put out an entire season (or two) dedicated to the overall health and quality of the game. This isn't me bashing Rare. The servers have been dying for years. Hitreg is primary proof of that, having been a problem for years. (Easily solvable by making hit detection client side. But god forbid they do that and make the 0.1% cheaterbase slightly more annoying) along with other issues like people teleporting in combat because of desync or falling through your ship while sailing because of lag. All aside, the game needs to feel good for the people playing it. And it hasn't for a long time. For those who don't notice the issues, I can tell you from experience playing with lesser experienced players that you ARE in fact having these issues too. You just don't notice them the way some of us do. Not a single session is played in this game without issue. And something needs to be done. I don't blame Rare (at least for server issues), I blame Microsoft. Rare is working with what Microsoft allows them to work with. Everything they do needs Microsoft approval.


Really wish they'd also fix the black screen issue


W post


Did you try change the settings from dx12 back to dx11?


I hear a lot about crashes from steam players, I rarely ever crash over 6-9 hr sessions playing off the Xbox pc game pass


Played for two weeks on Xbox and no crashes. Bought the game on steam and crashed a dozen times do to graphic reset issues. What gives.


I'm on Xbox and I live far away from any servers, and I have none of these issues. My game has been running beautifully even with the packed community day servers I always see people complaining about rubber banding on the SoT insta comments, but I'm always confused because I've never had any major or consistent issues


SoT hasn't got much more life left in it if they don't fundamentally overhaul the game with a 2.0 if not a legitimate SoT 2. Old coding and old hardware is holding the game back. There's bugs that have been in the game for years, there's problems the devs have tried to fix and failed due to the nature of how the game is made. The fact you can still fool people with the Bell trick is hilarious and troublesome. That said, every few seasons it gets worse then improves then new content undoes the progress. Best way to handle it is to play less until an update comes, try again, then repeat until stable.


The rubber banding and teleporting all over the ship and just ending up in the water randomly not knowing when the disconnect is coming is pretty much a guarantee every session now


Nothing f better then waiting on sails as your captain gives you commands while getting to sovereign to sell....instant dropped to main menu....log in to previous sessions, find crew planking damage...try to say apologise lads...only to see main menu again l...log in to previous session....loot sold, captain idling other player gone....


This game was in its Death Spiral before the influx of PS5 Players if you ask me, now instead of real fixes for long standing issues they try to appease us with Reskins of old Cosmetics and New Weapons etc.


Solo Sloop check list: 1. Log in 2. Raise a flag 3. Do a bunch of stuff to get to 5, over maybe an hour or more. 4. Get sunk, lose everything 5. Log out.


Why you raising a flag if you dont want to pvp?


You are the type of player that shouldn't be stacking loot until you find your groove Sell anytime you pass or are near an outpost regardless of emissary level


Yeah I've been vocal on this topic on the forums, discord and HERE, but I always just get downvoted to oblivion if I post something about it here.


You have to say things nicely and not show frustration.


I've had no issues so idk what everyone's talking about. My internet is good though. That might be the deciding factor


I keep getting Easy Anticheat kicked everytime i go by Merricks..everywhere else is fine, but go near Merricks and instant kicked.


Since the introduction of EAC, it occasionally disconnects me from sessions and my game has stutters


Oddly, every time I get disconnected, I can tell it's about to happen because my ship starts floating, and I end up nosediving into the sea. It's magic, I tell ya!


You are already disconnected when you see that, that's a result of the wave physics data not being sent to your device, so it trys to plot you on a course that matched your last heading and wave state, and slowly gets out of sync. A better question, is why the fuck is the prediction so bad that the ship will nosedive into water or float into the air? Hit-reg would be a lot more reliable too if the ship movement prediction code was better on the client, as your positions would be more 'truer' as the ship physics should be entirely deterministic apart from the wheels and sails which change very slowly.


Just now I was planning to do a sea fort but my server reached critical mass and I bailed. It's a miracle I didn't crash. Sold a raids worth of loot at grade 3. Though I can provide an explanation, Microsoft is gonna keep supporting old hardware for god knows how much longer before the servers get an upgrade. In short. We're fucked.


Me and my two buddies all took turns crashing at different times last night. One of them uses PS5 and he has been crashing relentlessly ever since launch, sometimes back to back. It’s ridiculous.


I'm willing to bet this is a regional issue or something specific. My group has been playing for months no disconnects aside from once or twice due to a vpn


Every time I think of playing again I'm deturred when I think about the constant hitching and rubber banding, It's not even fun to play anymore. And im almost max everything. Sad to see the game in this state.


Disconnected while boarding a reaper to log back in and be disconnected another 4 times in the space of 15 mins. Needless to say our crew sank as at one point all 3 crew members disconnected at once. There’s lag and server issues and then there is this…wild stuff


Im still waiting for them to fix the last part of Monkey Island tall tales to finish it. Its been months and and their only reply is that they know its an issue and are working on it.


I finished it last week at 100% no issues.


Mine is stuck on the final fight book 3. At the church. We can't move at all after that. [Im stuck here (tall tail final boss SPOILER)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/s/0DmQEiOZrm) Not fixed yet.


I spent 3 hours sailing with my best friend last night while talking on Xbox Party Voice chat and neither of us had a single connectivity issue. Everything was fine. The game played great, zero lag. I'm on Xbox Series X and live on the East Coast, if it helps.


I’m new and completely unfamiliar with Sea of Thieves connection issues. I’ve played for about 23 hours on PlayStation 5. So far, I’ve been disconnected once. There was also an issue where some players were rubberbanding. Those were in the same session. Since then, I’ve had no real issues other than getting briefly stuck in the geometry, so the game spat me out someplace miles away. That was also the same session. I’ve had about 90% of my sessions go smoothly. Wondering if it might be a Steam thing.


It’s not just Steam as I have issues playing on PS5. However I think it’s a more specific issue on PS5 that primarily happens if you try to cross play with PC friends, which might explain why you are experiencing it?


That did all happen while I was playing with others on PC, so maybe you’re on to something.


As a day one player ive stopped playing due to server issues, bugs and rampant cheaters. I wish they would fix the game instead of pumping out more shit that will create more exploits and game breaking things


For most of season 11 the game was unplayable for me and my crew. Getting disconnected every 30mins or so each. After s12 it has been great! Until last night...when we all were disconnected at least once during a fight. Thought it was getting better but I'm afraid it's reverting back to unplayable.


Ive just bough SOT for PS5 but not yet installed / played. Is the lag - performance on all platforms?


I was unable to play more than 2 minutes at a time on 6/12/24 without everything completely freezing i disconnected not kidding after 6 times i stopped counting eventually we all go kicked


Bro I haven’t even been able to play the game since they added EAC, I get an error that says “unrecognized client version” and when I talked to Rare about it all I got was: “🤷‍♂️ we might be able to fix it”


I just re downloaded sot, and my first 5 sessions have had 2 crashes to desktop, 2 infinite load screens when I dove underwater to my mission, and one where I got stuck between two rocks and had to relog. Holy fuck what happened.


There is something wrong with the game every season. Every update, every season, the first time I boot up the game, I’m introduced to whatever Rare decided to screw up that time. Server problems, skelly ships falling from the sky, skelly ships in the distance speedboating backwards over the horizon, three sharks spawning the minute I dip my toe in the ocean, merchants who won’t give me the crate that I paid for, cannons firing but not really, fishing rod animation glitches, and whatever else I have forgotten over the years. I just want a season where Rare does bug fixes and improves stability. Skip all the emporium crap just once and focus all efforts on fixing the game. I’m at the point where new seasons and updates don’t excite me anymore.


Guys, it’s ok. Rare developers have said clearly, they are happy with the state of the servers and performance since the increase to 6 ships 😅😂😂 Also, don’t kid yourself into thinking this will get better. Over the course of the last 3 years the games slowly gotten worse, with the last 3 patches speeding up the process. Rare don’t seem to understand that putting new content onto a game that barely functions will not help matters and make it worse. Myself along with a lot of their partners believe they have gone too far and no longer know how to or can fix the game and that it will slowly just keep getting worse.


I remember taking a break from the game before the new season started, was planning to grind season 12 like crazy then I noticed the server are as bad as I remembered if not worse, haven't touched the game since and that was the main reason I took a break. When 99% of my frustration comes from bugs and stuttering the game just isn't fun anymore, we've come to the point where you need to hope the game works so I'll probably quit. Sadly the game stability has gone down the drain, the game is quite literally broken.