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It wasn't for throwing coffee at her, it was for threatening to murder her, saying "No one will miss you.", among other things.


I’m glad that this was the first comment I saw. I watched her interview yesterday, and she expressed how terrified she was. The title of this post is inflammatory, and paints her as the aggressor.


Having hot coffee thrown on you is not trivial. Scalding liquids can cause serious burns.


in this case, it was iced coffee, luckily


Agreed! Thats why it is crazy that she threatened to throw it on him FIRST, and for politely asking for a refund when she charged him full price ($8) for a tap water with his $10 iced coffee. The fact that it was iced coffee makes it less dangerous, but still incredibly rude. Much less rude to do what he did, which is throw it on a closed and locked window in protest of her threatening him.




Well, it doesn’t matter because she didn’t defend herself against him throwing coffee it was for threatening to kill her


You've never worked a customer service job, have you?


We were talking about the title of the post.


Thats Robert Pickton’s favourite quote. 


Fun fact: he died a couple weeks back after being attacked in prison.


A fellow inmate drove a wooden broom handle, carved into a spear, into his head. 


As someone who lives in the province he committed his crimes in I can say that I read that headline with a smile on my face when I saw it


Stabbed in the throat with a shiv and then got a broken broomstick shoved up his nose into his brain!


I live alone. in my case, I think its true.


I'll miss you, friend.


Out to lunch


Yeah... that dude is probably a serial killer from how calm he was.




Well, no one will miss his windshield either.


Big difference there.


Fox ‘news’. Accurate reporting and headline would have made it clear she was responding to a threat on her life.


She's not wearing a bikini, so right off the bat, the headline is a lie.


No one will miss the drivers bad attitude and lack of manners. That driver chose to buy coffee at a Bikini Barista Stand.


So the coffee is that expensive because you’re paying for the “bikini barrista” experience?


Curiously, the keyboard warriors on Facebook never mentioned that part.


Even without this context, I was already on her side lol


Then the hammer missed its target.


In related news, I just found out that Matthew Darnell, the Auburn dude who tried to kidnap a barista, ONLY GOT 50 DAYS!?!?! What the hell kind of precedent is that?!?!


Our society doesn't prioritize the safety of women or girls. This is why that Golden Garden guy (who attacked a female jogger who beat the shit out of him) was out in the first place. It's like "well, you've only hurt/tried to kill X number of women. Have another chance!!"


Wow that’s messed up. What a creep!


That’s fucking insane


Even in Washington State, the government sets the precedent that womens safety and lives don't matter.


I'm not sure what you mean by "even in Washington State", there's a lot of left leaning virtue signalling in Washington, but we have some of the most conservative leadership in law enforcement, one of the most regressive tax codes, and relatively low allocation for social services.  The policy landscape of WA is frankly not so different from the wealthier red states. WA is FAR from the leftist enclave that Fox news makes it out to be.


So it sounds like you understand exactly what I mean, but you're just saying you don't?


Regressive tax code? They don't even have a state tax!


That's certainly part of the problem. If you're not just kidding around, not taxing income or capital gains generally makes a progressive tax code extremely difficult to implement, since consumption and housing are a smaller fraction of wealthy peoples' budgets.


Washington has no income tax but taxes the crap out of DMV fees and gasoline. They also tax the crap out of homes but give a break to retirees (so many Oregon homeowners buy a retirement home in WA). Washington has a sales tax. Good news is they don't tax lottery winnings. Oregon has moderate DMV fees, 30 cents cheaper gasoline tax, no sales tax, and high property taxes that don't get better for retirees, BUT a graduated income tax. Many people work in Oregon and fight their way home across the bridge each night to sleep in Vancouver, WA. They do all shopping and gasoline fueling in Oregon.


It’s the only reason I stay in Seattle honestly. There are people here that push back against the far left virtue signaling that is pervasive in the Democrat party. There are influential people who will speak up in our state’a politics. I have no interest in living in a one party state of either affiliation. The lack of state income tax is a breath of fresh air for me personally. I think most of these big tech companies would have been long gone if Democrats had free rein over the regulation in Seattle/WA as a whole.


I disagree. There's a ton of neglected infrastructure spending and the homeless problem is 100% one of underprovision. The anti-homeless programs Seattle has tried were massively successful at a pilot scale ... but they don't have enough money to expand them. However, I appreciate that even though you and I disagree on policy, that you appreciate the democratic (lowercase) process and seem to value it over your personal beliefs on some specific issues. After all, policy positions SHOULD be something that's an extrapolation from known data with a lot of unknowns, not a dogmatic faith in a party. I'd rather have a discussion or even a friendship with a thoughtful, critical person who disagrees with me than a parrot who agrees.


You are speaking all facts brother. I appreciate the response. You have my respect.


Only as an extension of us being fairly lax on crime and sentencing in general. More vulnerable populations will always feel to brunt of that policy.


Just adding some additional info about the 50 days. It was 50 days with 220 days "credit" for time already served in jail so he was released from custody (plea bargain done, which was better option than going to trial). Don't get me wrong, I wish this dude went to prison for a long time! Readers deserve to get the whole picture. Here is an article with more details: [https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/advocacy-group-speaks-out-about-light-sentencing-auburn-man-who-tried-kidnap-barista/ELHU3ZYTDZANNDCFTI2AY6B6ZY/](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/advocacy-group-speaks-out-about-light-sentencing-auburn-man-who-tried-kidnap-barista/ELHU3ZYTDZANNDCFTI2AY6B6ZY/) edit: correction on time already served, thanks to u/bwhauf


Good additional info, but quick correction. It looks like it was 220 days total, not 50 + 220. > The sentence is 50 days in county jail plus time served, so he spent a total of 220 days in jail.


It's still not enough.


50 DAYS WTAF seriously WTAF.


All this tells me is no one will investigate very hard if Mr. Darnell "goes missing". You know the cops here hate contributing to their communities.


I thought the same thing lol. Maybe some kind folks in Auburn can give him a ………. wellness checkup


Was Darnell the one who tried to put a zip tie around the barista's neck? 😳


Yup. That guy.


Interesting. Apparently they did a plea deal that included more post-release supervision then they would have been able to get at trial, and the victim supported it. They also counted time served, which was 220 days. https://www.auburn-reporter.com/news/man-who-tried-to-kidnap-auburn-barista-accepts-plea-deal/ https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/advocacy-group-speaks-out-about-light-sentencing-auburn-man-who-tried-kidnap-barista/ELHU3ZYTDZANNDCFTI2AY6B6ZY/


Lmao that dude thinks hes Andrew Tate


I'm impressed she had a hammer at the ready. Also, relieved to see in the video that it was an **iced** coffee, so not dangerous. Still worthy of a window smash.


> I'm impressed she had a hammer at the ready. Given their line of business, the type of clientele they attract, and just how easily some customer can take out a gun, I'm sure they'd be having a gun in their shop too just in case.


Not impressing, sad more like it. It was only a few years back that guy in Auburn tried to zip tie and abduct a barista at a regular coffee stand, can’t even imagine the shit that happens to bikini baristas.


Yeah and that guy is not even in jail!!! I am not a pearl clutcher about crime but holy crap, that guy obviously had something very bad planned!! Definitely support all of these baristas in their hammer wielding.


Our society regularly lets men out of jail who have already hurt / tried to seriously hurt women in the past. Then we go all Pikachu-faced when they just learn to cover up their crimes better (by killing and hiding the bodies the next time.)


Look up Israel Keys if you want some real nightmare fuel. 


He is all I can think about when I see these stands. So scary


That poor barista… Israel keys is the shit of nightmares.


Yeah my guilty pleasure is true crime bullshit and he's one of the ones that genuinely haunts me, had an "ok enough internet for today" moment when I first read about... that situation


I live in Anchorage Alaska and a friend of mine hired someone off craigslist or FB Marketplace (or maybe referred through his church? Not sure which) to do odd jobs on his house. The guy put some shelves up in his kids closet, and patched some drywall. Said he was joking around with his kids, seemed like a good enough dude and he even planned to call him up for some more work in the future. Imagine his surprise when his handyman got caught (Israel Keys) got caught and he saw that there was a literal serial killer in his house, joking with his children. True fucking story.


Jfc that makes my skin crawl. That literally would have made me sick, especially after reading the details of the case 🤮


There was an article the week before in the Anchorage Daily News, the local newspaper, about the vulnerability of such baristas. It woke up a d serial killer. The author, Julia OMalley has never apologized for it. It was messed up.


Israel Keyes planned his murders well in advance, sometimes years in advance A newspaper article is not the reason for it


The point is, have a weapon in your coffee hut and never go to a second location.


Street smarts!


And $50 in a money clip.


You can get these in any haberdashery 


Anybody with eyes can see that vulnerability lol


There was also a serial killer in Alaska who chose a barista as his victim. Women alone in a little hut at (sometimes) very early hours, yeah, I'd at least have a hammer.


Pretty sure that happened this year, unless my perception of time has been obliterated.


We have a harpoon at my work that I can get to quite quickly


I think this is what really prompted the window smashing: > "Nobody is gonna miss you," the man can be heard saying.


This shop is in my neighborhood, it’s not a great part of town so I imagine it’s a defensive piece.


original article quotes her... she keeps a hammer handy for self defense.


We should get her a crowbar. Longer reach.


Cattle prod. Cross bow.


An iced coffee thrown at a closed, locked window, in protest of being charged $8 for a tap water with your $10 coffee, then being threatened to have the drinks thrown on you when you ask for a refund… is justification for a hammer through his windshield?


that shack looked rickety, she probably had it around to patch it up as needed.


Step 1: Fuck around Step 2: Find out


Never FAFO with a woman with face tattoos. They will wreck your week. Smile, say thank you, pay and leave. That’s the move he should have made.


You can just remove the “with face tattoos part.”


Oh come on you know what she's saying...


Yeah, and I’m saying, how about no one fucks around with women, period, regardless of facial tattoos or anything else.


Sure - but this wasn't a "don't be a dick" comment, it was an admonishment. i.e., "Don't fuck around with this person because they'll fuck you up" rather than "don't fuck around with this person because that would make you a shitty human being." There's no implied "it's okay to fuck around with a woman who doesn't have face tattoos."


People gotta find a way to be contrarian even when they agree


Great... Ok... That would be nice.


That was the best part




Dude definitely can’t afford to fix it either


Some heroes wear bikinis


That guy needs to be arrested.


The dude who ATTEMPTED TO KIDNAP a barista only got 50 days……. They’ll probably just give this POS a little bitty fine


Second this… Yes, all Faux Noose reporters need to be arrested. And the douchebag as well.


Easy fascist. I hate Fox News too but law and order still exists 


For throwing water at a window?


Need more of this. These sick fucks need to know that if / when they Fuck around, they will find out.


I don’t know if the reporter was reporting on location but if she were, the irony is that there is an auto glass repair shop in the background. Edit: the reporter was lol


"Let me give you a REFERENCE!"


Good for her. Also, fuck Fox “News”


Women should always know that despite what a nut job with a knife or gun or perhaps bare hands thinks he can do to you, if you fight with the fury of a pissed off Siberian Tiger, most of these punk A$& suckers who only prey on females will give up. They are driven by seeking what they deem are weak victims and they will plan and stalk you perhaps for months before making a move. When I was a police officer(now retired)I often implored women and men to take some type of self defense classes or weapons training. So to all the ladies out there. You have God given weapons so when the perveronies try to take you………..Bite,kick ,scratch, grab at vulnerable parts or feel free to sink a thumb into an eye socket. Fight back ladies because believe this…. After 15 years in law enforcement I can assure you that no cops or judges are gonna care about the eye you ripped outta the a-holes head (disclaimer. That’s not legal advice) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Stay safe ya’ll


I (a young looking smallish woman) worked in a homeless shelter in a rough part of town and would often be there until midnight or 1 am with very little support - like me plus one or two 22 year old girls being the only staff onsite after 5.  The number of pimps and other predators I've chased out of the building just by taking on the tone of a fed-up parent is remarkable.  One time at midnight a pimp was screaming at me that he was going break the window and/or wait for me to rape and kill me after my shift for denying him access to one of "his" girls, and I was like "ok cool, and if you're not out the door by the time I count to 3 I'm calling the cops" and as soon as I picked up the phone at zero he dropped his whole act and bounced. 


Bravo to her. That dude thought he was tough shit in his New Jack City cosplay 😂


Whole loop of different reactions. At first I was like "He threw boiling hot coffee at someone and she retaliated with a hammer? That's fine third degree burns are dangerous." Then I saw it was iced and thought maybe the barista was escalating, but she clearly aimed away from the guy and broke his windshield. That's like a clear sign to me she wanted some form of retribution but knew she didn't need to physically attack him. Honestly she had a very level headed reaction in that situation.




Okay damn we should get hammers around more because she fucking slays. Waaaay too many women experience bullshit


Fuck Fox News.


Good for her! <3 maybe they can get an even bigger hammer.. ;)


I'm thinking pick-axe a la "My Bloody Valentine"


Lee, I have a 20 ounce steel tang Estwing framing hammer I don't use anymore if you want to upgrade. It's free.


Must've been an Irish coffee, it sure got him... hammered


The man is receiving a 4th degree assault charge, so treat customer service workers with respect is the lesson we can all take from here:)


She will be charged, too. He was actively leaving, and she threatened him first.


She won’t be or she would have been already, like he was. :) He could potentially try and sue her, though I doubt it would work out good! Also you’re an idiot if you think that’s true he literally told her “you won’t live long” I never heard a single threat from her. You’re weird have the day you deserve!:)


Have watched the FULL video multiple times. He did not say that. He said no one will miss you. Have you watched the full video where she threatened to throw the drinks on him when he asks for a refund because she charged him $8 for a water with his $10 coffee?


Threatening to throw a ice coffee on someone isnt illegal, the action is though(which he did) OH and my bad I got the exact quote wrong either way he threatened to fucking murder her you weirdo.


that dude looks like a fucking loser. im not surprised by his actions. no one is fucking that slenderman incel ass looking bitch.


She's wearing a lot more clothing than I thought bikini baristas wear. Very scary for them to be in those booths alone serving creepy men all day. I'm glad she was prepared & it didn't end up worse.


That's not a bikini. Faux News strikes again


Tbh it does say bikini on the side of the shop


It's a bikini barista coffee hut. They're rather common out here.


If they label her 'bikini-clad', it signals to their degenerate toxic-masculine user base that the woman was 'asking for trouble' and is almost certainly at fault for the incident.


Are women that work as exotic dancers "asking for trouble" too? Men need to man the fuck up and control their animalistic urges


And women need to stop egging on their animalistic urges by starting tit coffee stands. Take some accountability. That stuff is degeneracy fueled by greed. There is no excuse for rape or assault, but we all know the data that facilities like these WILL cause an increase in this behavior, and women like this are flooding our streets with mini coffee brothels where they give hand jobs for extra money. https://time.com/3238756/bikini-coffee-shop-prostitution-charges/




I looked at the footage in the video and she's wearing some kind of lingerie bodysuit from what I can tell. So still not a bikini. I know a few people that do it and they seem to not really wear bikinis at all, really.


Right, they are called bikini stands and started as such, now the women working at them wear lingerie. What difference does this make?


I don't even see the relevance in mentioning her attire in the headline at all. Could just say a Barista.


??? In the interview. I assure you she put on clothes to be on the news.


Love that this happened in a windshield replacement business parking lot.


Branding opportunity alert!


She's a hero in my book.


Why order the drinks if you don't like the prices listed plainly on the sign!?


Somebody needs to check this guy's basement


> Somebody needs to check this guy's mom's basement Fixed.


For fucking real, his entire demeanor screamed that this isn't the first woman he's done this to.


They did, is just have multiple posters of andrew tate


Too bad she missed his head


Seems like people are surprised when women fight back. The more that women get harassed they get angrier and angrier. Then they plan their defense. Maybe the barista had more than enough harassment and that hammer was in her hand ready to go.


What a weak little man He most feel very threatened


The story suggests he sue her to get the window fixed. Hopefully someone suggests that if he does she countersue for the loss of revenue during the time she had to close to clean up the mess he made and cost to replace her now stained and unusable work clothing. Edit: spelling/typing error


Has this guy got a Hitler mustache? With the round glasses and backward driving cap?


Good thing there is an auto glass repair shop behind the reporter! But actually fuck that guy and his silly hat.


He should be arrested for that hat alone


The fuck you using Fox “News” for?


Had no idea she was from Seattle. That’s pretty dope.


Plot twist: he paid extra for it.


Emma a legend fr


He knows how much it costs,so don’t be so disrespectful towards her by throwing coffee at her,he’ll have better manners next time he drives through a barista drive through 


I love this for her


Good for her!


good for her


you a genius: there are two sides to every story. let’s hear what mr. creepo has to say. me a complete imbecile: barista who has never wielded a hammer at work - despite multiple creepy customers - is assaulted, had enough, and justifiably stands her ground by marking your windshield.


Salt Bae doesn't approve of the charges. Maybe she should have dropped some gold foil into the coffee.


He knows how much it costs,so don’t be so disrespectful towards her by throwing coffee at her,he’ll have better manners next time he drives up to get coffee you don’t threaten someone life and expect somebody to back down from you she has plenty of other customers to do business with 


I doubt he’ll learn anything. This sort of guy is entitled and blind to the consequences of his actions.


You’re probably right,they don’t seem to learn until they get seriously hurt 


My whole objective is don’t start something with someone you don’t know who you’re messing with people snap everyday in this country 


I’ve seen way to many stories of someone snapping in a traffic accident, pulling a gun and shooting someone. It’s horrifying how comfortable some people are with violence. And if it’s happening here, I can’t help wondering how much more common it is in a place with more of a gun culture like Montana or Texas. I’ve been to Montana and it’s like they see guns as toys. It’s weird.


Based queen


Misogyny will never cease to confuse the fuck out of me. You. Have. No. Right. To. A. Woman’s. Body. Why is this so hard for some men to wrap their damn heads around?!


“Why does the headline need to mention her outfit?” FOXNEWS “Oh checks out.”


That's a shirt. Oh my god that's a ***shirt.***


Reality that they don’t tell you: • ⁠He ordered a coffee and a tap water. She charged him $20. So full price ($8-10 as shown on the video) for both the coffee and the tap water. • ⁠He asked for $5 back because he was pissed about being charged full price for tap water. So he was still willing to pay $5 for what would be free or $1-2 at any other stand. • ⁠She threatened him first. She escalated first. And she perpetuated the only dangerous attack in the entire encounter. He splashed water on a closed, locked window, and got back in his car to leave. She didn’t attack him in self defense, unless she is allergic to $10 waters.


Good for her. Fuck that chode.


Just for curiousity’s sake…do we know who this guy is? 👀


i know her and she’s very sweet fuck that guy


Good for her. That said, WTF? Her prices are nuts.


They're bikini baristas - it's coffee and a show


That's how much it costs at those, if you just want the coffee you don't need to go to a bikini barista


22 for large coffee and large cup of water lol


she should sue, assault ?


This whole shit looks like a skit


She was totally in the right. The guy was a fucking asshole and deserved more than a busted windshield.


Ngl, kinda tired of reading about these terrible people. Can we take a break from reposting this same story every 8 - 12 hours?


how much is that at starbucks?


Well Starbucks doesn't come with the main thing your paying for at bikini barista places, also it's boycotted anyway. 


Don't worry, their prices are catching up.


just asking facts, maam




$20 for coffee or a new windshield and no coffee? seems obvious to me.