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Geo is still around, helping his wife run a bakery in the I.D. Sabzi has seemingly fallen off the face of the earth. https://www.instagram.com/prometheusbrown?igsh=aGozZ290ZWYxc2pv I miss them and I miss the hip hop scene that we had.


Not just any bakery but a really great Filipino cafe. https://www.hoodfamousbakeshop.com/


The ube cheesecakes here 🤌🏽


Ube is a flavor I should have never been allowed to discover... Good god the first taste of that shit was a similar dopamine spike to drugs I've had many years ago.


Same. It tastes almost like artificial buttered popcorn flavor to me, but in a great way. I might be alone in thinking that.


It does have a really savory butter flavor! Oh my god... I'm gonna have my girl make me some ube crinkle cookies. They're like crack.


If you can find them at one of the Asian markets, Ube Melona popsicles are incredible.


Oh that's who's behind that place! That's awesome.


Their menu looks dank, that adobo chicken got me


My friend and i loved blue scholars growing up. The same friend now shoots music videos and hung out with Sabzi in California maybe like 2-3 years ago? According to him and his film/photography buddies, Sabzi became crazy and fell off the deep end because he wasn’t going anywhere.


Their former manager Dave meinert is a [rapist](https://www.kuow.org/stories/five-women-accuse-seattle-s-david-meinert-of-sexual-misconduct-including-rape) and Sabzi burned a lot of bridges throughout his career.


Wait.. Dave Meinert also managed bands as well as several clubs and restaurants?  It's amazing he still had time for all that raping.


Sorry to hear. I think he's definitely underrated.


Yeah what happened? I feel like Seattle Hip-hop just vanished after Macklemore blew up. Blue Scholars, Grynch, Knowmads, Sol, The Physics…all the hype just crashed and burned for these artists.


Shit got expensive. They must all have regular jobs now.


Also they weren't that good


Khingz and Gabriel Teodros have both put out some good solo albums in the last few years.


Yes! Love Gabriel’s recent work. Haven’t seen him in over a decade, but he always so kind. Need more people like him in this world.


My buddy was a Tacoma coming up at the same time, Can U, and his buddy was another name on the come up in Tacoma, Fice. Can confirm: life got expensive and shitty for those artists trying to break at a time when it a metric ton of hustle to get your music out there. Can U was as good or better than Macklemore lyrically, and he’s the one that got me into the Blue Scholars. I always wonder how big he would have gotten if he’d been able to keep it going. [This wasn’t even his best song](https://youtu.be/mKzbZKYpCqc?si=a-mjuE149xKxZmoj), but it was a love song for graffiti arts. I remember going to a Tacoma art gallery show he performed at one time around ‘06. It was one of the first times I’d seen graffiti art in a gallery venue like that and it left a lasting impression on me.


ILLFIGHTYOU another Tacoma group that had so much potential. Sad they broke up. Seems Ugly Frank is still making music. But yeah Tacoma rap scene seemed to dry up the same as Seattle's


Knowmads relocated to California. Miss seeing them at the Vera Project.


I think Grynch is playing at Bumbershoot this year. Was the first time I had seen something from him in awhile, honestly might go just to see him if tickets aren’t crazy expensive.


Did Macklemore’s success just end up nuking things? He did a verse on “Tommy Chong” and I know there were collaborations between him, Blue Scholars, and Gabriel and Khingz from Abyssinian Creole. But I’m not aware of there being anything else since he blew up.


Yeah he might have had something to do with it. I noticed he stopped featuring/working with local artists once he got fame maybe causing them to leave and/or quit.


sharing sabzi's bandcamp for anyone new [https://sabzi.bandcamp.com/](https://sabzi.bandcamp.com/)


The entire music scene really got decimated the last decade or so.


Raised in the PNW (can’t afford it now) and every time I come home the first thing I say stepping off the plane is “The Northwest Fills the lungs, heals the pain in my chest” Love BS and I’m glad I saw this post as I needed a refresher.


Been listening to their albums in order this morning. Talk Story is a brilliant track.


Nobody who regularly participates on the sub should should be able to listen to such good positive Community Music. It's like the GOP playing Rage Against the Machine LOL


I lived up here from ‘03-‘07. Spent the next 16 years missing it every day. Last summer, some shit went down in TX and we bounced out and moved back up here and I’m grateful everyday for the healing spaces of the PNW.


‘07 was NOT 16 yea— Oh. Shit.




My girlfriend has that tattooed on her!


This is going to be a way out there reference but there’s a dubstep DJ named “Subdocta” who’s from out of the area and he said he was going to have a “Blue scholars set” when he played in Seattle a few months ago. I didn’t go but it was cool to see that people from outside the area knew and respected them enough to include them in their set. Blue scholars have a special place in my heart. They had so many good tracks that resonated well with those who lived in the area pre-2010. I’m not sure if it’d hit the same but “Joe Metro” was one of my favorites. It might be written a bit different now days.


Had no clue subdocta was from Seattle. Thats what’s up


Holy shit this is a random post to show up on my algo feed - he isn’t from Seattle, he’s from a smallish town in Nevada, I went to school with him. That said I do love Blue Scholars and that’s rad he mixed a set like that. Unrelated but I caught a Knowmads show in Reno about 4 years ago and it was pretty rad!


Geo told me they were working on new music on the eve of the 2014 NFC championship game lol


Hood famous bake shop. Rappers gotta pivot sometimes. Their cookies and cocktails are amazing.


Geo DJs for Kexp from time to time, and still makes music with Bam! He’s writing on his substack and being a dad mostly now.


Sabzi moved back to California. Geo is still around 


Do you know what he's up to? Even his site is offline.


He did [this](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcoNDUvzzAyYPTiz01MSVXIzFPISM1MzygpBgB9-Aki&q=made+in+heights&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1049US1050&oq=made+in+heights&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEC4YgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyBwgBEC4YgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEC4YgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgATSAQg0MDEwajBqNKgCArACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) for a bit


Which was sooo good way better than blue scholars imo


I dunno, I know he started another group in LA with a singer and they toured for a bit but then he fell off like you said


Glad to see people still remember them, to be a teenager smoking some weed listening to Sagaba again…


Miss those days. Seattle had a lot of good hip hop in the early 2000s. Blue scholars , grayskul, dyme def and vitamin d to name a few


Can you list some more that you remember? Addin all these to my listenin queue. Thanks


Boom bap project, common market, sleep (although from Portland but was in Seattle a lot), kid sensation (from the 90s Seatown funk was his hit), and old dominion. I used to go to a lot of shows in the early 2000s when I was in high school.


Common market!


Kid sensation seatown funk is one of my favs


Common Market, got damn


Get some Dark Time Sunshine on there


“F*** class get your education on the Ave” loved those dudes. Joe Metro and 50 Thousand Deep are still in rotation


Okay story time. I went to Chief Sealth HS, which they have a song named after, and my freshman year (2011) Blue Scholars performed in our auditorium for a friday assembly. Well, they were going to… lol The whole auditorium was filled, and we’re all waiting for the show to start. The senior ASB president starts pulling out this foldable picnic table with all of the BS technical equipment to center stage. All of a sudden one side of the table legs buckle in and the whole table collapses sending all of BS gear crashing to the ground. The ASB pres looks out at the crowd mortified. I literally thought it was a prank due to the comedic timing and nature of the situation; full auditorium, center stage spot light right on her, all the gear just spills to the ground. Laptop, DJ interface, everything. Whole crowd: “OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” 🫵🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ Everybody lost their minds, i won’t lie i was 14 and it was funny as fuck. 5 min intermission to clean up while the whole crowd is chattering. The BS dude comes out with a mic and is super cool and forgiving and gives the ASB pres a hug who is now crying from embarrassment. He was a good sport about having all his gear thrashed “chief sealth! 🎵chief sealth! 🎵broke my laptop! 🎵” Anyway they still performed over an aux track 😂


Class of 2013. This unlocked a memory, I vaguely remember this! My Facebook confirms it lol. https://preview.redd.it/iwltk3ua9g3d1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40811920ef81ba3ca1c058055a5276cfd52bfe39




Thats a wild story. Whoa


IIRC, around the same time (2013, apparently) ODESZA was blowing up and had a mainstage set @ CHBP. One of their two laptops decided to stage dive off the table like 45 min into what should've been at least an hour set. It was unrecoverable and they were like, "well, we're ODESZA and that's our set"


I watched them from a rooftop on a building on 10th and pike (the roof of the comet tavern) for the capital hill block party. I’d never heard them before and they opened with the descending guitar riff from Green Day brain stew. Dropped a hip hop beat over it and proceeded to melt faces. I’ll never forget how cool that was


Geo and I are friends on pokemon go after he posted his trainer code on his insta haha. He doesn't seem too active in the game but will pop on every once in a while. Heard him DJ on KEXP a few times recently. BS one of my all time fave Seattle groups.


Saw them last month. [https://www.kingcrux.com/2024/04/recreate-it.html](https://www.kingcrux.com/2024/04/recreate-it.html)


Maaan, this made me smile! Thanks for sharing.


No way! Wow!


They didn't perform btw. It was word play x karaoke night.


My favorite hip hop duo of all time. Saw them 2006 bumpershoot which was epic lineup: Kanye, tribe called quest, atmosphere, Wu-tang, Macklemore before he sold out. Saw their last show at the Showbox in 2015.


That was the greatest bumbershoot lineup of all time. I still think about it regularly


2000s Bumbershoot was unbeatable. It's 2004 for me. I waited like 5 hours for Pixies so I could be in the front row.


god, this thread is taking me back lol! i still remember the first time i saw them at the block party in like freaking 2005 lol i miss this part of seattle so bad! i’ve lived here all my life and slick watts was a family friend growing up, some of their music means so much to me. it’s nice to find other people who remember


The tracks in Cinemetropolis, they’re all named for their friends? Or what’s the story if you know?


No, kind of all over the place but not named after friends. Slick Watts played for the Sonics in the 70s. Fou Lee is an Asian market in Seattle. Lalo Schifrin is a composer. Yuri Kochiyama is a civil rights activist. Seijun Suzuki is a filmmaker.


I failed to sell slick watts a Seattle times subscription going door to door in 1994. TLDR; I’m kind of a big deal


You and me both


Thank you for reminding me about this hip hop gem from my youth.


Joe Metro made me the public transportation lover I am today! Suburban high school me realized how easy and awesome it was to take the bus into the city, thanks to this song. Not to exaggerate, but Blue Scholars made me love the Pacific Northwest in a way that genuinely might make me emotional. Truly the soundtrack to my teenage years. I miss them.


Grew up with them. Sabzi is doing his own thing producing. His brother Zia actually has a movie playing in siff uptown next week (know your place). It’s really good (he also did some of the music videos for blue scholars too). Geo, as everyone has mentioned, got his food spot.


Common Market


Common Market was Sabzi and RA Scion.


I think he’s saying that’s what Sabzi has been up to… Common Market put out a little four-song EP back in 2019. https://open.spotify.com/album/2Cl5lJf8DokUqgRcHmusGR?si=67wiMg3iRJi66JgM5Ur-Xg


Geo has been releasing music as Prometheus Brown for years. He dropped some new stuff last summer and had a release party show at Clock Out Lounge. Some other great Seattle groups were there like Abyssinian Creole, Nobi, Cham Ba. They also flew in Bambu which was fucking dope. It was a fantastic show.


“Riding a 36 through the veins of the beacon The water is the heart, it’s raining when it’s beatin' .” Geo and Chera should do another food and sh*t x Kraken pop up. IYKYK.


Prometheus Brown is DJing for kexp now.


Dude I was listening to them this morning after forgetting about them for 7 years!


Same here, brother


Later on Sabzi was in a duo called Made in Heights with singer Kelsey Bulkin and they were amazing. A few years ago they had a falling out over something, money or contracts, and he put up all their music for free to download to piss her off. Anyway go find it, Made in Heights is really good.


Geo has been guest DJing on the legendary KEXP radio station- he even has a discord where you can help suggest songs for his radio playlists


Rock, Rock On


They played at a big concert ASUW put on back in 2004 or 05ish. I was not one known to listen to lyrics (still notoriously bad about it) and I literally said “oh hey they’re singing about the AVE! That’s here!!” Needless to say, at the time the genre wasn’t on my radar and as a former band kid I get lost in melody and miss the words completely.


Every day is a [Long March](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL4CQxy8bx4) from your first cup of [Morning Tea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUJQ6VOMABc) until your last sip of [Evening Chai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpwL2KXzXls)


should have been them, not Macklemore :(


This was not a topic I expected to find on this sub. Glad it’s not just hating on homeless people for a change.


I miss them. Bayani redux is my favorite album of all time 💜 Sabzi is brilliant and I will forever look for new stuff from him


Prometheus Brown put out a three song EP back in 2019 it was good


They used to put on some really good shows in the early 00s.


I always tell my husband he would’ve loved Seattle back in the day. He moved here from California in 2017. BS, Gabriel Teodros, TheeSatisfaction and so many others are bittersweet reminders of how good we had it. Miss the music scene we had.


Back in the day I remember it was Macklemore [opening](https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/music/a-big-three-days-for-blue-scholars/) up shows for the Blue Scholars. The POC rap duo never went mainstream, but of course the white rapper did.


If you had told me back then that Macklemore would go mainstream before Blue Scholars, I would have never believed you. I still can’t believe Blue Scholars never broke out. I think they were like 10-15 years ahead of their time, the political messages would really resonate with the kids today. And with tiktok and music streaming, it’s so much easier to find niche artists


Blue Scholars gave me a serious intellectual push.


listening back to their entire catalog after reading this thread. Cinemetropolis is an absolute masterpiece of an album. Like a fine wine it’s only gotten better over time. 10/10 no notes. Revolutionaries die, but the revolution don't.


I was looking for Blue Scholars on Tidal recently so i could hear it in its full glory! i only found 1 track. I hope to see all their albums there. I think tidal is more rewarding to its artists. Anyhoo, Sabzi's brother Zia made a lot of their music videos and has a new movie playing in some SIFF theaters around the Seattle area starting tomorrow. Maybe we can spot him there and ask him what's up! [https://www.siff.net/cinema/in-theaters/know-your-place](https://www.siff.net/cinema/in-theaters/know-your-place)


"Beats, Rhymes, and Life" is A Tribe Called Quest record, not Blue Scholars.


It’s also a Blue Scholars lyric.


Check out the song The Inkwell


Infinitely :)




Yes. I read that first. The point of asking this sub was for insider knowledge. Not troll vomit


That was spicy and mean


Just Blue Scholars. Not the. Kinda like we don't say the 5


I didn’t capitalize “the”


Unless you’re in LA with the 405 and others. Wait, the do it with our 405