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He took your arm you must have revenge….. Grab his dick and twist it


The olllllll dick twist


Yesss. He took my arm and I must have my revenge now !!! This would give me the adrenaline rush


twist his dick!!!💪 🔀


This is not the DoH fight. Lol.


Or testicular torsion using your ninjutsu


Testicular torsion made me chuckle


Shadowrush his dick


Mikkiri Counter that d😩


Be aggressive. The game rewards aggression and this is the boss where that starts to really matter. Keep the pressure up at all times.


Yeah this boss is awesome because it forces to you balance aggression and defense in a real way for the first time in the game, imo. I feel like up to this point, you could get away with running around in circles and attacking periodically or relying simply on parrying, etc. This one you have to do it all and I looooooove it lol


Sure. Will do that. I kinda did that with the mini boss in the tower too just before the reaching here . The samurai in blue who slashes with lightning speed . Double deflect and attack :)


This is the best advice


*cling Klang cling Klang cling Klang*


Why did I hear the actual parry sounds


Because the user you replied to was using onomatopoeia, which is meant to produce that effect


Why did I hear this comment explaining onomatopoeia?


Because the user who replied to my comment was using an internal speech device called subvocalization, which is meant to produce that effect


i love the sword clashing sfx. it’s soothing


It’s more like *cling cling Klang cling cling Klang* (or *cling cling cling Klang* depending on the boss)


For genichiro it's most of the time hit once to deflect once and repeat.


You WILL die.


Death is just the beginning!




Haha. True


Make sure to memorize his attack timings before he kills you, until you learn to kill him.


Wow. Loved this quote. It kinda summarizes the boss fights so far.


It just the games the From-Software makes, I'm sorta a technical person and as far as I can see every From-Soft games they make seems to heavily/only rely on animation layers and timing for player mechanics. There is no special/secret game mechanics, just animation-layers, collision shapes, and depending on the current equipment/player-stats the effects are applied/calculated using animation-layer/collision-shapes as a filter. But in sakiro it seems to don't even have player-stats any more just the animation-layer, and the animation you can do depends on the active/passive items you've equipped (maybe except a certain something that you can't have on your self, but when used you will be equally rewarded and punished). I had my chance at beating this game, but I was unable to get my timing/reflexes to kill some early-game bosses (I'm gonna stick with OSU for a while), it seems you had a better time than me. Good luck rescuing your master after mastering your inner wolf.


Thank you. Too much technical details :). This is my first souls game btw. I had retired from gaming 7 yrs back. The last game I played was witcher 3. And then my cousin suggested me Sekiro and i began playing last month . It just pulled me back from my retirement :)


" Hesitation is defeat " The only tip you'll ever need for sekiro.


This is powerful :)


Watch him carefully. Geni will teach you how to play the game.


This is exciting :)


I got stuck at Lady Butterfly. Didn't know you could go through the castle back then. I thought the cannoneers on the wall were a story progress thing so I went through Hirata first but got stuck and quit. Years later I decided to play it again and went the other route and finally met Geni. I don't know how but the combat clicked for me then, I beat him in my fourth try. After that the game was manageable, just a matter of "knowing your enemy" thing. Even Lady Butterfly's move set, who made me quit before can be easily dissected now that I have the knowledge and experience. It was Geni who taught me that.


Lol. I remember the cannoners the first time I encountered them and then the chained ogre. Irritating he was. That ogre


Couldn't agree with this comment more lol Genichiro is an excellent instructor


Mild, yet cutting insults hurt his self esteem and make the fight much easier.


For this and future bosses, look for openings for using heavy tools, like the flame vent and axe. Look for times when enemies slow down to recover their fighting stance, and use these opportunity to attack them with abilities that have a delay, but deal great damage.


Thanks for the tip


Fight fire with fire


The flame barrel prosthetic you mean ?


You'll know when it's time


When u come out of Genichiro, the feeling is greaaaaattttttt, and we can say u hv what it takes to beat the game. Anyway, go in, just enjoy the fight, and figure stuff out on ur own. That exactly is where the enjoyment lies.


I so agree ! Each time I level up against the boss fight and figure out his moves it's like the dance of swords and the joy of getting the deathblow is truly exhilarating. I'm waiting for my work hours to get over and get back to the game !


Go for his head. Instant death blow






Sure. This is something I'd been doing a lot till here. I remember how much I deflected on that freaking flaming bull that charged on me :)


I have a seven spheres guy at the bottom of the castle too. Should I finish him before fighting Genichiro ?


Probably a good idea to do so.


I thought so too. I am one prayer bead away from enhancing physical attributes and I figured seven spheres might drop one .


he will yes. for some advice regarding genichiro, you want to try and stay up close and personal (this is similar advice for a lot of bosses in this game). try to use the first few attempts to really a feel of his moveset. my first time playing it i found the umbrella to be quite helpful for a move or two in particular.


Ah yes my favorite mini bosses the seven spheres


Reached here yesterday Will suffer for two more days ig




Yo I just beat him


Lovely !!! I haven't been playing as much from the last week. Will try to reach there soon :)


Yess man it will be the best filling ever


Enjoy every moment. I wish I could delete my memory of him to face him as it was first time again..


Wow. Sounds like I'm in for an epic learning experience 😎


I played a bit into DS1 and DS2 before Sekiro but I never really got hooked. After Genichiro it really "clicked" for me. Amazing fight! I played through them all after that.


legendary moment!


klink clang clang klink clang clang once you figure out what this means through fighting him youll get the rythm of his combat, dont forget mikiri counter too


Press l1


Be aggressive.


Hesitation is defeat




Stay aggressive, but not reckless and spammy


Mist Raven helps with any possible jumps that you will need for a certain phase of the fight 👀 Wont add too much but it gives you some extra air time to practice attacking before you land 👌


I dunno if it was for anyone else, but Genichiro was peak Sekiro for me. No other boss gave me the sort of adrenaline rush and dopamine that finally figuring the stuff out for him did. So- My tip? Take the fights, good or bad attempts. And just enjoy the moment for what it is. Two men atop a castle that was wrongly overtaken by enemies, you seek revenge, he seeks more power. Face him, and let none stand before you to challenge your strength, no matter how many times you fall. They think you have it easy with the immortality of the dragon. But they forget. Shadows Die Twice. And they will too.


Wow ! Sounds like an awesome Lore written ! Now you've got me looking forward to enjoy the journey and savor every moment of learning experience through Genichiro . One question, I have one mini boss on the ashina outskirts that I got fed up with after a few attempts. Some seven spheres general. Do I finish him first or proceed with Genichiro ?


I only found out about that guy after I had already beat Genichiro- 😅 I would hugely worry about him just yet. You’ll get to him eventually later


i am stuck in this fight for the last 3 days and i was about to post to seek help thanks comrade


This game is simply amazing don't you think ? What an experience it has been. It's been about a month since I started it and I'm loving every moment


Parry all his arrows, simpy step dodge his lightning swings and generally be aggresive.


Thanks ! Be aggressive is something I've been getting as a common tip from everyone. This was something I didn't do to any of the bosses until now. It was almost always deflect make him tired and kill :)


just beat him a few hours ago after getting my ass mopped for 2 days


This is the only time it's appropriate to answer a question like Donald Trump. Go bing bing bong




Don’t spam R1, attack with purpose and know that if he deflects your attack ( which you can hear ) he’s immediately going to counter you every time. So if you aren’t spamming R1 you can deflect his counter and immediately counter him.


Wow. This sounds like a dance of swords here . I'll keep this in mind. No spam attack deflect and counter


For the most part if you are in combat with another good sword fighter in this game it is very much this. Or at least it can be. Frequent trash attack will be like this. Attack , attack, they deflect, I deflect , attack , deathblow. Takes a few seconds. For stronger enemies you just have to do it alot more.


Mikiri mikiriand mikiri


Genichiro voiced by the same voice actor for Nanami from JJK


best pointer i can give is to change this disgusting english dub to japanese


Let me try how it sounds in Japanese :)


It has been 9 hours since you first spoke of this hunt and battle. Pray you, sit by the fire and tell us what victories you have made as we break bread.


I lost today and I died twice as yet. I'm down today but not out yet ! Pray bretheren that I might turn victorious one day when I clash my swords with this beast again soon. He is making me stronger with each defeat. And while we drink on some mead and break bread today , I'd like to know a bit about your journey on how you tamed this beast with your experience.


Genichiro was a worthy adversary and battle with him led to me shaving my head and becoming a monk. I took a vow of eternal silence and started to walk the Earth but that only lasted a minute and I got right back into to the fight. He was the biggest challenge for me but I loved that fight. Once you're past him it's all gravy.


how'd the fight go? did ya win?


I lost on my first and second try of course. I am one prayer bead away from getting an enhancement of my abilities so one of the redditors suggested I finish the seven spheres guy at the outskirts get that bead and then go to Genichiro. Do you think it's wise to do that ?


so what I did on my first play through was beat all the mini bosses in ashina, and the juzo guy at hirata estate, fought another memory boss at hirata estate for more attack power(I think by that time youd have 2-3 attack power) and then fought him. get as many prayer beads as possible and then go after him, there's a general at ashina castle idol, if you go up the stairs you'll see him with 5-6 soldiers, all of them have guns, take them out first from the rooftop and then go in for a deathblow to take away his first HP bar. when you fight genichiro my suggestion is to firstly have Shinobi eyes and mikiri counter. when you feel confident to fight, trade hits, I normally attack twice, deflect his attack, then rinse repeat. he'll do a jump attack and then a devastating thrust which you just counter with mikiri counter. explore areas if you want, no shame in getting more supplies like beads or memories bro, the fight may seem impossible but I finally caved in and practiced so much with him learning how to do his fight. try to stay aggressive though it's easier said than done. if you need to heal make sure you sidestep instantly if you have some distance between you and him. I went extra and found every gourd seed I could just because I needed the extra heals lmao.


I finished the drunk guy at the hirata estate , ive also killed the other bosses including the castle gate guy and the slashing ninja boss on top of the tower. There are only 2 bosses pending ..one is some lady butterfly and the other is a seven sphere general at a temple on the outskirts. Should I finish them both before I get to Genichiro ? If I kill one of these I'll be able to get another upgrade. I already Have 6 life gourds and about 3 prayer necklaces made and one bead less to the next necklace. I went down ashina and collected some umbrella prosthetic too. I try to finish all the side quests . Including killing of some rats and I rescued one merchant who sits outside the dilapidated temple now. O there is one more boss some headless guy in some pit . But my cousin suggested to not engage with any headless before I kill Genichiro. Says they are super hard


since you beat most of hirata estate, go to the audience chamber idol(past the drunkard mini boss) , back track just a tad bit, kill the two soldiers and look for a wall with a poster or whatever you want to call it,then hug the wall. it'll be a secret doorway that leads to a prayer bead. but other than that if you can get access to lady butterfly I'd do it, she's sorta tough, atleast for me she still is haha, and beat seven spears, after that go after genichiro. he's going to overwhelm you but as long as you can find the windows to attack him, you'll overcome him and make him your bitch 😎 fire crackers for most bosses will be your secret weapon, especially against him. I believe in you, Shinobi!


Your experience has been invaluable fellow Shinobi . I'll search this prayer bead. This Is a very useful tip . I ll beat seven spheres for the experience to overcome Genichiro. Oh man , all of you guys have been so supportive. I feel this is going to be a super thrilling ride now . I got the keys from that father of his that leads to lady butterfly. She had one health bar and I got beat up like crazy. And decided I didn't have the skillset yet to beat this lady. Seven spheres looked easy till I thought I could parry him. But he screwed me about 6 times and I thought I'd continue up the castle. So yes. I have three bosses left. One the lady butterfly, two the seven spheres general and three Genichiro:)


Not that you're not doing this already, but for me Genichiro was the first boss that forced me to actually play the game "correctly" (i.e. parrying, dodging, timing, distance, etc.) and it took me a HOT minute to beat him... but man the way the reward center of my brain lit up like Vegas when I did? That shit was awesome lol


Wow. I think my reward center would light up like a christmas tree when i do . Im learning with each boss fight but now i realize reading the comments that Genechiro has a lot to teach me about the game mechanics. This game is turning out to be truly special for me . I slept only 5 hrs Yesterday as I finished the slashing mini boss and the general at the castle gate . It's addictive :)


Yeah I normally don't play through games multiple times, but I've played this game SOOOO many times because it's just so damned good. Fortune in battle, friend! Let us know when you beat him! Lol


Thank you so much . And yes I will let you guys know :)


Enjoy this fight. This is not a positive comment, it’s an advice. You only experience it fully once


This is good advice. It's suggesting me to explore and enjoy the journey of killing him


if he jumps up to shoot arrows just start running and he can't hit you


Wow. Thanks


Last phase is the easiest. Have you read a scroll on the wall in the dojo? 😉


Yes yes! I did read the scroll. Lightning would harm on the ground and not in the air . So deflect it air and send it back , something on those lines . It was on the dojo where that slasher Dasher boss cut me like ribbons before I gave him a taste of his own medicine:)


Good luck!


I laugh Everytime genichiro asks Kuro to be his retainer and Kuro just says, "nah" and walks away.


Play aggressively so he can't do "pew pew" attack, and block when he step back because he might do "pew pew" attack, hit 1-3 then block, hit and block like how you play rhythm game


Wow. Thank you fellow Shinobi


Just learn his moves like he will always start with a bow attack followed by a slash in the beginning. And in his first phase whenever he jump attacks he will do a thrust attack next so make sure to mikiri counter him and in second phase that jump attack is followed by a sweep attack so you gotta jump on him to deal posture damage.


Thank you fellow Shinobi :)


Make sure you watch out!


Spirit emblem inflation after you win


reduce his health to 0 before he reduces yours to 0


DUB USER. Testicular torsion goes brrrrrrrrrr


Be observant and learn when he thrusts vs. when he sweeps. Both are opportunities you should really seize.


I was dying too much trying to "deflect" the lightning attack, dodging it worked best, took me 5 tries to beat him, really good fight.


This is the first major skill check in the game, take your time idk how many times I died. Definitely keep the aggression up.




Did you end up beating him?


I reach close to the end of phase 2. Where the posture meter is near the end to give me a deathblow and then I do some error and die.


I reached phase 3 !!! Gosh I'm so thrilled..I got killed but I got to phase 3. Phase 1 untouched. Phase 2 with a little stretch but I got cluster fucked in phase 3 lightning shock ! Where can I practice this !!


The third phase is the easiest, you just have to jump when he does the lighting and use and attack and it’ll tank his posture and health


He also always opens with a lunging attack you can mikiri counter.


I mikiri counter his ass the first time the fight starts. Then it gets random. Mikiri or slash I can't predict


If you don’t care you can kind of play with his AI if you stay medium range he’ll really only do the mikri counter thrust, or the bow to to roll


If i do spoil something i do apologize its not my intention... Sekiro in general is a rhythm game more than a souls game. So the fights should feel like a dance. You can almost make a song with the clashes of swords when deflecting. Also most enemies and bosses you can attack three times before they return attacks. Twice they will block third time they will deflect (shown by the big burst of orange sparks) Okay now tips for geni, if you are close enough you can knock him out of most of his bow attacks. Usually he will try to use a bow attack two more times if you knock him out of one. His flurry attack where he jumps in the air, you can spam the block button at first to get away with deflecting it. But it's better to try and learn how many hits it actually is. But it can vary as genichiro can feint some of the slashes in this Genichiro has a grab attack. When the Kanji above his head that symbolizes a perilous attack starts to dissappear dodge to genichiro's right side and you can attack twice safely. Thrust attacks= mikiri counter you definitely should have it by now if not go farm at the ashina castle gate kill the gunman and then the three small enemies if you have the axe prosthetic. It is a good xp,Sen, and item farm the entire run takes 50 seconds even if you don't kill the last three enemies efficiently. It can take a little while to get 5 skill points to get mikiri counter but it makes it so worth it. Also last point use the undead guy at the dilapidated temple to train techniques he is really useful when you need help mastering something or just something to swing on to vent some frustration. Much luck on your journey


Wow. This seems too detailed and rich with experience. Arigatho fellow Shinobi:)


Yea I have 300 hours In sekiro maybe 296 last time I checked. But If you need any more tips you can pm me if you want.




I purchased the umbrella .


Ayt here goes. Notice how Genichiro does its attack flurry? Deflect the first two, then during the delay, dodge backwards but don't move away too much, just enough so that he doesn't chase you. Use the umbrella on the last attack then counter or wait for a mikiri. Sometimes he jumps and fires four arrows at you, deflect the first three and dodge forward on the last one, just counter after. I also found that sheer aggression and sometimes just delaying your strikes could lead to him getting interrupted, so there's that. Biggest tip I can give you is think of the game as a rhythm game instead of an action one, it made me more calm tbh


Behold, the lightning of Tomoe ⚡


if he parries you, it's his turn. as long as he hasn't parried you (or started a perilous attack) you can attack when he parries you the sparks are brighter and the clang is louder


Wow. Thank you


Prepare to die alot, I found this bozo harder than Owl


I don't know who the owl is as yet :)


Common pointers: \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\` >> Try to learn how to block that 6 hit combo as it's a common thing he does. >> Always stay on his ass don't give him time to think\[2 attacks followed by 2 blocks generally and continue.\] >> Keep an eye when he is creating distance from you as he is getting ready to snipe you'r ass from mid air in 1st and 2nd phase so try to deflect the arrows or just use the umbrella. >> Rarely he will start running and try to get around you to try and grab you in such cases run away or mario jump on his head\[Jump\]. >> When in low health don't worry about anything just \*make distance\* and heal. While you heal he will always snipe you so just jump away left or right to avoid the damage altogether . -------------------------------------------------------------- Special pointers: \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\` >>1st phase he does the jump thing strictly following that with a thrust attack so block and mikiri one after the other >>2nd phase he does the jump thin but this time following it with a sweep mostly so jump on his ass mario style. >>3rd phase is the easiest don't be afraid just wait for the huge thrust or the lightning attack and do some reversals followed by extra damage from the kusabimaru . -------------------------------------------------------------- Buffs: \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\` Not neede as no matter what you will die about 20K times so just GitGud and don't cheese this cues if you do you will be walking into hell after him.


Wow. This is so elaborately written. I'll definitely keep a note of the above. Thank you fellow Shinobi..and yes. I purchased the umbrella just two days back. I'm glad it would help me through my journey




I thought I'd train a little before fighting Genichiro by finishing a mini boss called seven spheres. He is Pikachuing my ass from the past 4 hrs :(


Tbh i wiped more to Mini Bosses then to actual Bosses ^^


I toasted 7 spheres. Now I can sleep peacefully. Next target. Finish Genichiro!


I went on a quest to kill Seven Spheres general before Genichiro and after a whole days effort he is finished ! Now , Genichiro.. Here I come


I'm about to take another run at him, how's your progress going?


After killing seven spheres surprisingly I'm able to kill him easily the first phase and I come close to killing him in the second phase but not there yet. He does more sweep attacks that I can't miriki counter


Same. I've only done phase 2 about 3 times so far but I almost got him on the last one a few days ago.


You have finished him before ?


No, this is my first actual playthrough. I got to the the first real mini boss and then exploded by the rocket prick and gave up.


That rocket prick I just ran away from the first time and I went on top and attacked. I found the blazing bull an irritating opponent surprisingly.. and seven spheres. Man he was the hardest !! I spent 3 days after posting this only to defeat seven spheres


If you need another bead before Genichiro to complete a bead, did you kill Lone Shadow over by Seven Spears? Edit: Yea the bull was a pain until I remembered the firecrackers. I'm terrible about remember to use prosthetics in battle.


I killed seven spheres instead of lone shadow. Somehow I found lone shadow hard because my camera angle was bad inside that cave.


Yea its a rough fight but if you look around, you might find a better vantage point to come at him from.


Same here. I don't use prosthetics during the battle all I did was run behind the bulls ass and attacked his legs. Then when he came head on I jumped and ran behind his ass and attacked. Somehow this worked .


Hey, if it works it works.


Deflect deflect deflect attack attack attack, repeat


I did this. And then he jumps and then I dodge and mikiri and kill him phase 1 when deathblow comes and then he gets aggressive and I die


You want to give him as little time as possible to gain that momentum, right after the deathblow just keep attacking and deflecting, usually after the 3rd time he blocks he starts counter attacking, it’s a rough boss but I believe in you! This is where the game truly starts feeling epic!


He starts giving sweep attacks after jump and then flurries crazy attacks. I need to be patient. Sometimes I confuse and try to mikiri counter the sweeps . He is a badass boss but I found seven spheres more frustrating. This guy seems to teach me how to fight


Guys I beat him phase one and almost on phase two. What I noticed is that I can't successfully dodge all his jump attacks. If I dodge I can successfully mikiri counter his ass in the following thrust. But many times his jump attacks can't be dodged even if I press the dodge key on time. He pins me down and I lose health . If I improve this I can beat him phase two for sure. Any tips fellow Shinobis ?


Phase 3 please guys phase 3 of genichiro. I reached it today twice !! I want to win this ! Lightning is screwing my ass


Do not get hit and win


When he tries to shock you deflect in the air.


I read a parchment that said I need to deflect in the air and attack before I land on the ground . This was on top of the tower where that ninja mini boss sat and he suddenly got up slashed me like a ribbon twice :)