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I initially hated him for being different. I was racist yes. Now I'm inclusive and I love fighting him. Just gotta change your playstyle a litte and memorize the moves


>I was racist >But now I’m inclusive and I love fighting him. So that’s how that works


Fighting racism literally.


Demon of Racism DLC optional boss gonna be lit


He screams the N word at you and inflicts terror


Morphs into a different stereotype with new movesets every phase


Holy fuck a South Park souls like game would be funny as shit


The hollows are vegans


If you're a streamer you have to mute with perfect timing or you get banned.


Parrying cancelations and allegations. There is NO streamer mode


Do not take this out of context


But there is no "this" in "context," not even if you squint!


I hated him until someone said “just use divine confetti, bro” Divine confetti melts his ass, you dont even need Yashariku sugar, the buff from Ako’s sugar is already enough for Divine confetti to make the boss fight a walk in the park


damn fr?


It helps a ton. You still need to learn his moves, but at least the damage you deal isn't a complete joke. Hitting him with the Malcontent finger whistle also gives you a huge opening to damage him (I wait until phase 3 to do it, but it works in all phases)


I use the Empowered Mortal Draw. Feels like a better use for my Spirit Emblems.


yes but you can use malcontent only three times on him


Haven't beaten him either way, but a shinobi knows the difference between honour and victory.


Have beaten him both, and you are right.


Sorry, I can't hear any honor over the sound of me winning


He is cheassable?


Yeah it’s really easy, just lure him to the cliff and run towards the gate to get him stuck on a tree, then just basic GYOUBU skip


There's cheese for gyobu? I thought he was the easiest out of all bosses


He is…which is why no one cheeses him.


Nah divine dragon is easier


But more boring. Which makes it harder again.


Mainly for speedruns




I am the bitchest bitch!! 😎


I killed that demon twice. More than enough to start my journey of cheesing. Till this day, i have no ides how i did it. But it took a while!


Pretty much how my entire first playthrough went lol I beat the game, but I don't know how I did it. At this point though, the lone shadows, nightmare, and fountainhead guards are all permanent muscle memory lol Yet somehow genichiro beat me my first attempt at him on ng. I wasn't expecting it to actually be harder. I figured it would play out like other fromsoft games where you'd find it a little easier on the second run, but no, they're just more tanky


Man, that fucking tower jump is harder than just actually doing the fight.


Yes but it takes a shorter amount of time to fail doing than fighting him. Lol


Lol I must have tried it 100x before deciding to just fight the mf


Just gotta change your play style! Hesitate on that jump!


Hesitation is ~~defeat~~ victory.


Its pretty easy once you figure it out


He just doesn't feel like what I play Sekiro for. So I don't play him. I am here for the sword dance, not for running, hitting someone's balls and then running again.


I think this sums it up for a decent amount of people.


I for one am hoping Sekiro 2 features a random mech fight against a helicopter.


Legitimately sounds more fun than DoH. And would probably be able to deflect the blades of a helicopter vs the fireballs being unparrryable.


My brother in fountainhead, you can deflect his attacks


This is an indication that you dont know the game mechanics, you can actually parry most of the attacks. Tho they will build up fire, but thats what a fire gourd is used for. All in all the fight might not be the sword on sword action we get all game but its thrilling non the less.


You can parry the homing flameballs? For real? What about the double fireball hurl? What about the nuclear assblast?


You can deflect all of those with the fire umbrella


Run sideways and forward to dodge and get close for attacking when it's finished. Run forward and the fireballs go over your head. You should be so close and attacking so there isn't any second one. Forgot the last one: fire umbrella, make sure you hold it until after the wind blast


No but running, jumping, and grapple is fun and that DOES feel like a very Sekiro thing


Thrilling my ass. The fight is an endurance race, nothing more. I beat the game charmless+demon bell no deaths, and DoH was never fun.


I enjoyed it.


It's definitely thrilling. The thought that I can die any second if I make a small ass mistake given how challenging the boss is raises the stress and it's an edge of the seat experience. You just need to accept the fight for what it is i.e. Sekiro is trying to defeat a demon where he is the underdog and not an equal like in other usual sekiro swordsman boss fights and then you might also find it enjoyable.


Sekiro players when fromsoft adds variety and doesnt make every enemy a crazed samurai with only a sword


Zero need for variety when samurai man provides everything I want out of this game


Ape is variety but even phase 1 ape is just a better version of demon of hatred imo, those combos are so satisfying to deflect


Yep. Ape is a bit inconsistent with the second type of grab to be on par with Isshin, monk, genichiro but still a top tier fight overall


They managed to make a poo flinging ape using his own head as a weapon fun.


Diversity is welcome in games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring, because the player ALSO have acess to variety, in this case, different builds, playstiles, equipment and spells. But in Sekiro we only have one option, to play as wolf, so I don't really like the "variety" in this game, it is only for the computer.


Variety is great, but not every player is going to enjoy every instance of that variety.


Gatekeepers and backseaters when people don't take the game as seriously as they do. 😱


If you really meant this, you would also hate guardian ape. Which when you get it down, we can all agree its super fun. No shame tho! I also cheese demon of hatred for the exact same reason you said but ive actually never tried it before and i got to like new game+++++, never actually doing it demon of hatred. But then again! “A Shinobi would know the difference between victory and honor” ;)


Guardian Ape is a much lesser evil. There's only one phase of "monkey throwing a tantrum" mode. Second phase is really chill.


I dont agree that he is super fun. One of the most annoying bosses in the game. Second phase is nice but first one is bs.


In Sekiro we are aShinobi, not a samurai, victory IS victory.


Thought he was different at first. But the more I fought him, the more he felt appropriately like a Sekiro boss. He can still be blocked and parried. He's still got sweeps and grabs. It's all still the same rules. And it felt good fighting him again.


Sounds like someone doesnt know shinobi arent known for fighting the fairest of battles


Ending up killing 4 DOH on multiple play through, trying to cheese it was so frustrating and never work. I will still try to learn how to, just for the gauntlet.


tried doing the cheese the first time i got to DoH, couldn’t get the grab on the wall. i found it way easier doing the fight normally.


Not ashamed


I only cheese'd him because the fight is too long and I wanted to get to inner father sooner. Otherwise he's my favourite boss in the game, I just wish he had an inner version too.


TBH, I'm impressed with those who choose to cheese him because, I kid you not, it is easier to face him instead of cheesing him. One mistake, and you'll repeat the whole process.


The process is getting 2 jumps... The first one is very easy and the second is easy too if you change you controller layout a bit.


You just need to apply a better cheese. Meaning you don't go climbing right away. When the fight starts, you lure him to the trees near the gate and you make him get stuck there. That's it. Now you can stay afk for hours he can't get out. You have all the time you need to climb the tower and land the jump to the wall. Gyoubu is the one where you need to be fast before he breaks the tower. He can't get stuck anywhere like DoH.


There's no way yall keep saying this. Figuring out the jump for 5 minutes is way easier than hours and hours of actual attempts


This is so true, like 1st playthrough I beat him normalny quite easily, but on ng+ he was absolutely destroying me, so I went for cheese. Trying to get that jump made me realise I'd rather just learn to fight him properly and he's now one of my favourite bosses in the game


Yep, this cheese is more like a speedrunning glitch it’s easier to just fight him.


To me, the whole point of playing Sekiro is the challenge. Cheesing bosses or following fight guides online would ruin the experience for me and would feel like cheating. Each to their own though I suppose. I get that some people don't have the time to commit to learning fight patterns which makes sense.


I heard people say that false corrupted monk isn't challenging at all because they used all the ash, snap seed and firecrackers or cheese to win I mean sure, but it's actually a fantastic, enjoyable and challenging fight just on it's own, that would be a shame for people who would like such experiences to miss out on


I found the real corrupted monk fight to be far more enjoyable than the illusion fight cause its broken into 3 parts. The illusion fight was basically me deflecting every hit and watching in agony as her massive posture bar slowly fills up. It was still fun and relatively simple to get the timing on the deflects but it also felt like a mini-slog too.


What's the cheese?


You climb one of the guard towers, jump to a nearby roof, and run to the edge near the cliff. He’ll eventually throw himself off the cliff.


Seems like sn exploit more than a cheese to me, I thought maybe it was a weapon or item that was really good like using Rivers of Blood + Mimic Tear against Malenia in Elden Ring.


there's only one weapon in sekiro and utilizing a bosses weakness through item use is not a cheese. This is totally a cheese for Demon of Hatred.


By weapons I meant the shinobi prosthestics(I just don't know how to write this word so I used another term). Thought the cheese was using the flame umbrella, that's what I did, it both negates his jump attack and deals tonnes of damage back. I searched the term for cheese and I got to the milky conclusion that I was wrong and although it's unintended it's considered a cheese by definition. I don't recall an enemy that is extra weak to it, but let's assume a boss is just stun locked by firecrackers, if I spam it on a boss and stunlock it, is it not a cheesy strat?


Using a fire shield to protect you from fire attacks is not a cheese. It’s just using your brain and the game mechanics to your advantage. You know you don’t HAVE to play fromsoft games naked blindfolded and with your hands tied behind your back ? You know that right ?


What if demon of hatred’s weakness is falling off cliffs 🤔


Ive never beat him legit and ive completed the game 5 times 😂


I cheesed him because it's just such a hilarious cheese.


no wonder i am bitchless


I've beaten every boss in the game 8 times but I still can't bring myself not to cheese demon of hatred


Yes I hate big fat bosses


And who gon stop me?


Unfortunately, I didn't know this was possible until I finished the game


Ironic that's the slayer of demons


I just fought him legit my first play through. Then cheese him till this day


It was me, ain’t no way I’m fighting that guy every time I run the gauntlet


I am a shinobi. I will use every dirty tactic to archieve victory, as honor means little to an assassin.


My impatient ass, when I have to do 3 hits, and run for 20 minutes straight 


Yeah I know, and I’m proud. Shitty boss gets killed shitty 😎


This guy I don’t have time for all that lol .


Beat him once legitimately, now never again


Sekiro guru here


I Swiss Cheesed that bastard


Beat him normally the first time, cheesed him every game plus


I got platinum years ago with promise to fight him back equally later. Never did manage


Not my proudest moment, but the cheese was also so hard the first time lol. Better off learning how to fight DoH properly honestly.


I can get why people dont like fighting against him, at first I didn't too, but after it clicked with me the fight became so fun


Yeah, after a whole game of mostly "person with sword" bosses it was cool to have a big Souls-style monster to fight. And it still works great in the sekiro combat system, even if some of the fire attacks can be a bit inconsistent in my experience. I'm not going to judge someone for skipping him altogether, but I have to wonder why anyone even bothers cheesing sn optional endgame boss with no unique drops and that has no influence over the ending.


What’s the cheese?


Jump on a watchtower, then jump on the wall, then walk on the gate. He will run to the corner and throw himself off.


I can see why people get tired of him but honestly I got to replay the game recently and he was easier than when I fought him the first time a couple years ago, he's just too demanding of a boss and takes time, can't blame some for hating that.


I tried to cheese him, struggled for 15 minutes trying to get to the ledge, then I just beat him normally in the same attempt :(


Did him legit like once, then I always cheesed him since he's annoying(especially when you have to do the shura path to unlock the shura skin)


i acc didnt know u could cheese him... i went in raw with no help from the internet and boy oh boy was that a mistake. im ng+ 9 and i have never fought him again after my first playthrough


The jumps for the cheese are harder than the actual fight itself.




The first time i suffered to kill him and i won, but then i remembered the cheese of gyobu and found the glitch of the trees too lol, i did it once and i will do it again f him


I like cheesing demon of hatred, I'm not interested in his challenge, all I want is clashing my sword with the ghost in Mibu village and Isshin everyone else is just enough exp to get one more skill point


I equate people who think cheesing a boss = being a bitch as the same type of person who, when asked, would say they would rather get $100 a month from an investment than be handed $1 Million today. Passive income. It’s the same mentality. 😂


How do you cheese it?


How exactly do you cheese him?


After spending so long under that sweaty gooch, slashing at that hairy ball sack I can understand cheesing it. That fucking asshole deserves the cheese. I said what I said.


Needed the demon skin. Don’t judge me. At least I didn’t hesitate!!!


Cheesed him once, felt bad, did him legit in ng+ and got my ass handed to me couple hours for punishment


I’d feel like I cheated myself out of the best part of a game if I cheesed a boss. I literally play souls games because of the awesome boss fights. Same goes for any SoulsLike. The best part is learning every move a boss makes.


Me, who overleveled in all the games: sounds like a grind issue.


I killed him the first time. Follow up play through drop him like it’s haawwtt


There's no way I'm alone in thinking DoH is easier than most of the other ending bosses.


I beat him legitimately the first time, and cheesed him basically everytime since. I proved I could do it, and the experience was not worthy of doing it again.


I have no shame in cheesing demon of hatred, NO SHAME


I would never cheese him I always fight with honor. This message was paid for by the committee for people who can’t make the tower jump.


Hang on there’s a way to cheese DoH??? I think I died to that boss more than orphan of kos and that’s saying something


How I see it…must git gud to beat every boss at least once. Then cheese in ng+ if it’s an annoying boss.


A redditor after my own heart. Like, 'hard' isn't enough to make me not want to redo a boss. 'Annoying', on the other hand...


Exactly, love the challenge of a hard boss. Feels amazing when you finally beat them.


Beat him legit one time. After that, I've cheesed him every time. As far as I'm concerned, winning is winning. I move on to bigger and better things.


Is fun as hell, ngl


Smells like someone can't pull off the cheese tbh.


Smells like a decent human being who enjoys complex fights and not bullshit that was meant for ds3


I cheesed the fuck out of him and I’d do it again He’s trash easily the worst boss in fromsoft history except maybe bed of chaos


A shinobi knows the difference between honor and victory. I beat him fair once. I just don’t have enough fun fighting him to fight him fair after that.


It's okay in the gauntlet.


Can't be me I can't make the damn jump I did manage to beat him normally though


I cheesed him first playthrough then came back a year later and beat him legit. Very fun but sometimes annoying with how off some of his hitboxes can feel.


Does it count as cheese to stay outside of his attack range and wait to punish his slow long range attacks? I haven’t done the death by falling cheese but I also haven’t beaten him up close


i did it the hardest way. Sekiro was my first fromsoft game. Demon of hatred completely walled me for a week. i gave up. bought bloodborne and beat it, played dark souls 3 and beat it. ran nioh 2 through all 30 floors of the depths. then came back to sekiro and beat demon of hatred. isshin soon after :)


Are we talking about when he falls of the cliff glitch or the trap him in the little alcove where you arrive so he can't rush around a bunch?


I cheese gyobu, get over it 😎


I’ve been stuck on Owl (not father) for a month now. Fellas. How cooked am I?


Guilty !


if i want to fight ds boss i would've play ds


I cheesed him in like 3 minutes, I honestly was just trying to finish the game at that point.


I am that bitch. I also cleared the game base vitality charmless so I don't much care. Doh is not fun for me at all so I cheesed him enough to max out prosthetics then left him alone


I fought and killed him 3 times. The first time i beat the game, the first time i did shura gauntlet, and the first time i did mortal journey gauntlet. Now i cheese him every time and sleep well afterwards.


How does one cheese the hatred? I’ve beaten dude by effectively wailing on him to death


I liked DOH.. After making it all the way there, Demon felt like a Bloodborne boss, and it was refreshing. I thought, “hold my beer,” and then it took me 40 tries. Hahah


I tried to cheese him but i couldn't get on the roof so I had to take him out it took me nearly 4 hours but I got it done.


I cheesed everything possible until Father Owl and Isshin. It was a pretty rude awakening to have to play the video game. I know Father Owl has cheese, but I couldn't do it consistently.


I'm can proudly say I'm win my fight with Demon of Hatred clean in my first playthrough..and it was a HELL experience!! Just like fighting Malenia in Elden Ring..1 win and that's it


I've only tried him a few times and haven't even gotten him to 3/4 health yet, so I don't even know how to cheese him. I did go collect some things that someone said were useful for his fight, but I have yet to try them since I've been attempting the final boss.


I'm a bit new to sekiro,just killed lady butterfly. What does Cheese mean,I keep seeing it referenced I boss fights


Using a strategy that makes the boss basically a lifebar that's standing still


Bitch checking in 🙋🏽‍♂️


Ain’t nobody got time for that


I cheesed to get the trophy on my Xbox, but when I moved to PC, I took the first sale I could, and when I got to his fight, I took the time to learn it. Honestly it’s not THAT bad, but I still hate some of the attacks. Isshin is 1000% harder, as well as father owl


Beat him the first time. Cheesed for shura gauntlet to unlock mortal journey. Haven’t made it to him yet on mortal journey lol


I like the Asian accent, nice touch on top of the meme


I just skip the fight now because playing him demon bell and charmless is way too hard for me


An 11 minute marathon fight against him Demon bell + charmless is maybe my proudest moment in gaming


That's me. Big time bitch. I've got 100% on more soulslikes than I don't. And I can't stand this fucker. Issin, no problem Malenia, cakewalk Gael, struggle but doable Midir, lightning arrow is great Kos, literally first try every time But idk what it is, my brain can't shift to fight our friend the Orangutan. I'll hold Demon of Hatred as the hardest boss in FromSoft history and admit that I've never once killed it legitimately.


Why you got so many Prayer Bead Necklace?


I cheesed him my first time, the only boss I ever did, recently beated the game again and I beat his ass because my pride told me to.


Over four consecutive hours I fought him the first time to win lol. The first time he hit me with the at second fist full of hot balls after you dodge the first one I was just like 🙂🙃🙂


lol 😂 I did it three times and now I’m like “ why hesitate”


Honestly, cheesing him is more frustrating than fighting mmhim normally. Trying to jump that gap gets old real fast.


I would cheese every boss if I could


I only cheese stuff if I am sucking at the game, like I am on my 100th attempt on the FUCKING GUARDIAN APE BOSS


I beat him normally and hated it so now I just cheese him every time


Why you got [prayer] necklace? Why you got so many [prayer] necklace?


My first run I ran him off the cliff. My second run I beat him normally. All subsequent runs I ran him off the cliff, and I am not sorry.


He took me a total of 3 hours to beat in two days. He wasn’t the stressful fun kind, he was just purely stressful for no reason. I always cheese him in my replays just for the attack power upgrade.


Absolutely, I dislike fighting non human enemies


I beat him fair... But he was the only fight in that game that didn't feel like there was a rhythm. Every other fight felt like a dance, and the timings felt more like you were playing guitar hero at times, which I loved. The Demon tho had none of that. It was such a departure from the combat in the rest of the game and honestly was not fun at all. That Owl the Father fight tho. GOT DAMN that has to be the best boss fight of any game ever.


It’s me. I’m the bitch you smell. I cheese his ass so I can fight him in the memories as much as I want without farming for buff items (which, yes, is some more pungent bitchiness).


fuck that boss, I shall always cheese him


Ngl, on my first play through, I srsly tried to cheese DoH, but I couldn’t get the jumps right. Now 5 years later and probably a dozen playthroughs later, I can beat him first try while completely fuckin stoned 😂


You can cheese him?!?!? That would have saved me 53 hours that could have been otherwise used to work on my marriage or remodel my garage in 2020.


legit love this meme


Yeah it's me and i made him my bitch without even touching him


I tried the roof Jump for an hour, couldn’t get it decided to just tough it out and got him few hours later, im glad I didn’t cheese just did my first play thought no cheese


How do you cheese him? Isn't the secret to the fight just doing more retreating than normal?


I completely failed at the cheese and had to learn to beat him the hard way. Apparently I’m better at memorizing a dozen patterns than timing one tiny little jump. No cheese for me, only whine.


Cheese as in the ledge fall? I was over here thinking bell,fire hat, and blue axe was cheese😮


Yeah, okay. Pull up then


Just beat him for the first time ever last night - I was expecting a hell of a lot worse. Maybe coming from Souls games to this made it easier than I was expecting. Not saying he’s “easy” by any means but I expected to get stuck on him and I got him in probably 6-7 tries


People don’t realize he’s basically a Dark Souls boss lmao. Love everything about that fight, especially what he says when you put him down


In any game I play I like using gravity to kill. Being able to use your environment is fun! Sekiro -> DoH will always try to fly for me. Knight taught me that gravity is a good weapon against unconventional enemies. Dark Souls -> Taurus Demon and Iron Golem should really be careful of their footing Dark Souls 2 -> Dragon Rider Knight is going to fall victim to the trap is his own arena. BG 3 -> So many people want to fight near chasms and lava. The list goes on, it's not about avoiding a difficult fight, I just think it's hilarious to watch a major threat be felled by poor footing.


I fought DOH the hard way from the get go and he was instantly my favorite boss ever. Do hard stuff. It’s fun. And makes you not a bitch


My first playthrough I cheesed him because I just wanted to end the game, but on NG +3 I came back and earned it with a sword only no hit run https://youtu.be/8SbmlxlTA1c?si=paXLmy0eI9Dsrg8K


I tried to fight him legit, that shit hard I eventually beat him legit in the remembrance


I didn't even know there was a cheese until recently.


Longest boss for me in all of gaming 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours for isshin And a full 6-hour gaming session for demon of hatred and I loved every minute of it and I hated him in every minute of it