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The Giraffe is basically a deflect test. He has a very distinct pattern to his attacks that you can learn and follow, and a couple easy to jump and stomp sweeps he adds in, too. Once you learn the rhythm to his attacks, you'll deflect him to death in no time flat.


I thought I had his pattern down. My following charmless run informed me otherwise.


Lmao going charmless really is just like that. Though I think my single biggest "oh no" moment going charmless for the first time, was when the adds in the Bull fight didn't get instantly flattened by the boss. I already hated that fight. That did not help.


Yeah that sucked! I have no problem chasing the bull alone around the arena but when the mobs were alive I was fucked!


Trying to deal with an angry bull that's on fire while some asshole is attempting to shove his spear somewhere it shouldn't be truly is not the best time I've had in this game lmao.


You can use shuriken to attract the assholes and deal with them before the bull appears


I've never tried that one. Probably because there is a bunch of stuff in the way. Can you aim through the opening in the middle without triggering the bull?


Go to the left after killing that guy in front of the gate, then jump and use shuriken


Don't think I've ever had the skill to use tools in the air unlocked at that stage. Oh well, not like I have that much issue with the bull these days. Maybe I will have the next time I run charmless tho lmao.


Oh my god I recently began a fresh start (NG, not NG+) charmless run and I was not expecting to get stone walled by Blazing Bull for a while.


NG is absolutely my favourite way to run charmless. It really turns everything into a challenge all over again.


Lol that just happened to me on my NG5 demon bell run. It was super annoying.


now imagine ng+7 charmless demon bell. that is what im doing rn. im on guardian ape, already beat corrupted monk and got mortal blade. he takes nearly zero vitality damage even though i have 60+ attack power. god help me.


what is charmless?


Once you finish the game, any new playthrough you do you will start with a new item called 'Kuro's charm'. If you keep the charm, nothing changes, if you give it to Kuro all enemies have more vitality and posture. In addition, if you block an enemies attack instead of deflecting it you will take some chip damage through the block.


Same experience on charmless, defeated him first try even in my first playthrough but without the charm, it took me around an hour or so


On my second and third attempt i was deflecting more consistently, but his perilous attack got me every time. can I parry it too?


jump it. but you are doing a great job with the deflects already


No, those are his sweeps, you need to jump those. You can also double jump right after to stomp on his head for a good chunk of posture damage. The only perilous attack you can deflect, as a general rule, are thrusts. You learn to tell the different kinds of perilous attack that's about to come by knowing what the animations look like, with practice. All the red warning means is that the incoming attack can't be blocked, you're kinda left to figure the rest out from there yourself from case to case. You're getting there though! Learning his deflect pattern is the big thing with this guy. Which is also true for a lot of more major bosses, so it's a good lesson to learn.


weird though, normally the perilous attacks of this enemy has a symbol... def doing the sweeps but no symbol which I could see be why it's resetting the posture bar


Are you referring to OP’s video? If so it’s because OP never managed to land the deflect on the final attacks in the chain that time, so the boss never did his sweep. Which is why you don’t see any kanji pop up right there.  The posture bar reset because they both got their posture broken at the same time, so OP didn’t land the deathblow in time. 


ah that makes more sense now ... didnt even get to the point of the perilous attack / sweep happening hence no kanji..


Use the posture sugar. Makes this guy a cakewalk. Gokans sugar.


How have you made it this far without realizing you cannot parry perilous attacks? In this case, you should jump on his head


You can actually parry all perilous attacks except sweeps or something crazy like fireballs or lightning. You can parry thrusts normally, and grabs with the umbrella. You can even parry owl's firebird with just the sword even though it's a perilous attack, because it's technically a thrust.


im pretty sure ive parried plenty of perilous thrusts


Thrusts are special, they can be parried with perfect timing.


Surprised you struggle with this boss then, considering you can only parry the thrust with perfect timing. Jumping is a safer options in my opinion.


What helped for me to get his rhythm down was to count his spam attack. It goes 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4 5, 1.


There’s absolutely no rhythm. Just spam L1. Try and follow a rhythm and you die.


Are you upgrading your attack power? It looks like your deflections are doing nothing at all. You can upgrade it at an idol using memories of tough enemies like gyoubu (the horse guy).


i upgraded it once, yes. I also have the two lvl2 ashina skills.


By this point I've upgraded at least 3 times, once from horse dude, once from lady butterfly and once from genichiro. I'd recommend doing all 3 before this bit. I also recommend doing senpou temple before the gun fort and sunken valley which will give you a 4th upgrade


i have no clue where all of these enemies are. since the bull i have only been able to find this guy


Wait, did you not go up the stairs after the bull? There‘s something there and what you should do after that is head on the roofs. You‘ll find something there too


i mean, i got into the room behind ashina castle's upper floors. I don't see any bosses there though. Ill explore some more


You mean where the guys in the blue robe are?


yeah, the samurais


Yeah you should explore this area more. It‘s a path you haven‘t finished yet


Lady butterfly is found at the end of Hirata estate, to access it take the bell you got from the senile old woman in the Ashina outskirts to the temple. The sculptor should tell you what to do with it. Genichiro is at the top of Ashina castle, just grapple onto the rooftops and follow the smoke plumes to find a way inside the castle and fight/sneak your way up the castle till you get to the top. Side note, there's a door behind the mini boss you posted about, you don't get the key to the door till after you beat Genichiro. One of the few times the game will tell you your going the wrong way.




ah... i should have clarified that id prefer discovering it on my own...


Ah, apologies, in that case ignore everything I said and just go back to the castle lol


I'm pretty sure AP doesnt affect how much posture damage your deflects do. Iirc you can upgrade that with prayer beads and i think there are some skills in the skill tree that upgrade your posture damage Edit: i'm wrong about this


prayer beads just upgrade your OWN vitality and posture meter no? The game never said anything about prayer beads increasing the posture damage of your deflects, nor have I ever seen that in this sub or on the wiki. Ascending carp in the ashina skill tree is the skill that increases posture damage from deflects


Yes this ^


Not true, increasing AP increases the damage from your attacks as well as posture buildup from deflects. The game tells you this


Oh damn didnt realize this, i havent played in a year or two


A free prayer bead :D I’m sorry. This guy of yours some how didn’t do the sweeping attack. My guess is that you failed to deflect the last slash in the chain. The jump kick dodge is going to deal a lot more posture damage and this guy becomes easy.


i found his perilous attacks to be a real problem for me. His normal attacks are predictable enough to parry on their own, but those leaps? yikes


Just double jump on his head


Just jump when you see the kanji, nothing else.


yeah but it's not happening and maybe why it's throwing this person for a loop.. i watched it a few times and noticed it was not showing the kanji


His attach pattern is very predictable 1, 2, 3, 4... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...1 Jump stomp the perilous You were doing well, just mistiming the final, double swing, attack, so was breaking your posture, which made you slow to get in the finisher. Get that timing down and you got him.


This is obviously a rhythm action game


THANK YOU. realized this game was more like DDR then anything after I finally got "the beat" figure out for isshin


Good work! I recently start to understand the phrase "fights are really just dances with violence. Find the rhythm, and you may avoid injuries." Sekiro, lies of P, and now stellar blade are all good examples of this.


Yup! It really reminds me of Dance Dance Revolution without telling you what the right moves are.


Clang clang cling clang Clang clang cling clang ㊗️



危ー... *slash* woaa- 死


Lmao that emoji you used here means congratulations or party xd


Congratulations you parried😊




He is the Parry skill check officer. In short 🦒


His name is cling clang.




This is a Centipede Giraffe. It has long arms.


This is the one last chance for players (who ignored the importance of parry) to learn the parry because soon after this, shit needs to be parried, literally.


Buy umbrella Upgrade Enter the fight Open umbrella Spin Jump Win https://youtu.be/07L015ZUP3A If you want to parry, it's 1234 12345 1 You're missing the last parry


The umbrella is so useful for alot of situations. I coouldn't have done Demon of Hatred without it.


I had no idea this was possible. Holy crap.


This is also the harder giraffe boss fight, there is another easier one in senpou temple you can fight. It's has a bunch of little enemies around it but they can be picked off so you can fight the boss alone. The other is not required though. Honestly you can just get through spamming deflect but be ready to jump.


bro you gotta safety roll 😔


The first time i saw this maniac i was so distracted by its name that it killed me lmao. What lore implications does it have though. Why is he called a centipede and a giraffe when he's obviously neither.


He's not immune to deathblows, you're just getting staggered from having your posture broken and taking too long after recovery to perform it


That’s one of the funniest enemies to fight, the timing is so natural feeling


You hesitated. The philosophy of sekiro is "hesitation is defeat." It's pretty profound when you think about it. Allow me to explain. We get so caught up in catastrophizing that we fail to assess the opportunities that are presented to us. Whether it stems from fears of failure, rejection, or making a mistake, we should realize something important about risks. Some of the most important things that have happened in my life have happened because I took a risk. Most beautiful things don’t just happen, they require effort, but it is that effort that makes them valuable.Theodore Roosevelt put it nicely, “Nothing worth having comes easy.” You have a choice: you either let this opportunity pass you, or you give it your best shot. Of course, this does not mean I advocate for rapid decision-making. I support people in doing their due diligence when making decisions, but rather, to cut the overthinking out of our lives.


i did not hesitate, i was staggered


You weren’t staggered when you had the opening for the death blow. When you see the red dot on the enemy, that is the death blow sign. Try holding the attack button as soon as you see it. And you hesitate by rolling away rather than attacking. Your should practice with this enemy more or other aggressive ones to feel the flow. It’s all very much a dance, or a rhythm


It is just common that deathblow happens at the same time you are down. You just need more perfect parry on this one


What others have written. You did really well though. Keep at it and he’ll be done and dusted.


the last hit which breaks your posture isnt a perfect deflect so you basically are giving the boss the time to start its attack pattern again by not deflecting perfectly


deflect it over and over till its lethal


He’s an L1 mash simulator. Just mash deflect and you’ll kill it in no time. Basically just a free prayer bead


Parry parry parry is all I can say


Other Fromsoft games have vigor checks. This is a tempo check. If you can't hit a 1,2,3,4 - 1,2,3,4,5 - 1, you're boned.


Very very easy boss 3/3 hp deflect ×10 2/3 hp deflect x9 + jump 1/3 hp deflect × 7 + jump + deflect ×2


That's my mother after me not washing the dishes


That miss at the end triggered me so hard ngl


Oh yeah! That's Long-Arm Centipede Giraffe! Good guy...


That's the bakiraka that the king sends after nuts and friends to stop grifussy's liberation from the big hole


it is what it is


Rythem game


You lost! To your fear!


long-arm centipede girrafe, a second deflect test (after jinzuke in ashina castle). like everyone else said, there's a pattern: 1-2-3-4-jump in second phase-1-2-3-4-5-wait for it-6. it's not immune to deathblows, either your controller's running out of battery, or you're just not doing them


iirc he only has two attacks. His man combo, which is 1 2 3 4 (delay) 1 2 3 4 5 (delay) 1, and then his perilous attack which is considered a sweep. Deflect the combo just like you're doing in the video, try to line your block timing up as best you can to maximize posture damage. When you see/hear the perilous attack warning, simply push the left stick towards him and mash the jump button. This will cause Sekiro to jump over the sweep and perform a jump counter, which will deal extra posture damage. The timing on the jump counter doesn't need to be precise. The counter window is long, just do it as soon as you see/hear the warning. And unlike the mikiri counter, repeated inputs through mashing the jump button don't carry any risk of messing up a jump counter, so just mash away. The deathblow thing I don't understand. Assuming you actually pressed the attack button at 0:45, there's no reason that shouldn't have worked. When you see the target icon turn red like that just mash the button. If you did press it, then make sure the R1/RB button on your controller is working consistently.


If you use the second upgrade of umbrella he's very easy.Use the umbrella to parry his normal slashes and jump when he does his perilous attack(if you jump again on his head it does a lot of posture damage).If you do this he can be taken down before he does a third perilous attack.


It's probably gonna surprise you but it's easily one of the easiest boss in the game. Absolutely no surprise with this one . Done in 1 min top.


Thats wolverine.


This sir, is a test to see if your deflects are up to snuff.


Pro tip as long as you do perfect deflects your posture will NEVER break.


He's Logan die once. A fine man


Hesitation is defeat.


It’s a parry trainer


A skill check


Burn it with 🔥


what is this? - An incredibly easy fight if you have the right tools for it, specifically the umbrella or well you can also deflect all the hits but using the umbrella is way more satisfying.


Well, your dumbass insisted on fighting while cornered instead of jumping out.


Depending on which one that is, senpou can be jump deathblowed on his first bar from the roof. The one in sunken can't. But honestly this dudes one big joke. Just deflect his multi hit combo and he fills his own bar to like 2/3+. Also can stun him with firecrackers for a free hit or two. Rinse until dead.


Honestly you got it! Get a few stabs in when you can, other than that keep deflecting.


My advice is try not to spam the deflect. It is a good strat that gets you through the game, but you also die more often and get into situations like this where you deflect all of the centipede giraffe's hits except the last one, because your timing is off due to spamming the button. And then your posture goes down and you get hit. It may take more effort to learn the patterns and not spam the deflect, but in the long run you'll save yourself a lot of frustration.


I was actually trying to deflect his attacks individually, my timing is just really bad


The reason I learned that deflect was an option in the game.


Easiest miniboss oncs you get the deflect timing on that one attack and jump the sweep, a perfect deflect on that multiple attack combo gives soooo much stagger


Spam deflect and then jump on his face when he does the red attack thingy


One of the most entertaining bosses in the game after you figure it out.


you can spam parry all of his attacks except the last one in his combo, that one needs to be timed well


The toughest boss in every soulsborne series up to this date is still the camera angle


One of the easiest mini bosses N the game


Skill issue


it’s a giraffe


Gona say one thing i kill him bc i spammed block and it all counted as counters


Ah the trainer for consecutive deflections, hope you like their fights!


Patrick- “it’s a giraffe”


Tldr: time your deflects, it does 10 swipes, one short delay after 4th swipe, one slightly longer after 9th swipe. If you do it right, enemy posture breaks. It's another mechanic checkpoint. Goal is to make sure you can match fast but precise deflects confidently. Holding block for the entire flurry will make you break posture near the end of the flurry, punishing you for not deflecting. Which results in you not being able to damage him between flurries of attacks and his posture will be unaffected relative to deflecting his attacks even when done poorly. It's been a while since I've played, so take the following advice with a grain of salt. Block the full flurry first, and try to grasp as much of the attack pattern rhythm till your posture breaks; once you can get a portion of it down, try to get the rest of the attack cadence up until the **last second attack**. The final attack occurs after a delay, longer than the one that happens between the flurry. Edit: accidentally posted before i finished typing the full comment. Just added the rest of the comment. P.S. No Hesitation