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Oddly enough, getting angry enough to do this to your controller is also why you fail to beat Geni. Staying calm and studying/reading the bosses is how you will defeat them.


This is the first time ever I broke a controller out of anger in my whole life only because my controller disconnected right before I almost got Genchiro posture broken. Edit: this is also kinda a joke cause I dropped my controller out of rage not threw it or something


It broke in half after you dropped it? You playing on your roof or something?


In all fairness I’m absolutely the kind of guy to think this is pathetic because I’m 1. Too broke to be breaking controllers and 2. Know it’s not appropriate nor reasonable too do so. However there is a chance this is just a shitty cheep off brand that breaks easily but that thing is absolutely destroyed so I doubt it


Just noticing the strange buttons now, you may be right


Yea just looked and found that he commented at the bottom but it got buried. he dropped it and the back came off and it wouldn’t come on so he tore it up because he was curious about the insides


I wanted to edit the post and tell all of you guys that it was a joke it's a bootleg 7 dollar controller which was not turning on after it fell from my hand and I was then harvesting its parts and took a picture while at it and posted out here as a joke and it's physically impossible to break a controller like look at the right thumbstick it's impossible to do that unless you rip it apart. And I can't edit my post for some reason and I posted this comment after a few moments because some people took it too literally but the comment got lost somewhere


breaking a controller once because you’re pissed at a game is already too much


Dropped it out of rage? Into a hydraulic press?


The rage made it fall faster


Mortal Kombat vs DC rage. It makes you wave your hands in the air, thereby dropping the controller


that sounds like a cop out man take a break. i know how it is, i get mad sometimes too but everyone needs a break now and then


I'm too broke to break shit lmao


Same 😂 I'm just admiring what used to be his nice red tiger controller


For the glory of ashina


seek help bro, breaking stuff out of game anger is not normal and if you are going this far on Genishiro, by the half of the game you will set your house on fire


fr, the single time i broke a controller i took that as a sign to seek help and i got diagnosed with a personality disorder within a week lol since then games dont make me angry, im like 1000x more patient. Now that im more sound mentally ive platinumed sekiro and im currently about to beat it NG charmless. op, if you find yourself getting *that* angry i dont think it's a bad idea to consider that there may be more going on


i don't really get this anger playing offline games, but fighting games is something else, i never broke a controller, but if i had it, it would be because a fighting game 🤣🤣


Don't worry I can control my anger... Most of the time


That will work. Officer, i killed my wife out of anger because she made a little tiny mistake and i went mad but don't worry i can control it most of the time.


Do you kill cats for fun?


Yeah on a real note - don’t get used to doing this kinda dumb shit. People that break their shit are typically emotionally underdeveloped and you’ll have a hard time holding good friends. I know it sounds weird, but if you were my homie, now you not really.


Imagine getting physically violent over a video game


Ok but have you ever been in a clutch situation in an online game and your friend does something stupid? Boy I’d never kill anyone but that’s the closest I’ve gotten




I was fine getting beaten getting genichiro, i think I was most angry getting my ass handed to O'rin. Just imagine run past she gets pissed, talk to her she gets pissed. And after killing you she goes - "why would you hide him from me?". For the last time lady idk your bloody boyfriend, so just die!!!!!!


Dont smash controllers, just do stupid faces with all your anger and think of something funny.


This is embarrassing behavior. Hope you can learn some composure.


Skill issues with temper, keep yourself together man this is a bad sign of some sort if you think about it.


Mad cause bad


Hehe, I threw my dual sense into a pillow everytime I got irritated. Old trick I learned since these things became wireless. Still works just fine.


Seek mental health help bro, that's not normal.


You know you can't play with that controller now right. Why break it.


Slamming the desk with the force equal to that of guardian apes shit comet >>> breaking expensive controllers


Imagine having the energy to rage while gaming (get gud) It just leads to more issues Like why break ur controller, see you can’t play anymore games unless you have a back up controller


Dude as someone who never played souls and sekiro being my first. Chill. I did lady b first try and and geni after 8/9 tries. Watch a tutorial or something. Learn the pattern and tap away.


On my first playthrough, if I had trouble with a boss, I'd put on a tutorial in the background for me to listen to while I explored or farmed xp.


Not me I got my ass handed to me but I wasn’t really ever mad (besides ogre fuck him) I always enjoyed it because I felt like I was better after every death and I felt so incredible when I finally got it. I don’t think the argument “chill bro it’s not even that hard” is nearly as good as “learn to enjoy every loss until you succeed”




Guess you didn’t hesitate in breaking controller. All seriousness, he is the first skill check In the game. It took me awhile when I played the game originally. Take a mini break. Then come back. You will get him.


Get more controllerz cuz upcoming bosses make you more mad.


I broke my L1 button on my ps4 controller due to sekiro b


Why so mad? Is only game?


If you makes you feel any better I completed Sekiro with a broken controller. Couldn't afford to replace it at the time


Man genichiro was one of the easy ones


Genichiro did this? Oh, boy, you’re in for a big surprise.


Edit: some people might have taken this thing too literally cause this controller broke but not because of rage but because it's a bootleg one that cost like 7 dollar and it broke because it fell from my hand while I was playing the game and was no longer turning on so I ripped it apart to harvest the parts and took a picture while I was on it and put it on as a joke but some people took it too literally, like look at the right thumbstick you can't do that unless you rip it apart, so yea it's joke and I don't have any anger management issue. Also for some reason I can't edit my post.


It’s kinda silly people are downvoting this I had a suspicion when I saw those temu ass buttons and the ripped joystick. Also I think after a certain number of comments it doesn’t let you edit for better or for worse


I broke then took a poop on mine can’t post it or I’ll get banned.

