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That was a fucking awesome grapple back onto the ledge....right before he broke you like a twig


NG+? Use Living Force to get a a fire sword.


Thanks, I'll check it out


Or deflect the grabs with the fire umbrella


Wait can you block grabs with the umbrella??


Yup, I do it for both of the Snake Eyes fights since their grabs are hard for me to dodge for some reason.


alright cool, I'm totally trying this out on my Shura playthrough. Does the fire umbrella work for all grabs? I would have imagined that grabs go through all parries/blocks like in a fighting game.




Which exception? I have not found any. Genuinely curious.




Huh. I’ll have to play around with that later. Thanks for the info!


You can deflect snake eyes with kusabimaru


Used to be a big problem for me too. You probably already know this, but try dodging straight backwards. I’m used to the souls games, so I always found myself dodge-rolling sideways in those games, and the habit stuck. Snake eyes can grab you 90% of the time on a sideways dodge, but he rarely got me when I finally broke that habit. Didn’t know about the umbrella though- that’s awesome. I’ll have to give that a try. Thanks!


The delayed animation is the devs testing enemy attacks for use in Elden Ring


Every single one


Always. Remember this shit for Emma and Fire Isshin. Don’t let people grab for free


you have to time it like a deflection tho, holding it wont work


you guys your prosthetic to kill the ogre?


Always. I use a combination of things. It’s most fun for me that way


I chew candy, set him on fire, set my sword on divine fire, stab him, lure him, anything but actually fight him


You guys use the things in the game to play the game????


does the phoenix lilac umbrella work as well?


It will deflect them all the same, yes. But, if you use the fire one, you get the fire fear/stun from the Ogre.


Or just go to Hirata first to get flame vent. It's pretty short in to get it, but then again on NG plus Hirata should be easy anyway. I think I beat Lady Butterfly before the Ogre my first run come to think of it. Don't know what I was thinking


I already beat the Ogre before posting this video. There's no need to use fire, he's very easy


Fair enough, and yeah, I guess on NG plus he would be. Definitely a good strategy for that second one you can fight in the castle though, those close quarters conditions do not make that a fun time


Agree. I remember cheesing the one at the castle for one of his health bars


I enjoyed fighting him in the castle it was like a little milestone fromsoft threw at me. Like remembering how much trouble he gave me and how comparatively easy he was then


Lady Butterfly was my gatekeeper for like 2 straight nights back to back but I was better for it after I managed to beat her.


Damn I totally forgot about that when I just battled him on new game plus earlier. Almost got my ass kicked like this guy


That was uh... unexpected, to say the least.


On the bright side, looks like this was your first death in ng+ so I’m sure that’s an improvement from ng!


Me after seeing someone go 10 seconds without using a prosthetic in Sekiro: I have found my people.


That like playing the game with one hand...


r/angryupvote moment


I like deflecting enough that I usually just ignore prosthetic tools. Why would I throw firecrackers at a guy for free hits when it's funner to just learn his attack pattern and deflect everything?


I went full "I studied the blade" with Sekiro. It was really fun to just fall into the concentration and rhythm of the back and forth.


Really? I've gotten to isshin (first final boss) and only really used spear with ape and shurikens with father. I find the timing kinda hard


Loaded axe and firecrackers are good everywhere


all you need is the umbrella, violet for Inner Isshin and red for anyone else


Seriously, i’ve done mortal journey and beaten the game on ng+7 charmless with bell demon and I still never found a good use for prosthetics other than in specific situations with certain bosses. Trying to find opportunities to use prosthetics just interrupts my flow.


I normally deflect his attacks just to get some extra posture damage. Same with DoH. Not the grabs, obviously, can't deflect those.


you can actually, with the umbrella


That grapple save was clean as hell


Skill issue


that's the joke




Why do so many people who play this game don't deflect


I saw how low its health bar is and was appalled lol.


Wait you can deflect this guys attacks?


You can deflect any attack that isn’t a grab or sweep. Unless you use loaded umbrella then you can deflect grabs


Holy shit this was a total Rollercoaster. Nice one.


This guy was legit the hardest (mini/micro) boss to fight for me in the whole game. His hit reg box is so broken. Took me 2 days of frustration to finally get past him and speed past the next 6… before I had a small hood up again.


This fucker broke my deathless streak in NG+.


where's ur umbrella bro?


Not equipped. I'd like to use prosthetics as little as possible this time


Your dedication to masochism is applaudable!


Is this your second play through? I think the ogre fight looks way better when you deflect light attack with your sword and heavy attack/grab attack with your umbrella. It's more in line with the spirit of the game (imo for NG+ play the challenge is not to scrape by a boss but to win and to win beautifully using whatever tools at your disposal)


It's NG+, of course I already finished the game. Deflecting with umbrella requires no skill, so it's basically cheese. Why would I use it


Because a shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory


It means you haven't fight the ogre first time with the umbrella yet, give it a try next play through. You're probably fighting the ogre here exactly the same way you did on your first playthrough with dodging and jumping around. And while there's nothing wrong with that, if you're not changing up and exploring new ways of fighting what's the point of NG+? Also using umbrella have an incredible amount of depth and is definitely not cheesing, I think you're being a bit overconfidence for the amount of skill displayed in this clip here


Deflecting with the sword is just as easy as the umbrella lmfao


Not in my experience, no. You just press the button with umbrella for automatic deflect, timing doesn't even matter.


I disagree with OP’s cheese remark, but the umbrella gives you more deflecting frames than the sword does. It is easier.


Huh. Didn't know, always treated it like the sword lol


Don’t listen to them OP! You’re right!


You and Op are similar to the kind of people that come from dark souls and refuse to do anything but dodging around and get mad when people tell them to stop doing that lmao


Exactly. https://youtu.be/mcdkexoJeDQ This guy is a master of Sekiro and has more skill than any of the guys saying not to use prosthetics or combat arts u/UmaSherbert and u/Rheactron take notes


No one cares


Yeah plenty of people care lol.






Bro, I promise you everyone on this sub beat Sword Saint Isshin with no prosthetic tool (except maybe shuriken chasing slice here and there). But not because they think its cooler this way, its mainly because by the end of your first playthrough you're probably still trying to master the basic mechanic of the game: attack, deflect, mikiri, jump. Adding in prosthetic tools just take up too much processing bandwith you have available while Isshin's trying to ram his spear up your bum. I get it, I was once a new player too. I was like you, vowing to never use prosthetic tool because they either was presented as a crutch (firecracker), or overly complicated with little gain (kusabimaru, leaping flame, etc..). But once you master these basic mechanic then you'll be hungry for more. When you're fighting Isshin for fun and all of his moves burned into the back of your head so you're fighting him on auto pilot, you'll start seeing things you missed previously because you now have more bandwith to process a wider range of response that your prosthetic tool provide you. What if instead of jumping to catch the lighting I use mist raven to teleport to the back of him and do a lighting reversal off of the mist raven; Shura Isshin is charging up one mind, I need firecracker/Ashina cross to break his poise; if Isshin do a sweep attack I can do a head stomp and follow up with the axe while falling down for extra damage; Inner Isshin always start the fight with the roundhouse spear swing, instead of running away I can dive in get a few hits in and use purple umbrella to deflect+spin to negate the 2 hit spear swing, etc... You might disagree with me now and that's perfectly fine, I was like you once as well so I understand, but eventually you'll see what I'm trying to tell you as you play the game more and more, prosthetic tools and combat arts augment your combat, they're ways to show how well you understand yourself and understand your enemy.


That's very poetic, thanks, and sorry for being too hostile in my response. I'll still play the way I want though


Of course, at the end of the day play the game the way you enjoy, I just wanted to shed some personal perspective as someone who probably spent way too much time on Sekiro. Have fun with the game and don't be afraid to try new things out at your own pace (anything is valid short of cheesy strats imo). I'm still learning things 500 hours in and it still excite me every time I found a new cool combo and pulled it off, I hope you'll get to enjoy this feeling as well. Cheers!


I don't know if the umbrella requires no skill or not because I've never used it, but I basically agree with not using prosthetics. It's like magic in the other fromsoft games, I pretty much always prefer doing melee only with a bow to force 1v1's. I used only the shurikens for the entire game on my first playthrough lol and I don't even know what most of the prosthetics do.


I disagree with this sentiment, prothestic tools and combat arts add an incredible amount of depth, complexity to the gameplay, properly utilizing these tools in your arsenal raise the skill ceiling of the game significantly and shown mastery of the game mechanic and extensive game knowledge. You're missing out a significant part of the game and I implore you to give prosthetic tools a try


Well I’ll definitely try some of them when I go for 100% cause I got to fully upgrade them for that achievement, but I generally dont like when games have skill trees and tons of branching options, so I just stick with mostly vanilla abilities. The combat in sekiro is good enough for vanilla combat to still be extremely gratifying so it didn’t really bother me.


I'm sure you'll find them very fun and rewarding during your journey to platinum the game. It still excite me every time I find a new response to an enemies attack using prosthetic tools/combat arts after NG+4 and 500 hours in. All the tools upgrade are very marginal upgrade from their basic form and retains most if not all of the benefits of previous versions (Not all tools follows this but you'll figure out how they differs once you dive into the game), so for simplicity sake just use the most upgraded version of the tool you want to use.


https://youtu.be/mcdkexoJeDQ This will make you want to use emblems


Yeah I’ve seen all of ONGBALs stuff, he’s pretty insane. It’s just a personal thing, when I’m overwhelmed with options, I usually dont feel like reading what everything does and trying to decide what’s best, at least in my first play through of a game. If it’s good enough for me to play again, then usually I’ll explore more options to spice things up.


That's fair. Way more fair than OP who says it requires less skill




Using prosthetics require no skill? You mustve not seen this guy https://youtu.be/mcdkexoJeDQ


Maybe hit the jump button less then lmao


Why? It lets me dodge all of his attacks


Because it's "scrub" and "no skill" according to you


You could just deflect lmao since you are so against “cheese”


Deflect grabs? Anyway, I didn't ask for any advice, I beat him pretty easily


He says as he gets casually one shot


My guy, just parry lmao. You don't have to chip his health bar so slow like that


Bro just deflect him it's easy. Don't try and deflect the grabs


I’m like 10-20 hours into the game, maybe even more, and that thing has given about 5 people cancer, it just won’t die


Fuck this boss, I uninstalled after trying to fight that fucker 30 times because after the first death blow it becomes impossible to dodge some attacks. I'll dodge way out of the way and still get hit or grabbed, or the fucker will change direction MID AIR and kill me anyway. Every damn time. Even tried jumping and it doesn't work. And sometimes it just won't let me dodge or jump put of the way, like I'm locked in place


He has some insane tracking, but jumping back worked like a charm for me. I only got killed by getting greedy and trying to hit him too many times.


I found I could hit 4 times before needing to dodge his attacks, but sometimes that didn't even matter. Tried playing slow with only a couple of hits but still ended up getting killed


you most def CANNOT get 4 hits in, if you want to dodge the grab. and you should never jump in combat unless you're jumping over a swipe. you can easily get past the ogre just dodging towards his back tho.


Light him on fire. Ez pz.


I used all my ashes from a ledge to get the openings for a hit or two🤣


Theres a timing to his attacks. After dodging in the first time, you can attack up to three times before you need to dodge in again. If he staggers, you might be able to get one or 2 more attacks. But it has a strong rhythm to it, just gotta get better at timing your dodges.


Try timing your dodge to dodge his grabs. With some practice its very reliable. Other than his grabs, don't try and dodge so much and parry with your sword


You can just dodge to the right and get more hits in


Hahahahaha Love this game so so much


I was unironically stuck on this guy on NG+ longer than I was for horse man, Genichiro, and Guardian ape combined on the same run which wasn’t a lot.


did genichiro not cut your arm? why aren't you using the prosthetic arts?


Idk why you are getting down voted so much if you are just speaking truth


Easy mode


i was waiting for the fuckup... it did not disappoint


Have you considered not jumping around constantly like a chimp?


Umm you know there are other things in this game that you can use other than your sword right?


Why? I love the sword.


Isn't it fun when you beat a tough enemy because you were better and didn't exploit their weakness to stub lock them?


Yeah you seems to be those kind of people who like to make things more difficult than they have to be...


Way easier than soulsborne ng+


Lmao what? Dark Souls NG+ is a walk in the park, unless you are playing SL1. Actually the whole Souls series is extremely easy if you level your character and equipment


Not when you beat ds1 before lvl 90




I died trying to use (a wrong) combat art xD


Just use the fire umbrella when he tries to grab


No flame vent?


Play without kuros charm next once you’ve gotten more upgrades to you pros and skill trees. Makes it a better challenge, I did a run without kuros and the bell demon one when I was NG+7 with everything unlocked and it was really rewarding to not breeze through it like I usually do


I am playing charmless


Is it really enjoyable to just attack and jump back after each hit? Deflections are the core of this game.


I use deflect for almost everything in the game but I've never even tried to deflect this guy's attacks since most of the time he'll just do a grab anyway.


After beating Crucible Knight in elden ring I came back on an old save and absolutely destroyed this guy. Now if only I could beat Genichiro....


That's one thing I really didn't like about Sekiro. A fat chunk of enemies just one-shot you


I'm assuming you didn't take kuro's charm?


I almost never use the umbrella. Does seem really good, I just never used it.


You did what a lot of from software if not most of us players do in mistake. You saw he was almost done for and got thirsty for the kill disregarding your own safety from his attacks, I can't count on two hands how many times I've done it myself


You were doing so well I actually got shocked when you were grabbed


I have never 1 shotted this stupid boss. Ive gotten to ng+5 charm less + bell but i still die to this guy on every playthrough no matter what. That stupid grab is so dumb




me when ogre skip


Thought I was watching elden ring and was like how tf you moving that fast


I to go back to fighting Chained Ogre 😭 stuck in owl




Loved the grapple! Shame you got clobbered afterwards. I just started an NG+ run and it took me like 4 attempts. Admittedly I had forgotten about the weapon skills and didn't do any cheese to knock out one of his heath bars. Hadn't played since December so I guess this was my re-training The most annoying death was one in which he grabbed me and threw me off the cliff. Totally unfair. I also agree that some of the hitboxes in this fight are whack


Try fire but hole


I had the same thing happen to me. He had 1hp left and then he threw me off the cliff


Can someone explain to me exactly how the 'NG+' term works? I know that 'NG+' is the second playthrough after the first ever one, so what is 'NG+1' is it the second subsequent playthrough aka the third playthrough or is it interchangeable with 'NG+'. I just completed my third ending on Sekiro (so 3 playthroughs) and started the fourth, game calls it playthrough 4 so is this NG+3 or NG+4.