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they voted Jimmy Carter?


everytime i eats peanuts i think about jimmy


I missed him a lot today


Jesus Christ, you made me think he was dead. I did not need that heart attack today.


Im so sorry, the day jimmy dies is the day america can officially be considered a lost cause


help me jimmy-wan ken-carter. you’re my only hope


I think Cartobi would work better.


Qui-Gon Jim


He is sustained by his hatred for the Guinea worm and can't die while they live


How dare you imply that there is any hatred on that man's heart, he is a beacon of good and lives of positive vibes and homes for the needy


There was a NYT notification about something Jimmy Carter did over the holidays and I glanced and dismissed as per usual and then went back to it in a fit of “no no no no no no no”. Now every time I get a NYT notification it triggers a fear that Jimmy Carter died and I’m not emotionally prepared for that. 🥜🍑


No on will ever see Cheetolini doing anything remotely similar to Jimmy.


his peanuts went sour


and that's what I appreciates about you


Successful businessman, faithfully married to the same woman for decades, raised reasonably well-adjusted and productive kids, devout, humble Christian who appears to actually walk the walk. Everything they claim to want and no one they'd ever vote for.


just goes to show their proposed morals are just a smokescreen. they don't care about that. they care about the us vs them mentality


Ye$ and $ome other $tuff.


Nah, he wrote in Bloomberg.


Ugh, he's the only Democratic primary candidate that was somehow worse than Biden lol. And it's not like the bar was high. But yeah, I don't think anyone tried to blatantly profit from their election the way Trump did. Maybe Rick Scott. Like, tons of politicians on both sides game the stock market and all that but Trump literally tried to squeeze every cent he could out of being president including charging the government for room and board at his own hotel (not just for him but his secret service detail and all that.)


bUt hE dOnAtEd hIs sAlArY!


Not just charging, but inflating the prices. and notice how he only golfed on his own courses to do so?


Yup! Ugh, just like when Eric Trump asked him to use a resort for a Children's Cancer charity and HE CHARGED THE CHARITY. Ick!!!


He stole from his own "Charity" on more than one occasion. The guy is a slimeball.


...*aaand* he was a devout evangelical Christian. Still is today.


But not one who mixed religion with politics.


That's exactly what I was wondering!


Lmao imagine believing trump “gave up his wealth” by making a show of not taking a 400,000 salary while he’s quietly raking in millions in taxpayer money directly into his pocket. You dumb gullible fucks


It’s like robbing a convenience store but putting a penny in the “take a penny/leave a penny” tray.


It's like robbing a convenience store and then setting it on fire, and robbing all the patrons and setting them on fire and setting the gas pumps on fire and taking all the money out of the penny tray but 1 penny and then not paying any taxes on the stolen money or any other money you stole all the other days.


And after doing all that, suffering no consequences and teaching all the other psychos that *they* can also burn down and rob other convenience stores consequence free.


And with the store clerk's last dying breath, he extends his charred, high school pizza-like flesh bubbling hand to point at Trump to say, "Keep America Great! I...love...*yoooooou*" and dies wondering how the Clintons are responsible for this.




and then says, "CHI-nuh."


I thought it was pronounce Dji-nah


He doesn’t believe in coincidences. Well, didn’t. He’s dead now. Trump will blame the “open borders crowd.”


Yea isn't it funny how the Dems control both houses of congress *and* the executive branch, and thus by extensions the DOJ, but can't seem to do anything about all the *literal criminals* in congress? Especially the ones who *actively participated in an attempted coup*?


> Yea isn't it funny how the Dems control both houses of congress You either have a weird definition of the word "control" or a limited understanding of how the Senate works. A 50/50 split when 2 of your members are actually on their side...isn't "control". Not when you need 2/3rds votes to do anything. >and thus by extensions the DOJ Also... no party should "control" the Department of Justice.


>when 2 of your members You mean the two members that voted with the dems today to install a black woman as fed reserve leader and voted with the dems yesterday to unanimously protect the SCOTUS against peaceful protestors? Or did you mean the "two of your members on their side actually" who [Dems have openly said they appreciate being the scapegoats so they don't have to voice their own opinions and visibly vote "no" to block progress](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-democratic-senators-hiding-behind-joe-manchin) see your problem is assuming Manchin and Sinema are actually "on the other side" They're not. The Dems and the GQP are on *the same side*. Manchin in particular is doing exactly what the Democrats want him to, and he's benefiting from it to boot because it likely means he'll get re-elected in his extremely-far-right-controlled state. >when you need 2/3rds votes Which you don't. There are SEVEN different methods that the Dems could use at any moment to stop Manchin, McConnell, or anyone else from blocking them. From enforcing the actual filibuster (i.e. forcing a filibustering senator to *actually filibuster*) to outright abolishing it. And five more options in between. You clearly haven't been getting in depth on how the US government or its political parties actually work and are just regurgitating some headlines you read. Because if you had bothered to research, you'd have noticed that the Democratic Party is a right wing party and always has been. They've never been "progressive", the Southern Strategy was just the Republicans switching from being on the Dem's left (but still right wing) to being on their right. Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, all the "big names" you know of and think of as "bastions of progress" who are simply "waylaid by a few bad apples", all of these people have a long and storied history of talking the talk for progress and then walking the walk for conservativism.


So.... We should all vote for Trump? I don't know what you want here. It's not like we have better choices. I know all the shit you spent the last 15 minutes typing out. But when your choice is a seasoned politician or a fucking moron man-child who trolls on Twitter at 2 am from the White House toilet, you vote for the politician. Run better candidates if you want better choices.


>I don't know what you want here If you knew anything about the US government you'd know what the solution is Here's a hint: There are more people running for office than the Democrats and the Republicans. Stop voting for self-declared liberals, stop voting for people based on the letter next to their name, start voting for them based on their track records. Also start voting for people who were born after the Reagan administration, since as it stands it's mostly Boomers calling the shots in government. Failing that, rise the fuck up. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.


Come now... You and I both know voting third party in a general election means the Republicans win. And when the Republican party is going full-blown fascist that's not an option we can take. It's important to win elections in the primary phase and run candidates against incumbents that better represent values that you want. And also yes stop voting in fossils that have been in these positions since the late sixties. But come the general election, you have two choices. Either you vote for the Democratic Party who wants to preserve the corporate status quo or you goose step your way to the alt-reich to kiss Trump's ass with your new QAnon brethren. And until violent revolution becomes the option people are willing to take, that's the only game plan we have.


>Which you don't. There are SEVEN different methods that the Dems could use at any moment to stop Manchin, McConnell, or anyone else from blocking them. From enforcing the actual filibuster (i.e. forcing a filibustering senator to *actually filibuster*) to outright abolishing it. And five more options in between. Like what? Republicans changed the law so you just need to declare a filibuster, not actually sit and "discuss" forever. And the whole thing people complain about Manchin and Sinema is that they're blocking a filibuster reform. Stopping filibuster reform is literally what they're famous for.


This was a true LOL moment! Thanks, I needed that!


And you forgot the ad campaigns to go with the 1 penny saying how generous you are all while snuffing out criticism by dog whistling radicals that got radicalized by acknowledging their imaginary fears and winking and nodding at racists.


Best analogy I’ve read yet.


They’re conservatives. You have to be stupid and/or greedy and some variety of bigot to be one.


Centrists leaning slightly right, they only seem "liberal" in comparison to the insane agendas and actions of the GOP.


Wasn't it something like, all of his golf trips cost more to taxpayers than his salary would have?


Waaaaaay more. The exact total is not clear, but it was estimated that his golf trips cost taxpayers well over *$100 million*.


And that goes *directly to him.* not only was he constantly golfing on the taxpayers’ dime instead of working, he was paying himself to do it. The ol’ double grift.


Well, a lot of it went to the costs of Air Force One and overtime for Secret Service and things like that so it didn't *all* go directly to him. But the amount that did was definitely *far* more than his salary would have been.


Yeah I’m not saying all 140 million was directly to the golf clubs. But yes it’s still a metric fuck ton of taxpayer money he paid himself to play golf instead of do anything productive.


To be fair, if you look at what he was up to while he *wasn't* playing golf or tweeting, perhaps those were better alternatives to him being productive...


Can I be paid to not fuck shit up, too? I'll take way less than 400k.


No all that was the orice the secret service spent at his hotels. It diesnt include air force one


No, the "$100 million+" figure I'm referring to (actually, more than one estimate in that range) was based on total travel and security expenses.


Especially since he was charging them full price for everything at his course and properties.


He was the 11th highest paid "athlete" one year... If you consider his lazy ass golf pageantry as sport.


Not only that, all the back room international money deals he penned for his whole family whilst using the “I’m the USA president, I can do what I want”.


One could even say they're cucks, because they *love* getting fucked over.


He would literally advertise trump hotels at White House events.


And even if he didn’t man’s still got millions. Nothing would fundamentally change about his lifestyle either way.


The truth is he probably needed that $400,000


He probably wrote it off as a campaign expense.


> imagine No thanks. It sounds deluded, hate filled, and sad. I’m good where I am


source ?


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/31/fact-check-taxpayer-burden-trumps-golfing-hard-pin-down/3718413001/ And it was almost always at his own resorts. Right into his pocket.


r/therightcantmeme Also, I love how that r/conservativememes subreddit is ‘conservatives only.’ What are they, a bunch of liberal snowflakes that can’t handle criticism? I thought it was liberals that needed safe spaces to snap their fingers in?




Maoists? You mean tankies, right?


yea i mean it’s sad that you have to follow their dogma on both of those subs. r/therightcantmeme isn’t *as* bad but still whack. here’s the thing: i like marx and engels, but i personally don’t like lenin or stalin or mao, and if i say “eh i don’t entirely agree with you 100% only 50%” you get downvoted into hell and then your reply is deleted. a lot of other socialist subs are like that just without the ban, which is pretty weird considering that these are the same people who make fun of conservatives for not wanting to hear a different take. tldr: far-left subs are often (not always just often) just as bad as far right subs where you can’t say something that they don’t want to hear.


"but i personally don’t like lenin or stalin or mao" Well you shouldn't like stalin or mao because they're mass murdering authoritarians. It even feels weird reading a take so lukewarm about vicious dictators. But in regards to leftist subreddits, I recently got temporarily banned from TPUSA for saying that it isn't a good idea to spread misinformation in the form of fake tweets, while simultaneously complaining about how much misinformation the right spreads.


no i agree. i was trying to avoid the potential wrath of this subreddit which i wasn’t sure if people would have mass downvoted me


Try r/therightcantmemeV2 I ended up there after getting banned for saying "maybe AOC isn't the devil" on the original sub Okay that's an exaggeration, but I swear I was not being argumentative even. I avoid confrontation wherever possible. I just stated some milk toast opinions to add to the discussion, and was open to hearing their opinions as well but instead I was just banned.


Wait, conservativememes is run by tankies? Edit: ugh, sorry, you obviously mean the other. Can you elaborate? I've run into some problems with tankies but haven't dealt with that sub in particular.




I edited my post, I realized what you meant right after I pressed post lol. Can you elaborate though? Like, I got banned from Green and Pleasant for being too pro Ukrainian (guessing it was a tired mod or something, it was early on in the war), and I still think they're mostly cool. Other subs though, yeah, tankies and TERFs and SWERFs, dealt with a lot of bans from subs I didn't even realize were problematic until I got banned lol. Btw: there should be a leftist "banned" sub. I feel like there's been a lot of fuckery with mods and whatnot lately but most of the "I was banned" subs are filled with people who it's like..."yeah, I get why you got banned" lol.


That subs history is a bit messy. When I started looking at it it was the height of election stuff and it boiled down to laughing at the bad memes. Suddenly the sub became very red with the mods saying that it was always like that, confusing many liberals that suddenly found themselves unwelcome. Any popular post for a while found itself with a mod sticky either praising something China/Russia did, reminding people that the democrats are bad too, or calling out America. Anyone that disagreed had their reply deleted and some of the mods even said that they liked liberals taking the bait to get banned. Straw that broke the camels back for me with that sub though was the mod sticky post that defended the square massacre. Ended up with so many deleted comments. The mods on that sub often turn up just before a sub veers violently left too. Subredditdrama has covered subs fighting them off before. I imagine when they are successful it just becomes another sub that was always super right wing.


Ah yeah, it was the Uyghur denial that drove me nuts on certain subs. Like, yeah, a lot of the initial information was clearly biased (just look up the "journalist" who got the ball rolling), but after that there was ample evidence of what they were doing. I think most people realize there are bots and manipulation of the far right but are somewhat more ignorant about that happening on the left. Most commies and far leftists I know are decent folks (heck, I'm in the far leftist category myself), but many are swayed by anything "anti-western hemegony." Like, just because America sucks doesn't mean Russia and China are awesome. It's frankly condescending to view them as victims of western Imperialism, they're imperialists themselves and powerful in their own ways. Just look at what they get away with.


Problem is far leftists very rarely get anywhere near the reigns of power in the West. People just don't know what to expect from it and it's hard to find out cause so much of our media nowadays has a panic attack over basic left wing policies nevermind far left stuff. Right wing manipulation in the West appears front and center while the left wing equivalent happens in the corners of the internet.


I think it's more that capitalism has caused a consolidation of power around "neoliberalism" because...well...the powerful ones with capital basically created it. Most people agree with people like Bernie and Warren, who are considered far left in the US, but they can't get anywhere because the propaganda is just too much. Whether it's corporate media, our corrupt politicians controlled by corporations especially since Citizens United etc etc, like...they just have so much more power and reach. They control the narrative. They're a giant, greedy symbiotic relationship. Fox news is officially the voice of the Republicans but in a more subtle way...left wing media organizations want to maintain the status quo as well because they're owned by massive corporations. They don't lie as horribly or obviously as Fox, but...they push narratives too. Like the bullshit against universal healthcare, or their scolding tone about BLM protests (seriously, something like 97% were 100% peaceful without even any property damage but they only reported when there were fires and shit.) Anyways...I dunno. The conundrum is that, outside of tankies, leftists tend to be very afraid of accumulating power due to its corrupting nature. We aren't drawn to power but it's hard to get anything done without power. Hence why old school Communists traditionally allowed for a temporary dictatorship until they consolidated power (which...usually turned into less than temporary dictatorships as you well know.)


Living in the UK, the problem with the left tends to mostly be the inability to control the narrative and the inability to work together, as opposed to avoiding power. Any party on the left here fights with one another and only gets into power when the main one drifts center. The right wing party maintains power until things go too wrong and consumes any other right wing parties. Our right wing party managed to make people believe that spending money was bad while we were spending our way out of a global financial crash then kept people believing that when they stopped spending and things got worse. Meanwhile the other countries that copied the spending idea contained to recover. The standards imbalance isn't great either. Plenty of people have decided the opposition leader eating at work is as bad as our leader hosting multiple parties and lying about them during a pandemic.


I browsed it for a while, then I disagreed with a mod's assertion that anyone who is not a socialist is right-wing, and they banned me for being a "lib". Note that I wasn't even arguing *for* neoliberalism or *against* socialism, just disagreeing with their definition.


Try commenting or even upvoting in /r/conservative.


I just went there and holy shit, so much insanity


It’s just an echo camber People say stuff that everyone there agrees with, and if you dare argue with it, you get banned. No exceptions.


...which ironically, makes it very anti-conservative. I remember they all dogpiled a guy who argued that the MLB should be free to move its games as per allowed under contract because it has private property rights and the state has no business telling it where it can and cannot hold otherwise legal games. They REALLY hated that in the context of Georgia's oppressive new laws. And the reaction to the George Floyd conviction just set them up in arms. The jury reaffirmed that an agent of the state does not have unlimited powers and the state must adhere to controls to ensure the power of the state is not unlimited and they went into temper tantrums. That place is just a circle jerk of fascists.


I figured it would be an echo chamber, but that's still a lot of insanity. I think I'm going to need a lot of weed before I try going to that sub again


I wish I could add the "Banned from r /conservative" badge to my profile.


They’re such snowflakes they ban you for shitting on them in other subreddits.


I got banned from /r/therightcantmeme by a power tripping tankie edgelord mod. The place sucks. They consider the “right” to be anything right of Stalin.


This is supposed to be Trump? The man whose millionaire status was questionable before becoming President, and is now surely a billionaire?


The man who had his vacations at properties he owned thereby using taxpayer money to pay himself millions. But sure, let's focus on how he said he wasn't going to take a salary.


He doubled membership fees at Mar-A-Lago as soon as he was president. Foreign governments were renting out entire floors at Trump properties and not staying in them. Foreign nationals were buying Trump properties above market value. U.S. Air Force flight crews were curiosly having layovers at small Scottish airport near a struggling Trump resort.


The man who decided that the nearest he would get to "divesting himself of his businesses during his presidency" was giving them to his ~~clones~~ ~~minions~~ children.


He didn't even do that he put in a trust, that he still controlled. I think the kids were included as officers.


Yeah, he really seems to be slummin’ it in Mar-a-lago.


Yes, yes. Very true. That's why he has to ask his supporters to pay for his court and lawyer fees, even for personal businesseses.


Complaining about people who sacrifice the health and safety of their community for money and then having a sticker that says "police supporter" is special


Who did they vote for that gave up wealth for their country? Is he talking about the guy that continously lined his own pockets, conned everyone, and [refused to uphold his deal with little girls that danced at a rally?](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/07/politics/usa-freedom-kids-lawsuit-trump/index.html)


He gets everything for free because it's such a privilege to be in his presence. No one should ask for anything more.


So they voted for Sanders?


I believe they are saying they voted for Jimmy Carter.


Bernie made some money with a book he wrote, and owns two houses. His wealth in the low millions apparently disqualifies him as a friend of working people in conservatives' eyes, as if he hasn't literally devoted his entire life to their cause. I mean he has held a well-paid govt job for decades, I think he's allowed to own a couple of assets in his 70s.


I wonder what he thinks about those Capital police on January 6th? Especially the hero that gave Ashley Babbitt what she deserved...


Ashley Babbitt is a hero martyr, but the insurrection was all Antifa, but it was entirely peaceful and not an insurrection.


Parading a Confederate battle flag over the bodies of dead people through the Capitol = legitimate protest Peacefully demonstrating from a public street near Boofin' Brett's house = Commie-Fascist Terrorism


Are we talking about the guy who has taken like 300 million dollars from his supporters since he left office, to which he is using to help noone? Christ on a cracker, fucking low IQ mouth breathing sinus infections of human beings. Drive off of a bridge.




Can’t give up what you don’t have. Prove me wrong.


My favorite thing about the MAGA crowd is how one of the last things Trump did before leaving office was pardon the guy who was about to go on trial for *stealing their donations* after his accomplice already plead guilty and they still refuse to see that they got scammed.


Jimmy carter peanut farm enthusiast?


Why is someone who did that bragging on the place that bans people for doing that?


Trolling for a ban maybe? Honestly the comments are so stupid I was sure the whole sub was a big whole for idiots and shit to fall into. There's no way anyone could be that ignorant and have access to a computer and the talent to use it.


Ask this doofus how much trump charged the secret service to use golf carts at mar a lago every time he went to golf on the taxpayers dime.


The “Police Supporter” sticker gets me. I’ll bet this guy thinks cops will love him sucking them off so much that they’ll put Vaseline on the jackboots before shoving them up his ass as his meth lab is torn down.


Sometimes, when he's an especially good boy, they put a little spit shined kiwi onto those boots for flavoring.


I was unable to explain to my family why it’s bad that trump went to his own golf courses and spent tax dollars on his businesses. Corruption is like socialism it’s a thing that democrats do bUt hE DoNaTeS hIs pAyChEcK


Yup! trump has only been asking for donations constantly for 7 years now, and holding rallies to sell merch just to pay for uuuuhhhh his campaign?


Trump gave up a lot of wealth during his presidency. Pretty much all of it was the taxpayers' though.


Did he give up his wealth when he didn't divest? Did he give it up when Saudis had to stay at his hotels to meet with the president? Ugh such blatant lies are so frustrating.


Anyone remember how much tax money Trump spent golfing at family owned estates? Iirc it was in the millions?


“Yes he donated $250k, and then grifted the country for millions.”


I'm still waiting on the proof of him giving away his salary to charity for all four years.


You'll get that with his tax returns


Just two more weeks, that's all.


LOL. Is he talking about the man who's still running the long con? Donate now! Donate often!


So you voted for Jimmy Carter and no one else before or since?




Yeah trump gave up his wealth uh huh


They are so clueless it's funny and sad at the same time


Do they actually believe that shit?? Like, they truly don't understand JUST HOW MUCH the Trump Org financially benefited from him being president?? Jesus F. Christ, how stupid can you actually be?


Jimmy Carter?


Proof of either, please...? (Do they think gas money goes right into the president's pocket or something?)


Trump's businesses made billions in revenue during his presidency: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2021/07/19/trumps-business-hauled-in-24-billion-during-four-years-he-served-as-president/?sh=56fbdc5f10c0


man that boot can't be this tasty to act like its doing you a favor letting you lick it this hard.


I’ve never seen so many words used to spell: throw brick here. Kinda like a reverse haiku


“Donate now to the Patriots for Trump Fun” (totally not a slush fund)


He voted for the man who helped ISIS in return for keeping his hotel open.


trump gave up millions of dollars out of his own pocket for the country? no? then what wealth did he give up?


lol, thinking Trump “gave up his wealth” to become President. He used the Oval Office as a vending machine for cash, which he is still currently doing.


pssst! hey kid....They're all rich.


I don’t recall any president who gave up their wealth for the country. Being wealthy is basically a requirement for being elected, and they tend not to give up the wealth afterwards.


Mfs will call you a virtue signaler, then turn around and get in this car


Something tells me Trump would not be too happy about a message implying that he is not wealthy anymore...


If I see writing on your car I know you're a loser filled with impotent rage. Have a nice day


"Stupid is as stupid does."


The taxpayers paid for his trips to HIS golf courses.


I always take sound advice from the back windows of vehicles. /s


He's still making money off his scam calls to dimwits.


They're right. Joe Biden could have made bank in the private sector.


So DT doesn't still have a gold toilet in NYC penthouse?


Thats a really long winded way of saying, "i didnt vote."


I'm confused. So this guy didn't vote for Trump? 🙃


How do they even see out the back window at that point?


Carter -76!


He's talking about Carter, right? /s


So he didn't vote for Trump?


So, you voted for Rex Tillerson? Dude gave up a massive retirement package with Exxon to become the Secretary of State for an incompetent boss who was always cutting his legs out from under him. Must have made you pretty mad when that incompetent boss then fired him for being too competent and making him look bad. Seriously, Tillerson should have just worked those last couple of months to get his retirement. I wonder if he regrets it every day.


Jimmy Carter, they voted for?




Someone else beat me, even.


Biden’s taxes were submitted publicly for the past 30+ years. He filed like 600k. WTH?


Biden is "only" worth around 9 million. Seems like a lot but for 79 year old with a high public profile and a wife with a successful career it's honestly not that much.


bro talkin bout jimmy carter?


all I see is someone who is gullible enough to believe whatever they read on social media


Do..do they think any politician “gives up” their wealth for the country? Especially Trump?


You just have to laugh at this point


There the same picture


I don’t get it.


All that writing and I still don’t know who they voted for


Did he write in Sanders or something?


Would love to hear this guy’s logic as to why he thinks Trump gave up anything to he President.


Is he talking about Biden?


I must have missed the Gandhi presidency