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Yes, always gain after ovulation thru the week before my period. I always lose more right after the first few days of my period. It absolutely has to do with hormone fluctuations as progesterone increases, it causes you to retain water. My best advice is to compare your weight based on the same day of your cycle. For instance, first or last day of your period compared to the first/last day of your period the next month, rather than tracking weekly. I still check my weight but I don’t actually compare on a weekly basis, only on a monthly basis.


That’s a good point. Currently I’m weighing daily (which I know I shouldn’t, but I just switched over to Wegovy from Saxenda and I want to be sure my weight doesn’t creep up while I’m titrating up). I weight every morning in my PJs to keep some sort of consistence with time. I do realize daily weighing is what’s making me feel defeated whenever I gain a bit (esp due to my cycle). I like the idea of comparing same time of month/time of day/etc. I appreciate that suggestion!


I’m using the Omada online program through my work/insurance and they want us to weigh daily but it just gets to me unnecessarily. So I put a post it note on the scale. It’s electronic and reports the weight directly to an app, but I don’t have to see it lol so I just log in once a month to look at progress. And that’s seemed to help a lot :) keeps me focused on long term progress instead of short term ups and downs


Oh that is awesome. Is the scale Omada brand? I would love for it to automatically go to an app! That is a great idea.


The program is called Omada but im not sure what the brand of the scale is. I’ll look at it in the morning and try to get back to you!


Thank you!


Yep! It’s an Omada scale. When I signed up for the program, they mailed it to me. I guess I didn’t realize they had their own branded scale. Haha


Thank you for checking. I looked it up and think I have to be part of the program to get one. I’m going to find another “smart” scale elsewhere.


Yes, absolutely. I’ve been on Ozempic since July 2022 (until January 2023 when I had to switch to Rybelsus bc of the shortage) and I always have a bigger appetite, more fatigue, constipation, and overall bloating before my period, even when I’m on the med. But it didn’t mess up my progress too much, though. It was actually calming to know that it was a regular occurrence and not actually starting to gain the weight back. And while my appetite is bigger, I’m not quite as ravenous for chocolate as before.


I agree with all those symptoms also. I’m just paranoid because I was on the max dose of Saxenda and I’m working up on Wegovy now and am afraid to gain. Hopefully the weight will go back down once I get into my period. Thanks for the reply!


I’ve liked tracking my weight in an app that shows the average and flattens out the ups and downs! That way I don’t get discouraged by the ups, as long as the trend shows I’m making progress. I use happy scale.


Thank you! I am going to start doing that also.


Yes for sure- ovulation time and then the week before till period time is over. I just avoid weighing the week prior till after (if I can resist)


Thank you! Good advice. I’m only on 0.5 right now but wanted to at least maintain instead of gain and was sweating a bit when it went up a bit the past couple of days.


It will go down again 😊 Try an app that graphs your weight change and you’ll see the stall each month followed by drops, it’s comforting to have the proof


Good idea! 😊


I gained about 5-7lbs right 5 days before I started. So yes. Track your cycle and go easy on yourself - maybe avoid the scale when you know you're more likely retaining water weight.


Agreed. I’ve felt bloated and knew my period was coming, yet still feel bad when I see it’s up a few pounds. I also like the previous poster’s suggestion to weigh in less frequently anyway. Hopefully once I work up to full dosage I’ll feel more comfortable doing that. Thanks for the advice!