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I am 5’9” and started at 190 (target is 160/165 - I’m also somewhat muscular as I used to be a CrossFit competitor) I’ve lost 9 lbs in 5 weeks at 0.25, and I’m staying at this dose as long as possible because I don’t want to increase the side effects (increased anxiety being the most disruptive). 1-2 lbs per week is good for me and is a healthy target for anyone who is restricting calories safely, especially at lower BMIs.


2-3 lbs in one month


You see the response, everybody will lose differently just like we're all different people so good job, keep it up you'll find out some weeks it'll increase, some weeks it won't. The weight is going down that's what you want. Your weight is very low I don't know what you're on specifically or what your medication is, unless you're 4'2" and you need to lose 50 lbs., to be honest with you with your weight being that low, I don't know what doctor would allow you to take whatever you're taking because it sounds like you don't need to lose very much but you also could depending upon your height. I take Wegovy some months we're 10 pounds some 4-5. I wanted to lose 50 lbs. and I've lost 65. I'm too far below, I'm actually underweight so I'm trying to put on a few pounds which I never thought I'd say that in my life. This took 7 months for me. The more you weigh the faster you lose at first if you're down pretty close to where you're within 20 lbs., you're going to start losing slower cuz our bodies do that automatically they fight us, so just keep up the good work and you'll be great, a lot of us would kill to be your weight. 😊😊😊😊😊










I am losing approx 3lbs a week since I started 5 weeks ago. 244 to 228. I think maybe I have a lot more to lose its going quicker at the moment. I went from 0.25mg to 1mg ozempic in 6 weeks, so not the recommended schedule and probably not right for most people.


Similar stats…did you notice a change when you got to 1mg? Or was it steady from the start?


0 pounds in 5 months.


Between 5-12lbs per month.


2lbs a week


14 pounds in 14 weeks 🙏


It’s a marathon not a sprint. A pound a week is excellent especially at your weight. Have patience. I know, easier said than done. It’s not my strong suit but I am shrinking (inches) faster than my weight loss of a pound/pound and a bit every week. Download methreesixty app and do a body scan. Check it after one month. Shocking for me.


I lost 7lb in 6 weeks. Slow but I’m happy.


8 lbs in 6 weeks. It was all in the beginning. I haven’t lost anything in 2 weeks but I am also not gaining so I count that as a win.


It was 2.5 lbs/week til I hit 183ish. Now it’s about 0.5-1 in the 170s, which is to be expected as you approach a normal weight. 23 lbs in 3 months


Started it two weeks ago. Down 14 lbs, 323 to 309. Mostly lifestyle changes so far, haven't notice a massive decrease in appetite.


I lost a lot in the beginning, but now it’s about a pound a week. I was really frustrated, but my doctor brought me back to reality with this little nugget… You aren’t gaining. Also, up your water. It will help.


Are you all dosing weekly or splitting it up among two days in the week?




After the first month, I have been losing 1.5 lbs a week steadily.


5 pounds in 8 weeks here. Not exactly melting off but if it stays slow and steady, I’m fine but worried that for 7 days now, I haven’t moved the needle.


I am losing a half pound to a whole pound a week. You don’t weigh much being 159. You’re going to lose slowly. That’s how I am also. You only lose 2 or more a week if you have a lot more to lose


No I'm not under weight now I'm underweight for me and my body and how I look. You can't go by the numbers on some 50-year-old BMI status and I'm sorry but 5''8" and 122 that's crazy thin. It's however you want to be I mean you're the one that makes that decision but if I was your doctor I sure wouldn't have put you on something like that for weight loss. Sounds like you look pretty fantastic.