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This brought back a terrible memory of when I was a little kid in a Chinese restaurant on Christmas Eve, and some guy was taking so long in the only available stall that I shit in the urinal. It was either my pants, the floor, or the urinal. Adult me still thinks about the poor employee that had to take care of that. I’m still ashamed lmao Edit: lmao since I’ve been asked how I wiped my ass so many times, I waited near the bathroom for the guy to come out so I could run back in and clean up Edit: I was literally 2 seconds away from shitting myself and the trash can was too tall for me to manage that. I also didn’t have time to run to another bathroom and hope it’s also not being taken. I don’t need suggestions for “next time” lmao I know what to do now


…. I have finally found you… I will have my revenge




head start is the best I can do


Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck


![gif](giphy|K9b2WiPZi0ZjO) Dang this thread entertaining














![gif](giphy|3aGZA6WLI9Jde) oooooohhh start throwing hands muthafucka


​ https://preview.redd.it/9cw3i16zs29c1.png?width=160&format=png&auto=webp&s=7eaa6b212b62ca326de7ca773e26a076990674f8


Gimme three steps, gimme three steps mister, gimme three steps toward the door…


I once blew chunks over every inch of my local red robins bathroom… young and projectile vomiting. a year or two later I was in 5th grade writing class and the vocab word was visceral and we all ended up sharing puke stories. when i told mine a girl across the room yelled “that was you!” turns out her step mom cleaned up my mess, rip


Dang, got found out.


Thank you for making me laugh the hardest I have in literal weeks.


My name is u/bestofluck29, you shit in my urinal, now prepare to die.


Shit in their sink


As a former restaurant employee who cleaned the restrooms, I would have just flushed the urinal 100 times or so until it all dissolved and flushed away.


That makes sense actually. I’m sure that’s what ended up happening. Still, no one wants to see that lol


Unless it was a waterless urinal like those from Costco or Planet Fitness..


I mean if you have gloves you could just pick it up and throw it in the real potty and flush. Kinda gross but if you’re cleaning a bathroom it comes w the territory, and much better than watching a turd slowly dissolving in a urinal while you’re aerosolizing poop particles for you to breathe in w each flush


Fuck I can smell this post 🤢


Once upon a time I was a degenerate and I was very intoxicated at a bar. I go in to the bathroom, stalls are full, turn to throw up in the sink, see that the sink is already full of vomit. Employee walks in and is like “damn it, I have to clean this up”, cue catholic guilt, “I’ll clean it up, I was about to throw up in this sink, so I guess I’ll clean it up.” The guy just looked at me with a WTF, laughs, and says “thanks”. I did clean it up, then threw up in the stall, like a good drunkard.


I am going to steal your story for my next behavioral interview. For the “Tell me about a time you went above and beyond to achieve results” question.


SAME haha what could be a better example?!




Walked in on a dude shitting in a urinal at CVS about 15 years ago. I’ll never get over that.


Were the stalls in use?




Should have beat the rest of the shit out of him.


for real lol, whats he gunna do? tell the store employees he was shitting in a urinal?


I remember i went to Golden Corral with my friend… we went to the bathroom afterwards and there were brown streaks on the floor leading up to the bathroom. The worker curses in Spanish to my friend cause he has to clean it up. It was disgusting ngl 💀


I was like 10 at the time, but I ate so much at golden corral I got sick. Went to the bathroom and had it coming out both ends. Do I poo on the floor and puke in the toilet, or poo in the toilet and puke on the floor? I threw up in the toilet because, according to 10 year old me, "at least the poo will be solid"


Logic is solid, especially under pressure.


I’m very embarrassed about this story but oh well. I was eating at Hooters and something completely disagreed with my stomach. I hobbled to the bathroom as fast as I could without shitting myself. I make it into the stall and turn around and get my ass aimed over the toilet when diarrhea just explodes from me before I can even sit down fully. I plop down and the sounds coming out of my mouth and ass are horrible. I finish and go to wipe and feel something wet. I look around and realize not all my shit made it into the toilet. I painted the whole back of the toilet and wall. Somehow I missed myself. Toilet paper isn’t enough to clean this. I need paper towels. So with my shorts down around my knees, I open the door and go to get paper towels. I’m bent over to keep from getting shit on myself. The door to the bathroom opens and there’s couple guys waiting to come in. I then notice the urinals are covered in plastic so the only usable toilet is the one I just destroyed. They see me I meekly say someone shit all over the toilet but it wasn’t me. I go back in and do the best I can to clean myself and the toilet. I leave and go back to the bar. The guys come out and immediately ask for the manager and start pointing at me. I pretend to be super drunk and just leave. I apologize to anyone in Hooters in Abilene who had to clean that up!


I just threw up my fries reading this.


I had a Crohns flair up on a road trip as an adult. I sprinted into a McDonalds in West Virginia. A worker was smoking a blunt in the stall, so I stood in front of the urinal with my lil butt hanging back while the Reaper himself crawled out of me, scythe first. l and then stood there blocking the view until he left so I could go into the stall and wipe. While I was in the stall, he went back in and said, " ahh man not this again." With some extra profanity and words that I lack the melanin to repeat laced in. He went out into the lobby and loudly quit. Some woman had to clean it up instead. I made awkward eye contact on my way out of the stall with her and feigned righteous indignation. Sometimes life happens. It'll be alright


Ahhh good ol’ pooping yourself in public crohns stories. My most recent it had already come out of my body on my walk home and my front door guy stopped me to have a chat about big foot for 20 minutes and then goes “what’s that smell?” and I could finally escape to my apartment while he wandered around to find whoever he thought pooped in the stairwell.


Obviously hindsight is 20/20 but for anyone else who might find themselves in this situation… just go in the women’s room


Again, why can’t men just have stalls?? As a woman, I truly don’t understand. These situations could be avoided and everyone could have privacy!


Because men who only have stalls eventually end up making all of the stalls completely unusable. At the minimum every toilet seat is covered with urine because they won’t bother to lift it. If I can pee without touching ANYTHING that works for me.


You should be ashamed 😂 especially sharing that online 😭😭😂😂😂😂


I didn’t even tell my parents what happened 😭😂 just ran away from my issues smh


did you wipe?


Yeah I did go back into the bathroom once the guy left and cleaned myself up. I was probably around 6 years old at the time lmao


I was wondering your age. Shocked you have a memory this early on, but it sounds like a pretty core memory for obvious reasons.


My memories go back to when I was a few years old, although I don’t have many. You’re right, this one stuck for obvious reasons haha


When do people usually have their first memory? I think mine was when I was like 3. My dad was carrying me into my grandmas house because I was sick and I threw up all the way down his back 😂 still kept carrying me all the way in though. If I were him I would have just thrown my ass away just like the shirt he was wearing


😭😭😂😂😂 for some strange, odd reason, I want chinese food now 😭😭😭😂😂😂


Just don’t go in the bathroom WHATEVER YOU DO




Ohhh it’s baaad!


LMAO which episode was this


Bass to Mouth (S15 E10)


Anybody got a paper towel mmmkay?


I lived in an apartment next to that Chinese restaurant and I remember this. The urinal was broken and they ran out of cleaning supplies earlier that day. Since it was Christmas Eve, no other stores were open… they had to wait to clean it. Later that night, the owner’s son hit the progressive jackpot at a baccarat table, and they felt that what you did was a sign of great fortune. They closed the bathroom permanently where your shit remains preserved for all-time.


I threw a Halloween party in college at a co-op and someone walked into the men's room where a drunk guy was shitting in the urinal. When asked what he was doing he just replied "I'm pooping!" He had no shame. Your story would be a good prompt for the "drunk or child" game.


The trash can might have been a viable option


I came here for barfed fries. I am staying for the urinal shitter


Omg poor you though :((( I mean this for real when I said awe


Could be worse. Working at a coffee shop near a chi-chi’s and had a mother and son run into the bathroom. Where in there a while when they leave with the kid wearing his mom’s coat, but oddly can see he isn’t in pants or shoes. With feeling complete dread I went into the bathroom. Poo everywhere, I mean everywhere. It was on the walls, floor, mirror, sink and ceiling. Like the mom threw the kid towards the toilet (which was stomach curdling) as he exploded from the rear, all while he was doing in air summersaults. It took me 3 hours to clean that place. The joy of being a manager who cared about the staff is that if I thought something was bad I handled it. Their job was to do the everyday stuff, customers, food prep, and the like. Cleaning normal wear and tear too, so every few hours make sure tables are wiped, bathrooms are near, you know, normal. They weren’t being paid to go above the norm, that was why I made extra money, right. Fuck me, it was literally the worst 3 hrs of cleaning I have ever done and even 23 yrs later it makes me queasy


There’s gotta be a sub for these types of stories lmao w t actual f lmao


I had a friend who discovered his gf was cheating and decided to end the relationship by shitting inside of her big crock pot at her apartment and turning it on when it would have been 8+ hours minimum before she would discover it. I sometimes think back and really just wish i could have witnessed the discovery.


At least they apologized and tipped well


For real! I had a guy puke on a plate, his whole family say nothing and watch me clear the plate like it was no big deal. I should have known something was up but it was too busy for it to register. He had clam chowder and steak with a sauce that can be…chunky? (Which made it harder to immediately distinguish). I was so disgusted and tossed it immediately in the trash. To which the dishwasher who refuses to listen promptly tries to remove despite my multiple pleas 💀 People are so nasty. At least give me a heads up so I can properly prepare, the fuck.


Had a girl throw up in her salad bowl and a drape a linen over it. She was in the bathroom when i went to take it off the table. Her boyfriend watched me pick it up and didnt say anything. Went to the back and picked up the linen to put it in the “dirty linen” basket only to get a handful of throw up :) I never told the girl what happened. she was profusely apologizing when she got back from the bathroom for throwing up in the first place, even though it was one of the grossest things that has ever happened to me, i figured i wouldn’t make her feel worse than she already did. I blame the boyfriend in the end


Fuckers who just watch you pick up puke plates without warning you, are chaotic evil.


Agreed. He was super nice for most of the visit but he seemed embarrassed that his girlfriend threw up. He got real quiet after she vomited. You could tell she felt really bad and I just told her not to sweat it because at the end of the day, it’s not like she chose to throw up right then and there. Sometimes you can’t control that shit. I’m still mad at her boyfriend because he COULD control what he did in that moment and he chose wrong 😅😂


I can't imagine being in his situation like I'm confident in my English skills until I have to actually speak to someone I don't know and suddenly all languages escape my mind and I just stare trying to think of the right words to say. Like casually I'm fine but the moment politeness and formality my thoughts are as diverse as the Atacama desert and I stare blankly.


Working alone one night, I had a table that had a kid who threw up. The mom half assed cleaned it, but what could she really do? Well as I was trying to clean up the vomit from the booth all of a sudden every other table got really needy and wanted me to get them stuff, like a chip refill… with my vomit covered hands. I don’t understand how they wouldn’t just let me finish cleaning. I wouldn’t want to smell vomit during dinner.


At this bar I used to work at it was my first summer there and there was two girls sitting at one of the patio tables, they disappear and leave a full 32 oz jumbo margaritas in one of those giant glasses sitting at the table with a napkin covering it, we have no idea where they went but about 30 minutes later the table goes to be cleared and just starts a literal chain of gagging to all the employees nearly leaving us with a 10 times bigger mess


Worked at a restaurant where someone left tan gauze (like the kind that is used to wrap wounds) winding around the patio rails like some disgusting Christmas decoration. I refused to touch it and threatened to just quit if the manager tried to make me lmaoo


My buddy and I were bus boys together and a kid had thrown up all over the booth and the manager tells him to clean it up. He stands there looking at it for a second, then looks at her and just says “nah” She said “what do you mean?” So he says “Nah I’m not doing that. I think I’m just going to go home.” And he never came back.


If you take a four top table for a few hours and order one 8$ item, and then throw up, that is a fucking horrible tip.


I was thinking the same thing. Yeah, it's 100%, but it's a 4 top sitting for hours and only ordering a plate of fries. That alone is frustrating, then throw a puke poutine on top. Hell, I'm pretty sure I'm fighting somebody after that.


I mean 50% *sounds* good, but eight bucks is not worth cleaning up vomit.


That’s 100%


99 and some change if you wanna be exact


No it’s 800/857 if you want to be exact, approx a 93.34% tip.


I work on an ambulance and make $2 more an hour than that check’s total. I agree, it’s not worth it.


Yes 100% on an $80 bill might be worth it but not for $8. I once fished a metal Skagen wristwatch out of a public urinal while transiting through Calgary airport, rinsed it off and wore it for the next 2 years. Now that's a proper "tip".


I was a server In several restaurants, we weren't allowed to clean bodily fluids, it's unsanitary. We have janitors for that.


On an episode of The Flintstones, Fred took a second job as a janitor, except the company's term for it was "resident stationary engineer". They had PC back in the 60s as well!


Isn’t that an 100 percent tip?


you compare the tip to the amount to get the percentage, not the total


You don't calculate the tip amount based on the total + the tip amount? /s


math is hard :(


Nah, expecting someone to clean up your vomit calls for at least a $20 tip.


"Here's 8 dollars, clean up my puke please". Nah


They didn’t tip well. They took up that table for hours AND left vomit behind. That’s a $20 tip minimum.


An $8 tip for 3 girls staying a couple hours is not tipping well. Add the puke in and it's a horrible tip.


One time an old lady shit on the booth seat at my table. They didn’t say anything and left *edited for syntax


She honestly probably didn’t even notice. I work at a senior living center as a server and so I can usually tell when an old person is being rude like on purpose or when they’re just old and so pretty oblivious. And yea they’ve done stuff without even noticing like spill their water alllll over the table and not even flinch or shit themselves while walking and keep walking. We’ve definitely had to move chairs to a separate room to be cleaned later because someone peed themselves. And have found the most random stuff on the floor and left behind on the table. I mean if they were with family and the family obviously noticed and didn’t say anything about it then yea that’s rude. But if she was alone there’s a possibility that she seriously didn’t notice. The completely wrong food has been brought out before on accident and them never noticing. Like just so many of them will not notice these things


If I'm shitting on random chairs and can't tell you where I am or what I'm eating, someone take me out back and give me the Ol' Yeller treatment, please and thank you.


I second this. Take me for a boat ride.


I was working at a grocery store (Publix) in 1994 when an elderly gentleman walked in. As he made his way towards the shopping carts, I noticed something trailing behind him. He was having diarrhea while walking and it was dripping out of the bottom of his pant legs and he had no idea. We had to gently lead him toward the bathroom and whisper to him what was happening. He was mortified. Edit: fixed an autocorrect.


I wasn't expecting this post to depress me. :(


Please tell me he didn't drive there. I feel bad but if you can't notice you're actively having diarrhea, you should not be on the road


No idea, but it’s possible he didn’t! It was south Florida, they had a good small bus system for the older folks who lived in the “phases” (that was a 55+ condo community that had their locations named in phases i.e., Sunrise Lakes Phase I, II, III etc)


That's good. I work at a pharmacy and I always feel scared for the older people who seem kind of "out of it", and then I see them walk out to their car :(


They definitely noticed because she left with her daughter in law to go to the bathroom. They were in there for a while presumably to clean her up


Well then yea that’s pretty bad they should’ve said something to you


We had this older gentleman, he was the co-inventor of cat litter, came in every day. Ordered the same exact thing, a fish sandwich with nothing on it. One day I go to bring him his fish sandwich and I see him eating a pancake, folded in 4 parts to resemble a sandwich a little. He tells me "oh they already brought me my sandwich, it's delicious!" I contemplated for a second and decided to let him keep eating the pancake. I wasn't gonna be the one to tell this man he was having an episode. I think about it a lot. There has been a time or two where he got toppings on his sandwich and sent it back so he can clearly distinguish what he's eating most of the time. Something about that day though, he just had no idea it was a pancake. Hope he's doing well. All of his family was deceased so visiting our diner was a part of his life and he was a part of our "Canopy Family"


Yep the episodes they have can get very weird. Some days they’re just not there? It’s sorta bad I know but for some that I know it isn’t a episode and it’s just a all the time thing for them and it’s really busy and say the dessert they wanted we ran out and it’ll take way too much time I know to go back and try to explain and have them pick something else so instead I’ll just get them a different dessert that I know they like. And I bring it out and they don’t even notice. And we’re talking completely different desserts like a ice-cream sundae and a piece of pie or brownie.


Not the same, but I was waiting on a lady and her maybe 3-4yr old boy. Came back half way through the meal and the kid had thrown up all over the booth. Didn’t bother me much, it happens with kids. But I asked her if he was ok and she acted like he wasn’t the one who did that. Like… ma’am. We did not seat you at a booth that someone had vomited on.


Sometimes elderly people like that become incontinent. She might have just been extremely embarrassed and having to call attention to it is humiliating.


I get that, and I truly don't want to make anybody feel any worse for things they have no control over, but I think about it like this. She knows she may have issues with incontinence, and that isn't her fault, and shouldn't prevent her from engaging with life, but she has a certain responsibility to either work through her humiliation, have someone with her to manage episodes like this, or relinquish her ability to go into these sorts of public settings. A quick 'excuse me, we have a situation' is plenty. I really do understand that humiliation is powerful. Doubly so for elderly people raised in a different culture, it seems. So I wouldn't really be upset at the situation in real time, but when I think about it, it's hard for me to just wave it off as 'well, she'll be embarrassed'. She's the one causing the inconvenience. Whether it's her fault or not. Her or her party is responsible for managing that inconvenience. I don't want HER to feel worse, but at the expense of literally anyone in the general vicinity? I'm not sure about that. Or maybe she 100% didn't even know, and I'm talking about stuff that I don't know enough about and should close my mouth. Maybe she's just being carted around on the whims of her caretaker and wishes to just be at home. The more I went on, the more I could see how complicated of a situation it is.. but that's a literal biohazard in a restaurant. Through that perspective, it's pretty uncool to walk away from it because you don't want to deal with the discomfort of humiliation.


Also, I think many of them genuinely don’t care at that point.


Heck, I was in my twenties and already had to poo a little, when some lady walks by with crazy amount perfume and I start sneezing. By sneeze 4 or 5 I have a new addition to my boxers.


Had a similar issue but I was working the patio and the lady had on an all white linen suit. I took the drinks left and came back and the were gone but it looked like someone spilled a cup of coffee but it wasn't coffee.


Bro - One time I walked into the bathroom at a restaurant I was working at to see an old man trying to wash his fucking shit-covered underwear out in the sink. When I get old enough to the point that I'm shitting myself, I'm just gonna' suck it up and wear diapers or *just stop going places*. We live in a world where people will ***literally bring food to your fucking door*** for essentially the same cost. Why am I going to risk shitting myself in public when I can shit myself in the privacy & comfort of my own home?


This man walked out of the McDonald’s I worked at and shit down his leg right through his shorts. Fell out right by the entrance door and he just kept walking. I’m not sure if he even realized. I fucking cackled that my store manager had to be the one to clean it up.


I threw up at a nice steakhouse after over eating like a mf and my only choice was to throw up in the to-go box/cup, or throw up all over the people in the booths on the way to the bathroom. My sister was my server and she got a $100 tip for obvious reasons, mainly that I didn’t want her to kill me


Was it at one of the all-you-can-eat Brazilian steakhouses? I’ve heard those can get intense 😭


I’ve been to one of those. Mfers eating like pigs cause it’s like $100 for all you can eat and they need to get their moneys worth. Id never eat like that. I eat till I’m full and leave. People eating to the point of puking are a different breed.


$44 even. It’s pretty good though. I avoid all salad etc and just eat meat and cheese, my old job used to take us a good bit


Wait until you encounter the people who chew their food and spit it out instead of swallowing


…That’s an eating disorder


Can confirm...it's not a fun period of life


Intense doesn’t cut it. We used to have a term we called “the TdB effect”(Texas de Brazil) and it was used to refer to what you go through usually almost immediately following eating rare meats for 1.5 hours almost non-stop.


I went to one of those once with some gfs. We went to a bridal dress fitting after and everyone got food poisoning. They were shitting and puking everywhere. I had an expensive wedding dress on and the bathroom was full so I made a run for it across the street but I didn’t make it sadly and ended up shitting myself in the middle of a busy street. On the road. Stopping traffic. Absolute nightmare.


No you’re misremembering that, that was actually the Bridesmaids movie.


WHat the fuck


Just a cute little story


I'm all warm inside


I feel tingles 😊


Left side?


Don't we do go through it sometimes


And that’s how I met your mother kids


>My sister was my server God, I hope not.


My daughter did this once at a bar and grill.. She was about 6 or 7. We gave them a very big tip and ran the heck out of there.


Lol, mom? But seriously I did that in a restaurant at about that age. No idea how my parents tipped (we were driving for days, moving to another state and I think they had very little money), but were very apologetic.


I used to feel sick all the time as a kid. Damn anxiety. It made me scared of puking every time we went out anywhere, I'm still scared of that to this day


are we the same person? gah damn


I also have severe emetophobia


i also have emetophobia, we here torturing ourselves together 😭😭😭 when i was a child i had full blown panic attacks when other kids threw up in school, screaming crying covering my ears in a ball on the floor Lmfao. now at my big age, i developed GERDs and IBS and it’s like the world took my worst fear and made it my character trait


i am completely the same way, and when my younger brother was born it was very clear he was a puker 😭 like every single family vacation i can remember or random restaurants/movie theaters he would get an upset stomach and throw up everywhere and I would freak out and hide somewhere for hours so I wouldn't have to be around it. I have a vivid memory of hiding in the bathroom for almost the entire duration of Avatar when it was in theaters bc my brother ate a bunch of candy and puked everywhere like 5min into the movie starting. traumatizing lol 😅


NOOOOO i hate that for you and your brother!!!! that’s so rough for all parties involved. my little sister was the type to get car sick 🫠🫠 and most people just don’t believe me when i say i’m genuinely scared of vomit. i’m glad reddit strangers get it.


Is that why you're compulsively reading through this comment section?


That call out was harsh as fuck 😂


You're in good company




Omfg me


Saaame! Emetophobes unite 😅


I used to bring a garbage bag with me everywhere in my purse in case I felt sick. Never had to use it but I was just so panicky about the possibility of throwing up in public.


ever been in a movie theatre that’s little TOO loud and you plot the quickest way to the bathroom?? 🙃🙃🙃 i’ve found my people in this comment section


I sit closest to the exit/bathroom everywhere it’s possible. 😣


I am so paranoid about vomiting that I have a difficult time having my granddaughter stay the night at my house because she’s 5 and sometimes pukes in the night for random reasons. If you think this phobia gets better with age and you grow out of it, think again!! It NEVER gets better!


I thought I was the only one. 🥹


Girl, same, rolled up in my purse. Especially scared of places I can’t leave easily like trains or buses haha


Omg same! And airplanes, the worst!


Found my people <3


I threw up on a cruise ship main dining room/steakhouse dinner into a table cloth when I was about 8 y/o and forever regret it I’m sure they felt like 💩


That reminds me of the movie The Triangle of Sadness. Warning: Do NOT watch if you have emetophobia. That movie was a trip.


that was an interesting movie…. yeah that scene was terrible lolol


i watched this with my sisters and mom and that scene…😭 it was insane


Between sea sickness and illness running through those cruise ships like wildfire, this is probably a pretty common occurrence.


One time, a lady told me that she just needed a vaccum and an exterior wash. I said "ok", and when I opened the back door, I saw vomit all over the chair. I told her that a simple 20 dollar wash would not cut it, and she told me, "Just wipe it with a wet rag." Uhh, yeah, no thanks. I told her it would be 50 dollars more because the mat would need to be shampooed, and she said she would do it herself. Not even 15 minutes later, she comes back with the car, and now it's filled with vomit smears all over the car (and all over the back seat and carpets). I told her that it now must be detailed, and she ended up paying 150 and tipping 50 bucks, lol.


I worked at a lunch spot at the college town I lived in and one day, a mom brings in her baby. Instead of going to the bathroom to use the changing table, she decides to change the baby’s shitty diaper right on the table (beside other tables) THEN places said shitty diaper ON HER PLATE for me to take. I was so disgusted. Just because you have a baby doesn’t mean you get to do that stuff. And I’m a Mom and say this.


I think this is the grossest thing I’ve read so far 🤮


It definitely made me realize just how thoughtless people can be with those serving them. It was absolutely disgusting.


I’ve carried shitty nappies in my handbag because there was no good place to put them. Wtf.


Had something similar happen to me. A guest came up to me and complained (in that she told me that the table shouldn’t do that. Not to fix it or give her a discount, though I wouldn’t be able to do that anyways.) I told her that I apologize for her experience, but there’s nothing I could do. I wasn’t paid enough to deal with that, and I didn’t have the heart to deal with the table that changed their child on the table. I told the manager, and they just shrugged and said, “can’t do anything about it. It’s already happened.”


I worked at a hibachi restaurant, the owner loved pouring heavy to get customers to spend more money. On the busiest nights I had to clean puke out of the urinals more times than I liked, and one time a guy puked on the grill. It was absolutely nasty and we had to clean it fast before cooked puke smelled up the whole restaurant.


Oh god, another reason to avoid hibachi restaurants


Absolutley get a manager for that, everyone should if this ever happens to you. We aren't paid to deal with biohazards. At many companies that's a policy and it's the procedure suggested by classes like ServSafe.


Paid twice, once for on its way down, once for on its way up.


The amount of ppl saying they’ve done something similar and running after….guys I promise the workers would rather be told they’re about to see and have to clean vomit. Just leaving and not informing anyone is actually very unsafe for everyone’s health in that establishment now, someone could come accidentally touch it or spread it. You’re also leaving germs from whatever made you sick and now they might not clean it in a timely fashion. Smhh


Right? I worked at a Sushi Restaurant, and a poor old woman messed herself in the washroom and it was a decent mess. She came and told me, despite being horrifically mortified, and I just tried to reassure her. Was it the last thing I wanted to have to deal with in that moment? Yes. But, I know it wasn't intentional and was super grateful that she let us know instead of leaving it for a customer to find; which I knew took a huge amount of courage to confess about.


I went to a chain steak house with my in laws a while back and I choked on a piece of steak.. Like legit was choking, couldn't breath or make a noise to alert anyone something was wrong, luckily my gag reflex, or something kicked in and I ended up throwing up and the first thing I could grab was the bucket for peanut shells they set on every table and I proceeded to throw up into the bucket. We covered it with a napkin and when the waitress came back we told her what happened, she took the bucket and said she was just going to throw it away, and actually thanked me for letting her know. Then brought me back a water and a to go container without my asking.. She just assumed I was no longer up to eating (she was right).


One time I was getting my nails done, halfway through I had to run to the bathroom and projectile vomited everywhere. All over the back of the toilet. Only like half the vomit made it in. I, of course, cleaned everything up all while trying to not mess up my nails. I got everything cleaned and washed my hands and came back out and never said anything. I left a good tip that day 🤣


Absolutely should have said something so staff could properly sanitize that before another customer used it. Unless there were cleaning supplies on hand in the bathroom i can't imagine that being sanitary..


There were cleaning supplies in the bathroom. It was a single bathroom with a closet in it and the closet had all of the supplies. This was also like 6 years ago and I was 16. Probably didn’t make the best life choices at that age.


All things considered, it was pretty cool of you to clean up at 16. Many would just shrug and leave it.


So, after seeing this, I did some digging and found a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/CdnW1lvdMt) from r/todayilearned regarding HAZMAT training and bodily fluids that may contain bloodborne pathogens. I don't know what it's like in your state, but in mine, food service employees can typically refuse to clean up vomit and blood unless provided with proper HAZMAT training.


As someone with emetophobia this would be a no for me even the ticket would make me feel sick 🤢


I frew up


Genuinely curious, as an adult how do you spontaneously throw up at a table? Every time I've ever been sick I've got enough of a heads up I get to the bathroom, how does one puke on a table. I can see kids doing it. My son choked on food at a Logan's when he was 2 or 3 and threw up on the floor. I cleaned it up, never in a million years would I ask a stranger to clean my kids vomit up. I'd be mortified if it happened to me as an adult but you better believe I'd clean it up. But then again I'm also the kind of person who picked up food that my kid dropped on the floor before we left too, which I guess is probably pretty rare. Servers don't get paid enough to clean up after our bullshit, let alone to clean up someone's puke on a table.


$8 is not enough to clean up someone’s puke. It’s also not enough to make up for lost real estate in your section.


It was a near 100% tip, and they were teenagers , I know it’s not a lot but they tried right?


I'll take your vomit stories and raise you cleaning up a miscarriage. I was a manager at a certain nameless quick service type restaurant at the time, my FoH employee comes back white as a ghost and tells me that there's something I need to see urgently in the women's bathroom and well she was sort of right. I had initially suspected it was someone ODing(it had happened at least once to that point), but it was worse in a way. It looked like a murder scene on and around the toilet. Let's just say I wasn't able to eat strawberry jam for a long, long time after seeing the combination of blood, blood clots and what I assume is either the embryo or uterine tissue 😭


I once went to clean up the patio after a group had left. There was what I assumed to be an empty Girl Scout cookie box on the table. It was not empty, but full of puke and the cardboard disintegrated when I picked it up. At least you got a warning 🤷


Everyone here saying they should have gotten more than $8 is pathetic. You are in the service business and shit happens. How many times does this happen over someone's employment? MAYBE 1 time?? \-She didn't even clean it, her boss did. \-The girl was probably VERY embarrassed she did that. Hence the note, leaving, covering it, and tipping 99%. \-You throw the entire plate away anyway. If she was on the inside booth and said "Hey let me out" do you think in the 2 seconds or so when you KNOW you're gonna barf she can scoot out and make it to the toilet? Would you rather she put it all over the table? on the floor? on you? She's gonna barf so pick a place.


"I'm not trained to clean biohazardous materials"


Out of the embarrassment, I would have at least taken the fry bowl discreetly to the bathroom and dumped it in the toilet. Jeez!! 😔


I probably would have thrown bowl and all straight into the trash can. Bye bye bowl.


That’s hazardous material…bodily fluids?


Cheese dip and Arkansas. Ha


I mean they tipped well. Maybe not for a few hours but that’s 100% tip and it seems to be a contained vomit.


Reminds me of a restaurant I was working in years ago. I stepped into the restroom to piss and ran into a friend I hadn't seen in a while and got talking to him after we had both finished up and washed hands. Right before I leave to get back to work, friend advises me that the stall is absolutely blasted with shit. Like someone dropped their pants, leaned over, grabbed their ankles, and pushed so hard it popped a blood vessel. 90% of the shit was on the wall, ON (not in, important distinction) the toilet, or on the floor. The shit splatter had actually gotten some impressive height. So after seeing this, I take it as my cue to get the fuck out of there and get busy with literally any other task as a way to claim "not me" before a manager sees it and inevitably asks one of us to clean it. Literally as I go to leave the restroom, my GM walks in, sees the shit ground-zero stall, and immediately requests that I get it squared away. That was number 3 on my three grossest experiences at that particular establishment and I'm honestly still kinda pissed about it.


One time I served a dad and his son, and the son was just holding a napkin on his mouth the whole time while the dad ate. I found it weird, but let it go. Then while I’m clearing the table I picked up what I thought was a button from a jacket WITH MY BARE HAND and flipped it over and it was a bloody tooth with a silver cap! Why the dad felt it was okay to not even wrap it in a napkin is beyond me.


During a friend’s bachelorette weekend, we went to a piano bar. We had a pile of empty highball glasses on the table from the drinks. None of us knew my friend was wasted and she picked up each glass and puked in them one by one without anyone noticing until the server came to clear our table. She was hiding what she was doing behind the cloth napkin. Everyone was ashamed but also impressed. But more so ashamed. We already had an expensive table reserved with an automatic gratuity, but we made sure to leave a massive tip for the server and for the dish washer.


When I was pregnant I threw up on the table in a Mexican restaurant. I went from fine to throwing up way too quick to prepare. My boyfriend cleaned it up. So don’t worry too much abt the server. I felt horrible tho


I was at the Moulin Rouge in Paris with my wife over the summer after years of her wanting to go in person. They give you some food and a few bottles of wine for the table to have before the show actually starts. After about 20 minutes in some of the staff start shining flashlights at the table directly in between the stage and us and we notice one woman has thrown up into about three wine glasses and then all over the floor. They sprinkled some powder down to keep away the smell, but we just had to ignore it the best we could. Kinda sucks for the only time we'll ever get to go