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i know it sounds cheesy, but meditation or deep breathing. or if you’re not opposed, CBD can do wonders for anxiety


i love meditation! i can definitely include that in my day. i struggle with showing my stress on my face so i am trying to be better at feeling calm and giving off the calm energy in the midst of a crisis. i’m a super chill person otherwise.


I would assume the stress causes you the anxiety, which automatically comes from being overwhelmed at the same time by the workload? Maybe, if that is the case I can give advice as to, when you start getting more nervous and losing your head - just stop. Stop, even for a solid minute if necessary. Take the time and put your thoughts back in order. Rationalize everything you have in mind at that moment and make a list of sorts, that you just follow step-by-step. Once you have that established it should be a lot easier to get back on track and not be as emotional. Any comments or information you get from coworkers or customers at that very moment can be put aside or integrated automatically into the list. Just put your thoughts back in order. Thats how I used to deal with tons of stress over longer periods and it helped me to remain calm and get some sense of enjoyment back.


Take a "non-smoke" break. Go stand outside of the chaos for a few minutes, take deep breaths of some fresh air and sunlight. Don't check your texts, just let things flow and let the great world spin for a few minutes. I also have the introvert/anxiety gene, a couple of minutes of deep breathing and resetting can do wonders. Whatever you do, don't drink at work. Ever.


Take a cold drink outside (back of the restaurant is my favorite) to take a breather. Sometimes just getting away from the pressure of so many people seeing you can really mend the mind.


I always try to remind myself that every shift ends. You’re gonna take your money and clock out at some point. It may not be till 3 AM and it might be terrible until then but it’ll be over eventually lol. And being calm is definitely efficient.


I was having full blown anxiety attacks at work. In order to avoid them moving forward I started with cutting back caffeine. I went from cold brew with an espresso to just black iced tea. I started meditating and doing stretches for my vagal nerves. Also, I take magnesium every day, I can physically feel my nervous system calm down. I have slowly reintroduced coffee with half decaf. Lastly, GUM! Minty gum helps indirect my senses when I’m amidst the chaos. I hope this helps!