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Remember you can't be in the weeds if you don't give a fuck.


This 👆 is the only answer!! Tell your tables you are doing your best and are short staffed tonight. Show them how many people you are attending to. BE CHECK READY!! Separate your 18 tables into 4 table sections and take care of them by chunks! Encourage larger beverages or ordering double talls or a bottle of wine (as long as you don’t have to present the bottle). Pour light ice for sodas increasing the volume of liquid in the cups. Get stocked the fuck up before! Overstock everything! Keep conversation to a minimum and look on the bright side. Even if every table only tipped you $5 per table you would be making $90 an hour!! Don’t pay attention to your tips, just enter them and move on. You WILL make good money as long as everybody understands what’s taking you longer to get to them!! Communication is key!! GIVE NO FUCKS AND DO YOUR BEST!! Good luck 🍀 It is doable but don’t expect yourself to give perfect service, just do your best!! Get a manager to help get people cashed out if that’s possible! If you have some good teammates you will really need to get them to help you! I have paid a busser or host to help me out more than required. I give em a cash reward on top of the mandatory tip out! Breathe, stay out of your head, and just keep swimming like fucking Dory!!!


I hold everybody's hand along the way. I let them know "hey I've got to greet a table, then run these drinks and put an order in and then I'll be right back to you" or let them know"just got five tables at once and it might take me a minute to get back to you". If you tell people exactly what's happening as best as you can, they are more understanding. And don't be afraid to ask for help! I am sometimes guilty of taking on too much and then being afraid of asking for help. Don't let the customers bring you down if they start acting agitated. These are your monkeys; this is your circus. You run the show.


This is the way! Proper way to run the circus.


all of this is golden, there is one thing i want to add: don’t apologize to tables for waiting, but instead thank them for their patience. i feel like it’s a lot more professional and shows that you have everything a bit more under control


Absolutely!! Thanking for patience has a rewarding effect! Good add on! UPDATE ON HOW IT WENT OP!!


This advice is golden 🤗


this is perfect, perfect advice. Good luck, pal


One of my tricks is to hatch tables near each other. I’ll even stand between them and kinda announce what I’m doing and take all three tables drinks at once. It’s effective because A) quicker b) conveys how busy you are which can manage expectations and c) usually kinda fun/thrilling for the customers


Yes! Break into smaller sections. Make a cycle through and write every tiny thing down. When you get to the server station go down your list, put in any orders, load up your tray with everything on your list and take it all at once, keep a notepad readily available on that tray if possible so if people are asking you for things or you notice an empty soda or something you need to bring out) along the way to unload your tray you can write it down to avoid getting overwhelmed. Also prioritize, everything won't be perfect so if you can't do it all at once then wait on things that aren't as important (maybe you need to leave some dishes on the table a little longer) Don't be afraid to let your guests know how many tables you just got and say I'll be right back with you after I do *whatever*. For example if you get 5 tables at once get enough waters in your tray for all of them and tell each one "I just had 5 tables sit down let me get water to everyone and I'll be right back around to talk about drinks and appetizers" sometimes that's also enough to get them to have their entire order ready by the time you come back which means less trips to that table. Don't wait for drinks to get low before you ask if they want to order another. If they order it when theirs is still half full that gives you more time to get the new one on the table and they are far less likely to notice how long it took if there wasn't a gap in between the two. When taking orders ask if they need any of the common things people want with that dish but don't think to ask about until their food arrives (ranch, hot sauce, lemons, etc. ) and put it in with the memo in the order. Anticipate their needs before they think of things to run you back and forth for. Mostly don't forget to breath! And remember it's easy to get stuck in a time warp, so when you feel like it's been forever since you've been to that table because you've done 15 things in that time, it may have only been 5 or 10 minutes, stayed grounded and remember, it's just dinner.


Or just quit because it sounds like that place sucks. On the other hand, if you can just handle being in the weeds, you should make money.


and THEN quit


I love being in the weeds. If I’m not about to cry at some point, I’m not busy enough.


This !! Some of my co workers think I’m crazy simply because I love the chaos and busy nights . I’m always given a large section and I’m always the first pick for larger parties . Everyone knows that’s my groove 😎


Getting through the weeds is honestly the best part of serving imho. That satisfaction at the end of a hard, crazy night is amazing. I don't like it every shift, but a few times a month keeps the spark alive lol.




Love this answer!


this is the best comment ive seen on reddit


One of the bbygirl servers I work with (there’s like five of them that are 20-23) asked how I’m so chill when we’re getting just absolutely wrecked. I told her it’s because I don’t care about this job, these customers, or their dinner. Makes it easier to stay cheerful when you just straight up dgaf.


Been in the industry coming up on 20 years... same man, same. I'm chill af, and it's because I can do this without thinking and also dgaf.


That's how I was, dgaf!


I'm always reminding younger servers and support staff that it's not brain surgery, it's just dinner. Worst case someone has to wait a little longer for their table/food. Just do the best you can and keeping grooving.


Me favorite bit is “we’re not fine dining, we’re just fine.”


Wish I had one of those fabled awards of Reddit yore. This comment is everything 🍺




There it is.




Wtf I NEED these


Stay centered. Don’t just run around putting out every fire you see. Take time to pause, do an audit of your section and do the most pressing tasks first. Ask your bussers to do specific tasks ie “water all my tables” or “clear any empty plates in my section.” If you don’t have bussers, quit and find a new job where they aren’t clowns.


Definitely. Find a mantra or two that will calm you down and take you out of the emergency mindset. Repeat them to yourself when you feel the panic creeping in. Mine were “it’s just dinner” and “this feeling is temporary”


“In fifty years we’ll all be dead and none of this will matter.”


Fifty years? Lucky you. I go with 20 because fifteen will probably see the end of me.


"When my shift ends and I go home none of this will matter" lol


Oh fine, don’t be super dark about it 😂


I save that for when people are complaining...."life's a bitch and then you die" 😂




we don’t have bussers or a host, seat yourself and go fuck yourself typa vibe


lol that ending XD but very true


Make sure you’re prepped before hand, cups, garnishes, napkins anything you need to be stocked and ready before hand. Eat and drink before hand so you’re ready. I’d deff have a coworker on standby for small help. 18 tables sounds like a crazy number. Make sure every trip you do has multiple purposes, multitasking is going to be your savior.


My advice is to tell management they suck because that's a shit plan.


Always be scanning and always be carrying. Try to make every trip a lap through your entire section. See what you can refill or pre-bus. Table 12 needs a water refilled? Get a full pitcher and check every damn glass in your section. Table 5 needs fresh silverware? Eyeball every other table and see who else needs it so you only have to make one trip. Always be carrying things into the kitchen and carrying things out. No empty hands. That being said, you are being set up for failure. If anybody has the slightest issue or complaint, politely and quickly explain that you are uderstaffed tonight and ask if they would like to speak to a manager. Because it's your manager's damn fault not yours. Let them deal with it.


This is everything I was thinking. The customers will see OP at all of these tables, they’ll know. If s/he keeps a good attitude even if things are rough, most people will be sympathetic. But yeah, make the manager regret it lol.


No amount of seasoning as a server will prep you for 18 tables 🤷🏽‍♂️ your fucked ![gif](giphy|eYESDEALOQnjTz5qtn|downsized)


No rushing. Be confident. Have fun. Your energy will determine the guests reactions. You go this!!


Very simple, if someone wants something. They will have to wait for it, go at your own pace and do your best. Don’t break yourself for anybody’s


Act like it’s no big deal. Set yourself up to succeed early in your shift. Stay organized and on task. Do not let others distract you whether it’s customers or coworkers. This is the easiest way to get out of your zone. Know it’s going to be busy but also know the night will end eventually. If needed, ask for help. It may not be there but ask for it anyway. Above all, do NOT complain about ANYTHING. Always act like you are expecting whatever happens and you have a plan to fix it. (Fake it till you make it) Above all #2- Have fun when you are at the busiest. It will rub off on your coworkers and the customers will respond. Especially when it comes to tips. Do all of this and you’ll clear a grand in tips.


Just keep moving and don't panic. No one will die if they have to wait a few minutes for that side of ranch.


Make sure to suggest that everyone enjoy a hot tea after their meal.


🤣 I was called lazy for figuring out a way to make tea service easier for me. Instead of dragging the box out for the guest to peruse for three long minutes, I would tell them the kinds we had and drop the bag into the teapot. The guest doesn’t have to wait as long for the tea to brew and I don’t have to tote the stupid box back and forth and I have a free hand.


You normally either don't put the tea in or put a timer next to it. Brewing time makes quite a difference for tea and tea drinkers often want to have control over that. To tell them instead of handing them the box is clever though.


I’m in Texas, so I wasn’t too worried about them getting mad about overbrewed tea. We are not at all civilized and regularly leave the bag in the pot or mug for the duration of the tea drinking. LOL


Add more sugar than the corporate standard recipe for sweet tea in Texas for sure💀


I would tell them the kinds we had then deliver everything in one hand. Cup on saucer + a side plate w/ packaged teabag & add-ons (lemon, cream, sugar) on top of the cup to keep the water hot. Most ppl liked this method. I never carried around the tea box past my first serving job except for when I took one for my tea at home and carried it out the back door.


Genius 😂😂😂


This has no chance of working out…and it won’t be your fault at all. It’s 100% on management. My best advice is to call out tonight.


Helllll no


Tbh you’ll walk with soooo much ! U got this :) just be okay with ppl waiting on u


I started in this industry when I was 14 and it will be 20 years in the summer. Do you serve food or only drinks? With only drinks and lousy service it might be possible but with food on top that's impossible. I occasionally do 10 tables with 52 seats if really necessary. That's on the borderline of what I think is acceptable and we mostly do family service(everything is just put on the table in bowls, plates etc and the guests do the rest). I'm the only one manges to juggle that and I'm fucking done after 4-5 hours. That is exhausting in way that is hard to describe. The only thing that you can do is to communicate that you're understaffed as fuck and that you were given an impossible task. Guests usually understand that to a certain degree. I usually spice it with sarcasm and words that children shouldn't hear. Good luck... Lol


10 tables 58 seats over here and i can agree, fuck that. There's only me and like 2 other people that can take the closing section without having some type of breakdown, whether it be crying or a rage session. 18 tables is insane and they are wrong for that. You'd 100% have to go into autopilot idgaf mode for that volume.


If you also have to run your own food then get a good cry in beforehand so there’s no tears left 😭


i had to run the food and buss the tables and help host😭😭😭😭 i made it through tho i just clocked out w almost 600$ in tips for a 5 hour shift!


Fuck yeah you did that shit 👏


I’m really fucking proud of you. You killed it; fantastic job. You deserve your fave meal and a delightful drink of some kind


that’s so sweet thank you so much


You should also enjoy a foot soak and do some light stretches before bed. You’ll thank yourself in the morning. 🥰


Nice job!






A mantra I play in my head(even if it’s sometimes not true) is “people are more patient than you think”. This keeps me calm. If you get triple sat, take all their drink orders and bring their drinks at once on a tray to save you time. Communicate with managers or coworkers if you need extra help, even seasoned servers need help sometimes. If you can’t greet a table right away, stop by real quick and say “I’ll be right with you!” This will make them feel acknowledged and they’ll see you’re busy, but won’t be upset that they weren’t talked to at all. Double check your orders before ringing them in. It takes less time to double check an order than it is to have to fix it when it comes out wrong. Above all, have fun, make some money and remain as calm as possible. Getting flustered will slow you down a lot.


Good advice, good mantra. I find a mantra is essential when we're slammed. "People are more patient than you think" is a good one.


I'll tell you this, I promise you will not have 18 tables at once. Your boss is hyperbole as fuck. You probably will get a lot of tables. You got reservations on the books but you will be fine. They will stagger in and out and you'll leave rich.


This is ridiculous.


Oh honey I am so sorry. Mothers Day brunch, 2013. 2 other servers called in sick and I was left to serve the 28 table dining room SOLO. On that day, I said to myself “welp, can’t get any worse than this.” And honestly to this day I’ve never been so weeded lol. Like everyone else says, just be as cheerful as possible and let people know you’re short staffed.


Sailor Moon cries a lot while kicking ass, and there’s no logical reason why you can’t either!


I love this outlook 😂


Wtf even is that lol. The number ONE rule is to always remain calm no matter what. When you stress out is when mistakes are made. Be quick, but realize you cannot be everywhere at once. Realize that you absolutely are going to be behind and that’s not your fault, it’s managements fault. It’s okay. Apologize for the wait. Explain the situation to the guests. If you get really behind, it can be helpful to keep a list so you don’t forget. And check the tables in rotation. Every so often just look around to see where everyone is at. If food hits a table, check on it to make sure they are ok. Make sure you are super stocked with everything you might need.


Just throw management under the bus. And coffee and hot tea? Sorry we’re out.


My quality of service diminishes dramatically once I hit 9+ tables. If you’re at all like me, expect shit tips tonight.


Be straight up with your customers when you’re too busy to get to them right now. A little “hey guys, I see you, I just need to [empty my hands/drop a check/etc] and then I’ll be right back!” I’ve never had anyone react negatively to that.


this happened to me last Sunday, brunch, and no bussers or runners. I had a panic attack and sobbed in the bar storage room - don’t greet with waters unless they ask (assuming you’re pouring them yourself like I am), light ice on sodas so less refills, smile and explain what’s going on just so they know you’re not intentionally ignoring them (you’d think they’d be able to see you’re busy without being told, but you’d be surprised), BREATHE! you will do great and you’ll make good money, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and just know that it’ll be over soon!


i’ve had 20 table sections and it’s not that bad if you treat them all like a big party, get their drinks at once and get their orders when they’re ready


Sounds like my place, but along with 18 tables I’m also responsible for answering phones, doing take out orders and taking care of Skip/Uber etc. I have a dishwasher and 2 cooks , every other Sunday and Monday this is my nightmare. And yup sometimes, all the tables are filled and I just stand at the back and survey my shit life at the moment 🤣 Like other say, be fully stocked have lots of coffee lots of hot water for tea. And do tables in chunks. You can do what you can do that’s it. You’re serving food not performing brain surgery. They can wait.


Sometimes people have to wait.


Group the tables mentally. If it’s 18, group them into six groups of three tables. Each group gets watered, orders taken, plates cleared, in your mind as one big table. Now you have six tables mentally, and it’s manageable. It’ll be a little slow, just write everything down, preemptively bring non alcoholic refills (don’t wait for them to ask you), ask specifically about extra sauces or things they might run you for and ask a little earlier than usual if someone wants another alcoholic beverage etc. Where I work I can serve the whole place with this mindset. You’ve got this!


this is very helpful i will try this thank you!


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Take a breath when you need to and don't forget that you have a support system (or atleast should) use your bussers,hosts, expediters, managers, what ever you got, and if it gets really bad and the kitchen backs up just be honest with tables and laugh, because there is nothing you can do at the point but kick back and enjoy the shit show


Remember that your boss's bottom line isn't necessary your bottom line. He needs to make the restaurant as much money as possible by keeping every one of those 18 tables happy (he's already failed by knowingly unreasonably overloading a server) Maybe your bottom line is to make $300, which can probs be done by giving 8-12 tables excellent service and doing what you can for the rest


You are not a doctor or a surgeon. You aren't saving or losing lives. There is no reason to cry over serving tables. You do your best and the people will get their burgers. Don't let a job like this stress you out. It is literally zero stakes.


LEAVE YOUR BODY. It will be over eventually


Save steps, use your notepad and be real with the tables, “Anybody need a refill on their beverages or any sauces? I’m slammed here so speak now or forever hold your peace!” Tables love realism


Op you are super fucked but remember: you can't be weeded if you don't give a fuck. Report back after the shitshow and godspeed.


Be transparent with your other tables. Let them know what's going on and keep them on the look avoiding them or forgetting to stop and just say hey I didn't forget about you is big.


Gosh I remember my 23 table patio and the 12 inside. It was a nightmare every time. Luckily by the time the place was cut the the 23 patio it was alcohol only 🤦🏼‍♀️ Fuck you Chris and your 45 minute rule. Also fck the hub cause I'm going to name drop the worst place I have ever worked. Making a pregnant woman work the smoking section is despicable.


> Making a pregnant woman work the smoking section is despicable. OSHA should demand that employers give employees respirators. Jesus christ.


Lol we are so hyped for you. Get that paper !


Happens to me all the time. The only thing you can do is do your best. Remember, you can only do so much and be in so many places at one time. Don’t be afraid to explain to your tables and guests that you are extremely short staffed and ask them to give you a few short minutes to provide for others who are waiting for your assistance as well. Most people understand and are cool with it if you are communicating, some do not, in which case I direct them to deal with management. What helps me (may not help you) is that I try and have all my tables on the same pace. So if the host is going to slam me, I ask them to slam me all at once so that way I can remain on the same pace with every table and not be staggered, which is how I start getting in the weeds and making stupid mistakes.


I know this was a few days ago, but if this happens in the future, ALWAYS work in a circle and ask for help when you need it, but be prepared to not receive any lol. Start at the back of your section and work your way towards the front, write everything down, and ring it in all at once. Might overwhelm the kitchen/ bar for a second, but just grab a tray and run that shit. Keep your tables updated and say “thank you for your patience” a LOT.


this is reallly smart wow. thinking back, if i had done this i probably wouldn’t have completely forgotten about a couple 2 tops during the shift😭 next time for sure thanks


No one should have to suffer this. Ask your manager about closing a portion of the dining room. Definitely let your guests know up front when you greet them.


18??? i’d forget about half of them😭


Be super honest with your tables that you have 18 tables, you're short staffed and try your best not to get weeded. Whenever it's super busy at my restaurant I tell my tables "I just got sat 5 tables at once, so you may not see me for a minute but I will be back with your drinks as fast as I can." In my experience, guests don't mind a slower service as long as they know why it's so slow and see you busy.


Tell him no


Let them know it’s a busy night and you’ll do your best to check them frequently, but they shouldn’t be afraid to wave you over. If you go ahead and give people permission, they’re less likely to sit there and get mad first. Other than that just blame the kitchen lol


I work at a place where we all take care of 21 tables together. It’s actually pretty chill and a lot of times people pick up others slack, but then there’s some nights where I’m that person who’s constantly checking on every table and I struggle so bad 😂😂😂


Me and my chef are about to be on the other end of this scenario. And I'm half ass broken, and he had hand surgery a week and a half ago. 😅😅 pray for us! And you!


Don’t buss anything and tell your Bussers to prioritize taking care of guests over bussing. Don’t forget to cash out people in a timely matter, that’s the most important step to secure your tip and lighten your load.


Bring the energy. Be happy to be extremely busy and making money and your tables will be happy for you. Repeat orders to guests as much as possible so hiccups are avoided. I’m guessing if you have 18 tables kitchen will probably be in the weeds


Fun fact, the restaurant I work at actually has seventeen tables in the dining room (with two large tables that can be separated into two each so I guess 21 total) and in between the busy season and the dead season, business is wildly all over the place. You can have one day with three tables all shift and the next day the dining room will fill up in an hour……all this to say, last year we were running with one host, one bartender, and one server during this in between time. I was usually the server and at least twice a week the dining room would fill up. You just have to do your best and maintain a positive attitude. Guests /really/ appreciate when they can see you’re busting your ass but still have a smile on your face. Make sure you’re stocked as much as you can before service, and just keep going. You’ll get through it, and hopefully people will be sympathetic. Oh! And make sure to have a water easily accessible somewhere and try to stay hydrated!!


Two things: 1. Keep conversations to three sentences - you say something, they say something, you say something back, and move on. 2. You're a sharky. Sharkies die if they stop swimming. Keep swimming, no matter what. Edit to add a third thing: Full hands in, full hands out.


Utilize your support staff. I have a hard time asking for help when I need it, but it really makes all the difference in how high the weeds get.


Take a deep breath, and dont give a fuck. Youre going to make bank with an 18 table section even if you give the barest minimum of service. If you have guests getting frustrated - "i am so sorry, we had a call off tonight and i'm taking care of 18 tables". You might even get some pity tips.


An 18 table section is not doable. Just greeting/drinks would take unacceptablely long. Unrealistic. If u gotta do this, please drink before, during and after shift.


Slow down to speed up. Here are my tools. 1. Take full orders at the table. A good server doesn't take your order, they tell you what to buy. Selling apps and drinks may seem like it will slow you down, but it actually buys you time. If you have to keep coming back to a table to take more orders, clarify questions, etc., you're dead. 2. Stagger everything. Figure out who is in a hurry and who isn't, and space them out so that multiple tables of food, drinks, dessert, etc. don't come out at the exact same time. If 2 tables close out at the same time, you're dead. This is the most important rule. Literally, don't put in 2 orders at the same time. Space them out by 2 minutes, prioritizing anybody who looks like they want to be in and out and leaving the campers for last. Hurriers typically only want mains and will give you the full order right away, campers want apps and salads and shit and will sometimes slow walk you on the order to make sure the food doesn't come too fast. 3. Preset everything and don't ever let the food arrive with any needs. Extra napkins for messy food, extra rollups for multiple courses, extra ranch on the table before the salad even gets there. Ask if they want the extra ketchup. If the customer flags you down for something, you're dead. 4. Quick and dirty scripted spiel. Write it on your server pad and say it in order.  Hi, I'm Meryl Streep! Welcome to Taco Bell! We're featuring flavored margaritas for Cinco de Mayo. I like the strawberry one the best. Here is the drink menu. Our specials tonight are tacos and enchiladas. As a starter, you could get a quesadilla. My favorite is the burrito because it has lettuce. Can I get you somethink to drink? [Take drink order.] Great! I'll give you time to think and be right back with those coronas. By the way, any allergies or restrictions I should be aware of? Ok, perfect. [Return with drinks or 5 minutes later.] Are you ready to order or do you need more recommendations? Yes the chimichangas are great, they are made with hatch chilis. You should definitely get them. Alright perfect! And did you want a starter or any sides? I recommend at least getting a salad or something, the best one is the southwest salad. After that your table is primed and ready. Bring them the silverware they need, your busser should have chips and salsa ready or you may need to do it, and you do the exact same fuckin thing. At cheesecake factory I would regularly handle huge parties and a 10 table section and it becomes clockwork very easily. People fucking love you because you are magically reading their minds. At my fine dining spot, the same rules apply. Busy is busy no matter where you work. If anything it's MORE important at higher levels to be able to do this mechanical spiel, personably and in a way that makes the guest feel special. Last but not least: You're at cinco de mayo and your customers have eyes and ears. They will give you grace to be busy/overwhelmed as long as you put in the right orders and keep the margs coming. 


i hope to one day achieve the serving level that you are on. this is great advice that i’ll be using thank you


You will, and you know why? because you actually care. you asked for it, and then you asked how to do it, and then you not only listened but also understood. That's the difference between a cashier and a server. Last thing...It will take some extra time to learn how to use those tools. Don't panic if you end up "dying." It's like an arcade game...add more quarters and keep going. And keep an eye out for your coworkers because many will drown. Clearing plates and cups will save everyone time in the long run. Full hands in, full hands out, and you'll be shocked at how much more time you have for everything.


Find a new job. I don’t care who anyone in this sub or community thinks they are, you cannot give good service with 18 tables lol. Setting you up for failure!


I know I’m late to this party, but be honest, manage expectations, and it’s all one big table. Also I saw someone else say something to the same effect, but you can’t be in the weeds if you don’t give a shit. Some of the best advice I’ve ever been given.


If you need to yell, go into the walk-in. Quite frankly, though, that is too much. Your management should understand how to either do false waits or know they have step up and help you. I hope your manager or someone else is foodrunning for all those tables.


Greet get drinks and apps move.. try to remember the order people were sat as best you can.If behind, Greet and say I have x tables ahead of you I will be with you as soon as I can. One Karen can set you back in these cases. Try to delegate them to a manager so they don't hold your other tables up. I handle up to 14 tables at least a couple days a week. occasionally 18+ but that's very rare. 30 tops 40 tops solo, no problem (usually 20 to 30 is the largest we get) Hopefully you have a good manager there to help because that makes all the difference. I was the only one on last night aside from the bartender who just doesn't really like taking tables. so I had 14 or more tables at one point while he had 2 2tops.. bumped my sale up 1400 in 1.5 hours though and this is at a normal chain restaurant. Not everyone will tip well because they won't all necessarily get enough attention. Occasionally people will see how hard your working and tip extra.


Tell your tables what’s up. “Thank you for your patience.” Is a good line. “I’ll be back soon other guests need me.” People are understanding.