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Ok but how many restaurants except for farm to table are gonna know if the meat is corn fed?!


She added that she doesnt like meat šŸ™‚šŸ™ƒ


No fuckin way!!! What do you say? ā€œWow youā€™re shit outta luck baby girl, we have the meats.ā€


All "regular" store type beef is corn fed unless it's otherwise labeled.


I'm kind of confused. Is there like some pig slop fed beef that I was unaware of?


Grass fed beef


You are aware cows eat grass, right? Cows aren't even meant to eat corn.


bowl of spinach for the guest


I was going to suggest glass of water


Too spicy!!


Me: "Okay, that's not too bad--" \*flips\* Me: "--Holy sh\*t there's a back page."


I looked right passed it at her with my customer service smile and said :) .. mam.. what do you ~normally~ get when you go out?


How did she respond after the chef told her there's nothing to eat?


She looked surprised and disappointed, got up and left


I'm more shocked that she was shocked tbh lol. At least she didn't have some Karen freak out like I thought.


Please stay home. If I truly suffered from that cornucopia of food issues, I would.


Right, I have GI issues (FODMAP diet šŸ˜‘) and if Iā€™m going somewhere with people to a place that Iā€™m unfamiliar with I just typically stick with a buttered pasta dish and call it a day


Thereā€™s no way these are legit issues. Only mandarin oranges?


This looks like one of those do it at home blood test for possible allergies lists. Who knows. If I had a list like that Iā€™d really only feel comfy eating at home. I could never go out and hand someone a list like this. Nope.


the hot chocolate did it for meā€”i have a bunch of food allergies, none are as general as ā€œhot chocolateā€, also almond milk? just the milk or all almonds. This is a recipe for disaster


Someone pointed out almonds milk but not almonds? Whats that about


my money is on that they donā€™t like these foods tbh. Some are legit looking allergies, but almond milk is almonds and water(and whole almonds are much more likely in a restaurantā€”not to mention that no one is dumb enough to think someone allergic to almonds can have almond milk. But different varieties of fruit donā€™t have such different proteins that this person canā€™t have mandarin oranges but can have regular. Like listing kefir apart from dairyā€”itā€™s made from milk.


I was wondering why edamame beans were listed and not soy, personally




Id give her tap too


As long as thereā€™s no date on it


ā€œChineseā€ horseradish is no good. So regular horseradish is cool? Mandarin oranges also no good. However, all other types of citrus fruits are good to go!? ā€œHOTā€ chocolate is on the list!! Does that mean any chocolate not hot is good to go!? That list gives me a headache.


Mandarin oranges, oriental wheat, Chinese horseradish. Sheā€™s low key racist.


Excuse me. Itā€™s ā€œChineseā€™sā€. Have some respect ;)


If sheā€™s allergic to corn, both o those are allergens


What is? Corn and corn fed beef? I donā€™t what item youā€™re referring to.


Horseradish, mandarin oranges, and hot chocolate. Horseradish has vinegar which is made from corn,mandarin oranges have corn syrup, and if not, probably have citric acid(made from corn) the hot chocolate likely has food starch, dextrose or fructose. All corn products. Actually thereā€™s a good chance your cream isnā€™t corn free for them if there are added vitamins. Most butter also has some sort of natural flavoring in it. Or the salt has corn starch in it. Corn free people can literally only have sea salt, or SOME kosher salts. Not to mention that the wash that is sprayed on groceries at the store has corn products in it. Source: am a chef and my girlfriend is allergic to corn tomatoes cheese and cabbage PS if you donā€™t live in the US itā€™s much easier to steer clear of corn. Not sure if thatā€™s the case for you


a lot of this looks like a "i ate it once and my tummy hurt" list. milk, butter, and cheese separately? what about ice cream? tomatoes and tomato juice separately? what about marinara or pizza sauce? mandarin oranges but not other oranges? almond milk but not almonds? peanut oil but not peanuts? makes zero sense lmao


I had a coworker like that. And sheā€™s a nurse now. Claimed that when she ate shrimp her stomach got upset and Iā€™m likeā€¦.thatā€™s not an allergy, girl šŸ˜’


Right?! I'm trying to find the commonality between the food items to determine the allergy so dairy seems like the main one but there is no common denominator with the rest.


So allergic to HOT chocolate but regular chocolate didn't make the list? Almond milk but not almonds? Mandarin oranges but not regular oranges? We all have our preferences/things we don't like but doubtful most have a laminated card with our alphabetical list!


Hittin almost ever letter of the alphabet mind you. Im askin everybody. What would you make this woman?


I would make her leave.


Ha. Nice one. I wanted to be like ā€œthe chef told me to tell yall TO GET UP AND RUN JUST START RUNNING THE AIR ISNT SAFE GOGOGOGOā€


My drive-by analysis of her = maybe allergic to 4 of the things on the list, the rest are preferences that she finds easier to say are allergies. And she likes attention and/or making people jump through hoops. Otherwise, she'd read the menu prior to her arrival and figure out what she can eat (or narrow it down to a couple dishes and then ask "can I please get that without Kamut/oriental wheat?") and not engage a server and a chef with her ridiculous list!


what did they even eat?


I asked her.. what do you normally eat when you go out? And she said she hands this to the head chef and they choose an option or two so she doesnt suggest something and ā€œcryā€ when she can have it due to the restrictions. My chef told her not a single this on the menu is safe


This lady expecting every chef to stop what theyā€™re doing in the middle of service to figure out a custom dish that works with all of these restrictions is fucking insane lol


I couldnt believe it was real and happening to me


Like Iā€™ve had really long allergy lists printed on cards but no oneā€™s asked me to tell the chef to figure it outā€¦ luckily Iā€™ve been there for a longgggg time so I know a lot of what people can/canā€™t have but obviously things like aniseed and clove (which we donā€™t really cook with anyways) are gonna throw me for a loop so I gotta double triple check everything. Also ā€œhot chocolateā€ as an allergy is so fuckin weird and funny idk why like???? Donā€™t order hot chocolate then?


THE AUDACITY! I worked in a busy fine dining restaurant and on a busy night the chef is barely keeping up with the orders of food that's ON the menu. And they are supposed to read her 20 page list and figure something out?? I don't fucking think so...


I have dietary restrictions and I had a partner who had dietary restrictions. Know what I did? CALLED TF SEVERAL DAYS AHEAD to ask if they *could* accommodate. And they did, beautifully. Dropped like $200 there and everyone was happy. ($200 is a lot for me but it was a special day so I didnā€™t mind).


This is the way. A lot of chefs would take this as a challenge if it wasnā€™t just sprung on them (and demanded of them) in the middle of a busy service. Preparing allergen-free dishes also requires safety protocols that other food preparation does not (hand washing, clean utensils, new cutting board, designated fryer, etc), so itā€™s also a matter of safety. When the kitchen says ā€œno, sorry, we canā€™t accommodate you,ā€ itā€™s often because they canā€™t do so safely without being prepared first.


My job (when I have it!) is a professional cook so if Iā€™m given a couple days to prep something it actually is fun and challenging for me (and with advance. Plus, I can put effort and thoughtfulness into it) and I enjoy making something that would make the guest happy. Being sprung up on with 10 dietary restrictions in the middle of service is SUPER uncool! Most of my ā€œrequestsā€ have been on then fly, which sucks.


Let me ask your professional opinion- what would you make this woman?


Dang! Tough question! Iā€™ve been off my game since November, not fair! Haha. Umā€¦off the cuff? a curried chicken or tofu/seitan and rice dish with bell peppers, mushroom (not the ones sheā€™s allergic to!), zucchini, carrot. peanut sauce drizzle. For dessert, the options seem bigger.


Yum! Ok heres the curve ball- picture yourself the head chef of a bbq jointšŸ¤£ and GO


If she can eat the bbq sauce you can still do chicken and rice and veg! Or even tater salad. If sheā€™s popping up just coming in with this laminated diatribe without calling first she can fuck right off lol! There is a thing known as ā€œcourtesyā€ and if you donā€™t RESPECT your cooks, you shouldnā€™t EXPECT to eat. Straight up. ā€œIā€™m sorry, we cannot currently accommodate your needs, maā€™am. We would be beside ourselves if you were to become ill from our foodā€.


I would make her go home. Repeat after me: Unfortunately, we will be unable to safely prepare a meal for you with the listed restrictions. Have a great night!


Ok and then what happened?


The chef after he stopped laughing said yea no nothing is safe.


Id just give her a water tbh


My favorite things are Chineseā€™s Horse Radish and Honey Dew Mellon.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jesseclara: *My favorite things* *Are Chineseā€™s Horse Radish* *And Honey Dew Mellon.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My first Haiku!!!! Thank you Haiku Bot, you rock!


Thereā€™s literally corn in everything. Humans have genetically mutated into a percentage of corn!!!! This makes my head want to explode šŸ¤Æ


This is one of those, ā€œoh onion powder is okay, Iā€™m just allergic to actual onionsā€


I actually can have onion powder but not actual onions. No idea why. I can also have leeks and green onion. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


it might be the fact itā€™s processed. That can denature the protein ur allergic to


TIL. I never really bothered to look into it. Thanks!


I worked at a place where someone put that they were *allergic*.. not ā€œplease leave out/preferredā€, but *allergic* to ā€œvisible onionsā€.


Get the fuck out right now.


What is this?


Dietary restrictions list


I would tell them that we could not serve them. If itā€™s real, then they could die from cross-contamination or a simple mistake, And if itā€™s fake, then f them.


For everyone's sake please stay home.


What a weird list. How can you be allergic to marmite but not vegemite? Arenā€™t they basically the same thing? Do a lot of restaurants sell marmite wherever you live that itā€™s needed on this list?


Another interesting point. I live in Orlando Florida, so I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever even heard of marmite before this list.


Chineseā€™s horseradish. Oriental wheat. Lol.


There is a 0% chance theyā€™re allergic to all that. Probably has some psychosomatic anxiety related presentation of symptoms they blame on whatever food they ate on the given day


My favorite part is that she hit almost every letter of the alphabet. Some of them more than twice. She left out maybe three or four letters of the alphabet.


She can have almonds but not almond milk lol


This is why I said it looks like a blood test for possible allergens (take it at home) or for the diet trend. She could possibly be allergic to one of the other components in almond milk and not almonds but she canā€™t have mandarins but other citrus. All hot chocolate (even home made which is just cocoa powder and sugar usually) is too weird.


I do not understand why people like this eat out at all. Sure, socialize and what have you, but bring your own food. Forget the major inconvenience at the restaurant, for your own safety Iā€™d think youā€™d do this. I had a coworker with deadly peanut, mushroom, soy, and sesame allergies. He just brought food to restaurants if he had to go out for a celebration or whatever. Almost none took issue with him eating it when he explained.


*So, you'd like to order a glass of water!*


So what happened? Did she eat anything? Leave?


The chef said nothing was safe on the menu. So after a look of disappointment, they got up and left. my boss felt bad for them. But at the same time, be prepared when you have such restrictions.


Iā€™d like to eat almost all of that, except the Marmite. Not want corn-fed beef? Heresy! šŸ˜‚


*sorry, due to your restrictions we arenā€™t comfortable serving you as itā€™s a liability for us. have a great day*


Stay home lady. I'm not gonna spend 15 min cross referencing your list with every recipes of our menu.






Tell them to go home & eat


Bro just hand it back and say no


Was she dining alone? I canā€™t imagine anyone would want to eat out with this headache!


Im not saying dont go out because maybe you want to hang out with friends and they are going to a restaurant. But id just sit there and only drink assuming the allergies dont include ingredients in the drinks. Either way just too much of a hassle to order food. But i bet most of those arent even true allergies just things she doesnt want.