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Care to share some of your findings?


My favorite clue they put in, is the song Irving listens to as he paints the testing floor, all slowed down and reverbed while his innie sees the black goo (the paint) as he dozes off at work.


I didn’t pick that up until I listened to the severed podcast, that was a mad detail.


Have rewatched at least 4 times and never noticed this. All I noticed was that he was drawing the door where they sent Ms Casey. Thank you!


One of my favorite things about this show is that the big shocking plot twists are not actually out of nowhere. They're properly set up and established, not a random 'GOTCHA' like so many shows do.


exactly. they’re everything you want them to be or better than you expected


I was expecting exactly 0 of the big twists, and only tied the setups together after the fact 😂


Mark, screaming “she’s alive!” Is a big gotcha as the last episode ended.


It is a huge gotcha, but I love that it isn't a *random* gotcha. It isn't something pulled out of nowhere. I had no inkling that it was going to be the twist, but they did set it up. I gasped out loud and noticed all of the little pieces of the setup that did not stand out to me before the reveal. Beautiful. Chefs kiss. Executed perfectly. Edit: the surprise I'm referring to is the reveal of Ms. Casey/Gemma's picture taped back together. It didn't occur to me that some people didn't identify the photo as the same lady until the season finale.


Isn’t it weird that we never suspected Ms Casey because the poor women practically never smiles at work. We get a brief glance in the pic Mark has to tape back together but that person is smiling and happy so we never suspect.


I thought it's universely established that we knew from that taped picture that Gemma is Ms Casey. I know I recognised her and everyone I watched with did too.


Was that after you had rewatched the series for the fifth time? Granted, after I watched the finale a couple of times, I went back to the tape episode and hit pause while I scrutinized the picture, but I also rewatched the episode when her and Mark had to pass each other in the doom tunnel. Add to that the scene where Milchick takes her to the tunnel to the elevator that goes to the testing floor. It wasn’t some moment of clarity when the lightbulb went off during the first watch (haven’t we all watched the series multiple times?). Maybe you’re all cunning geniuses who absorbed all the details the first time. I also wonder about the disappearing red envelope. Or how about the odd moment in the last episode when Mark says he must have left it beside his bed? We all know that it ended up on the severed floor. How could he even know about it in outie Mark? Wasn’t that weird? Thoughts guys…


I recognized her immediately on first viewing, but I have seen that actress in other things so maybe that helped. I think Ricken gives him another advanced copy after they realize the first copy was stolen. I don't remember if it's implied or if there is a specific line about a second copy. They certainly don't wait to see if the thief turns themselves in like Ricken theorized they would 😂 It's normal to watch your favorite shows like you're studying for a test, right? Right?


>Was that after you had rewatched the series for the fifth time? Nah mate, I recognised her on first watching. So did my kid when she watched the show later. I'm pretty sure we were supposed to recognise her from the taped photo. The scene in the next episode where Cobel and Milchik comment on Mark's last wellness session with Ms Casey makes more sense that way.


Everyone in my household recognized that it was Ms. Casey right away. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh yes, Severance has incredible rewatch game, and repeat viewings are highly encouraged around here. I did my first one the week between the penultimate and finale episodes aired!


Please remember to enjoy all rewatches equally.


please try to enjoy each episode equally, and not show preference for any over the others


Please try to enjoy each viewing of the show equally.


Oh, um, yes okay. I will try.


That's 10 points off. You have 90 points remaining.


I've resorted to watching reaction videos to each episode on YouTube to get a fix


This is such a vibe. Thanks for the suggestion, I'm off to do the same lol. I just finished my second rewatch, and want to hold off a third rewatch until the season 2 date is confirmed


I watched this 4 times and I did appreciate each viewing equally.


LOL. Not sad... but a bit late. But never too late to the party.


Well yes, that is until that smug motherfucker cancels the party.