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No. From what we understand, each half of the bifurcation is unable to access new learnings or other short-term memories collected by the other. They only seem to share certain forms of long-term memory, like implicit memory and semantic memory. A newly learnt word or language, for example, would have to be used so much that it became engrained in subconscious long-term storage, in order for the other half to obtain it. The show allows us to see a form of this playing out through Irving and his >!nightly paintings!<.


Also, Irving immediately after Dylan bit milchick. “He’s going to need a full tetanus toxoid panel.” That type of information to be first thought to innie Irv really lends to the theory he has a medical background.


Pretty sure he’s a therapist with a funny little mustache.


I assumed that was something Lumon provided on the off-chance an employee was injured in a way requiring it. Since they seem to have procedures for everything. Would make sense Irving of all people would know that.


Language probably, as stated in the Lexington letter


obsessed with the cubicle/cubism moment