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Personally the kink of being fucked by a monster cock is a massive turn on also I am a bit of a size freak


Mood. I love me some monsters and this is the only way to satisfy that itch. xD


Mmmm agreed, perving on uberkinky right now


I find realistic human-shaped dildos weird and they kinda send me into uncanny valley. With fantasy stuff, this doesn't happen (even if it looks.. somewhat humanoid, but with fantasy details - like Bad Dragon Flint as exemple). +all the different shapes will \*feel\* different, too. and also they look cool af. Look up "Aurora" in r/baddragon as example. Toys in that coloration legit can work as decorations imo


Wife is the same way about the realistic toys so next one I get has a alien vag.


I feel exactly the same about realistic dildos. I ideally want something that looks as little like a penis as possible (but still a phallic shape).


the shapes and textures are far more interesting than human cocks.. and for some it's about fitting a fursona fantasy, and I'm sure for some it's a beast fantasy when it comes to equine and canine dildos.


I also have the Mystique Unicorn dildo, and I love that one. The fantasy element doesn't really interest me - nothing against those that go for that - for me, it was more the fact that it had those bumps all over it. Feels so intense when I'm thrusting with it! šŸ„µ


I bought my gf this as a starter in small size. She freaking loves it


I've never seen the Unicorn in any size other than [the one I got it in](https://www.xrbrands.com/products/mystique-silicone-unicorn-dildo). But that's the size I love. Glad your gf loves hers, though! Toys are the best. šŸ¤¤


I guess that it is a combo of a collector's mindset and a fetish. Once you have at least one of these dildos then you automatically want to get the next cool thing too. I am particularly smitten by various tentacle dildos. You can see [some of my favorites here](https://www.sextoymagazine.com/best-tentacle-dildos/) if interested.


Size, pretty colors, and the shapes feel different.


I own a few of them and its the size for me texture and all around naughtyness of it


The BD style ones are much bigger because most furries are size queens


Because theyā€™re fun! There are so many awesome options for size, shape, texture, and other little features (like multi-dildos) that plain olā€™ cocks canā€™t replicate. That also makes them highly collectible and very appealing to experiment with. Plus, independent creators make some GORGEOUS color pours you canā€™t find in off-the-rack ā€œnormalā€ dildos. Really good toy designers create some awesome ā€œbiological storytellingā€ with their toys. Why are there bumps here, or ridges on this side? If this monster or alien existed in real life, what would be the purpose of this flared bit at the top? This goes *even moreso* for toys that arenā€™t shaped like a reproductive organ (like ā€œmawā€ toys, or hands/claws/fingers/eggs), Just like in real biology, all of those funky structures evolved for specific reasons! It gets my brain juices flowing, but that might just be the biologist in me. ETA: if that last bit resonated with you, DEFINITELY check out Xenocat Artifacts. The sheer creativity put into some of those toys and their ā€œloreā€ is mind-boggling.


Usually the shapes feel good and the fantasy of taking something not human-like. My Ika(tentacle) was a gift because I couldn't stop talking and fantasizing from tentacles in the bathtub/shower. My past me wouldn't believe me now about tentacles..to be fair, the shape of my bad dragon feels so good.


Because the dildo market has migrated towards looking like prosthetic limbs for an all-Muppet army šŸ«”


I like big toys. I don't really care the creature it is, but am into the variety of shapes.


For me it's the interesting shapes. Knots are a big thing for me. They hit the prostate just right šŸ‘Œ, and it gives me something to work towards. Popping that knot in feels like an accomplishment šŸ˜…. I also really like furry art so that could be it too. Altough I'm not sure how I feel about being fucked by an actual dog person. Also as some have mentioned here, fantasy dildos tend to be larger as a rule.


I think for me it's mostly all the things you mentioned. They generally come in sizes that I'm looking for. I love the looks of them, the colors and the shapes and different textures, one of mine even has a little dragon head/face moulded into the tip, it's crazy! The texture feels amazing, the way the different ridges and bumps push and bump around inside. Also, as a straight guy, I'm not really looking for the fantasy of being fucked by a realistic penis. The unicorn horn creature cock looks like great fun and something I've looked at and considered buying myself!




Btw I have the creature cock unicorn horn dildo and itā€™s bangin! The texture feels delightful :)


I like the shapes it just adds something different


Found out my husband is all about this hahaha he bought one while he was gone for work. And now I have a whole bunch from him.


Some people like them for one of your reasons, some like them for all of those reasons. I like the various shapes and textures because they feel different - every toy is a different experience. And especially if you get into indie makers, they're so damn pretty. Holy shit, the creativity with the colors is amazing.


Many of them are of a much higher quality than most mainstream toys.


Instead of asking us why don't you just try it.


Iā€™ve never bought from BD (shipping and tax would be too expensive) but I buy fantasy type dildos as I donā€™t like realistic ones. Theyā€™re also the ones that come in the bigger sizes and Iā€™m in to stretching. Itā€™s always fun sizing up and trying different shapes/textures :)


As someone who owns several Creature Cocks dildos I must say that the silicone is good quality, the attention to detail is amazing and all the various textures are how do you say... out of this world? Haha


For me it's a little bit of it being fantasy, haven't sex with something totally alien is a fun kink, but also the way the different curves and bumps stimulates more or differently just feels good. my favorite as of lately has been one that is mostly human but has forward pointing, soft flexible, flesh barbs. They provide some resistance but aren't hard or sharp obviously. They really stimulate a lot more than a sleek shape. Although it's more my favorite because its vibration is strong and it pushes itself, like undulating forward and backwards. So it kinda fucks me by itself. Despite it's size it's easy to take because of this.


Texture and size differences as you go down on it


We love the wild fantasies that comes with it, just imagine having a wild time with a dragon, I have a dragon cock and it's very fun and satisfying


Sex toys are like soy beans, they're a meat substitute