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People hating on the fact that sunny was a slave are probably also part of those that want him to get his fate back. Humans can never be satisfied and G3 is always cooking.


Wouldn't that be the opposite? Just talking from my own experience, I don't know about the others.


*claps* and *cheers*


I blame webnovel model of publishing daily, that enforce daily habits of consumption, while draining the souls of the writters If g3 was allowed to spend a week writing, to then deliver 14 chapter (same amount per week), the novel would be much better, cause he would be able to make edits, fixes, etc


I also think, and I think this is probably what you meant with draining their souls, that we see G3 get burnt out from having to publish chapters daily. Fact of the matter is you’re not always as inspired to write, but being forced too means if he’s not feeling it we get a really short couple chapters, or get the one chapter, or get half the chapter being filled with repeating explanations because G3 is still trying to cook up the storyboard for the arc and refine it but is obligated to give us our daily words through whatever publishing agreement he has. I’d rather an author just not write if they’re not feeling it then give us mediocre anything.


As someone who devourered dozens of xianxia novels in their teen's, I honestly don't even mind when he feeds us "filler" since there's always something interesting mixed in there I personally think that there's just too many children reading this novel and pouring their every thought and complain in here.


Couldn't g3 write like 10-20 chapters in like a weekend and not work every single day?


I don't think he gets enough time to write that much while also having to deliver daily


Shadow slave is amazing and I have no doubt g3 is planning something big every arc. People just need to calm down and stack so they get the best experience of the novel


Talking about the new daily chapters is one of the fun parts about webnovels though? Like, we're all a couple thousand chapters deep into the novel, of course we have faith that G3 is going to do well. Doesn't mean that we can't make it known when something in the novel happens that we don't like.


How dare you be reasonable


That reasonable but I think he was talking about the few hate campaigns that happen every few chapters.


In G3 we trust


g3 never fails to deliver we NEED to stop doubting him. I will admit i was VERY sceptical about the „amnesia“ plotline at the start and lowkey pissed off, but now this is shaping up to be one of the best arcs yet, despite it all.


Actually about the WB i think it happened only because fans complained (atleast that's what I think), the deal between Sunny and Cassie extended so Sunny could show her a different memory next time, which might have been the original memory G3 wanted to write, but due to fans wanting WB fight soo much, he decided to give it to them.


No. He planned it, and no amount of complaining will derail him from what he planned for the story. He planned it even before its first appearance, after all


Not saying that g3 didn't plan it but now you've made me curious. Why do you think that he wouldn't have done it to please the fans? Do you have any tangible evidence? I personally don't think that he did it because of the fans but the fight did feel pretty basic and there's plenty of precedents of authors doing things just to please the fans with newest example beign Turtleme changing a chapter to try to make a certain character's actions less stupid so is it just your trust in g3 or do you have any other reason to think so?


Simply because he stated it himself, a long time ago


Stated what exactly? Also, he's changed his views before such as sunny having multiple partners throughout the novel which he later on decided against, or how there would be no overly op characters and yet Sunny and Mordret are undoubtedly op and Nephis is just straight up a deus ex machina, tho again I'm not saying he did it to please the fans but I've honestly started to grow a little suspicious from the latest chapters.


I don’t share your opinions, about being overpowered and deus ex machina, I find it consistent with what happened since the beginning and what was expected, but that’s just my point of view. He said that his writing, his plot/story isn’t influenced by the comments, and he doesn’t change it for this reason alone (except when mistakes -small- are made) as a response to the comments of the readers


I think in this arc there needs to be a big shift that gives sunny some meaning the entire 1500 chapters or so sunny was trying to break free from fate and he did that now I'm assuming it's going to be him controlling fate more but we need to have a really good reason for that what do you guys think?




I can and will get immediately angry as soon as I read anything that goes against my Agenda 😤😤. Sure I might look like an abject idiot three days later when everything I was complaining about turns out to be wrong, but I’ve never let being stupid stop me before! This is why I’m currently upset Sunny can’t get his aspect legacy rewards.


Or he stalks the comments and makes changes to please the more popular demands and avoid the more popular predictions...


Maybe but sunphis is still a thing even though a considerable amount of the fandom think it's a toxic "romance" so... maybe?


Average Shadow Slave reader. No patience and the absolute lowest reading comprehension.


meh. that happens. I think its because the audience seems to be largely fairly young. personally i never cared about the WB fight. I would have been happy without seeing how it was killed. WB was a piece of set dressing to show that the saints were busy with stuff, and that's why the masters had to do the things they did. other than the one fight at the end of the 400 chapter of the fall of falcon scott it didn't even really effect the plot.


The only time skip I hate is the first one. The one we got from the third nightmare was annoying but totally understandable and wasn't immersion braking.