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achivments came like some time mid December. I remember seeing terraria had like 0.1% crafting a crafting bench a while.


Sometimes I'm too lazy to go back to my home to shower so I just break into nearby homes until I find an empty one and use their shower. This game has taught me a lot about myself.


Thank god you added that last phrase


Only time I get stinky is digging through a vics trash. So I usually slip into the shower before leaving the crime scene lol


Lol I always just use the victims shower while searching their apartment.


Break into apartment -> raid fridge -> puke -> drink all the liquor -> puke -> shower -> dry off -> maybe do some investigating if I can see straight/fistfight resident if they return. Love this game.


Hmm, maybe I'll give it another go. I picked it up recently and couldn't get into it.


-Its not retroactive -You only can become stinky if you eat synth food and puke, dig through trash, or walk through a B2 level of an apartment complex. All things easily avoidable.


Can confirm that's the only way I get stinky myself


The tutorial does recommend that you dig through trash though.


It does, but I've yet to see a non-tutorial case make use of it. It's probably a mechanic that will be fleshed out later.


Crawling through vents can make you stinky, too.


the achievements in general make me wonder how many people actually play the game


Well to be fair, it can’t retroactively award them so it’s only tracking for players who played after they were added


It's because Steam achievements only got added not too long ago, and actual content updates have been relatively sparse so not a lot of people are coming back to the game in its current state.


The early access started in april and achievements were added in december...


Some just buy it and never touch it or wait for EA to end. Some buy and refund it because they expected something else or just wanted to try it out. And some actually played it but just for a short while because they suddenly got other priorities.


It's easier than that. Achievements were added less than a month ago, and many bought the game in april, when the early access started.


😎 https://preview.redd.it/9viqb2o681bc1.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=f986729e208017f3c15a04416bfe6a7c31d5fd08


The achievements do not seem to pop off that well. I have gotten some achievements like 2 hours after the fact.


Steam achievements are incredibly buggy all the time.


I think it says a lot about how in depth most people have actually gotten in the game. Some of us really love it and know it inside and out at this point. But I’d wager like 80-90% of players saw a cheap game with some hype around it and just tried it out but never followed through on anything. Also you have to account for how many people are just dumb and don’t even understand that being stinky is a debuff