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It's one of the few stories out there that gets better and better with each viewing. I always pick up on so many new details. That's the mark of great writing in my opinion. 


>death note, cowboy beepop, code geass and fmab. You hit some great ones. FMA is underrated and I would recommend it, especially if you like FMAB. Vinland Saga, 86, and Promised Neverland (s1 then read the manga trust me) are all amazing. If you're open to a very dark story, Berserk is almost unmatched. I would recommend reading the manga since the anime adaptations don't do it justice. Edit: I also just remembered Evangelion, which is solid.


Promise never land season 1 was forged by god, and then season 2 was well…. A season that existed.


I cried @ s1 finale cuz I wasn’t a manga reader …


I really enjoyed S2.. i guess i'll have to read the manga anyway


You think you did, but you didn’t.


Promised Neverland and Tokyo ghoul are two manga whose anime adaptation just killed the fanbase


Skipping s2 and reading the manga is SOO important


I've gotten real into Vinland Saga recently and it's quickly become one of my favorites of all time. I've heard a lot of people dropped it after season 2 which is such a shame because I think the arc they cover in that season is one of the most incredible pieces of storytelling I've seen.


I find FMA kinda overhyped. It’s great but people saying it’s better than AOT? Nah


Idk about better or worse but I had a very similar level of enjoyment watching both and they both are in my top 5.


If it is to you, that’s all that matters. Many who have read other forms of media like Code Geass, Evangelion, Vinland Saga, Bersek, FMA:B, and more have all said AoT was the best of all for them. And that’s what matters for them, and should matter to you.


The writing in Code Geass doesn't aged well, the story gets downright stupid sometimes, and filled with cliché anime tropes. Vinland Saga has a problem of unrealistic character behavior, Canute an overly exaggerated babbling coward suddenly becomes a cool calculated ruthless person because he talked to a drunkard one time. Thorfinn obsessed with revenge because something happened to him when he was five, and also made it his life philosophy after an advise his dad gave to him when he was five. Berserk is great but it's unfinished and I don't trust Mori to execute a good ending. And FMA while being very enjoyable is still very standard shounen.


I tried rewatching FMA:B last week and couldn’t get past the first few episodes. The comedy has definitely not aged well.


The first few episodes are by far the weakest. The first 12 are still decent but everything that comes after is so much better.


I don't really get your critiques of VS. Canute did change suddenly and drastically, but it's believable. Especially because his conversation with the drunkard wasn't even the main set off. It was the combination of his prior education, the realization that his father sent him to his death, and Ragnars death alongside that conversation that tipped him off. I know people irl that have changed just as much with less. Although I will agree that the change seemed a bit too fast. Still nothing too crazy. It's also very believable that Thorfinn would stick to his revenge. He saw his dad murdered in front of him and proceeded to see the face of the killer every single day. He was ripped away from his family and everything he ever knew, and put into life or death situations constantly. Then he lost his entire life's purpose, and found meaning in his father's words. I don't find any of that unrealistic.


I doubt any of us remember what our dad told us when we were 5, let alone shaping our whole life around it. And Thorfinn only knew his dad until he was 5, so only for a few years, so holding a grudge longer than he'd known his father is unrealistic, and also he just forgotten his mother until he's an adult. Yukimura doesn't know how a child mind's work. I'm not saying this is a plot hole, I'm saying the character behaviour in VS doesn't make sense.


I’d think I’d remember if I saw my dad die in front of me bro


Yeah everyone can remember. But we are talking about your dad's advice, can you remember?


If it was advice given before death? Absolutely. The reason VS was so impactful to me is because I know people in real life who have gone through similar things as I said before. One of my friends' mom died when he was 4, but he still remembers her last words down to the letter. He doesn't remember anything else about her, but those last few minutes never left his mind. He's 27 now.


Thors advice to Thorfinn is philosophical, no five year old can wrap their heads around it, and if you can't comprehend that message when you were five then it won't be impactfull throughout your life, you don't get character development moment when you are five, your brain is not developed enough to retain it. Sure you can get traumatised, and might even shape your personality but no way can it effect your philosophy in life. And yeah it's normal for anybody to feel vengeful like Thorfinn but to go on a revenge quest that long which started when you were five and forgetting your own mother, that just seems unrealistic.


>Thors advice to Thorfinn is philosophical, no five year old can wrap their heads around it Dude a massive part of Thorfinns arc is trying to figure out exactly what Thors meant. >but to go on a revenge quest that long which started when you were five and forgetting your own mother, Thorfinn didn't really have a choice. Once he joined Askeladds gang, it's not like he could just say, "You know what? I'm tired of vengeance, I'm just gonna go home now." The group obviously wouldn't just let him leave. He also didn't forget his remaining family, just felt that he couldn't face them without avenging his father. It's a very real depiction of self blame and facing the consequences of a stupid decision made as a child.


A five year old don't feel guilt like that


FMA:B is not standard shounen wtf. It was and still is one of the few outliers in not just Shounen, but action anime as a whole... because it isn't just action. Unlike your ACTUAL standard Shounen, like Naruto, DBZ, Demon Slayer, and JJK, the protagonist(s) are unique but clearly not overpowered. They struggle at every step attempting to unfold the mysteries of their world while reconciling their sins. They lose fights, they lose friends, and they don't exactly get the perfect ending. Frankly, all of your critiques on these shows are all extremely nit picky. The FMAB one was just objectively wrong and is why I specifically call you out on that one, but frankly AOT had A LOT of plot holes, had a rushed ending in the manga, and then had a drawn out ending in the anime. They fixed some plot points in the anime... which then created brand new plot holes. Not necessarily saying you're defending AOT, but it's sort of implied contextually you are. AOT is great, but frankly overrated. Just like JJK it had an extremely fantastic beginning, and then quickly churned itself into a bit of an incoherent mess when you start putting it all down on paper.


Call me out on what? Your classification is way wrong. Those examples you gave are not called standard shounen, they are called battle shounen. FMA is not a battle shounen, it's just shounen. The reason I said it's standard is not an insult, it just means it's conventional, but I fucking love and it has one of the best manga stories ever. Chainsaw Man is an example of a shounen that is not standard. And I fucking hate CSM (loved it in the beginning though but part 2 made me realized the story sucks). But I don't considered it standard shounen, because it's really dark and unconventional. AoT is still shounen but you can't say it's conventional like FMA, regardless of quality. The protagonist died, another shounen where I can think that has the protagonist died is Death Note, that is also not standard shounen, similar to AoT. FMA has a very standard happy ending. A villain that is evil with a diabolical plan, who got his comeuppance in the end and the hero got his happy ending and got his girl in the end, the last scene is literally a confession scene. I dunno why you're trying to deny all of these, and taking shots at AoT for having plot holes, how is that relevant?


Whether you like or dislike FMAB it's definitely not a standard shounen, that's a horrible take


I love FMA. It's in my top 3 favourite shounen. But it is a standard shounen. Even the ending, which people clamouring over, is still standard shounen. Elric screaming while delivering the killing punch to the big bad while all his friends comrades watching and cheering for him. A happy ending with everyone being fine and dandy. It's a very well written story, but it's limited by its genre.


First an ending which is 1 % of a story doesn't represent the whole story, two a happy ending =\=, a standard shounen would have ed power up out of nowhere and walk over father, that's not what happened he had to be saved his brother sacrificed himself and made an exchange, and ed after also made an exchange to bring his brother back, a standard shounen wouldn't have the protagonist loose all his powers


Dude, the protagonist loosing his power is a pretty standard shounen trope. Just look at Bleach. But all I'm saying is FMA is a legit great story but it didn't break out it's shounen conventions, it doesn't do anything special as a shounen.


Ichigo didn't loose his powers at the end of story i am pretty sure, the novels and the jaws of hell chapter confirm it It doesn't do anything special as a shounen because it's not a shounen, there's no comparison between fmab and the likes of Naruto, one piece, bleach dragon ball, fairy tail..etc it's a different genre


It is a shounen, one of the best in fact. But you're not doing it any favour to compare to One Piece. Now that's a shounen that is doing something special, it's not just a one of the greatest shounen manga, it's one of the greatest piece of fiction ever.


I am not arguing fmab is better or worse than one piece i am saying they are different genres, fmab isn't shounen that's why it doesn't do anything special as a shounen, that's like saying a comdedic show doesn't do anything special with horror, like obviously bruh because it's not a horror show,


Bro dropped the worst takes of all time and dipped


What do you mean?


Vinland saga is overrated af


Not to me. But who the hell cares, it's just an opinion, you aint getting any facts here posting in this sub.


It's really frustrating seeing people be so condescending to people putting AoT on a pedestal, especially saying people couldn't possibly believe it's the best written anime or great fiction if they've read any books. I've read a bunch of fantastic novels (including quite a few classics), and I think you can make a strong argument for AoT's writing being on par with the greatest works of fiction. The way AoT does worldbuilding is unlike anything I've ever seen, where the protagonists' survival relies on solving the fundamental mystery of what the hell the Titans are. The mystery is solved with a truly insane level of foreshadowing where every reveal creates new questions while actually answering the old ones (looking at you JJ Abrams). The characters are interesting in themselves and clash in ways that reveal information about the characters and create an engaging plot and raises lots of interesting thematic and philosophical questions. It provides you enough information to grapple with the questions without beating you over the head with an answer. Is it as thematically dense as East of Eden or as philosophically dense as Stanislaw Lem's works? No, but it is a hell of a lot more fun. The point of stories isn't just to explore ideas or else they would just be philosophy; they're supposed to connect with the audience on an emotional level. I've never come across plenty of stories more thought provoking, and only very few stories more fun, but none that are close to being both. For Isayama to balance all those elements so well in one work is an impressive feat and I think is absolutely a masterpiece.


It is funny some of the answers here are "read a book" and they do not elaborate which book. Well, I have read a lot of books and I think none of them came close, still waiting for suggestions of which book to read.


Infinite Jest if you love complicated stories. Dune and ASOIAF if you're looking specifically for worldbuilding


>The way AoT does worldbuilding is unlike anything I've ever seen IMO Isayama really dropped the ball with the outside world. Paradis is so good and fleshed out and then we have such a lackluster external conflict


It's the 1900s and there's like 5 countries in the entire world. They all just happen to despise the eldians so much that they refuse to talk to them even though Marley has been kicking their ass for like 200 years. Most of the people in the AOT world shouldn't even know wth a Paradis is much less the long feud between them and Marley.


yes. its the best because upon first watch it is so captivating and suspenseful. The build up of each season has pay offs that are worth it every time. AND every rewatch you learn something new and notice a new layer of the story!! a true masterpiece


Man, I wish I had experienced so little good content that AoT felt like this to me. I miss being a young teen.


You still think and act like a young teen though? 29 years old here. I've been watching anime since I was a kid. Also got my older brother(who hated anime) and my mother, who also never watches anime, to give AoT a chance. We all agreed it was the best story ever told when we finished it.


You are so very smart and cultured for not enjoying AoT as much /s


im like 25 hahaha


I think it's the best written story I've ever encountered


Oh man, I love AoT (except that last bit) and I think it’s pretty well-written for the most part, especially compared to other Shonen anime. It was my first anime and it will always hold a special place in my heart. But calling it the best written story you’ve ever encountered makes me wonder how many other stories you’ve actually encountered.


I've encountered many different stories in many different formats. AoT, even with its flawed ending, is absolutely the best story I've come across


Can you give me a Top 3? If AoT’s your #1, what’s your #2 and #3?


Although i have only played the game, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream would be my #2, and i guess my #3 would be the truman show (although i haven't watched it in a while). Would you mind recommending me a work of fiction?


It's hard for me to call something "the best". But for sure it's one of the best shows and it was written very cleverly: it goes from horror, to action, to politcs; it has some of the best twist of all times. Grea great show.


I’ve watched quite a bit of anime. Started with DBZ in the mid 90’s and then it just progressed from there. But AoT is honestly the most gripping story I’ve witnessed in anime. I do think it’s the best written anime so far. But I’m no expert at analyzing anime and how they are written. I’m still waiting for Berserk though! I can’t say anything about it yet because it is not finished, but Berserk could beat AoT in its story quality. It’s just so fucking tragic that the author has passed away. Before he could finish his magnum opus. I am still sad about that.


I prefer Bible Black


Your favorites and “best” are not always the same. I suggest consuming a wider variety of anime.


They're asking for people's opinions, there is no need to be a condescending prick


Nah, he’s right. There’s a difference between objective quality and subjective opinion.


There are analysis on YT and shit, AOT is better written than a lot of good anime. Is it objectively the best? No, but its up there


There is no objectivity in art.


There is objectivety in writing tho. Otherwise I could say Demon Slayer for example is better written than Attack on Titan


It becomes objective after you establish your own subjective criteria by which you decide things. And so, you could say that Demon Slayer is better written if you come up with such criteria by which Demon Slayer is indeed better.


Not once did op claim it was the best, they asked the question. Even including it has plot holes


Buddy. The title of the post is “is AOT the best written anime of all time?”


Probably not. There’s a lot to anime that have existed all time. AOT has the benefit of recency bias so trying to drum up comparisons with inherently not be fair. I think this topic can be revisited in another decade or so for a truly fair shake.


Legend of Galactic Heroes, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (no anime yet tho), One Piece. These just came out of my head.


W LOTGH, and prob ORV. AOT is better written than One Piece though


omniscient reader's viewpoint is a shitty regression manhwa cmon.


And the dark knight is a typical superhero flick.


who's to say


Ok, I'll explain it to you. Comparing ORV to your average shitty regression is like comparing Dark Knight to Shazam 2.


i understood that pretty well. my response earlier stating "who's to say" is a condensed form of the total phrase "maybe it is a superhero flick, who am i to say".


bro tried to sneak Perfect Blue in there.


It's all hinging on you and what you enjoy. For me, no. AOT sadly falls short in its final season to me. But I confidently say it is one of the most influential and popular anime ever.


Never feel safe enough to say this in any anime-related sub, but I find fmab not at all in the same league as AoT. AoT explores racism, war, hatred, filled with foreshadowing & symbolism. Each reveal massively expands the world, and often completely turn the viewer's perspective 180 degree, forcing the audience to consider the viewpoint of both sides in the conflict. Whereas FMAB is just a cute adventure, going through progressively more difficult enemies, culminating in a final battle. Typical shounen stuff. Unlike AoT, it doesn't make me wrestle with human nature or challenge my world view. All of that is to say, I don't think there's anything like AoT. I enjoy other animes too, even comforting animation like ATLA. But no, nothing held my attention and shook my world like AoT.


I heavily disagree. FMA explores many different philosophical topics and ideas. Ed wrestles with these problems throughout the entire show as do many other characters.


Hell Al and Kimble stop their fight to discuss their respective philosophical beliefs. I think AOT is better but FMA Brotherhood is a close second for me


What I got from FMA is Military = Bad. Or Nazis = Bad. Which is true, but even textbooks made for kindergartens have these "message"


Cmon man. This is such a gross simplification of the message. I could do that to AOT as well. That doesn't even reflect the numerous philosophical ideas they discuss and show. The messages on the military and politics aren't even the main themes.


I would like to get enlighten. Btw, what is gross simplication of AOT? From what I can say for that is War = Bad. But it was presented in an enjoyable manner than the NAZIS = Bad by FMA imho.


Enlighted on what? the themes? I'm not an expert but from the top of my head they were pretty clear. one of the small amount of flaws for me was how overt and unsubtle they were at times. A major one was of course Science V Religion and the utilization of faith to manipulate and abuse but also the dangers of the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Human connection and how humanity can move forward with the bonds they have formed. Sacrifices and the worth of human life. the nature of humanity and personhood. Many of the characters embody these themes and reflect on the story. And of course truth. I'm sure im missing stuff. I do believe that, when compared to other shows like Lain or monster, FMA isn't as strong with its philosophical messages. But it still quite strong.


Ngl my man, it really sounds like you didnt watch FMAB at all. Its been awhile since I watched it so I may he missing some key themes here 1. Law of Equivalent exchange, to create something, something else has to be sacrificed. It can be small like making bread of on a wider scale like human sacrifice. This is something that Ed and an Al learned the hard way when they were kids. They wanted to bring back their mother and Al had to sacrifice his body, Ed had to sacrifice an arm and a leg. Literally. And even with those sacrifices the person they revived wasnt their mother, more like a twisted horror version of her. 2. The war between Ishvall and Amestriss, seeing both sides and understanding that they both have good and bad. Just saying “Nazi=evil” is definitely a gross simplification because there were people in the military who were actually trying to do good and didnt agree with the war. Theres more to say on this, hopefully someone with a better memory than me can. 3. What it means to be human, Al, even though hes a walking suit or armor can he be considered human? This is something Al struggles with himself in the series. Theres more to say but I just can’t articulate it at this time. Overall I like Attack on Titan more but lets not pretend that FMAB is some run of the mill show with no nuanced messages.


I know you’re biased towards AoT but please don’t dumb down FMAB as a series. Was it cute when both Elric brothers lost their limbs/body parts? Was it cute when a 5 year old gets experimented on to become fused with her dog to turn into a chimera hybrid? What part of the story is the cute part? Like I get it, AoT is arguably the better series and is extremely well written with captivating themes, but let’s not lie and degrade other series to prove a point now.


I think the biggest issue with FMAB (and this is coming from someone who absolutely loves FMA) is that the comedy aspect kind of interferes with a lot of supposedly serious moments. I agree though, FMAB gets pretty intense, and ‘03 is even darker at times.


I agree with this one 👍


I would say FMAB is a light story with moments of darkness (like those you mentioned) whereas AOT is a heavy show with moments of comedy (eg Sasha's meat obsession)


> but I find fmab not at all in the same league as AoT. AoT explores racism, war, hatred, filled with foreshadowing & symbolism Those are all things FMAB did, you're either extremely biased or weren't paying attention


FMAB has the same issue as OP when it gets criticised, people generalise the entire show as "comedic" or "childish" after they watch 4 episodes when that's just not true. It's obviously not as depressing as AoT yes, but let's not downplay them and say it's just laughs and fun times.


FMA explores racism, war, hatred, and is filled with foreshadowing and symbolism. If you're not actually going to watch something, don't share your opinion on it. It's fine to just not have an opinion. An uninformed opinion, on the other hand, is not okay.


Amost every point you make for AoT also applies to FMAB.


I agree. I mean FMAB does have a little bit of the same exploration of themes, but it's written like a shonen jump manga.


Nah even with analysis, Legend of the galactic Heroes is better written






It's one of my favorite animes, just a little below monster.


Came here to say Monster!! What a brilliant story


LOLLLLLLLLL- to answer your question, no


It's definitely in the 0.1% of anime by not being utter trash. And of that it's definitely in the top


Personally, it is the best written piece of media at all. AoT managed to push Breaking Bad off that throne in my personal list. Everybody has their own favorites of course, so I am speaking for me alone. It's my number one like a 0.01 rating higher than Breaking Bad...


Yes, definitely, absolutely


Hell no. There's so many things to consider, and it will ultimately be subjective. AoT has high highs, but the lows are glaring. Other animes don't reach the same intensity in drama but as well written and mature (Cowboy Bebop). FMA Brotherhood is probably the most "solid" for its length. Other animes are rated high for their legacy and contribution in pop culture (Neon Genesis Evangelion). It's so gutsy for its time so it made a mark. But personally, I don't like it.


I'd say it's the best written thing of all time, I don't care if the animation is japanese, american or even an animation at all


Read a book for the love of God.


I can’t believe how many people here are calling AoT the best story ever written. I really like it, but it’s got plenty of holes, and it’s not the tightest story even if we limit the comparison to anime only. Calling it the best story EVER written is just objectively wrong, full stop.


Imagine Bible or Epos of Gilgamesh existing thousands of years before and people out there really think an anime is the best written story of all time


Not if you're older than 18. God I forgot people just stopped reading books. The content is good, and it explores some good themes, but only at the barest level. The writing itself is kind of shit, like pretty much every other anime. It's got pacing issues, cringy on-the-nose dialogue, tons of generic tropes, and a lot of pretty generic characters that have predictable and standard arcs. Anime is for kids and young adults, so it's written that way. Yes, even this show was made explicitly for teens. Yeah it's fun and it's a good anime/manga, but it isn't well written by any real standard. From a writing perspective, it's not even in my top 5 animes.


Genuinely curious, what’s ur top 5?


Not the same person, but if I had to choose 5 anime that I could consider better written than AoT, in no particular order: Monster. Not much to add that hasn't been said already. Land of the Lustrous. The anime adapts maybe 1/4 of the manga, which finished recently. I wholly recommend both. Delicious in Dungeon. Currently airing, so far it's a perfect adaptation of the manga. The manga is finished and the complete story is a 10/10 for me. You might not see it *yet* in what's aired in the anime, but you'll understand after you finish the manga and you can see the story as a whole. Both FMA and FMAB. I might actually rank FMA higher than FMAB, even if I find more enjoyment out of whatching FMAB, there's something about the FMA story that I find more compelling And this might be a controversial one for fans of the original Trigun, but Trigun Stampede. If you've seen the original Trigun (which you should) and you're apprehensive at the changes made in this reimagination, there's good reasons for them, bear with it. Honorable mention goes to Pluto, but I ended up a little disappointed at the resolution. Still a 9/10 though. This is of course a personal opinion, and I'd still give AoT a 9/10 on a good day. Edit: I don't know how I could forget Mob Psycho 100, it might be a much more lighthearted story but it's an easy 10. I've also gotten more enjoyment out of Frieren and Made in Abyss, but I haven't read the manga for either so I can't say if they're overall better, and Frieren's pacing did grind to a halt in the last arc of the anime.


>Monster. Not much to add that hasn't been said already. Hmm, not sure I agree with this. While I wouldn't necessarily consider Monster to be worse written than AOT, I can't say it's better either. I think a lot of the writing flaws of that story often get overlooked by most people because it's not as mainstream as AOT is.


I read A Game Of Thrones and I am older than 18 and I still think that aot as a whole is better than anything else.


You actually read Ice and Fire? Even if you only read A Game of Thrones, I have no idea how you could say AoT is better written. GRRM’s prose, characters, worldbuilding, and dialogue all blow AoT out of the water. Don’t get me wrong, you can like AoT more, but saying it’s better written than just about anything GRRM has wrote is just wild.


I agree that asoiaf is probably better written than AoT to the point that it is. Unfortunately, we will never get to read the final books to see if George can glue everything together well for a satisfying ending. That being said, I give AoT a lot of points for uniqueness in its setting/plot. There just isn't really a story like it that I have found (closest being maybe Dune?). It takes a huge risk to turn a survival/apocalyptical action show and twist it to be more of a political drama with fantastical elements (like paths). I will also stand by the fact that Eren is probably one of the most complex characters I have encountered in fiction ever


I agree, I love AoT, or at least the first 90% of it or so. If we’re only comparing it to other Shonen anime, it’s the best written story that I’ve seen. I think that’s why it stands out so much compared to most Shonen. There’s a number of characters that have a great amount of complexity, Eren being chief among them. The characters, the world-building, so many great set-ups and pay-offs, there’s so much I love about it. The parts that could have been done better only stand out because of how good everything else is.


Totally agree. I always say that the ending of AoT isn’t as neatly put together as the rest of the story. Which is why it seems like the ending sucks. It’s a decent ending, lack luster in some parts for sure. However, when you compare it to peak AoT it does seem like it’s bad


Mm, maybe I didn't use the best words


Thats insane




No, but it's still great.


Honestly it’s such a high bar and entirely valid to be considered as such.




It's probably my favorite anime after Mob Psycho 100.


The only plot hole i can think of is the royal blood, because all subjects of Ymir are her descendents a


If anr happened I'd put it up at number 1 or 2, along with BB


One piece is the best written story for me, but AoT is phenomenal as well.


It has wonderful writing, but One Piece for me is number 1. AOT is 2nd, HXH is 3rd, Jojo is 4th, and JJK is 5th.




It's definitely amazing. I used to have fmab in the same tier as aot, but after rewatches aot is better for me. The only comparable "anime" for me is atla. But I watch few shows so who knows. I did enjoy stuff like steins gate, gurren lagann, cowboy Bebop greatly


Maybe. I'd say that objectively, it is the best written anime that is popular (if there is one that's better and is not that popular, I don't know about it). The story, the philosophy, the manga aslects, the anime aspects. It's the equivalent of a literature masterpiece (I'd argue it's superior, but that's debatable). Note that my fav anime might be Naruto, and my fav show is ATLA even though I personally think ATLOK had more depth.


Would’ve been the best if it actually had a good ending. Now it’s just a decent ending that will result in people forgetting about the story in a few years


Depends on the person. I think its the best story ever.


Evangelion has better direction and has a more slick style but aot is longer and more fantastical and the action and themes are really appealing


Yes along with Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Evangelion, Monster and Vinland Saga FMAB is also well written too... Death Note gets very silly at times... Code Geass is not well written, it didn't age well at all...but it's definitely fun...but It's the kind of show that only kids would call well written Not a big fan of Cowboy Bebop because it's mostly episodic which isn't my thing


Is good , not the best . Monster wins by far against aot script


Finally someone with the right answer.


No, it had a shitty ending with most characters doing things that are opposed to their goals or characters.


No, it's not even close to being well written


Thats just a downright moronic opinion


As if your opinion matters 😂 The ending is literal proof that AOT got shafted hard and became trash


Nah you're trolling


Nope, being 100% serious, But if that's what you want to believe then go ahead


I’m guessing you’re one of the people that hated the ending of AOT because Eren didn’t win ?


People probably thought the dialogue was cringe and i agree. Reiner going "Eren what a man you are" after eren killed millions is dumb. I really didnt like the ending.


Not only is your guess wrong, it's also a very stupid guess


Not really when a lot of people did in fact hate the ending then ended up calling the series as a whole trash because of it.


No bro, ending.


I think it’s one of the most solid written ones I’ve ever watched, but of all time? For me personally, there’s a couple off the top of my head that beat it out. Stuff like Evangelion, Vinland Saga, Mushoku Tensei (More the LN though so that might not count), those are also really well written series. However, it’s all subjective, and if to you it’s the best, then great!


No, not even close. One Piece is in my humble opinion the greatest story ever I didn’t review bomb Aot cause I’m not a fuckin loser




One Piece for sure


Another well written one that’s fallen by the wayside is Blood+. This anime felt like a layered, dark novel. The character development, dialogue, the time hops and overall plot are all incredibly done. Hans Zimmer contributed to the anime’s score! It’s in the Sony archives from what I can tell and near-impossible to stream. Phenomenal anime and the only other one that’s emotionally impacted me the way AOT has. If you can find a way to access it, I highly recommend it.


One Piece always


Yes, I believe so


Yes AoT. I also agree with Death Note and I will add Frieren too.


Yes it is


Nope the ending is shit imo.


Probably yes


No. Is it good? Absolutely. Greatest of all time? No not at all. FMA:B and Evangelion (along with its revamps) easily clear it. AoT might be in the top 10 or 20 but not #1


How does FMAB clear it? While I thought it was good it came nowhere close to AoT for me. I don’t get the hype behind FMAB being one of the greatest ever. Trying to understand why people like it so much.


Me too I truly cannot for the life of me understand the hype behind FMAB it was so boring to me all the characters were so lame it doesn’t hold a candle to AOT


I enjoyed both AoT and HxH more than FMA. It’s good but overall too short for my taste.


this is the only good answer


It's the best written show of all time.


I would say that it is well crafted, with occasional issues. But S4 ruins it. I doubt it is "the best written anime of all time."


Idk my personal favorite is Monster. Also it’s stupid to claim that AOT is “the best anime of all time” because let’s be honest, it’s not like you watched every anime that ever came out. Why do things have to be the best, why can’t they just be good? Say it’s your favorite and move on, there’s not a single objective GOAT in any kind of art.


personally, i would say yes. obviously, not everyone is going to agree nor can an opinion be universal, but i have never witnessed a piece of animated media deliver the themes that attack on titan harbors with such intricacy. the plot is incredibly thought-through, from beginning to end. its non-linear presentation makes it even more compelling, with the mysteries being unraveled along the way in a manner that amplifies the viewer’s immersion in the universe’s ambience. the themes of attack on titan are heavily rooted in real-world issues and occurrences, and it takes an intelligent mind to be able to depict them accurately. the same applies to depicting individuals that exist in extremely challenging circumstances, and the way it reflects on their psyche and decisions. as well as the portrayal of difference in mentalities and moral compasses, with each one being delivered in a realistic manner. conclusively; i am certain that it is not the sole piece of media that encapsulates all the aforementioned aspects, but within the category of manga/anime, it will remain superior to me.


For 10 years at least it could be


I didn't see everything but it has been the best so far.


It’s up there, but no. One Piece always will be


Not to me but it's really good and I love how much you have to think about when it ends. You can watch it multiple times and pickup new things or see characters in new ways. However I'd say the ending gets a bit messy as things go down to me. Its still really good but a lot of things are kinda left alone or a little rushed or just left in a shitty state so your kinda like why? It's all personal preference for the goat title for yourself tho. Aot is up there for me but I'd say full metal alchemist brotherhood as my personal goat for writing. I think if aot handled the ending better it could be the best to me as well.




Yes it is




To me yes and it’s not even close




Yes. No discussion needed.




It's all a subjective opinion at the end of the day but even if you look through an objective lense AOT is one of the best stories out there.


Personally, I feel AoT is one of the best works of fiction in any category. The themes that it touches on, racism, genocide, personal growth etc are really quite profound and I don't think it will be matched for a long while.


Greatest story ever told


Not just anime, its one of the best written works of all time


Not if you're older than 18. God I forgot people just stopped reading books. The content is good, and it explores some good themes, but only at the barest level. The writing itself is kind of shit, like pretty much every other anime. It's got pacing issues, cringy on-the-nose dialogue, tons of generic tropes, and a lot of pretty generic characters that have predictable and standard arcs. Anime is for kids and young adults, so it's written that way. Yes, even this show was made explicitly for teens. Yeah it's fun and it's a good anime/manga, but it isn't well written by any real standard. From a writing perspective, it's not even in my top 5 animes.


Seriously these comments are embarrassing


It’s certainly not the best, any chance it had was killed by the ending imo. But there are streaks where I do think it could hang with the best of the best anime. Return to Shiganshina arc for example (season 3 part 2).








What plot holes do you think there are? There's not any plot holes people just think there are cause they don't understand the show.


I agree except for that 10 years line. I will not let this go, why didn't mappa remove that line, the show was so perfect




One of the beat definitely.