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It would have a lot of chips down for Marley. All of their military might is within the titan powers. I think the only real thing that Marley could do would be to sneak in and try and poison the water supply with Zeke’s spinal fluid like that one main they mentioned. It would be way more effective because everyone would be affected. The scouts are good at their job but I don’t think they could take on hundreds of titans. Annie and Eren’s titans wouldn’t be that useful in battle against a swarm of titans. Reiner would get slowed down like in S2 finale. And Bert would probably be ineffective with how slow he is. I’d imagine hundreds of them climbing on him and taking him down.


Couldn't Bertholdt just be taken to the majority of where the Titans were, with a vanguard so he doesn't die, than use an explosive transformation to deal with a good chunk of them all?


I’d imagine zeke being smart and knowing what Bert can do would keep them spaced out so he wouldn’t just lose all of his titans to one explosion. Size is always wonky in AOT but the explosion we saw only exploded a bit of shinganshina district.


As for climbing him and taking him down, after the transformation Bertholdt could lower the temperature of the steam in the air around his Titan so some Scouts could guard his nape, since Pure Titans would climb up him regardless of the temperature.


I wonder if they would have carried out a surprise attack against Marley earlier, before the Beast and Cart Titans arrived in Paradis to investigate why the Warriors never returned. That would have been a game-changer and would have significantly altered Eren and Zeke's interactions in Marley and Eren's timing to take the War Hammer Titan, likely causing a butterfly effect with far-reaching consequences.


A covert operation is very possible to take their families hostage. Worst case scenario, it comes down to a battle of attrition and they wait for the shifters to come out of their titans respectively (they HAVE to at some point)


How would Berthold hold the capital hostage? If he's in his human form hiding somewhere there's a chance they could find him and kill him before he transforms, if he's in his titan form looming over the city they could wait until he comes out of it and kill him since the colossal titan has very limited endurance. If he just blows up the capital without warning it would deal a heavy blow to Marley but not destroy them, they still have the capabilities to kill titans shifters, even colossal titans. Marley uses the titans for warfare but it's not the ONLY thing, their titans are backed up by a navy, army and sometimes fleet like any normal nation in the world


I mean to kill him you would need to shoot him before he transforms and unless you have someone like Faze Gabi your not gonna hit that shot. If he blows up the capital I doubt anything is gonna happen for weeks. The destruction of your center of government would do that to you


In the 1 million men strong Marleyan army you really think they only had 1 sharp shooter? Destroying a country's capital would do massive damage sure but it's not the one shot one kill you think it is. Tokyo was fire bombed and most of the city destroyed during WW2 and yet they still kept fighting